View Full Version : Someone needs a muzzle... (Diego)

Mr Dust
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:08:40 PM
After the recent carnage at the B&G, word spread quickly. Within hours, everyone in a hundred mile radius had heard of the half-man, half-vornskyr beast that obliterated half the bar and mauled many patrons. Mr. Dust had not expected to see this species this far from his own homeworld. Sonnewelt, his home, was second planet from the sun in his galaxy, located on the outer rim. Schwartzweld, the Lupines' homeworld, was located seven planets away from the sun. It is a much darker world, both in luminescenceand in character. Mr. Dust's family has lived on Sonnewelt for generations, back hundreds of years. They are the farthest known Jedi order in the universe.

And their job is to keep the Lupines at bay. So, it is only fitting that Dust find this werewolf. And stop him.

As he enters the B&G, he tells the doorman to direct Diego to his table, should he arrive. He takes a table in the middle of the room, facing the doorway, and waits.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 30th, 2002, 11:36:27 PM
Upon entry, Diego was directed to a table occupied by a pale, gaunt man, adorned in dark formalwear. Only a glance was needed, to understand who this man was, or more importantly, where he was from.

"You've come a long way to busy yourself with me, guardian."

Diego didn't sit, but instead kept a wary, yet relaxed stance, across from the table. The man across from him belonged to an ancient order, and a bane of his ancestors.

Mr Dust
Oct 1st, 2002, 07:30:16 PM
Mr. Dust eyes his adversary warily. Lupines are quite fast apart from the Force, but not quite as fast as a Jedi. Nevertheless, they cannot be underestimated.

Oh, I am here for many reasons, and you, sir, are not the main one. In fact, until your... indiscretion yesterday, I was totally unaware of your presence.

However, now I AM aware. And I felt it only fitting that I inform you that I will not stand for such behavior. I ask that you please restrain in the future, or I may be forced to take action.

And I'm sure neither of us would enjoy that.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:05:22 PM
"I am a slave of your kind's sorcery, and all of its misuses."

Diego spoke flatly.

"If it is within my power, there will be no further bloodshed. That is entirely dependent on those around me. Keep your magics away from me."

Mr Dust
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:20:49 PM
The man's audacity was astounding. Mr. Dust's eyebrows raised automatically at the words.

Slave? You call yourself a slave? You, whose race enslaves thousands of villagers with no way to defend themselves? And you speak to me of misuses of power? My word, your perspective is quite skewed indeed.

And so you know, I am aware that yesterday's... well, shall we say, outburst, was not your doing. We are attempting to notify the other Jedi of your sensitivites. But I refer to your quite conscious actions. If you are content to be civil, then so be it, and enjoy your stay here. If, however, you cannot be persuaded to act decently, then I fear my retribution must be swift and dreadful indeed, sir.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:56:14 PM
"We are there to protect them. The price of their protection is meager. But, you'll have little to fear from the likes of I, Guardian. There are those of my kin far more villainous than myself."

Mr Dust
Oct 1st, 2002, 09:10:07 PM
Be that as it may, I have yet to meet them. That, and I do not recall them demolishing a bar in recent history.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 1st, 2002, 11:26:31 PM
"Rest assured...you will."

Diego turned, leaving the pale Jedi.

"Unless I kill him, first."

Mr Dust
Oct 3rd, 2002, 09:43:50 PM
Mr. Dust nods along with the Lupine's comments, not at all suprised by his nonchalance with death. Most of his species is rather violent, and backstabbing was not rare at all. There was really nothing more to say. Mr. Dust rises to leave.

Ah, well, carry on, then. Far be it from me to impose on your internal strife.

He turns to walk away, but after a few steps, he turns back.

Just so you know that there are no hard feelings, he's a little something for your trouble.

He reaches into his pocket and produces a large coin. A nice, shiny one. A silver one.

He flips the coin at Diego, and walks away without watching where it lands.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 3rd, 2002, 10:34:20 PM
Out of reflex, Diego snapped the coin up on his hand, wincing as he dropped it immediately to the ground.


He gingerly holds up his hand for inspection...the palm and fingers that closed around the silver now beginning to swell and blister from the reaction. He grits his teeth, clenching a fist and popping a small pustule with the pressure. It was a warning, that the Guardian knew all too well what his weaknesses were.