View Full Version : A Courtesan's touch (open challenge)

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:21:06 AM
Danna Praxis looked at herself in the mirror. Her lithe curves were draped in a sheer, burgundy neglige, that hung delicately over the more scandalous parts of her light skin. Her hair was short, brunette, and dainty, stylized in disjunct tufts on her head. Dark brown eyes blinked, as she pursed her lips together. A shade of strawberry on her lips turned sultry, matching the eveningwear that she wore now. The rest of her 'make-up' likewise accomodated her garments, before her eyes. She smiled, pleased at the guise.

Danna Praxis was a ruse. A gold and honey trap. The Senator on his way to the penthouse wouldn't mind, at any rate. What did he care? She was a warm body, pleasing to the eye, willing and able to fulfill his every fantasy.

And she would kill him. That much was certain.

Somewhere inside the faux femme fatale named Danna Praxis, a woman named Eluna Thals accessed a dossier. The Senator was balding, middle-aged, and wore glasses. Not physically attractive. His attraction was money and power. However much could be extracted before climax, and finale...was up to Eluna Thals to maximize. Without Senator Ranex, the War Hawk movement in the Trianis sector would lose a strong supporter. A Rebel fleet buildup would be avoided.

The door opened. Danna slinked onto the bed, with feline grace.

"Hello, Senator" she smiled, eyes sparkling.

The senator was unspoken, but let his actions talk for him. And so their rendesvous began, and lasted an hour...

<center>* * *</center>

Sala Ardett stared down at the Senator's dead, nude body. 15.4 pounds of pressure per square inch had been applied to his right temple, and the resulting fracture caused immediate death. The murder weapon could be anything, or nothing at all.

She stared at her thumb, sucking a bit of red from the tip.

"Yummy." she whispered in a husky tone. Slipping into black coveralls, she pulled back a fastening band, securing her long, blonde tresses into a ponytail. Cocking her head at the mirror, she blinked.

Dark brown eyes became blue.

Her makeup changed to match.

Sala Ardett smiled.

Inside, Eluna Thals smiled more.

Garrett Blade
Oct 2nd, 2002, 02:40:13 AM
The door burst open due to the smell of death. It was quite unpleasant, but Death Himself was rather attracted to it. He pranced into the room like a small child on the first day of school. Then he saw the body, naked and empty. He rushed over to it, tears streaming down his face. Ignoring the astonished woman, he knelt beside it and wept...

"Daddy! John! Boss! Son! Lover! Bosworth! Carloine! Messiah - no that's me! Janie! Hal! Dave! Mommy! Hell - you could be anybody!"

Oh well. It wasn't Death at all. It was just Garrett. But don't let him hear you say that as he'd probably try to kill you. And if you thought it then you were in just as much trouble. He looked up at the woman standing over him with a puzzled look on her face. The tears turned cromson and evaporated as he stood to meet her on her own level. He stepped up close to her. He pressed his face close up against hers. His pupils shrank into nothingness, leaving bare white gleam - lifeless and dead.

"You've been a very naughty girl.!

She was thrown down onto the bed violently by an invisible hand.

It's worth mentioning a small point about Mr. Blade. If you hadn't already guessed - he's insane. Clinically insane, whatever you want to call it. Usually, there is a reason for insanity. Usually it's down to an event that caused a psychological disorder. But for Garrett, it seems to be inherited. His insanity is almost divine in nature - which would explain why he believes that he is some sort of deity. And he is not always Garrett Blade. Sometimes he is Tel'Mah. Sometimes he is John. Other times he's the beggar Nostradamus. But you always know when he's Garrett. Like today.

Eluna Thals
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:28:49 AM
Sala giggled as she fell back to the bed.

"I know, haven't I?"

She righted herself, sliding up to hands and knees on the mattress

Garrett Blade
Oct 3rd, 2002, 02:34:59 AM
Garrett frowned. But it did not last long. He quickly turned that frown upsider down into a large, sadistic grin. He began to walk back slowly, falling off the bed in the process. When he reappeared above the matress surface, his face turned stern.

"Yes you have. But that's bad! And I like bad! But not when it makes me look bad to Them!"

He was babbling again. It all made perfect sense to him of course. No doubt the woman had no idea what he was talking about - most people didn't.

"And so as with most naughty things, you have to be punished."