View Full Version : No, my name is NOT Flash or Buck. It's Karl.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 1st, 2002, 03:16:00 PM
Coruscant. The bane of jet-pack users everywhere.

None of the speeder drivers looked for you, and half the law enforcement wanted to give you a ticket. That, and even if you were alone you got treated as if you were in a packker gang.

But it did have its tradeoffs. For one, Karl could touch down lightly wherever he wished and he did so at the steps to the re-established Jedi Complex on Coruscant. Switching the brushed chrome pack off, the man reached up and pulled his flight goggles down before running a gloved hand through his brown hair. For years he had thought the Jedi only an oddball task force, but a recent encounter had begun to change his mind.

Cricking his neck--which was sore after his flight-- Karl ascended the polished marble stairs and made his way inside. Among the others he stood out like a sore thumb. His blue and white flightsuit always was a bit of a giveaway, though, and his small jetpack only made him more conspicuous. On his right thigh hung a light green blaster of off make, apparently suspended by nothing, but still hanging there on a white band nonetheless.

"Excuse me," Karl asked at the front desk, "Where would I go to see about testing to see if I could be part of your order?" His voice was deep and rich, but by no means heroic. For all the world he looked like an average man who had just stepped out of a Buck Rodgers comic strip.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 7th, 2002, 03:04:20 PM
<font color=seagreen>"Up the lift three floors and take a right," came the response from the light green droid behind the desk. "It's labeled 'Recruitment Center', can't miss it."

<font color=white>"Thank you," Karl replied politely. Leaning back on his heel he turned and glanced around for the lifts before entering one and hitting a button lightly. Within seconds he was on the third floor, and his boots pattered quietly arcoss the floor. "To the right, it said," he spoke to himself while craning his head to look around. "Ah, there it is." He remarked gladly upon spotting it.

It was empty, though, so he simply wandered in and looked around, absent-mindedly adjusting one of the shoulder-staps on his jetpack as he stood there. Hopefully the Jedi were currently taking applications.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:18:12 PM
One of the communications officers informed Navaria that there was a new arrival in the recruitment area. She arrived five minutes after Karl had entered, the sound of the door swishing open, alerted him of the Jedi's presence.

She offered a polite bow.

"My apologies for the wait. My name is Navaria Tarkin."

She stood up straight and smiled, pulling back the hood of her cloak back. Bright blue eyes seemingly greeted him more then the pleasant smile upon Navaria's face.

"I am a Jedi Knight of the Order as well as a member of the Council."

Stepping inside, the door closed behind her and she motioned to one of the free couches and chairs that were in the middle of the room. It would be much more comfortable talking with a hopeful learner then it would be standing about.

"So tell me. What brings you here this day."

Navaria asked, sitting down and folding her hands in her lap.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 8th, 2002, 05:20:26 PM
At first Karl was rendered immobile by how Navaria looked, but finally he snapped out of it and followed her to sit down. Choosing a chair across form her in an attempt not to look like a hound, Karl unstrapped his jetpack and set it down beside himself before taking a seat.

"Good to meet you, Miss." he replied politely, then continued on, "I'm Karl, and, well, it's a funny story, really." Pausing, he popped the knuckles of one hand with the other and mulled over how he wanted to word his explaination. "See, I don't think I should really be here, but, I met this guy on Th'alluri. Well, more appropriately I saved him from getting killed, and he turned out to have been in your order some time ago. Well, he thanks me, and buys me a drink in a locak pub and goes on to talk about the Force this, and Jedi that, and then finally sticks this needle thingy in my arm and takes a blood sample.

"Well, I'm none too happy, but he explains that he could feel something about me, and then he told me I have some kind of connection to this Force thing. So, I tell him thanks for the drink, and we go our seperate ways, but, somehow I still ended up here. So, guess I mainly want to see if that guy was tellign the truth or not, really."

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:30:20 PM
"The truth?"

She asked, raising a brow.

"Which truth do you seek, Karl? The truth that you may possess the potential in utilizing the Force or the truth to why you actually came here."

Navaria smiled.

"No one just happens to find themselves anywhere. The places choose them."

Karl Emmerich
Oct 8th, 2002, 09:32:48 PM
"Well, both, I guess. I dunno, I've spent so much time moving from place to place I thought I might as well settle down and give this a shot. So, if that makes me a Jedi or something, then, well, I guess that's what I'll be." He replied.

In all honesty, Karl didn't know what to think. So many things had changed recently, and he needed direction. He saw the Jedi as a possible way, considering his recent encounter with one. He wanted to believe he beloged somewhere, but, just like eh had chosen the jetpack for travel, he seemed to feel he should travel alone in life as well. Reaching up, he rubbed his neck and sighed.

"I'm sorry, I really don't know anytrhing about you guys, or what you do. I probably shouldn't even be here, but, I just don't know where else to go." he explained glumly.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 8th, 2002, 10:17:21 PM
That really wasn't a good answer but Karl was just trying to understand what the situation he decided to place himself in was like.

Navaria stood up slowly.

"How about something to drink. Explaining the Jedi will take some time and I would prefer that you do not die of thirst because of all the talking."

She smiled warmly.

"Besides, you traveled a long distance to be here. You are my guest here and your comfort is important. No matter the outcome of your decision, you are meant to be right here, right now."

Whether or not Karl belong with the Jedi wasn't the issue. Making him feel welcomed and that he meant something was.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 8th, 2002, 11:00:11 PM
She was asking him out to get a drink? For a moment Karl forgot common sense and was abotu to leap to the wrong comclusion, but then the reality of her invitation struck him across the forehead like a plank.

Letting his natural attraction die down, he stood up and slung his jetpack over his shoulder and shrugged, "Okay, sounds good to me. Sucking on the smog on this planet does make a guy kind of thirsty. Should I just follow you?" He asked, a rogueish smile pulling at his cheek.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 9th, 2002, 04:18:45 PM
She pulled her lips together and looked away, slightly embarrassed. Navaria was an empath and picked up on all the emotions that Karl had felt in the last few moments and wanted to kick herself. What was it about every time she offered to get something to drink or eat for someone of the opposite sex, the first inclination from them was that she was interested in them. You would think her innocence in such verbal plays would shed away. All her question meant was a simple invitation for her to get both of them something to drink in the next room and come back to talk here. In the Recruitment Center.


Navaria said, turning back to look at him.

"You probably want to sit down again."

A slender hand appeared as the bulky robe sleeve pulled away as Navaria pointed to the door on the other side of the room.

"I am not going that far."

Karl Emmerich
Oct 9th, 2002, 04:37:41 PM
Apologetically, Karl shook his head and said, "I realize what you meant, and, I understand. I have a bad tendancy to leap to the wrong conclusions often. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

Quite embarassed, he set his jetpack down and took a seat once more, wishing he were a bit smarter.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:23:03 PM
"No. I need to choose my words more carefully. Bad habit of mine."

She nodded briefly and disappeared into the adjoining room.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 9th, 2002, 05:44:47 PM
While he was waiting, Karl took the time to pull his flight goggles off from around his neck and stowed them in a small compartment on his jetpack. After doing so, he cricked his back. His body was reminding him that he wasn't twenty-one anymore.

Looking around, he nodded to himself in approval of what he had seen of the Order so far. Wasn't quite to his taste, but, he could live with it. At least, he thought he could live with it; he really didn't know all that much about the Jedi except that they--for some odd reason--chose lightsabers over blasters.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:16:41 PM
She returned with two glasses in hand, the liquid a strange pale yellow. Some sort of juice.

"Hope you did not wait too long."

Navaria walked over to Karl and handed him his drink before finding her seat once again. She watched him over the rim of her glass to see his reaction of the beverage.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:22:40 PM
"Thank you," Karl said politely as he took the glass offered to him. As Navaria sat down, he took a sip absent-mindedly.

Out of instictual reaction, Karl's ckeep pulled, and his tongue wanted to hide. But, he tried to keep up a good face, and lowered the cup, though holding it to appear for all the world as if he were going to take another drink at any given moment. Swallowing, he said, "Well, a little bitter, but, not bad." For crab juice! his mind added, though he was careful not to say it out loud. "And no, it didn't seem long at all. So, um, now what? Do I have to fill something out or something? Or, how does this go?" He asked, drumming one finger against the side of his glass.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:32:14 PM
He didn't like it. She could tell by his feelings, not his thoughts.Oh well, she thought. [/i]Not everyone likes namana juice.[/i]

"Well, you said you were not sure if you could use the Force. That you did not believe in that instrument that this ... stranger used on you.

There are other ways of determing that you have Force potential or not but perhaps I should tell you of the Jedi life. If you do not wish to be one, why test you correct?"

It was his choice after all, and by his manner of presence, of attitude and of clothing, the Jedi life was not for Karl. Though, that was only first impressions.

She set down her glass on the coffee table next to the couch and continued.

"We serve and protect that beings of the galaxy. Calls us monks if you will, but our lives are given up in order to serve the Force and others. We stand for a higher purpose of understanding, mediation and skills in the Force in order to serve. We are a family dedicated to each other and those around us. When you walk into these halls, never will you be alone but you will not be compeletely the same person you are now, sitting here talking with me."

Her head tilted to the side, trying to read Karl.

"I mean not to scare you but to offer you simple truths to a life you are not sure about."

Karl Emmerich
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:44:34 PM
"Well," Karl started, still trying to formulate his answer, "I probably wouldn't be here if I didn't want to find out more, but... Isn't there just some way you Jedi can test me and see if I even qualify or something?"

He didn't realize how rude he was sounding. Karl knew little about the order, and wanted to know more, but not at the sake of bruising his pride. It took a lot for him to even think about joining an oder of any sort; having been used to going things alone for a while. But, that Jedi had made some hind of mark on him, and he felt as if it were his duty to at least try and understand what he meant by becoming one himself.

If the Jedi were what Navaria said, then perhaps it wouldn't be that bad. And besides, who would miss him if he decided to join?

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 13th, 2002, 04:17:52 PM
He was impatient for an answer and really hadn't thought through what Navaria had said really but ... there was something in Karl that sparked determination. Also, the Knight did take note that Karl himself felt that he must belong here. Whatever happened on Coruscant really did leave an impact on him, much more then a simple blood test.

"Very well, Karl."

She leaned forward, folding her hands in her lap, taking in a deep breath to relax her body and mind.

"Close your eyes and picture yourself someplace safe. Focus on that secruity and peacefulness, that nothing will harm you. Ever. I want that to be the only notion going on inside your mind."

Meanwhile, Navaria herself had already opened herself up to the Force ... and already knew if Karl was Force sensitive or not. She wanted to do this exercise first so he could understand the world he was considering on entering.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:15:43 PM
"Um, okay," Karl replied, then took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Imagine somewhere peaceful, okay, I can do that, he thought to himself. The Hollywood cliche of a green meadow under a blue sky. A lone tree stood in the middle of the field. Even the thoguht of it was calming, and he imagined himself Sitting down on the grass and looking up to the sky, a smile on his face as he tried to pick out animal shapes from the clouds.

Soon, he was so into it that he had almost forgotten that it was just a fantasy.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:17:39 PM
Now dig deeper. Take that peace and focus outward.

Navaria was inside Karl's mind, only to speak and to feel a better connection to what Karl was feeling. Nothing more. His personal thoughts and memories were never touched.

Try to imagine yourself as the focal point of that feeling and emminating to the surrounding area. As you stretch that feeling, eventually it will be replaced by something else. But you must not wain in your concentration of that peace. You will recognize that feeling, trust me.

With much scrutiny, she watched Karl intently for any change.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 15th, 2002, 03:49:34 PM
Virtual reality, cybernetic gaming and tactical simulation. Karl knew just how to manipulate a thought, and he followed Navaria's instructons.

The poeace he felt in his mind he imagined spreading, enveloping him like a protective bubble. The clouds dissappeared, as did the sky and grass, even the tree, but the feeling remained. It was thick, and he felt that if he were to sweep out his arm it would be slowed as if he were trying to force it through water. But he remained still, waiting for further instruction.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 15th, 2002, 09:18:16 PM
The question I will now ask may be simple. But stop. Think. Do not trust what your eyes have shown you, but believe in your instincts. Believe what is in your heart and search inward for the answer. Do not open your eyes and ask yourself, where is Navaria Tarkin in the room?

At this point in time, Navaria had move to the other end of the room where the exit was, while Karl dove deeper in his subconscious. She made no move, relying on skill alone to be quiet. If he was Force sensitive, being in such a relaxed state as he was in now, he should immediately feel the presence of life, the only presence of life in this room besides himself.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 15th, 2002, 09:25:01 PM
It was a bit unnerving knowing that she could speak right into his mind, but, it was not a sensation he was unused to. There were games he played that stimulated the brain directly, and it felt like that.

Opening his mouth, his voice came out with a simple reply, "Easy, youre by the door over there." As soon as he had said it, Karl's eyes popped open and he looked around. "Woah! How'd I do that?" he exclaimed.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 15th, 2002, 09:40:24 PM
Navaria was beaming.

"I could have done a scientific test but I thought this would be better."

She approached him.

"By finding the peace within yourself, you were able to tap into the Force and locate myself because I too can use the Force."

And then looked down at him with a raise eye.

"Do you still wish to be one of us and use the power that you have to it's full potential. Locating people is only the tip of the iceberg."

Karl Emmerich
Oct 21st, 2002, 11:04:46 PM
OOC- I apologize for my tardiness in this reply. I've been rather busy lately. I will be more prompt in the future.

Thinking for a moment, Karl replied in a rather carefree tone, "Well, why not? Don't have anything else to commit my life to at the moment, so why not be a Jedi?"

Though his tone was light, he truly intended to put his best into whatever he did, and joining the Jedi would be no different.

"So, um, what do we do now?" He questioned, "I mean, do I have to fill something out, or buy a lightsaber or something?"

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 22nd, 2002, 08:59:09 PM
The business like persona that Navaria had been keeping up melted away to reveal a more open and carefree Navaria that most knew in the Order.

"Actually, no. You make your lightsabre as part of your training. Which ..."

She gave him a stern, albeit, playful look.

"... is much later. And no, there is no paperwork. I am with the Council and assume the right to let newcomers allowed to become Padawans. You may find yourself a place within the halls of the Academy to call home and of course there is the Bar and Grill here to meet many travelers and fellow Jedi there.

All that would be left is someone to be willing to take you on as their Padawan Learner. "

OOC~ No sorries at all. I understand completely.

Karl Emmerich
Oct 23rd, 2002, 02:36:52 PM
Puzzled, Karl asked, "Um, what's a 'padawan'? I thought I was going to be an apprentice to a Jedi."

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 23rd, 2002, 02:51:42 PM
Navaria looked down at the ground, holding the bridge of her nose, somewhat embarrassed.

"My apologies."

She looked back up.

"Such titles would be foreign to you. A Padawan is an Apprentice to a Jedi Knight or Master."

Karl Emmerich
Oct 23rd, 2002, 03:07:32 PM
Karl suddenly felt stupid, but covered it by chuckling and replied, "Oh, okay. You guys have any other terminology I should know about before I go and stick my foot in my mouth again?"

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 23rd, 2002, 09:02:22 PM
"Well, sometimes it is better to learn as we go along but no, I really do not think there is anything important to know. Most of what you will need to understand will be during your training."