View Full Version : Reunited (Gue Family)
Lord Gue
Oct 2nd, 2002, 05:06:31 PM
He had gotten the message beacon, a shock in itself, no one knew him these days. Since the times of TGE he had faded back into obscurity. Most peculiar of all, this beacon carried the symbol of the Gue family crest, one he hadnt seen in ages. Not since he had left Hoth.
"Attention Lord Michael Gue, you have been coordialy summuned too Coruscant by the Gue Family. Please report to the fourth level apartment complex of the alpha district, give them your name and they will give you instructions from there. We cant wait to see you again..."
Couriusly he felt compeled to go, and so he was. He got a brand new Identacard, full of false information, and was currently just passing through Imperial inspections on his way planetside.
"My family..."
Alissa Gue
Oct 2nd, 2002, 05:17:22 PM
Alissa closed her eyes and sighed. It had been a long time since she had seen her family and in some ways was unsure of doing so now. There had been a few bitter words when she had left. The fact that she had to leave crossed her mind and was quickly dismissed.
Throwing her feet up on the table she rocked back in her chair. She didn't know who would show up at the event but to see them all arrive wouldn't surprise her in the least. The Gue's were a contrary family. "Maybe they have forgiven me." She thought to herself a small smile on her lips. "Some of them anyway."
Alissa got up and began to pace the length of the floor where she had been told to wait. She had always been like a caged animal, unable to sit still or be confined. She could feel her ire rise each step. Her temper would get the best of her if she waited much longer...
Alex Gue
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:28:04 PM
Alex himself heard the message and came as quickly to Coruscant as possible. For he was just cruising outers space when he got the message. Was it really time for them all to meet up again. For they haven't seen one another for a very long time.
So he slowly walked into the meeting place. Where he saw his mother. He couldn't even think of the last time they saw each other. At this moment he became uncomfortable. For he does not know what to say. It really has been to long.
"Hello Mother."
He had both of his hand behind his back.
Lord Gue
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:36:03 PM
"Ok sir, your gonna wanna take a left down that hallway, go through the double doors, and thats the main gathering hall. From there youll get your own rooms later on"
"Thank you mam"
[I]He began slowly walking down the hall. He didnt know what was going on, who would be behind those doors, why he had been summoned...
Now he was there, right in front of the doors. What if he didnt go inside? Whats the worst that could happen? He didnt sense anything amiss in the next room, nothing he could descern...
He pressed the doors open and walked in....
Redfarn Gue
Oct 4th, 2002, 03:48:25 AM
[I]He waited, they had all not arived yet, they all needed to be there before he could show himself. He was nervous, his children, not all of them had even seen him yet. He watched on the monitors as one by one they came. He could only hope they would accept him.
Chris Gue
Oct 4th, 2002, 03:29:06 PM
The sky was dark, Christopher was looking glad, he just had finished some unfinished business that he had to do. He had earned some money too, just by protecting a foolish politician while his trip to Coruscant. Now he was just walking around in the streets of Coruscant, he was studying everything that passed, he had been trained to do that.
Suddenly he got a message, he read it and just looked like a bored child whose children were too old.
Again a stupid warrior meeting...
That's what he thought, he went to that Alpha destrict and some people whom had never seen a Royal Guard looked at him like he was a monster. His Vibro-blade was hanging in two pieces on his belt and he was holding his Force pike and was covered in his red robes, wearing his mask. When he saw the end of the corridor, he saw a woman and a man, the man.. He looked familiar, when Christopher was only a few feet from him away he looked surprised behind his mask.
Lord Gue
Oct 4th, 2002, 04:37:55 PM
[I]He turned around at the sound of that voice. Behind him stood a man, clad with red armor. Only one royal guard could call him father, one he hadnt seen in a very long time.<?I>
"Christopher, is that you?"
Alissa Gue
Oct 4th, 2002, 08:23:45 PM
Alissa's eyes slipped closed at the sound of her sons voice. It had been far to long since she had seen him. They had parted with a few bitter words and a lot of hurt feelings. Alissa had never been very good mother material. She had always been restless with life. Her heart clenched as she heard his mistrustful tone. She had always loved him beyond reason, and like her father had always been unable to show it.
Turning she studied his face. He had grown a lot. He was still as beautiful as his father had been. "Hello Alex, it has been a long time my son..."
Chris Gue
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:46:15 AM
Christopher bowed and went on one knee. His loyalty to his father was unbreakable and he showed very much respect for him. Behind his mask was a face that was full of joy, one of the first time he was.
"Yes father, it is me, Christopher."
Lord Gue
Oct 5th, 2002, 03:07:14 AM
He smiled from ear to ear, he was so proud of his son. No matter how dysfunctional his childhood may have been he had grown up into a fine young man.
"Stand up, this isnt the Empire anymore christopher, your free to do as you wish in front of me now"
[I]He looked down warmly on his son.
Chris Gue
Oct 5th, 2002, 04:18:15 AM
Christopher stood up and looked at the woman and said his name, then he looked back and faced his father. It had been such a long time, all he had done lately was protecting and killing people. Now he would have the occasion to talk back to his father, which was great.
"It has been such a long time, I don't know what to say.."
Denali Gue
Oct 5th, 2002, 09:29:44 PM
One leg swung back and forth off the arm of the chair she lounged in and her fingers toyed with her hair, swirling first one then another strand 'round and around as she waited for her sister to get out of the bathroom. What was taking her so long?
" 'Ko, what is taking so long? We're already prettier than everyone else thats going to be there and thats without our make-up! Will you please hurry up?! Im hungry!"
Ali had a tendency to get whiney when kept waiting. Actually, that wasnt completely true. Her natural tendency was to become mean and bitchy but never with her identical twin sister, Dakota. The two of them shared everything. Habits, tastes, clothing and men. Men. Ali licked her lips at the thought then glanced over to the ornate timepiece standing on the mantle of thier hotelroom. It had chimed, indicating that it was time for them to join the family meeting they had come for.
" 'Ko, arent you ready yet? I'm hungry!"
Dakota Gue
Oct 5th, 2002, 11:01:04 PM
"Did you say something?"
Casually sauntering out of the bathroom, applying the last few strokes of lipgloss to her lips, Dakota played dumb. She loved it when Ali tried to rush her (Ko was always running late, most the time deliberately. Someone had once told her it was fashionable, and the younger twin believed the adage completely.)
Ali "tsked" her and sighed resignedly. It was just one of the millions of little games they played, games they'd played their whole lives.
Flouncing prettily onto the luxuriant sofa, Dakota smiled.
"Im looking forward to seeing Michael again. He was always so cute, I remember. And Alissa. Do you think she will be there too?"
Denali shrugged that she didnt know for sure, and Ko continued to prattle on.
"I wonder what Uncle Red wants to say? I hope he isnt all angry like the last time we heard from him."
Denali grinned at her sister. "Mad Uncle Red we used to call him, remember Ko?"
The two girls giggled at the memory, knowing they would never dare let Redfern Gue ever know the nickname they had given to him. He wouldnt find it nearly as funny.
A buzz over an intercom announced to the twin cousins of Michael and Alissa Gue that their transport limosine was awating them downstairs to take them into Corsucant for the big family meeting.
Half an hour later, the dual blonde bombshells were ushered into the Gue Reunion hall.
Alex Gue
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:25:39 PM
:: Alex truly did miss his mother but had no true way to really show it. He hadn't seen her in so many years. It just seemed like ages. So he said to Allisa.::
" Yes it has it's been way to long and we shouldn't be away for that long of time again."
:: Alex was becomeing less unconfortable, but still was.
Alissa Gue
Oct 7th, 2002, 11:12:45 AM
Alissa moved toward her son, her steps were unsure and her eyes searched his for hesitation. She had never been big on displays of emotion but she had missed him.
Reaching out she pulled him into her arms. "I have missed you Alex. I should not have waited so long to see you.."
Alex Gue
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:36:37 PM
:: Alex couldn't say anything he was speekless. This just made him warm up to his mother even more. When the embrace was over Alex was more comfortable around his mother and sarted to relax. He still did not know what to say so he remained speakless. ::
Denali Gue
Oct 9th, 2002, 09:37:00 PM
Tripping over his own feet as he rushed to open the limo's door for them, the chauffer handed first Dakota then Denali out onto the walkway in front of a large double door.
Gracing the flustered male with twin winks, the ladies simultaneously pull the doors open and step into the foyer, giving one another a quick, last minute scrutiny.
"Ko, touch up your lip gloss. You've nearly licked it all off and stop chewing on your bottom lip. Its looking a tad puffy now."
Opening the slender purse that she carries with her, Ko digs out a small compact and deftly retouches her pouty lips before snapping the compact closed with click.
Eyeing her twin in the same honest and critical manner, Ko reaches up and retucks several loose strands of hair that have fallen to Ali's shoulders.
"And arent you a good one to talk, Ali. If you would leave your hair alone once you have it fixed and quit playing with it, you wouldnt have that constant tousled look."
Once both are satisfied with her twins' appearance, they grin and step around the corner, entering the hall with arms linked.
Dakota Gue
Oct 10th, 2002, 01:04:40 AM
Blustering in like a dual whirlwind, the twins smiled broadly in greeting to everyone in the room, little wavings of their hands to those that smiled back at them.
"Did we miss anything yet?"
Lord Gue
Oct 10th, 2002, 11:31:43 AM
"heh, me either, it does seem weve been seperated by an awful long period of time..."
[I]He put his hands behind his back as he smiled to his only son. Just then a flutter at the door cought his attention and he saw two of the most beautiful women hed ever laid eyes on walk through the double doors, most obviously gues...
Dakota Gue
Oct 15th, 2002, 10:17:21 PM
"Hello Michael!" the twins chimed in unison, both flashing him big smiles.
The pair walked in and sat both together on the hard leather sofa, crinkling their noses a little in discomfort as it was a very hard leather sofa.
Each crossing one knee over the other..again in unison...they looked about each family member, silently trying to fit faces with names. It had been quite some time since they had all been together in one room.
"So..." Dakota ventured, "....whats all the hubub?"
Denali Gue
Oct 15th, 2002, 10:28:13 PM
"Yes, did someone die and leave us a mansion that we all have to share?"
Still gazing from one family member to the other, Denali gestures to the Royal Guard standing close to Michael.
"Is this someone we know?"
Flashing matching smiles, the twins grin up at the red clad figure posistioned near by.
Alissa Gue
Oct 15th, 2002, 11:25:59 PM
Alissa stayed silent and near her son. It had been a long time since she had seen any of her family. When Michael walked in Alissa caught her breath. It was him that she had missed the most next to her son. At one time they had been very close but things and time had separated them. Turning to the table laden with food she made her drink. She chuckled softly at the words of the twins. They were as beautiful as ever and she was sure still as deadly.
Alissa moved further into a darkened corner to listen. She had grown used to being alone. Even among her family she was ill at ease...
Alex Gue
Oct 18th, 2002, 07:57:49 PM
:: This is it the entire family is back together. They spent too long of a time apart. But at last one of the strongest force family was together. But what were they to do next. Now that they were all together. WHat was the point of there meeting. Alex knew that his questions would be answered soon. ::
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