View Full Version : DreamMerc: Blood Stains The Ground
Severen Morkonis
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:55:52 PM
'What are you going to with me?' The man whimperd trying despritly to save his own life. The white haird Dark Jedi known as Sieken was holding the man by one ankle over the side of one of the tall and majestic towers on Conscurant. The wind blowed strong in the night breeze, pertiucly this high up on the skyscrapers roof top.
Sieken looked out strait ahead to view the manyskybusses and taxis zooming about in there everyday life, the towers and far distant cars were like eye level shooting stars, to him it was quite an amazing sight to see suxh a view from this height, in fact he had never been up on one of the towers before.
'That all depends on you Mr.Gerard' Sieken snapped trying to verbaly beat the answers from the shivering man 'You WILL tell me where that Jedi is staying and you will tell me now or your life shall end in a flicker of see that stream of flying traffic down there....?' The man nodded to Siekens delight.
Sieken was in a foul mood and frankly had no time for this man, but he was one of the few thatknew where Jubei Vader was staying in the complex at the moment and Sieken had also no time to search all 6000 rooms. Sieken however had no intention of killing the man, only scaring the hell out of him for answers.
'Now, be a good littleman and tellme where Jubei Vader is and what room of this complex he is staying in and your life shall be spared, i frankly have no time for a low life like yourself..all i want is that blittering Jedi...TELL ME!'Sieken shook the leg of the man violently wobberling the man in the air threatning to let him fall 4000 feet to the surface..if not get hit by a taxi.
Sieken then picked up on something oddly familier....the presence of another..Sieken turned and gave a wide grin.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 1st, 2002, 09:46:17 PM
You needn't harm others to get to me. I heed all requests.
(Jubei's face was stern, as he watched the Dark Jedi dangle the man over the ledge.)
What is it you want of me?
Severen Morkonis
Oct 1st, 2002, 11:02:08 PM
'Ah, just the man i wanted to see...' Sieken brought his arm up and with a little force tossed the man he was holding across the roof of the building towards Jubei so he may do as he wished with him. ' I have no wish to halmhim he was.......simply the bait.'Sieken smiled one of those sick smiles that Jedi so allighn with evil.
Sieken started pacing slowly towards Jubei with no intention to start a fight just yet,his hands clutched together behind his back as if in seep thought, the smile however remained as he looked down. ' You see the last time you and i met, we hardly had enough time to finish what we started did we? never even hit that hurt my feelings Jubei' Sieken stoped dead and looked up at the Jedi with no smile at all now.His face was quite deadly and serious looking. 'Now i think we should finish our little meeting and considering the circumstances i beilieve you have no other choice but to get to....know me a little better...' The smile returned,this time with more evil than the last.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:18:32 AM
I have no interest in fighting you, darksider.
(Jubei's eyes turned from the man on the ground, to his adversary)
Your quest is destruction, and such quests always travel from outward, to within.
Severen Morkonis
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:27:10 AM
'I have if you had been listening properly said not a single word about battle have i?....' Sieken said hoarsely taking a quick glance towards the man on the ground. ' And as i said before, i also had no intention of hurting the weak and feeble ether....' His face raised back to Jubei' face now with a forced smile.
' However...' He continued 'Since you assume that i wanted to wage a vendetta against you, it seems i am left but to for fill your thoughts am i not?....lets put it this way...if you don't...i will actually consider tempting you to do so...perhaps....he will take as a substitute of you? He said gazing his view towards the old man.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 6th, 2002, 08:54:17 AM
(Jubei's hands came to rest at his cloth belt that wrapped around his outer robe.)
Do what you must. Reason is beyond your ears.
Severen Morkonis
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:20:39 AM
' Okay....' He said kindly, and then suddenly with a flick of his wrist the old mans was lifted into the air and thrown with the force towards the edge of the building. 'Catch...'
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:59:44 AM
(Jubei accelerated forward, springing up in a cross-body block that sent the man's flying form falling back down to the safety of the rooftop. Jubei continued airborne, body flipping into a hands-free cartwheel as he landed in front of Sieken)
Severen Morkonis
Oct 11th, 2002, 05:02:19 PM
As the Jedi came to a stop with his cart-wheel he was met half way with the boot of Sieken which had been extended when Jubei had turned into his flip. The kick from Sieken connected with the chest of the Jedi Knight sending the peace lover sprawling over onto his back. ' I don't think you got me did you?...let me make it more clear...'
Sieken once again and quickly this time raised his hand to lift the poor old man off his chest and once again Sieken flicked his wrist and the innocent was sent flying towards the edge of the building,this time with more velocity.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:36:16 PM
(Jubei was on his feet again, lungs burning from the force of impact. In a blur of white motion, he snapped the cloth belt from around his robe, sending the weighted end of the hidden meteor hammer flying out toward the man. It arced in a quick loop around his midsection, and Jubei gave a hard tug, keeping the man safely on terra-firma. His eyes turned back to Sieken.)
If its a fight you wish with me, get to it! Leave this man out of it.
Severen Morkonis
Oct 15th, 2002, 05:22:35 PM
' Why should i?...that mans seems to be the only thing that you wish to be up here think i would let him go?' Sieken sneered only this time a flash of green entended from a silver cylinder,it was Siekens saber Lorsorus making its first appearance in a while. 'Lets see what you got....'
It was quick, quick enough to make the Jedi dart to dodge the blade as Sieken jabbed sharply at Jubeis head, but it was only a dud move, Siekens next move turned into a sideward arc that swept across the front of himself heading for the right hand side of the Jedis chest.
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