View Full Version : A New Morning ( Tomak, open )
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 1st, 2002, 03:17:32 PM
The many suns began to shed their bright rays across the vast skies, a sign of the long day ahead. The sunlight fell upon Kindo, who was asleep within the comforts of his bed, waking him up early. He staggered out of his bed and gradually made his way over to the kitchen, and prepared a heated cup of daybreak tea to wake him up.
With his boiling tea in hand, he strolled over towards the balcony to catch some brisk morning air, only to see someone else there. It was Tomak Ohara, a vampire who had once been a great Jedi, but turned away to pursue the path of wickedness. However ever since him and Kindo’s recent encounter, his old companion has decided to return to the light.
Ki Adi’s face illuminated with a genuine smile, for Ohara was like his dearest brother, and it was spectacular to be with him once more. The Jedi stepped out onto overlooking veranda, standing alongside his confidant.
" Good morning. "
He took another sip of his warm beverage.
Tomak Ohara
Oct 1st, 2002, 07:33:11 PM
Tomak looked at Kindo, "Good morning brother. Sleep well? So how is that drink? Sorry about flying onto your balcony." Tomak smiled and looked at Kindo, "That reminds me of why I came here. I need a room and all the others are taken. I would be very happy if you let me stay here. I can cook and clean if you need me to. I can also pay rent. So if ya need anything just ask." Tomak laughed, "Wow, this is awkward. So what did you dream about?" Tomak smiled and looked at Kindo, "I do not dream seeing as how I become to worried to sleep at night." Tomak looked at Kindo with lazy eyes, "The Shrine will come back for me I know it. I do not know if I can protect myself. I guess that is where my training will come in." Tomak smiled again, it was good to be with his friends.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:17:39 PM
Kindo placed his hand gently upon his companion's shoulder, has if showing him that all was well.
" Let the Shrine attempt to steal what they stole first, and I shall proudly fight for you, has well has your other friends here. "
The Jedi extended his free hand, motioning towards the entrance back into his apartment. The pair gradually strolled into Ki Adi's nearby bedroom, where he pointed to a barren corner.
" We can set up a bed for you there, and you can reside with us. "
Tomak Ohara
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:58:30 PM
Tomak smiled, "Thank you so much! Hey, aren't there woods around here. They would be a great training spot." Tomak looked out to the woods. He felt as though someone was out there. Someone of the Ohara clan. They all died though. Who could it be? "Kindo, I can smell the Ohara blood. Someone is out there looking for me." Tomak gave an inquisitive look. He listened carefully and heard a growl in the distance. After that the smell was gone and they were too. This was truly odd.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 14th, 2002, 06:39:04 PM
Kindo was a bit stunned by Tomak's outburst, it had seemed to come out of nowhere. The sudden words left him rather confound, trying to figure out what the curious vampire was talking about.
" Ohara Clan? "
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 22nd, 2002, 09:42:04 AM
...somebody was knocking on Kindo's window.
Lion was "testing" his new rapelling gear. His room was on the waaaaaay top floor, so if he slipped, he had Rinoa flying around in a landspeeder to catch him...of course, she was doing tricks at the moment, so if he fell, he doubted that she'd catch him.
As he lowered himself down the side of the building, a strong gust of wind from somebody...flying?....blasted into him.
"Tomak...." he groiwled, before he began slipping down the smooth surface of the skyscraper.
The line ran out just in time to stop him from being smashed into Kindo's balcony...
He sliced the rope and fell 5 feet onto the platform, landing in a heap on the floor. He slowly got up, pulling his harness off as he did so.
"Ya know, dude...there's gotta be some law to prevent vampires from almost killing unsuspecting...civilians while flying..." Lion joked to Tomak, walking up to Kindo and noticing the tea...
"Morning, dudes..." he said, thinking of getting a proper breakfast soon.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 22nd, 2002, 11:28:33 AM
Kindo chuckled aloud.
" Good to see you, Lion. "
He casually stepped back inside his cabin and motioned his hand towards their kitchen, beckoning them to enjoy some food.
" Have anything you want, it's fine by me. "
Tomak Ohara
Oct 22nd, 2002, 06:36:30 PM
Tomak floated off the floor and went into the kitchen. He drew knives, forks, plates, and glasses. He filled the glasses and then set the table with the force. He then began to cook breakfast. "So who wants eggs and....." Tomak thought for a moment, "chocolate chip pancakes with fruit!" Tomak set to work immediatly.
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 23rd, 2002, 06:30:16 AM
Lion lept over Kindo's table and flew into his kitchen, trying to see who had said "Chocolate Chip Pancakes".
"MEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" he said, picking up a fork and knife and rubbing them together. A seocnd later, he got control of himself and walked back over to Kindo, still eyeing the pancakes over his shoulder.
"Erm...sorry...." he said, scratching the back of his head. He went over to the tea and poured a bit for himself into an empty mug, then turned to his two friends.
"Want any?"
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 23rd, 2002, 01:26:39 PM
" Fix me a cup please. "
Kindo casually flopped down on the couch, perching his feet up upon the table. Leaning back, he took a deep breath. He was enjoying the fresh morning relaxation, something he found uncommon in his busy schedule.
Kaytor Surna
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:23:57 PM
Kaytor slowly walked down the hall ways of the Living Quarters. Her darker force signature practicly shown around her. Several jedi that reconized her scattered away. She lowered her head when she saw this and kept walking.
She could sense Tomak and Kindo in here. She slowly walked to a window and looked out. A few storys down was the balcony of Kindo. She guess they were in there beings it was open. She silently lept out the window and landed on the Balcony.
Kaytor could see people moving beyond the curtains. She slowly moved them aside with her left hand and saw Kindo. Looking towards the kitchen around, she spoted Tomak and Lion. She pulled the curtains back farther and placed her right hand near her new lightsaber.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 24th, 2002, 03:23:11 PM
Kindo leapt up has he quickly distinguished the familiar woman on his balcony.
" Kaytor, what are you doing here? "
His inquisitive voice displayed no aggression, only his own curiosity about her precense amongst the Jedi.
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 24th, 2002, 05:05:39 PM
Lion took one glance at the doorway to the balcony and involuntarily inhaled. Unfortunately, he had been drinking tea at the time...
Lion ran around the table a few times before running into the kitchen, startling Tomak. Without further ado, Lion grabbed a glass of water and sucked it down his throat.
Then, he remembered who was at the had been a while since he'd seen her.
Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 07:23:51 PM
Kaytor glanced from Kindo to Lion. She steped farther into the quarters without another word and walked over to Tomak. She slowly nodded to him then lowered her eyes to the ground.
"Hello, Tomak."
She glanced back up at him. She lost all thought of the other two. They had yet to find out what she had done. But it would come in due time.
Tomak Ohara
Oct 24th, 2002, 07:51:42 PM
Tomak looked at her, "Hello Kaytor. Nice to see your okay from our last encounter." Tomak laughed, "I did not mean to hurt you if I did." He looked at the others and sent them a force message telling them not to attack. "So why have you come here Kaytor?" He rubbed his neck for a moment. He sent her a force message as well, "Sorry about last time."
Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 07:58:44 PM
She lowered her eyes again. A small scar from their last encounter was still on her neck. She glanced at the other two then back to the window. She wasn't sure if she should tell him or not.
"Tomak, can I talk to you, privately?"
Tomak Ohara
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:02:29 PM
Tomak looked at her, "Sure. Guys we will be back." He picked up Kaytor and flew out of from the balcony. He flew up above the buildings and looked at Kaytor. "Well, this is as private as you can get. So what was it you wanted anyway?" Tomak looked at her inquisitively. Something about her was diffrent.
Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:05:58 PM
She looked up at him. A tear droped down her cheek as she started to talk.
"Remember last time we saw each other how I said that atleast one of us knew where we belonged and I wasnt talking about myself? I didn't and still don't. But... but I know that where ever it is I truely belong, it's going to be with you."
She saw him get a confused look on his face. She looked down a moment then back to him.
"I've come back to the jedi, Tomak. This time I am hopeing for good."
Tomak Ohara
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:10:44 PM
Tomak smiled with so much excitement he could barely contain it. Tomak spoke, "Kaytor this is great! I can't beleive this is happening!" Tomak bent down and kissed her. "I am so excited!" He laughed out loud and wiped the tears from her face. "No need to cry. I promise that from this day on I will keep you safe and happy." Tomak kissed her again and flew back down to the balcony. While he was flying down he looked at her and said, "Should I tell them, or you?"
Kaytor Surna
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:13:42 PM
Kaytor smiled at his excitement. She hadn't been sure if he would still be mad at her or not. She wraped her arms around his neck as they droped back down to Kindo's room.
"I think that they would belive you a bit more than me."
She remembered how they had reacted when she showed up in their room moments before.
Tomak Ohara
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:20:27 PM
Tomak landed and stood her upright, "Kindo, Lion, I would like to show you Jedi Padawan Kaytor Surna." Tomak smiled, "She came back, and isn't it great?!" Tomak looked back at her and then them.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 25th, 2002, 12:16:06 PM
" Thats great to hear! "
Without any delay, Kindo ran over towards Kaytor, embracing her with a compassionate hug. It greatly thrilled him to see many of his dear friends who had strayed away, return to the light.
" Its delightful to have you back with us! "
His broad smile seemed to light up the entire room. The feeling of reuniting with both Tomak and Kaytor gave him an indescribable joy.
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 26th, 2002, 08:19:46 AM
"Welcome back, muchacha!" Lion said, smiling, as he poured Kindo his tea...
He glanced into the kitchen and noticed that the pancakes were on fire.
Tomak Ohara
Oct 27th, 2002, 11:07:58 AM
Tomak jumped over the counter and force lifted the pan. He threw it into the sink, and turned the water on. After the fire was gone all that remained was black specks on black specks. He smiled and scratched his head, "Well, let me try again. Want something Kaytor?"
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 28th, 2002, 02:42:52 AM
Lion pulled out his comlink.
"Ya know, Tomak...I don't quite trust the firefighting teams on Coruscant? Anybody want pizza for breakfast?" he asked, waving his comlink around.
Kaytor Surna
Oct 28th, 2002, 05:03:33 PM
Kaytor looked at the ground. Another factor had just come up concerning her vampyric traits. She was unable to eat food. She just leaned against a wall and watched them.
She still wasn't all that comfortable back at the GJO yet. She knew there were some that still believed she was evil at heart. And perhaps they were right. But she was going to try to change that no matter what.
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 29th, 2002, 08:17:08 AM
"Huh...maybe she doesn't like pizza..." Lion wondered, watching Kaytor. He dialed in a few numbers and was instantly connected to Square Table pizza.
"So....what'll we get?" he asked aloud.
Tomak Ohara
Oct 29th, 2002, 07:48:45 PM
Tomak smiled, "Lets see onions, peppers, pepperoni..." Tomak thought for a moment then remembered something vital, "NO GARLIC ON IT ANYWHERE!" Tomak smiled. He hated garlic, it tasted so bad.
Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 29th, 2002, 08:12:33 PM
" Throw on some extra cheese. "
Kindo hopped upon the kitchen counter, casually leaning up against a cabinent.
Lion El' Jonson
Oct 30th, 2002, 07:28:47 AM
Lion spoke the order into the comlink and was acknowledged by a gruff voice. The guy on the other end had sounded disgusted when he had said no garlick.
"Oh well...I'm paying for it..." Lion thought, before turning to his friends.
(ooc: Hey, is Kaytor MIA again?)
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