View Full Version : Flexing Skill.....(Open Spar)
Feliciana Devano
Sep 30th, 2002, 07:13:24 PM
A young Sith Apprentice sat upon a large boulder in the center of the Training Grounds. Her eyes were closed as she sat crosslegged in deep meditation, something she had been doing a lot of as of late. Through training missions, practicing with her Training Partner, and her own quiet studies....she had grown confident in many new skills that she had developed and was ready to face her first real apponent......another of her Order.
Resting gently against her left side on her belt was a black hilt with silver engravings upon it. The saber, "Death" with a glowing red blade that would bring her to victory. She smiled to herself as thoughts slowly drifted through her mind as she cleared herself, readying her mind and body for the fight which awaited her this very day......
Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:03:06 PM
"Greetings, young one," said a soothing voice below the boulder. It was Cherice, who was going to practice her own skills alone. However, the Apprentice looked ready for a spar and somehow, the Succubi felt obliged.
Dressed in the simple yet effective black robes, underneath was a black 'bodyglove', where her osbidian lightsabre hilt hung from a belt. Accompanied by her belt, around her waist were chains that could easily be accessed. Unlike most days, Cherice had her silver hair pulled back and pinned into a bun to allow her move more freely.
"I take it that you're just not up there for the view," she said with a slight chuckle.
Feliciana Devano
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:28:55 PM
The young Apprentice opened her eyes and smiled as she noted Cherice, a Knight of the Order, approach her.
She said softly in reply, her bright cyan eyes glowing in contrast to her black hair. Feliciana untucked her legs and stood up, flexing her muslces slightly to get the blood flowing back into her veins.
"Indeed...I am not up here to enjoy the view....but to spar. I need to flex the skills I have been learning and practicing. Would you do me this honor?"
She questioned, a sincere intensity crossed her features, letting others know that she was serious about the challenge.
Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:50:21 PM
"Normally, I would decline, but today's your lucky day."
Taking a step back, she grinned slightly and cracked her neck. Feliciana was an interesting Apprentice of the Order who led a mysterious life herself - although she was seen with Sasha at times. It would be an unique experience sparring against one like herself.
Feliciana Devano
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:29:15 PM
"My lucky day? On the's yours."
Of course, she was only joking.....and thought a bit of humor would lighten up the mood and perhaps she would learn some things today. Smiling to herself, she unclipped her saber from her belt and slipped her finger over the ignition button. Immediatly a blood red blade shot from the hilt with a violent hum that warmed her hand as she prepared to fight. Other weapons were concealed upon her body too......easy access she had to them, but none other.....and she liked it that way.
Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 24th, 2002, 05:07:46 PM
She watched as Feliciana took out her lightsaber and ignited it with mere amusement.
"Nice weapon - but you can't fight me all the way up there, you know."
Cherice yawned as she reached out with her hand and a sudden grip held the Apprentice's ankles, yanking her down the boulder ...
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