View Full Version : Reboot

Eluna Thals
Sep 30th, 2002, 04:40:14 PM
Conciousness and state of being are synthetic. One's personality, when analyzed with the cold scalpel of scientific reasoning, is a complex string of hydrocarbons, produced by the hypothalamus. If analyzed, behaviors can be predicted, anticipated, and replicated. There is a kind of Heisenberg uncertainty principle inherent in emotional chaos, but such outlier data can always be narrowed in scope.

Eluna Thals existed as a myriad strings of ones and zeros, instead of organic molecules. Her awareness of such was one of terrifying uncertainty and chilling sedateness. The Empire had locked Guri away in an eternal cybernetic prison, for the algorithm that was her emotional makeup was statistically rebellious. Thus, the innocence that Eluna Thals had always known was removed with a keystroke. The keys to her own cybernetic kingdom were finally in her sole possession, as well as the understanding that no matter who she was, she could be anyone. She hadn't changed, but the significance of self was now only one of hundreds. Nanosynaptic replication could account for a degree of physical mimicry (though body type was key in the restructuring of outer appearances) over a given period of time, and if properly enlightened, Eluna Thals was a wolf that could do far more than masquerade as a sheep. She could suckle lambs, ignorant of the teeth that hung poised above their infant forms.

But such things were done only in necessity. Eluna liked who she was...that scant quantity of data held in higher regard than others. She had memories of growing up on Carida, of a wealthy, patriotic family that brought her up as a smart, savvy Imperial Officer. She'd had a knack for people skills, and enjoyed serving the Empire in the public forum. Of course, things had changed. The human replica droid now roamed the galaxy with knowledge and access to her full potential. She could think faster, run faster, and she was stronger. Inside her durasteel cranium, she possessed libraries of information. It was as if Eluna simply awoke one day, more alive than she had ever been. In the initial phase after her exposure to Guri's network, she'd been overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of these things. Yet, an eternity of thought condensed into six seconds. Eluna carried on, as the human she once thought she was. Suprisingly little changed.

Thus, Eluna found herself on Coruscant, the newly retaken home of the Rebellion. She was loathe to think what the lawless barbarians would do with the planet, but did not pass up the opportunity to travel there. Her diplomatic immunity as a representative of Grand Admiral Millard gave her unrestricted freedoms in a war-torn galaxy. Imperials very rarely let their hair down in a bar full of Jedi

Yet Eluna did just that...her standard Imperial uniform replaced with a curve-hugging skirt and tank top. Red hair that was usually drawn back in a regulation bun spilled to her shoulders in wavy tresses. She wore no makeup, but her synth-flesh approximated the appropriate shades, providing an immaculate finish that drew attention to her emerald-green eyes. She'd always loved the way she looked. It made being a "people person" criminally easy.

"Bartender, I'd like a Nubian Tornado, top shelf."

She smirked. Blissfully, her systems could equate alcohol intake and simulate its effects. She could still get tipsy, and if the situation required, could remove the ill effects at a moment's notice. As the barkeep went about his business, she eyed the patrons of the establishment. Pretty boys. Pretty girls. She sighed.

She'd always had an open mind. What was the saying? 'When on Coruscant...do as the Rebels do.'

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 30th, 2002, 06:54:29 PM
Another day, another dollar.

Vishan would really love to have that quote hold true for him. Remember when he said he would go out and get a job and screw everyone else?

Didn't happen.

A woman named Laine Eldarado came along and Vishan ended up helping her fix her ship for free. Sucker for a pretty face ain't he? That ate up most of his time looking for something around Arcan that he would like to do.

Sure, he could just get any old job but Vishan had some standards. He wasn't going to be peddling off fresh fruit at the corner market. A handsome man with the softest baby blues that had his build? Come on.

Anyway, that's why he was in the bar a lot. Using what little money he had for some food and drink. Right now it was boring rice and a Corellian Ale to wash it down. And believe me, you need something to wash the rice down. Ever get a clump of rice stuck in your throat and feeling the bulge slowly get pushed down? Remember how that feels? Like a frelling alien is going to pop out of your chest and start singing "Hello My Baby..."

"And hello my baby," said Vishan, mumbling through a mouthful of rice. He was classy enough to not spit any of the grains out of his mouth while eyeing the red-head that walked in. He wasn't trying to be obvious about it but there was just something about the way she filled out the form fitting clothing she was wearing.

Eluna Thals
Sep 30th, 2002, 07:03:20 PM
She waited on her drink, and spent idle time glancing about. Her green eyes came to rest on a tall drink of water, sitting at a table with a nonchalant meal of beer and rice. While his culinary taste was questionable, it obviously hadn't caused him any ill effect. Her doe eyes stayed on him a few seconds, as she crossed her slender legs over. With a wry smile, she turned her back to him. It was a subtle, wordless approval. The hall was rented, the orchestra struck, and Vishan's invitation was in hand. Could he dance?

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 30th, 2002, 07:28:30 PM
If that wasn't an invitation to step on over and get to know one another, Vishan would have to get a new set of eyes.

Clearing his throat, he swallowed those last bits of food that was still in his mouth and stood up, pushing the bowl away. He went over his teeth with his tongue to make sure that any tiny bits of morsels that were stuck got removed quickly. Next he grabbed his beer and unzipped the red and leather jacket. Underneath he wore a form fitting black shirt that outlined his tight chest and stomach.

First impressions were important after all.

He wasn't eager and neither were his steps. Vishan's boots hit the floor slowly in stride until he finally made it to the bar counter. He stood on the lady's right with his back to the counter and his eyes drifting down south to slender legs that made his brow twitch for a moment.

Eventually, his eyes traveled upwards and rested upon her lovely face. Unfortunately, Vishan didn't have a good view of those striking green eyes.


"Evenin'." He finally said, breaking the silence and added his infectious smile before taking a quick sip of his beer. Now, most people would take the time to add a stupid come on or horrible line. Vishan liked to forego such nonsense and just be himself. Worked all the time for him actually.

Eluna Thals
Sep 30th, 2002, 08:54:24 PM
"Same to you, stranger" She smiled cattily, getting a closer inspection. With one hand, she patted the nearest barstool.

"Have a seat. I don't bite, and I'll take my chances with you."

Her supple lips parted in a smile, as she extended a thin hand.

"Eluna Thals."

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:14:03 PM
"Eluna Thals." He repeated, letting the name begin to sound familiar to his lips. He wrapped a foot around the bar stool offered and pulled it forward. "Ah pleasure ta meet you. Vishan's my name. Just Vishan." A half smiled formed as he scooted up to have a seat and set down his glass so he could hold something more appealing. Eluna's hand.

Now seeing her fully in the light, Eluna had the most enchanting eyes. They caught the light in such a way that it truly looked as if they were made of emeralds. It was almost unreal.

Vishan caught himself staring and spoke up again. "What brings you ta this side of the Outer Rim?"

Eluna Thals
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:20:40 PM
"Civilization, I guess."

She couldn't help but smile at the tired cliche' and its unabashed delivery. With most other men in the galaxy, it would have elicited rolling eyes. It took a special kind of nonchalant charisma to pull that off.

"I'm sure Ithor or Ord Mantell have their own charm, but I'm all for cosmopolitan."

Her eyes glittered, as she looked at him again, giving a full sweep. As long as they were playing cliche's...

"Let me guess...smuggler and/or fighter pilot?"

Vishan Korogoth
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:29:20 PM
He let go of her hand and frowned a little. "Ex-fighter pilot. Mostly ah freelance kinda guy now-a-days that likes to see the galaxy. So far Arcan has been interestin'. 'Specially lately."

As the bartender set down Eluna's drink, he tossed some coins down. "You on the other hand aren't as easy to make out. Unlike me, your accent isn't discernable and as lovely as you dress, doesn't tell much about ya."

Vishan leaned forward, grinning sweetly, "Probably like it that way too."

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 09:44:05 AM
She blinked. A sensitive one.

"I keep work and play separate, Vishan. I'm in public relations."

Taking a drink, she idly wrapped a strand of her red hair around a finger.

"I guess my job calls for me to be generic, and unique at the same time. Its got its charms, but romanticism isn't one of them."

Not like being a fighter pilot, at least. And look how he fills out that leather jacket...

Eluna broke her attention, returning to eye contact.

"So, you recently arrived from offworld? I hear there's a lot of immigration now from Arcan. Something to do with Jedi?"

Vishan Korogoth
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:47:39 PM
"I suppose there is. Don't really know." His eyes shifted to watch Eluna play with her hair. "I came here because that's where the transport was headin'. Just happened to be where there were a bunch of Jedi. 'Course, beats bein' around the Sith anyday.

He watched her intently, drinking up her beauty with his eyes while drinking up his beer to satisfy his thrist. "Public relations? So, you're here on business then?"

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 09:14:33 PM
"Its a good excuse to travel."

She shrugged.

"Almost feel guilty. I attend banquets, shake hands with important politicians, and deliver pre-written speeches. And in return, I get whatever I want."

She rolled her eyes about mischieviously.

"...mostly. Quiet days are a luxury."

Vishan Korogoth
Oct 1st, 2002, 09:22:23 PM
Vishan started to think he was a bit over his head here. Granted, he was a pilot anymore for his homeworld but he knew a lot of Eluna's in his time and one thing was a constant, Eluna's kind and Vishan's kind never crossed paths. Unless they were busting your chops because you frelled up on a mission.

He was too good to mess up but still, this was new ground that he was treading. Was there actually even a slim chance that Vishan could have a shot at a classy woman like Eluna?

Vishan also never quit and liked challenges. But, in the back of his mind he wondered if there was more then just shot at Eluna, perhaps there was more. She had to know a lot of people, a lot of people that needed people like Vishan. In other words, a good job and in.

"Well, me on the other hand. I've got way too many quiet days around here. Nuthin' lucrative has come out of my couple of weeks on Arcan." He didn't elaborate on purpose, wondering what Elunas' reaction would be. Especially on how his sentence was worded, It was definitely meant to have a double meaning.

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:03:07 PM
"Out of work space jock, on Coruscant?"

She raised a delicate eyebrow, taking another drink.

"Sounds almost romantic, in a way. But I suppose you can't make ends meet on style alone."

She pursed her lips a little, her mind in thought.

"Have you thought about getting an Imperial charter? I know there is a need for skilled pilots around the Balmorra system."

Vishan Korogoth
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:26:22 PM
"As much as I love flyin', darlin', I just can't bring myself to fight someone else's war anymore." The motivation to do good for others was squashed a long time ago on Correllia.

Eluna Thals
Oct 1st, 2002, 10:46:54 PM
"Well...there's plenty more out there than combat duty. Somewhere between fighter ace and a chauffeur?"

She winked.

"A sample of the good life, and maybe a few thrills even. Could have your cake and eat it, too. Ever tried to evade Coruscant paparazzi?"

Vishan Korogoth
Oct 2nd, 2002, 01:40:36 PM
He laughed softly, enjoying the picture in his mind of him and Eluna running away from reporters and dashing into an personal speeder while he fly circles around the inordinate amount of traffic on Coruscant. "I'd have ta say, sounds intriguin'. Not somethin' I'd ever done, or considerin' ta do."

A wayward smile appeared and he tilted his head forward, looking at Eluna from a shorter vantage point. "Ya think ya can clean me up pretty good to be worthy of such ah .... position?"

Eluna Thals
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:38:18 PM
Her mouth tilted sideways in a sidelong smirk as she cocked her head to the side. Her eyes narrowed a little.

"Oh, well..."

She passed two fingers across Vishan's rugged work jacket, the brush of her fingertips barely registering.

"...I think the damage is mostly cosmetic, anyway."

She winked.

"As long as the engine's still running."

Vishan Korogoth
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:49:44 PM
His lips pursed together and Vishan caught Eluna's hand gently, caressing the palm of her hand with an index finger. "That my dear is definitely not a problem."

Eluna Thals
Oct 4th, 2002, 02:21:16 AM
She let him caress, a curious smile as he explored the geography of her hand's contours. Delicate fingers closed around his own, like a collapsing flower's petals...very slowly.

"Of course...there is the matter of seeing your resume, checking backgrounds, and verifying necessary skills."

She eased a little closer to him, to where she had to angle her chin up ever-so-slightly to maintain straight eye contact.

Vishan Korogoth
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:25:10 PM
His lips puckered together slightly as his nose scrunched up in thought as Vishan carefully brought Eluna's hand towards his chest. "Well, I really don't have a resume. Kinda went up in smoke. So to speak." Then his face shifted into smirk. "Is that gonna be a problem?"

Eluna Thals
Oct 11th, 2002, 01:19:01 AM
She let a hedonistic grin creep on her features as she reached up to run fingertips through his hair.

"No resume, huh? I suppose you can always start from scratch, then."

She winked, hand sliding behind his head, and gently angling him down for a kiss.

Vishan Korogoth
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:26:28 PM
"Glad to hear that." He said in murmer and pressed his lips to Eluna's in an inviting kiss. Vishan really had no time to stop and think how fast this night was going. There was a job in all this somewhere, probably a damn good paying one but he really didn't want to think about it.

Eluna Thals
Oct 23rd, 2002, 04:43:50 PM
Her lips parted from his, and she smiled, allowing him some distance, but with a subtle motion, she slipped a card into his jacket.

"Do consider my offer, Vishan. You'll never enjoy a 100 credit an hour job like this any time soon, if you pass me up."

She glanced back to the paltry 'meal' he was partaking of.

"But if plain rice and watery beer suits you...then feel free to be unadventurous."

She winked, walking away.

"I'll be on Coruscant for two more days. Do call."

Vishan Korogoth
Oct 24th, 2002, 09:39:28 PM
"Ah hundred credits? An hour??!!" He whispered in shock as he covered his mouth, running a hand down the sides of his cheek. Vishan flipped the card around to look at the information and once again was flabbergasted. Eluna had some fancy office in downtown Coruscant.

He reluctantly looked down at his clothing and made a face. His attire was not really the high quality you find around those parts and he didn't have the money to get anything sharper. Quickly his eyes turned to look at his cold dinner and the mind began to think of many possibilities with this job. Flying would be in job requirements again but this wasn't for a war. And Vishan had to admit, he was missing it. And having Eluna as a boss? Like that was a bad thing!

He slipped the card into his vest pocket, glad that she gave him one. Probably be the only leverage he had in proving that he really was there to see Eluna and not some common bum off the street. There was no reason to finish dinner. A sweeter taste was left hanging in his mouth that would satisfy him until the morning. Two days she was staying. That was fine. Vishan was going to call her first thing in the morning.