View Full Version : Mind over matter: The training of a sith apprentice (open to any jedi)

Oct 2nd, 2002, 02:51:02 PM
(ooc: This thread is to begin the training of an apprentice. Not here to fight, merely observe and....mingle. ;) Anyone is welcome, even you., Xaz. ;)

The thread leading to this one is here if you wish to read it:

http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=23231&perpage=20&pagenumber=1 )

At the door, they checked their weapons. He knew to expect this, and it bothered him little. He'd left his blasters on the ship and brought only his lightsaber. The first time he'd come here it had made him nervous to turn over his weapons, for he hadnt known what to expect. Now...he did. His lightsaber he handed over grudgingly, though without question.

He had been an apprentice when he'd last visited. Young and anxious to learn. Now, he was a knight of the Sith Order, and he had brought his apprentice with him. Here, his apprentice would learn a valuable lesson. A lesson Sasha wished he had known before he'd been fooled by Xazor into thinking the jedi and the sith could be blood siblings, and that all would be well. Had he been taught this lesson, he might have still had his own left hand, not the artificial replacement.

It took a moment for his eyes to adjust, but not his senses. The presence of the jedi here was strong, and not something he needed to see in order to know.

His violet eyes flickered to his apprentice.

"Why dont we get you a drink..." He suggested. Though his apprentice did not outwardly look nervous, Sasha could feel a sense of apprehension at the fact that they were sith surrounded by jedi.

Kemille Eldervine
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:33:01 AM
Like always, Kemille was skimming over her "history" books, re-reading the worn-out pages in the Chapter, "Sss'ari." It was written in the ancient Elven word, jitterish to those who didn't know it, poetry to those who did.

As she ran her finger over the words, she felt a dark presence similar to Sersi's and looked up, her dark eyes looking somewhat confused. She saw a teenager, about 18 by the looks of it, with someone else. Leaning back in her seat, she watched them curiously. Would they be just as destructive as her cousin ?

Xam Feldek
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:30:29 AM
Xam wasn't glad to hand in his lightsabre.. It was the last thing he had from his father but he hadn't the choice.
He looked to every present Jedi, he thought in the room, he found it strange. He had enver seen so many Jedi in one group.

"I can't deny a drink but will they give us something to drink in here.?"

He looked to Sasha, humor was a good solution for when he was nervous. If his master had brought him here it would be for a confrontation but not with weapons, with words, though words were weapons too. This could get interesting.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:50:49 AM
Wei had been sitting in a booth, when he saw to people walk in.

"Hey, you guys can come sit with me!"

Wei had felt the darkness around them, but as long as they didn;t fight, he didn;t care. Besides, they could learn a lot from each other.

Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:53:28 PM
Sasha turned to answer his apprentice, but was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice calling out to them. He smiled at Xam.

"Does that answer your question...?" He replied, then nodded in the direction of Wei.

"Come on..." He suggested, and led the way over to the booth.

He slid in, opposite the jedi, and his apprentice slid in beside him.

"Thanks for the invitation...."

Xam Feldek
Oct 3rd, 2002, 02:19:23 PM
Looking over at the Jedi whom had proposed them to join him, he did not question his master if he would agree because Xam knew this was the purpose of the visit.

"Yes, it's an answer to my question in a certain way."

He followed Sasha and took a seat next to him, he looked at the Jedi and felt this horrible thing inside of him. The lightside.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 3rd, 2002, 03:08:38 PM
Wei smiled as they sat down. "Hey, you guys. You two have the Darkside coming from you. You guys are Sith, right? Never got to talk to a Sith before. Every other time they just wanted to try to kill me. No violence in the Bar and Grill, but other than that. feel free to hang out and enjoy yourselves."

Wei laughed and held out his hand for the two Sith to shake.

"My name is Wei Wu Wei."

Oct 3rd, 2002, 03:38:22 PM
Hey, you guys. You two have the Darkside coming from you. You guys are Sith, right? Never got to talk to a Sith before. Every other time they just wanted to try to kill me. No violence in the Bar and Grill, but other than that. feel free to hang out and enjoy yourselves.

These were the words of the man who had just introduced himself as Wei Wu Wei.

Still want to try to kill you.... Sasha thought in response to these remarks. But this he kept to himself, and tense, perhaps cold smile appeared at the corners of his lips.

He didnt bother to answer the question of them being Sith. The darkside flowed from Sasha. This he had never made an effort to conceal.

He spoke, practiced, in the mind of his apprentice.

Speak freely, Xam. You are not required to sit in silence.

"Im Sasha, and this is my apprentice, Xam." He offered as he shook hands, more in formality than truly caring to give the information.

As the server droid came by, Sasha ordered an ale, and waited for his apprentice, and Wei to order before he resumed the conversation.

"Do you know Xazor?" He asked.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:12:10 PM
Wei asked for a water.

"Xazor? She accepts people into the Order mostly. She accepted me into the Order, anyway."

Do you need to talk to Xazor?"

Oct 4th, 2002, 07:38:04 AM
He knew this, already, of Xazor. He shook his head. No, he did not need to speak with her.

The expression on his face darkened slightly before it was replaced with a sort of smirk.

"No need to speak with her, but perhaps pass on the message that her....blood brother says hello."

He didnt need to look at his apprentice to see, or feel the slight confusion that might have passed through his thoughts. These things would be explained later, were part of the lesson the sith apprentice was to learn.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 4th, 2002, 08:43:13 AM
Wei shrugged. "Ok, if I ever see her, I'll let her know."

There was probably some sort of dark purpose behind Sasha's request, but Wei, as he was most all the time, was oblivious.

Wei had always wondered about Sith. Especially one thing, and now seemed to be as good a time as any to ask.

"How do Sith go about ranks? I know Jedi have 3. What are the Sith ranks? In order from lowest to highest, if you please."

Oct 4th, 2002, 11:35:39 AM
He stared at Wei for a moment, as if deciding whether or not he wanted to answer the question.

When he finally did, it was first with another of his own.

"Im not sure I understand why rank should matter so much. An apprentice with only a few months of experience and an apprentice with a year of experience are both apprentices in rank, but hardly in skill. And the same can be said of knights and masters."

His violet eyes gave Wei an odd glance, as if he were sizing him up as rather foolish and unaware.

"Apprentice, Knight and Master, as you requested."

"How long have you been with the jedi....?" He countered with a question of his own. It was not an interogatory question, but rather it was asked with a thoughtful tone, as if he was pondering something.

Xam Feldek
Oct 4th, 2002, 03:02:20 PM
Xam looked around, when the droid came by he ordered a Jack Daniels. The conversation was going slowly as each conversation goes slow when it starts. Certainly between Jedi and Sith. While his master was leading the conversation, Xam listened but he wanted to add something to the question of his master.

"....and why did you join them?"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 5th, 2002, 12:20:06 AM
Wei nodded. "I agree entirely that experience determines a good fighter, not rank. I was curious about Sith ranking, that's all."

Wei pushed up his glasses as he tried to remember how long he had been at the GJO. "Well, to be honest, I am not too sure how long I have been here."

Wei chuckled nervously.

"I joined the GJO because I promised my grandfather that I would expand my ability to protect other people, especially my loved ones."

Wei smiled. "Why did you join the Sith?"

Xam Feldek
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:56:02 AM
Xam lifted an eyebrow, this person who was sitting in front of him looked nervous. Perhaps it was because of the dark presence, Xam thought that Jedi stayed calm in every cirumstances. So he was wrong.

"I had my reasons.."

He didn't want to provoce the Jedi, even if he should be trained to avoid his hatred..But then he continued.

"Jedi are not the peace-keepers.. If the Sith wouldn't exist, you Jedi would be as destroyful as the Sith. We are here to keep you on the lightside... or on the darkside."

Oct 7th, 2002, 07:38:49 AM
Ahhh......so finally, his apprentice was to speak. A small smile appeared on the knights lips, amusement playing on his features.

He felt, before he heard, the nervousness in the jedi's reply. It amused him that here, in the very bar of the jedi, this one would be nervous. Perhaps this added to the power that the knight felt, the power that all Sith sought.

He leaned back in his seat, folding his arms over his chest. He allowed his apprentice to answer first, amused slightly. Xam would have to learn to think before he spoke, for it was clear that his words of provocation came from a deep rooted anger within him, and he was releasing this anger through these words. A waste of time and effort really. Soon he would learn to use this anger wisely - to channel it and call upon the dark side for power.

Today's trip to the jedi bar had one main purpose - for Xam to understand his enemy. Beyond this, it gave Sasha a chance to observe his apprentice and make note of the things he should be taught. From this knowledge base, his master would soon begin to teach him the skills that would give him the potential to be a powerful sith.

He turned to his apprentice, chiding him slightly.

"Is that any way to ingratate yourself as a guest?" His violet eyes stared at his apprentice for a moment, ony the slight expression of amusement on his face indicating that he was not entirely displeased.

And then he turned back to Wei.

"Our apologies..." He offered. His words might have sounded sincere, but they were anything but.

"Perhaps you might tell us, Jedi Wei, has the GJO truly taught you the skills you wished to know to protect other people, especially your....loved ones?"

Xazor Elessar
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:08:45 PM
A bright figure entered the Bar and Grill, catching the attention of several sitting near the door. It was Xazor, and the guards greeted her with a warm smile and let her pass through with her weapons. She was loaded with them, to be sure...but being a Knight of the GJO it was perfectly acceptable. Smiling to herself, she searched the room for familiar faces when suddenly she felt a familiar presence...and her eyes turned to meet those of....Sasha!?! What was he doing here? She quickly moved to stand behind a group of people and observe for a moment, but then sighed and walked out into the open once again and approached the group.

Her white robes caught the breeze as she walked and flowed gracefully around her. Her waist length blonde hair was still done up in Garou Warrior Braids....but the golden coins had been replaced with shiny silver ones that clanged together with each step she took. Atop her head was a wreath of these silver coins, the currency of Eden, her home planet. They glowed with a radience that seemed to emminate from her body. Around her neck she bore a golden ring upon a silver chain....one that produced a sort of unnatural shimmer only for reasons that she and two other people were aware. Just as she got near enough, the Jedi Knight bowed before Sasha and greeted him with a smile....though it seemed almost underseved on his part.

"Greetings dear Brother...and to you stranger...and Wei!"

She said gently, her voice floated to their ears and reminded them of gentle breezes through open fields. Xazor sat down upon the empty seat and quickly ordered a mug of Garou Ale, the strongest drink the bar had. It would not affect her though, for her natural healing mechanisms were to strong for alcohol. Smiling once again as it was brought to her, the Knight drank the thick liquid before setting it back upon the bar top. Her eyes soon drifted to meet those of Sasha....wondering what was going through his mind at the moment.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:26:49 PM
Wei listened to Xam give his explanation,

"Really think so? I never thought about it that way..." Wei said. He gave Xam's response a thought. "Well, if there were no darkside, then there would be no lightside, right? "

Then Sasha asked Wei a good question. "Well, I think so. I mean, I know how to talk to people, and listen, and my martial arts skills have recieved an incredible boost since I joined. The Jedi learn a sword that protects, not a sword that kills. Even though a sword that protects can also kill. I think the differnce is that when you protect someone, you are not looking to kill, only to make someone harmless."

"Hi, Master Xazor. How are you? He says for me to tell you hello," Wei said, pointing at Sasha.

Oct 8th, 2002, 03:31:42 PM
He'd felt it. The moment she had entered he had known she was there. Her presence, though he had not seen her in some time, was too familiar to him for him to not have felt it.

As she bowed slightly before him, his eyes stared at her. They flickered briefly to the tabletop, then back to her.

"Greetings, Sister." He replied, still acknowledging the tie that existed between them. Though he could not honor the promise he had once made to her without dishonoring the Order, there was no denying that their blood had once mingled.

He watched as she sat down and ordered a drink. When their eyes met, his violet ones did not leave hers for some time.

He could feel her reaching out, perhaps a bit to search his feelings. These he kept well hidden, though being who she was to him, perhaps she was able to slip through where others would not.

"Xazor...." He began. He paused only momentarily, only enough that Xazor would possibly have noticed it.

"This is my apprentice, Xam." He finished, introducing the younger sixteen year old Sith.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:39:56 PM
Xazor kept her eyes upon Sasha's. He had changed, greatly...and now kept his feelings locked away. How she wished to talk with him as she once had...long ago when they did not have to worry about betrayal and such things. At his words, her eyes widened and she grinned. He had achieved one of his goals and had reached Knighthood...and now he had an apprentice.

"Greetings Xam...I am Warrior Jedi Knight and Council Member, Xazor Dawnstrider. It is a pleasure to meet you..."

She said softly and then let her eyes wander back to Sasha. She had heard the entire story of what had happened...and she felt badly for him, though she knew the position he was in now with the promise not to betray his Order.

How have you been Sasha....I haven't seen you in a long time. Please...do not be angry with me...

Oct 8th, 2002, 04:01:58 PM
He could tell that she was happy for him. And seeing this, his eyes flickered back to the table's surface.

Beneath it all, he supposed he wasnt really angry with her. What she had tricked him into, had led to so many great things for him. And when he searched deep enough, he knew she hadnt made the offer to bring harm to him - but she had known - she had to have known it wouldnt ever have lead to anything the order would approve of.

And then she spoke in his mind, something she had once taught him to do. This brought his violet eyes back to stare at her for a moment.

The last time he had seen her was in a hangar bay before he had been knighted. He had been in a lightsaber duel with another jedi and she had stepped in. He had come a long way from that day.

I'm not angry with you, Xazor. Not anymore. He replied, speaking in her mind.

And I've been well. Briefly, he let her have access to limited memories. A flash of Feliciana. Being knighted. The search that had begun to find his father. Taking on an apprentice. These were only a few among other happy memories that he showed to her.

He didnt smile, but his eyes, as they always did, showed some flicker of the man she had once known.

"How have you been?" He asked this question out loud, for there had been a bit of an awkward silence at the table.

Xam Feldek
Oct 9th, 2002, 04:46:57 AM
Xam looked at the well-decorated woman who entered the Jedi bar, she looked around and came to the table where they were sitting. She greeted them and Xam looked at her with his hawk-like eyes. He was like scanning her in his mind, so he would never forget her.

"Greetings, it's an honor to meet you too."

Xam didn't say anything further, he understood that Sasha and Xazor first wanted to speak.