View Full Version : I Love Rock n' Roll [Open for Party Maniacs]

Oct 1st, 2002, 04:01:36 PM
OOC- This is a party thread, where everything is happening in or around a dancing club. Anyone and everyone is invited. =) So come on in, have fun.

"Cherice, I'm bored." Evelyn stated.

Her fingers laced behind her head, Evelyn looked at Cherice from the corner of her eyes, sighing of boredom under her cowboy hat. The streets were crowded with aliens and humans that wanted to party, but no one interesting so far. She then tilted her head to the side as they stopped in front of a long line of people, waiting to get into a, what seems like a very popular club. She arched en eyebrow as she read the sign ahead.

"Triple X." She read out loud.

Getting already excited, she turned to Cherice. "Let's go !"

But then noticed the security guards in front of the entrance and grinned even wider. "It'll be fun."

"Please ?" She pouted.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 1st, 2002, 04:19:40 PM
It had been some time before the Succubi had gotten out to socialize with the scum of the galaxy, let alone to be around their kind without feeding. But, Evelyn had convinced her to "have some fun" so here she was.

She followed the Dark Jedi's gaze to the ever-growing line for the club, "Triple X". What, oh what, could be going on in that girl's mind now, she wondered.

".. Alright, alright, let's go."

A somewhat mischevious grin crept across her lips as she began to walk towards the club, with Evelyn right by her side. Tonight she had dressed in a white blouse with a loose black tie, and wore a plaided skirt. Her silver hair hung loosely around her shoulders while her outlined, blue eyes seemed to gleam with a hint of darkness. She had taken no care to hide her true skin color - light purple - and so naturally she stood out even amongst the aliens .. who were, to be quite frank, ugly.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 1st, 2002, 05:26:54 PM
"Need some help getting in ladies?" Wraith stepped out from the mob of people that surrounded the entrance to the club. He usually delved in this area to find unusual activity. Tonight he decided he would play the night like everyone else, and attend one of these clubs. For this, he would forget about his true nature, and join in with everyone else. He couldn't help but notice the two women out of the corner of his eye. They stood out like a sore thumb amongst the crowd. He wasnt exactly dressed for the occasion, but he hoped his attire suited the two.

Oct 1st, 2002, 05:47:14 PM
Evelyn wore a normal sleeveless black shirt, but there was a long line cut from her stomach and right above her chest also with a pair of leather black pants and on her head, a black cowboy hat - She had one of every color known in this galaxy. She tilted her head to the side as the man asked if they needed help. She grinned and shook her head.

"Not at all." She gave him a wink and walked up to the security guard.

He was a tall buff man, with black sunglasses. He was bald, but looked very mean. That's aight, Evelyn had a way to soften him up. She passed the angry crowd, then tapped on the man's shoulder from behind. As he turned around, she whispered in his ear softly, things that no one could hear but him, then slowly took off his sunglasses and licked upwards, from his cheek to his bald head.

The man chuckled, blushing then opened the door. Evelyn turned and motioned for Cherice to follow.

Wraith Frostmourne
Oct 1st, 2002, 06:24:00 PM
His figure stood motionless. Wow, he said to himself. He guessed she could fend for herself. "Hey, could I get your name?!" he yelled into the crowd that formed infront of him instantly. Trying to push through, he was caught in the flow of people. All he could see was her black hat above the crowd.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 1st, 2002, 06:53:20 PM
Cherice wrinkled her nose up slightly as Evelyn gave the guard a "grooming", but had to remind herself that she wasn't too different years ago. As Evelyn slipped in through the now-opened door, she could hear the man who previously asked if they needed help yell for Evelyn's name. She turned around and saw him, trying to push his way through the crowd, and realized it was the one man who tried to insult her in the Recruitment Area of TSO.

She frowned and followed Evelyn, closing the door behind them and grinned. It was their night out, and she intended on having fun.

Oct 2nd, 2002, 10:51:41 AM
Evelyn gave a wink and a grin to the security guard, and watching as Cherice approached, she didn't hesitate to go in. The club was huge, flashing lights everywhere and the best part, they made so it would rain inside of the club. all of the dancers and guests were wet, dancing together, even though they didn't know each others. That was the best part - No complications, no problems, just let yourself go with the flow. she looked over her shoulder, at Cherice.

"I wonder if we'll run into anyone interesting here ..." Her voice trailed off.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 2nd, 2002, 05:07:30 PM
"But that's the sorta chance we gotta take," she replied.

The water felt good against her skin, and she shook her head, letting her wet hair fall back into place. The corners of her lips upturned ever-so-slightly, Cherice grabbed Evelyn's hand and tugged her into the heart of the crowd.

Oct 3rd, 2002, 09:48:48 AM
Evelyn smirked as she was pulled into the crowd by Cherice. Her other hand held onto her black cowboy hat while she avoided banging into to the others guests. The icy water of the rain felt strangely good against her smooth skin, her clothes already soaking wet. Only the tips of her blonde hair was wet, since she wore a hat.

Torriana Marx
Oct 9th, 2002, 10:21:33 AM
A voice sounded from just behind Wraith. It was hard to discern much of anything in this din, but the Padawan made sure to whisper directly into the man's ear. The little scenario roused by the blonde female and her mauve-skinned companion had raised several eyebrows - mostly those belonging to the opposite sex - and this piqued Torriana to no end.

This was her turf, and nobody was going to steal her most deserved limelight.

"Blondie don't seem very friendly," she stated matter-of-factly. Shrugging, Torri pushed past him and continued elbowing her way through the crowd. Once she finally reached the club's bouncer, she merely blew a raspberry and punched him lightly in the arm.

"Don't go all soft on me now, Freddie-boy!"

The man grunted in response and held the door ajar, just wide enough to allow her slender frame to squeeze past. The artificial rain inside immediately drenched her straight, brunette hair and did wonders to accentuate the curves underneath the black leather.

So what if she was a Jedi Padawan? Navaria hadn't given her any fixed guidelines on how to dress, where to go, who to socialize with. Her dark eyes scanned the room, packed with moshers, to land on the stage. The band were preparing to play and Torriana, grinning widely, jumped atop the platform and hugged the lead vocalist.

Oct 11th, 2002, 09:53:59 AM
The place was much too crowded to see the band playing on the stage, Evelyn didn't care. She danced with Cherice, in a dirty way until they both turned, rubbing their backs, still following the rhythm of the loud music. A guy came up to her, he didn't look so bad. That made Evelyn's glossy lips grin.

"I just want to ..."

She slipped her finger down his chin, making him approach to her much closer physically, before just kissing the 'air' between her lips and his. She lifted up her cowboy hat, licking her upper lip.

"Have fun."