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imported_Blade Ice
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:16:39 AM
Alright Here it is do you believe everyone gives of a force signature with the exception of things that would create a void in the force like the Vong.


Do you believe only Force users give off a signature

what i believe is Force users give off a stronger signal but common people have a signature too but at very low frequency. I believe if something does not have a force signature it should create a Void (example the Vong).

I'm asking this for knowledge so I can distinguish how to play my character in a thread i'm currently in. So please give me your Opinion and i would really like an admins Opinion on this.

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:24:28 AM
It would give enough signal to know that they were alive...but to determine who they were, what race, etc? I doubt it. Especially with you never meeting them before.

imported_Blade Ice
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:29:05 AM
think family bloodline I knew his last name I didn't know his first I have ties into his family.

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:33:45 AM
That still doesn't give you insight into lineage, I don't think. A technique like that sounds pretty advanced.

imported_Blade Ice
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:39:31 AM
well actaully it ain't all that advanced think gentics most of the time that is how things are trainsfered Vega family signature of the van dervelds would be very similair to Deigo's family signature even if they where 5th cousins or what ever they are. A person according to gentics is the same as every other except
for about the 1% that makes him an individual.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:43:07 AM
Vega's signature is nothing like Diego's.

The members of the family who use the Force would have similiar signatures, as they have all been - essentialy - 'corrupted' by the dark side, but those null to the force, or who shun it - like Diego - would still have a base signature.

Basically, you could sense Diego in Vega, but not Vega in Diego.

imported_Blade Ice
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:45:28 AM
If I could sense diego in you then I could sense a small part in deigo of you and make an educated guess.

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:45:34 AM
That, and using such an invasive probe as you're using...you're essentially chumming the water. Diego reacts badly to that kind of probing...

Lord Gue
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:45:54 AM
all living things have the force ebing through them, with the notable exceptions of vong yasilimari ect, thus is the nature of the force itself. One overwhelming sense of life, everything has this 'feeling' of the force. Only sometimes, with the notable exceptions of padwan/master recognition, does one recognize the difference in the force around them, even then only in the difference of dark side taint from lightside. So from these extrapolations one would assume you could only detect specific people that one has spent many of their developing years around and then could only detect who that person was through rememberance of that persons 'feeling' around them.

imported_Blade Ice
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:52:14 AM
Originally posted by Eluna Thals
That, and using such an invasive probe as you're using...you're essentially chumming the water. Diego reacts badly to that kind of probing...

first off my charcter would no that it would piss him off so if he would react badly it would be a learning experience maybe. I know it out of charcter but if I put it IC I would be meta gaming witch takes the fun out of it.

I can Get what gue is saying but what about family members there signature has to be close to each other through the passing of medaclorins.

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:54:41 AM
What we're all trying to say is that such an acquisition is waay advanced. You'd almost have to specialize as a seer to have that kind of insight.

imported_Blade Ice
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:56:07 AM
Thats fine I'm going to change it but all I want to find out know is if it is possible.

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 11:00:23 AM
I'm sure a Palpatine, Yoda, or in this RP universe, a Hob could do such things. But that stuff is advanced. I don't think that a Sith apprentice would have that ability. Even so, you'd almost have to specialize in that kind of thing.

Let me put it in perspective...Darth Vader didn't know that he was chasing Luke through the Death Star trench. Thats Father and Son, Father being a Sith Lord, and son just beginning to learn about the force.

Verse Dawnstrider
Oct 1st, 2002, 12:17:11 PM
I see good points on both sides. I play Chaos with having this ablity to a certain point. H ecan not say "Those two are alot alike tehre fro they must be second cousins on his mothers side of the family because that dude's dad is the first dude's mother's brother..ect" I play it that if Chaos knows the person and has met them he can feel it. This is only for the people he has been around alot. he may met a person once, and feels that he has met them, but not know who they are. He doens't fully know if he has met them. he only gets that "This is sorta fimialir I think...." kinda feeling. He can only tell Force Signatures to those he has been around alot.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 1st, 2002, 12:32:39 PM
Eluna: It's good to know Hob has that kind of infamous reputation. :)

I'll add that we do know Luke and Vader were especially strong in the Force- Vader, with his training and sheer power, might have suspected somewhere in the back of his mind that only one of his children could be so powerful. Luke would probably only have felt a small connection to Vader as an opponent in that Trench Run- he wouldn't really understand the Force at that point, so further insight would require more information about Vader's identity.

Something else to look at is the fact that Palpatine, Yoda, and in this RP universe Hob, are all thinkers, so to speak. Yoda was a Jedi Consular and Master, Palpatine a Sith Lord, and Hob a Dark Jedi Consular. Disciplines such as those favor the gathering of information and divination, so one must ask- Would Mace Windu, Jedi Guardian, be able to peer into the mists of the Force and glean the same kind of information? I personally think not- but I think he might still get something, especially if the situation was pretty extreme.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 1st, 2002, 12:35:36 PM
Oh! And I almost forgot... I think, actually, the Vong can be sensed through the Force. I'll have to re-read Traitor to be sure, but I think the way it was explained was that the Vong are on a different "wavelength" than Jedi are used to sensing, and they require some kind of intimate and/or long term exposure to develop an attunement.

Kregain Richtien
Oct 1st, 2002, 12:55:02 PM
Either way, the abscence of force therof would be a good indicator that Vong might be around...

imported_Blade Ice
Oct 1st, 2002, 02:47:00 PM
Originally posted by Eluna Thals
I'm sure a Palpatine, Yoda, or in this RP universe, a Hob could do such things. But that stuff is advanced. I don't think that a Sith apprentice would have that ability. Even so, you'd almost have to specialize in that kind of thing.

If i read this right you have one bit of wrong information I'm not an apprentice as a rank.

Originally posted by Evil Hobgoblin
Oh! And I almost forgot... I think, actually, the Vong can be sensed through the Force. I'll have to re-read Traitor to be sure, but I think the way it was explained was that the Vong are on a different "wavelength" than Jedi are used to sensing, and they require some kind of intimate and/or long term exposure to develop an attunement.

I thought the only way to sense the vong was trough sensing the force alll around you and where the void is you find the vong.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 1st, 2002, 04:33:03 PM
Terribly sorry. I can't keep up with everybody's rank here.

As far as the Vong, its not that they actually create a void in the force, its just that they aren't detected as a life source, from what I know. This is different than the ysalimir's influence, which actually does produce blank space.

Oct 1st, 2002, 04:34:17 PM
Without revealing too much, the new books are bringing us new information on this.

Severen Morkonis
Oct 1st, 2002, 07:38:38 PM
The Viashino were force sensitive but could only use the force to a certain degree, sayfor exsample moving items with theremind, simple stuff, but other force uses could not notice this as the Viashino had a skin like retile sclaes that refelted the fore....or thats wha ti read about them anyway.

imported_Blade Ice
Oct 2nd, 2002, 02:07:01 PM
Originally posted by ReaperFett
Without revealing too much, the new books are bringing us new information on this.

I wonder if they will make new books for the pen paper game to explain this too.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 2nd, 2002, 05:32:52 PM
OK, so the Vong, from what little is known, are a species? I thought it was a counter essence of the Force, from what I had read earlier in the thread.