View Full Version : The long road and a weary traveler. (open)

Sep 30th, 2002, 08:58:49 AM
The tolls of war weigh heavy on the body and soul of even the most callous of soldiers. Most live fortunate, never seeing the horrors of battle. Even those that must taste these bitter fruits do so, but once. Yet, there remain a select few who are indelibly tied to its providence, partaking of combat with an unnatural frequency.

One such warrior sits at a center table, within the buoyant atmosphere of this Bar and Grill. A small cylinder glass of green tea lie before him.

Past visits to the Jedi establishment had never brought Nemesis any rest, which he desperately sought this night. However, things change. People change.

Graham Holfast
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:48:30 AM
“You look like a fine warrior, mate! Don’t suppose I could interest ya in some wares?”

A hand held out and a grin beamed down at Nemesis. Before waiting for a reply, Holfast spoke again:

“Graham Holfast, dealer in … all things!”

Sep 30th, 2002, 09:51:29 AM
A busy day studying and sparring left Oriadin, the Jedi Padawan a little tired. It was to early to go back to his room in the living quarters though so he decided to pop into the bar and grill. To see if there was anyone he knew.

He stepped in the large room and quickly scanned the surrounding area with his eyes. No one he, usually spoke to in here. He took a slow walk up to the bar and ordered his usual Ice Water. The drink was placed before him before he picked up the glass and took a large swig. He leaned up against the bar for a few moments before a stranger caught his eye. He watched him momenteraly before deciding to go over.

He stood next to the man before asking if he could take a seat, next to him.

Sep 30th, 2002, 02:12:55 PM
Glinting bone colored eyes, off-set by an ebony attire, sized up the grinning salesman.

"Sorry, friend, not tonight."

His gaze then shifted to other, who had just left the bar. An extended gloved hand motioned toward the empty seat on the warrior's right, granting Oriadin's request to sit.

Oct 1st, 2002, 01:00:21 AM
Stepping from the bar Legion moved over to the table. "May I join you?" adjusting his thick leather & armor he waited for the dark figures answer. "I have come from far and am looking for someone maybe you can help me?"

Oct 1st, 2002, 02:43:43 AM
Oriadin smiled and placed his glass on the table. He pulled the chair out from under the table and sat down. He looked up to Nemesis and was about to speak when another person spoke up. Oriadin didnt recognise this person either.

He too asked if he could join them at the table and informed them that he was looking for someone. Oriadin awaited an answer from Nemesis.

Oct 1st, 2002, 06:47:26 AM
The Jedi had just taken his seat when a rather large, armor clad gentleman approached the table. Something about him was oddly familiar, yet, the Ranger had never met this particular warrior before.

The newcomer asked that he might join the pair that were already seated and inquired as to whether or not Nemesis might aid him in locating someone.

"Perhaps..." He turned to face the latest arrival. The assassin's words intentionally paused, indicating some conditions to come, "....but that depends upon who you are looking for and most of all why you seek them."

He continued, "As for joining us, you are more than welcome too." A second inky glove motioned to the open left chair. His mind continually pondered over the defining similarities this man held with another. Someone whose identity was shrouded, but bore a presence which spoke volumes.

Oct 1st, 2002, 08:30:31 PM
The heavy leather and the chair creaked as the massive warrior sat down. "I seek someone whom I have heard you have had an aquiantance his name is Warlord Dalamar a Vampyre. I have heard that you do not like to get involved in affairs and are a man of some reputation. Nevertheless no stone can be unturned in the pursuit of this Sith Vampyre. The mans smooth confidence and near assurance that the vampyre would be hunted belayed his large size and quick hand movements. "Placing some gold coins on the table he spoke further. Though I will not insult you by trying to buy you I will reward any information that you can give."

Oct 2nd, 2002, 02:50:56 PM
Despite the assassin's best efforts, it would seem, that he had earned some distinction. Reputations were undesirable in their frailty. Nemesis wanted no recognition; for though esteem is easily acquired, it can be lost with a single mistake.

Raising the thin glass to a small incision just, below his nose, the Ranger drained its last bit tea.

"I am afraid you are mistaken." he said in a smooth, calm tone, lowering the empty vessel, "My dealings with any Vampyre have been by acquaintance only. As for the one called Dalamar; I know him from the stories people tell."

Legion's coins scratched across the table's surface, as Nemesis shoved them toward their owner. "Keep your money."

The hunter had not forgotten Oriadin who still sat on his right, however business with the slayer must be settled before they could take up any sociable conversation.

Oct 2nd, 2002, 06:16:50 PM
"I said I would reward you for 'any' information that you give me so accept the coins. I have one further question you are an assasin by trade right? Well seeing as how this is buisness and you just know them in passing are you for hire should I need your service's. The heavy leather creaked while the large man sat back waiting for the ebony warrior's answer.

Oct 3rd, 2002, 06:22:04 AM
Oriadin sat silently. Listning to the procedings. Oriadin was a little shocked at the revelation that he was in the company of an assasin. Not only that, but the latest arrival was asking for his services.

He cooly sat there, listning and thinking. He reached for his glass and took a small sip of his ice water. As far as Oriadin could remember, hed never met an assasin before, Nemesis was his first.

The clues laid out before him were puzzeling. Who was this Dalamar? And was this the person Legion wanted dead? If so, why?

He continued to sit in silence. Not making eye contact with either of the two sitting with him.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:57:38 PM
Lok s'Ilancy was tired. There was nothing more that she wanted than a warm bed and one man to share it with, but unfortunately she'd have to go without the latter; Diego Van Derveld had made sure of that.

He'd given his 'gift' to her.

And now, after spending an entire night trapsing over Arcan IV, she was ready for a break. With the sun had come her transformation; excruciating and delightful at the same time. To feel each and every bone shape and reform itself to a new length and density hurt more than anything described, and to wait as the color crept back into her eyesight; everything came with a price.

Her isolation and partnership with Diego being a part of that price.

And so, stalking into the bar and grill, she ignored the gaurd as he asked for her firearms; she had none to give, and so merely kept walking. s'Il snorted to herself, weaving her way through tables and chairs. Why even carry weapons anymore? They get in the way.

She settled on a recently vacated table, lowering her small frame gently into the seat while beckoning a server droid over.

"Water, no ice."

Once yellow eyes; now their original metallic, watched the droid scuttle off to do her bidding, and turning back, she began examining her fingernails. Dirt and grime were caked inside, and with a sigh she began her morning ritual, meticulously cleaning her fingernails.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:24:33 PM
The creak of the door and slight scuffing on the front step indicated someone else's arrival.

Pierce Tondry paused in the entryway and saluted the door guard, dropping it after his fellow member of the New Republic's militaries had responded. With a quiet movement, Pierce slid his military identicard through the guard's personal scanner, which read the fact that Pierce Tondry was a Lieutenant in the New Republic Intelligence corps and that he was on plainclothes duty tonight, so he would need to keep the weapons he had with him.

The door guard waved him onward and Pierce complied, moving a few steps so as not to block the doorway. Then, as usual, he scanned the bar's occupants to size them up.

There were two in particular that caught his eye. The first was a female and suspected smuggler and art thief. According to s'Ilancy's dossier, she was very clever and hard to track. A mental note formed in Pierce's mind that he stashed away for later.

The second man was dressed, from head to toe, in black. As though that was insufficient to make him stand out in a crowd, he also had a fighter's build and bearing. And what was more, Pierce recognized him. Not his name or his features, but him.

Somewhere inside that black getup was a soldier, weighed by unanswered questions about how to deal with his profession. It was many things that told Pierce this, from the ever-so-slight slump of the man's back to the light touch with which he lifted his glass.

Pierce straightened himself so that his posture screamed "warrior", then spread his arms to conceal the gesture as a stretch.

Then, Pierce headed over to a table in the middle of the room, where he ordered a low-alcohol Chandrilan Duster to keep up appearances.

And then he watched everything.

Oct 4th, 2002, 09:52:10 AM
Excruciatingly long moments of silence hung over the table. The assassin's eyes remained locked to his empty glass, which he idly twirled in his right hand. Finally, the gleaming white flecks lifted.

Staring at Legion, the morbid quiet was broken by Nemesis. With a voice birthed in iron, and cold as ice, he spoke "I am an assassin......but my price will not be cheapened by money." Taking a single heavy breath, he continued; "You have my support. There are issues that lay unresolved between me and certain members of the Shrine."

His mind drifted to a night in the woods, when weakness cost an innocent boy his freedom, then continued to the months of searching that followed. Horror, at the realization of the one whom he had aided and once called: friend. The warrior must now seek atonement for his sins, even those done in ignorance.

The Ranger felt another's gaze upon him, but struggled to put that aside. Whomever this new spectator was, he would make himself known swiftly enough, if his interest merited such action.

Oct 6th, 2002, 08:58:03 PM
"It is done then I will contact you with the details when the time arrives." A dark shadow shrouded Legion's face "The Vampyre's will feel the sting and taste the wine of bitter defeat. Death and Justice will rock the gates of hell. There home will burn and my creator will have his Revenge against the universal scourge called the Vampyre's.

"I was created for this purpose and I will not fail im my mandate. A creature of the ancients and science mixed together to birth a lethal killing machine. Half a century in the making I arose out of my stasis bed covered in the fluids of creation. Iron is my brother, the wolf my sister. Science my creator, sorcery my strength they will find in me there equal."

Turning to the full room he spoke aloud. "I hunt the vampyre's any who will tread the dark halls of the shrine speak now. I will accept any brave soul willing to fight and die."

Oct 7th, 2002, 02:30:45 AM
Oriadin was still sat in silence. He got the feeling that another was watching the proceedings. He turned to scan the room but he couldnt tell who was watching. Whoever it was seemed intelligent enough to disguise thier actions. Oriadin retured to face the others sat around the table. Talk of assasins and vampires... What was going on? Legion spoke up with some talk of his creation. If he was honest, Oriadin had no idea what he was talking about. He would have to hear it again perhaps but he wasnt about to ask him to repeat it.

Finally, Oriadin decided to break his silence. He had heard enough for him to break into the conversation. He gave Legion a penetrating look.

--What is it you want with Warlord Dalamar?--

Oct 7th, 2002, 01:58:19 PM
Returning an unflinching gaze of iron Legion spoke with clear confidence. Dalamar, Soth, Valirion any Vampyre is open to the hunt. What I want is there souls to burn in hell for all eternity. There heads on my citadel wall. A warning to all who seek there ways. There hearts in my teeth and Vampyre blood on my boots does this answer your question Jedi?

Oct 7th, 2002, 02:27:16 PM
"Very brave words, friend,..." The midnight assassin interjected. "...and I have no doubt you intend to enforce them. However, recruiting an army for this perilous campaign may be more difficult than you realize."

Nemesis eased back into his chair, taking full advantage of space allotted him at the table.

He continued, "The Jedi,..." casting a courteous gaze to the padawan, "....without offending present company, are pacifists and would never condone such action. As for the rest of the 'warriors' in this galaxy, they are mostly comprised of selfish freelance gunman or cowards."

Then in a quiet, mild tone, "Lastly, if you persist in this boisterous proclamation, it is very likely that you will be arrested."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:28:48 PM
Her drink had arrived, and pausing in her seemingly menial task, s'Il took a small sip.

Behind her drifted talk of vampyres, and she scrunched her nose a little; not in disgust, just... a sort of exhasperated apathy.

"Ask a simple question," she half snorted to herself.

Oct 7th, 2002, 05:50:57 PM
"I know full well the being's I hunt. If the so called Lords of the Dark cannot be captured I have little fear of reprisals. Besides half of them will cheer me on when they can sleep at night."

"As for amassing an army, those who wish to come may come. I will hunt the soulless regardless of the forces arrayed with me OR against me."

Turning to the Jedi he nodded "some find my manner abrupt and harsh. My goal is uncompromising failure is not an option. Your ways are different from mine. But the deaths at the hands of the vampyre's must be brought to justice or in my case REVENGE."

I see in this black clad warrior one much like my self. One without fear, unyielding in the face of adversary, uncompromising. Together we will make the Dark Lords PAY!!

Legion finished talking when he heard a sniff turning around he saw a female half his size. Legion sized her up with a look that most found intimidating. Moving over to her quickly he spoke "You are not a vampyre? But the ancient blood sings in you I can feel it what are you child of the night?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 7th, 2002, 07:02:10 PM
s'Il didn't look up at the man, instead busying herself with cleaning the caked mud and dirt lodged beneath her fingernails from the previous night's 'romp'. Taking another small sip of her water, she sighed, leaning back to finally look up at the towering hulk of muscle standing over her.

Most likely that's all he's got in that head of his too...

If he was trying to daunt her with his gaze, she didn't oblige him. She could have cared less about the fact that he was twice her size; not much affected her lately anymore. Being with Diego was enough, and she'd accepted the hand fate gave her; content with her new life.

"No," she said slowly; almost condescendingly, "I am not a vampyre.

"And I'm not a 'child of the night' either."

She went back to examining her fingernails before giving the man a sidelong glance. Only a handful of people knew what she'd become, and s'Il tended to like it that way. The fewer people who knew what she really was the better.

"I'm just another regular."

Oct 8th, 2002, 09:35:21 AM
The momentary lapse in conversation with the slayer afforded Nemesis the opportunity to finally address Oriadin. The padawan had been both patient and respectful during this business of vampyres. It was only proper that he not be kept waiting any longer.

"Tell me....what brings a Jedi to an assassin's table?" His friendly and almost jovial speech was a staunch contrast to the grave tone used previously.

Oct 8th, 2002, 10:05:04 AM
Oriadin had half an eye on the other conversation until Nemesis addresed him. He gave the dark figure his full attention. It was obvious the two had a respect for each other. Oriadin let out a smile at the question of why he would come to an assassin's table.

--To tell you the truth sir, I had no idea this was the table of an assassin. I come in here fairly often, to wind down usually after a hard day and simply didnt recognise you. I thought id introduce myself. That was all.--

Although Oriadin didnt agree with the life of an assassin, he had read up on a few. They definitely had thier uses and you had to respect the way they worked. Always a better idea to stay on the good side of an assassin, he thought to himself. Being a Jedi, he found it hard to comprehend why, or even how someone could kill another being for money, or something alike. It was the opinion of the padawan that to be an assassin, you had to be cold, cool under pressure and a carefull planner.

--Tell me, what brings an assassin to a Jedi establishment?--

Oct 8th, 2002, 08:34:54 PM
Pale flecks of light beaming from his obsidian visage were silenced as the hunter's eyes grew heavy; then shut.

Nemesis suffered from no lack of interest in the exchange, nor did he draw close to slumber. Instead, he was fettered by a far more cumbersome burden: regret.

The bone white pupils reopened, keeping their watch on the Jedi.

"Much like you, I have come here to......'get away' from certain aspects of life." His voice had taken a noticeable decline from its genial past.

Oct 8th, 2002, 08:54:29 PM
"You may be a regular but have NO doubt you are a child of the night. In time you will learn more of yourself. The ancient blood sings and it does not lie." Turning from Silancy he went to a table in the back. Pulling out some papers that look to come from a long ago age he sat down and began to study them.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 8th, 2002, 10:58:11 PM
She glared at the man's back, then turned back to study her fingers.

"Whatta rube."

Oct 9th, 2002, 03:04:18 AM
Oriadin could sense a pain in Nemesis. He was suffering in some way. Oriadin felt that it was a burdon on his heart. Nemesis was a big guy and an assassin at that. It seemed strage to Oriadin to see him like this.

--Anything in particular you were trying to 'get away' from?--

He spoke softly but reasuringly. It didnt matter who it was, Oriadin was to be a Jedi and he was there to listen to anyone and if he could, to help them too.

Oct 9th, 2002, 03:48:42 PM
"Some things should be left as they are, friend." The answer was blunt and somewhat cold, but the assassin wished to ensure this question would not arise again.

However, to also be certain that the padawan was not affronted by his curt statement; he continued in a friendlier manner.

"Well I suppose I've completely forgotten my manners, what with not introducing myself and all. I am called Nemesis." The hunter then waited for a similar reply from the Light Sider.

Oct 10th, 2002, 02:11:19 AM
Oriadin got the distinct feeling Nemesis didnt want to talk about what ever was eating away at him. He was well aware though that talking to someone about your problems was a good way to get it off your chest, but they were strangers and Oriadin respected Nemesis's wishes.

The Padawan shook his head when Nemesis introduced himself. What with the amount of time they had sat there, it was quite unbelievable that hadnt even got that far yet.

--Oh, im sorry, My name is Oriadin, Jedi Padawan to Helenias Q'Dunn.--

He extended his hand with a smile.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:36:18 AM
Pierce got up from his own table, bringing his drink with him. He walked over to s'Ilancy's table and then sat down, pulling out a fake cigarra and lighting up. Just as his new table companion opened her mouth to speak, he himself spoke first. "If you're a regular, I'm a vornskr," he said.

He took a few errant puffs off the cigarra, then cocked his head. "Funny- I'd have thought you would be out making money, Miss s'Ilancy. What brings you to a bar in the middle of a haven of law and order?"

Oct 10th, 2002, 10:06:32 AM
Cocking his head a bit, the dark clad warrior pondered the name of Oriadin's master and why he would have felt the need to mention her. Perhaps it was some inherent sign of respect for one's leader amongst the Jedi, or a badge of honor to be guided by a particularly prominent member. Whatever its purpose, the title held no distinction with Nemesis. He only knew a hand full of Light Siders; some by reputation, others...by less than 'pleasant' encounters.

"A padawan, eh." An uplifted hand, directed a serving droid to their table. "You'll forgive my ignorance but what, exactly, are the duties of a padawan?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 10th, 2002, 11:46:25 AM
Her eyes flinched slightly at his first remark, fingers tensing just a little around her glass. Whether he'd said it coincidentally or on purpose, she had no way of knowing, so she kept her mouth shut.

At his question though, she looked up, meeting his eyes briefly with a metallic gaze. "It was the most accessible place from where I came previously."

Looking at him once more, she sat up straighter, pulling her hands from the table to rest in her lap.

"Who are you."

Pierce Tondry
Oct 10th, 2002, 12:37:08 PM
"I have a lot of names," Pierce shrugged. "Call me Alexander, if you have to call me something."

"Buy you a drink?" he offered. "It's good for what ails you."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 10th, 2002, 11:41:29 PM
"I've already got a drink, thank you," was her grumbled response.

It hadn't escaped her attention that he'd called her by name, and leaning forward just a little, narrowed her eyes. "You're not here for the company, I know that much, so I'll ask you again...

"Now who are you, and how do you know my name... ?"

Oct 11th, 2002, 02:43:12 AM
Oriadin smiled.

--I dont reguard that as ignorant sir. If you dont know the answer to something, then you should ask.--

He paused slightly

--The job as a padawan is no different to that of a knight. The only difference is we are in training. We have someone looking over our shoulder to make sure were doing ok and have someone look out for us. Someone to guide us in the right direction. We still have to maintain peace and order to the Galaxy. That is the prioraty.--

He hoped that would answer his question.

Pierce Tondry
Oct 11th, 2002, 10:02:14 AM
"Allow me to put it to you like this," Pierce said, introducing a hardness and finality into his tone. "I am someone in a position to know very much about the galaxy, including identities and reputations of people usually not very well noticed. There are only two classes of people like that, and both of them are very dangerous."

Pierce took a drink from his mug. "But even they need nights off. And sometimes, when someone is looking-" Pierce paused to search for the right word. "- introspective, they can even be helpful."

Oct 11th, 2002, 11:12:29 PM

The droid now stood to the left, beside an empty chair, where Legion once sat.

Nemesis waved a hand over his empty glass. This unspoken request was noted by the mechanical servant, who then looked to Oriadin.

"I suppose that your occupation has drawn you into battle, from time to time." The assassin's voice seemed to have leveled off at a rhythmic tone, fluctuating between bold statements and amiable comments.

Toneless white eyes moved from the vessel to the padawan, as the Ranger waited for his companion to place an order.

Oct 14th, 2002, 02:38:45 AM
Oriadin glanced over to the droid.

--Ice water, please.--

He pushed his used glass over the table towards the droid. It picked it up and made its way over to the bar.

--Youd be suprised how very little battle we actually see. It is of vital importance that we try to solve a dispute by negotiation and not by violence. Fighting is a very last resort. After talks have broken down or the situation is much to dangerous to stop and talk. We seek peacefull solutions to problems as far as possible.--

Oct 14th, 2002, 07:35:43 PM
Studying the papers before him Legion ran into somewhat of a question. My Information on Dalamar is Imcomplete I have no record of him beyond 3o yr ago. I know this to be false because his memories are implanted. Legion quited himself and concentrated picking slowly through his memories with careful consideration. Legion laughed suddenly "Ha, oh what a joke of infinite jest his own kind have tricked him. He thinks he is newly born to the darkness."

Ahh this Alana bears watching she may be more dangerous than the other two. I will have to remember to never underestimate a female.

Oct 14th, 2002, 08:33:45 PM
"Little battle?" Nemesis was somewhat taken aback by Oriadin's reply.

The droid scuttled over to their table once more, with drinks in hand.

"Then you are a very fortunate individual." He spoke while taking his glass from the serving tray. "Very fortunate, indeed."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 14th, 2002, 10:56:50 PM
s'Il sighed, blinking slowly as she stared at the man.

"Well then," she started slowly, "what can I do for you then?"

Oct 15th, 2002, 03:16:13 AM
Oriadin felt cold from Nemesis's reply. He seemed, almost bitter at the fact that Oriadin hadnt seen much battle. Nemesis was battle hardend by the sounds of things.

--Its not my place to fight, its my place to protect, not to kill but to preserve life. You have been in many battles?--

Oct 15th, 2002, 08:24:06 AM
"Yes, which is more than any man should ever see." Slight hesitation tainted his voice.

He began to take long, leisurely sips of tea in a vain attempt to ease his own mounting torment.

It was true, the assassin feared no creature this galaxy had to offer and for as long as he could remember that is the way it had always been. Yet somehow, fear had crept into Nemesis' soul. Fear for the ones he now called family, fear that he might fail them, and fear that one day he would no longer be able to shroud a past, darker than the garments he wore.

Oct 15th, 2002, 08:53:42 AM
Oriadin could sense the fear in his voice. This was a big man but seemed to be breaking.

--War is a terrible thing and its something that should never be seen by anyone. Even as a last resort, War should be avoided if possible. Ive read enough and seen enough war to know how cruel and demoralising it can be. I dont doubt the destruction, pain and suffering you must have seen on your travels. Perhaps you understand why the Jedi try to spread peace and to protect, rather than to destroy.--

Oriadin was confident that Nemesis would understand the importance of the role of being a Jedi. It wasnt an easy job, but what job ever was?

--I once read a comment about War. The only way to win, is not to play.--

Oct 15th, 2002, 12:12:17 PM
"Do not mistake my anguish for remorse." His voice lost its wavered stance, returning to the strength of tempered steel. The hunter's inky form straightened into a rigid pose. "For the exception of but a few, I would not change my past actions for anything....or anyone. "

Steadily, the hunter lowered his drink, bringing it to rest atop the table.

"War is a necessary evil. Do not fool yourself into believing that everyone holds to your ideals. There are many in this galaxy that would kill you without a second thought for those who will mourn your death. In truth, there are many that would relish in watching you die." His eyes burned with an unnatural fire, as a long forgotten passion began to stir within him.

"War must be utilized in order to deal with such evil in the only manner that will truly bring an end to it: eradication."

The bone white pupils slowly dimmed, as Nemesis' words cooled. "Only after this is done, will you find true peace, Oriadin."

His gaze lingered on the padawan, and with a tone meant to ensure the Jedi had not been affronted the warrior said, "But until that day comes; my battles will continue, as will yours. Whether they be diplomatic or otherwise, rest assured, they will continue."

Oct 16th, 2002, 03:07:25 AM
First, Oriadin let out a small chuckle.

--I dont doubt that people would love to see the death of me, but Id make sure I wouldnt give them an easy job--

He then looked serious and nodded. He could understand where the man was comming from

--In some cases, war can be the only solution but I think that often people rush into it without considering the consequences. There are better ways to resolve issues. Something I know to be true is that there are two sides to every story. You will find that when it comes to war, both sides belive they are in the right. Whether they are or not is a different matter but its what they belive. They think they are doing whats right.

Using force to convince people to do something they dont want to do will only hurt more. Make peace more of a challenge. And in the end, who gets to decide who should live and who should die?

Any evil can be turned to the light, and I really belive that. If it boils down to a death, or multiple deaths then someone has failed along the line. The ability to compromise is what makes a man noble.--

Oriadin sipped his drink. The Jedi ways were frowned upon by many in the galaxy but how could trying to keep the peace be wrong?

Oct 16th, 2002, 01:42:55 PM
"Is that what it comes to?" He questioned, with notable disdain. "You won't blame the criminal, so you blame society. That is absolute madness. "

The assassin hurriedly swallowed what was left of his drink.

"Not every evil person can be changed, and even if they could be, it does not excuse their transgressions. Whether past or present, justice must be served." A tone had taken shape resembling that of a judicial prosecutor. Yet, there was an odd sound to his speech. It was almost as if the very man Nemesis accused, lie within.

"Furthermore, the difference between right and wrong is not subjective. It matters very little what a man thinks or believes, good is constant. If this were not so then our laws aren't worth the paper they are written on. I suggest you learn that before you ever try to keep the peace."

His large, muscular frame slid back into the seat.

Oct 16th, 2002, 08:59:24 PM
Legion sat at his table but he overheard the Jedi's speech.

The ability to compromise is what makes a man noble.--

Legion could not restrain his thoughts "Oriadin you are either a fool or blind probably a little of both. The ability to compromise makes you weak. You Jedi sugarcoat justice even when your own citizenry cry for it. The Vampyre's that I hunt have killed time and again. Yet you stand there with blank looks on your faces contemplating your navel while whole families are wiped out. Then if they dare raise a voice you stand stoically and say its not the Jedi way to punish them. Then while the vampyre's trample your laws you beg them for conversion from there evil ways.

There is only one way to deal with lawbreakers .... punish them and if they are murderers ....kill them. The reason I was created was because of your Jedi justice. Its because your afraid to use force to change a criminals view that you will not prevail.

Oct 17th, 2002, 03:00:00 AM
Oriadin now addressing both men remained completely calm and cool.

--So, one person kills sombody and you go to kill them. Then what if someone goes after you because you killed the first murderer? Killing is wrong, any way you look at it. Sometimes its a nessesary but its still wrong. You go around killing people, what makes you different to the murderer? At the end of the day you have still taken a life.

It goes around in a circle. You start killing people, and other people will want you dead. If you try to compromise, convice both parties to agree on a deal then both sides are happy, both sides feel they are getting a fair deal and the situation stops there.

Eradication will only last so long, before other people rise up in thier place. Suddenly the person you got rid of becomes a legend, a hero. People tell stories about them. Besides, if you kill someone, they do not get punished. Its all over for them. If they can be convinced to pay back society for the wrongs they have done that should at least be given a chance. Shoot first, ask questions later only leads to mistakes.--

He spoke softly and convincingly then took a sip of his water.

Oct 17th, 2002, 07:57:27 PM
"I do not fear retaliation, Oriadin. Nor should you. Our enemies are prepared to fight until their last man falls, and unless we are willing to do the same then we have already lost."

His words softened.

"You asked what the difference was between me and them I fight. I tell you that if anyone takes a life without just cause, they have already forfeited the right to their own. I will take a life to preserve or find justice for a life.

This is no longer a matter of preventing needless deaths because the innocent are already dying. The Sith, the Black Hand, the Shrine; they all kill without warning or provocation. You can't reason with beings that have but one desire: to conquer.

Don't be blinded, as so many are, by self-righteous aspirations. Negotiating hasn't accomplished peace, and the continuance of an action expecting a different outcome each time is the definition idiocy.

I agree that war is a terrible thing, but we have no alternatives. With or without Jedi support, I will continue my battles. For I would rather die on my feet, then to ever live on my knees."

Oct 18th, 2002, 04:16:29 AM
--I agree that we can not fear retaliation, but we should still try to avoid it. What if you kill one man and because of his death an army rises up in his place. Eventually that will lead to a battle and hundreds of lives could be lost. Hundreds of lives lost simply because you killed on man. Negotiating HAS accomplished peace and if everyone could learn to talk their problems out, rather than fight it out we would all be happier. My job is to preserve life, not to take it away.--

He paused for a moment to take a sip of his drink.

--Tell me... what use are you when there is no one left to fight?--

Oct 18th, 2002, 10:48:10 AM
"Again, you over look the fact that hundreds are already dying in relatively unopposed raids by darksiders. Armies have already come. We must rise up and crush them now, and if another army rise up in its place then we must destroy them as well. Either they will cease their attempts to rule, or they will be eliminated."

He pause, taking a few steady breaths.

"You are a fool if you believe that they will listen to your talks of compromise. There is no common ground with them that want everything. How many people have to die before you Jedi will realize that.

If we stand up and fight, yes people will die but at least they will never have to live in fear of slavery or worse. Your talks have not prevented deaths in the past and will not in the future, and that is because your enemies know their is nothing more to the Jedi Order than just that: talk.

As for what use am I when the fighting is done, I say this. I don't know what the future may bring, but whatever it is I will greet it as I always have; one day at a time."

Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:09:22 AM
Oriadin laughed lightly at the words from Nemesis.

--You do realise that generally, the people who fight in battles dont want to be there. They want a peacefull life. To raise a family and what not. They only go to war because they are told to. They are told whats right and whats wrong by people who want to twist things thier way. The people you kill are not bad people, they are people being told what to do, or being forced what to do.

You destroy an army of people who have family and friends. They are told to fight because if they dont they will be killed. So you destroy them. Give it time and another army will appear and the whole thing will just go on and on forever. Fighting is pointless. The only way to stop it, is to come face to face with the person pulling the strings. The one ordering the battles. The kind of people you will never see on a battle field. The master minds behind things. Like it or not, you kill inocent people simply because they want things done differently to you.

Negotiation will work if given the chance. If people want peace, they can have peace. Talk things over. If they want death, blood and murder on thier hands then they will go to war.--

Pierce Tondry
Oct 23rd, 2002, 05:23:24 PM
"Well, lemme turn that question around," he said to s'Ilancy. "What can I do for you? You're looking kind of glum. Anything you'd like to talk about? Spice overdose? Lost love? Business bad?"

Oct 24th, 2002, 09:02:19 PM
Lethal silence crept over the two men, as piercing bone white eyes narrowed on Oriadin. At last, Nemesis spoke.

"By your own words, padawan, has the Jedi's failure been voiced. You have all become so concerned with the 'rights' of those we fight that you blatantly ignore the needs of those you were sworn to protect.

Have you forgotten that your people have families? What about them? What will you tell the boy that runs to you in tears, pleading for his dead father? Will you say, 'We are negotiating, because we don't want the people who murdered your family to be without theirs'? Do the victims lose their 'rights' in order to preserve your misguided faith?

It makes no difference whether a crime is committed in ignorance or with full knowledge. Justice must be served."

He rose from his seat, tossing a handful of credits on the table. As the large ebony figure made his way toward the door, he stopped to look back once more.

"If you believe there are no bad people, then perhaps you should leave your ivory tower of knowledge and go see what's left of any village after the Sith have ravaged it. Then tell me bad people don't exist.

Good day."

With that the hunter stalked out, more fervently bound to his convictions than when he came.

Oct 25th, 2002, 02:59:50 AM
Like it or not, Nemesis had raised a number of very good points. It was obviously a discussion that would lead to them both disagreeing and Oriadin guessed they both had to do what they felt was right. In Oriadins mind peacefull nogotiation was the way to go whenever possible. Being able to convince other people that, that is the way to go was the hard part. How can you get passed war hungry people and people who only seek revenge?

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 26th, 2002, 07:37:20 PM
Staring at him, s'Il rested her arms on the table.

"I'm... tired, is all. I had a long night last night... "

Her fingers drummed the surface of the table. "As far as business goes, I don't have any anymore; I've left that... arena, so to speak, and settled into other things."

Pierce Tondry
Nov 1st, 2002, 10:53:33 AM
"It must be those 'other' things that are getting you down, then," Pierce said. He didn't immediately buy s'Ilancy's implied statement that she was out of crime, but this little experiment at being a Jedi was on being open-minded.

"Funny thing about other things," he continued after a pull from his mug. "I found that if you think about them too much, they distract you from what's really important- the people you care about. If I were you, I'd go find myself someone and paint the town red for a night or two, then try and come back to those other things with a new perspective."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 24th, 2002, 08:20:47 PM
ooc: I'm so sorry, Pierce, I completely forgot about this thread.


" 'Paint the town red'?"

s'Il let a grin play across her features. "I already have someone who I'm quite happy to entertain myself with. And he and I get enough... excersise as it is."

Pierce Tondry
Nov 25th, 2002, 01:36:44 PM
(ooc) No probs, s'Il... lyhead. :) j/k, but I've wanted to say "s'Il-lyhead" for a long time.

Pierce laughed aloud. "Well don't that beat the glums?" he asked. "I mean, you've got a good partner-in-crime, some cash in your pocket, and the freedom to go almost anywhere in the known universe. Long as you're truly happy, you don't have anything to worry about."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Nov 27th, 2002, 12:27:28 AM
"Partner in crime," she snorted, "I guess that's one way to put it; though it's a little too loose of a term, for me."

She grinned at him. "Tell me, if I were to make a little bet with you, do you think you would like to participate?"

Her grin turned almost feral now, the thought of a... race... of sorts lifting her exhausted spirits.

Pierce Tondry
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:44:13 AM
Pierce laughed; this right here, wagering with criminals, was familiar territory. "Sure, I'll bite, long as its' not stupid. What've you got in mind?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 25th, 2002, 12:28:27 AM
She laughed a little. " 'Bite.' That's cute.

"Now, Alexander, I would never place anyone in a bad situation; they merely do it to themselves." She was starting to have fun now.

"The question is, are you smart enough to stay a step ahead of everyone else?"

Pierce Tondry
Dec 25th, 2002, 11:25:24 PM
"Depends who it is," Pierce said noncommitally. "I've got my limits, after all. Now, you gonna spit this wager out, or am I gonna be here all night waitin' for you to work up to it?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Dec 25th, 2002, 11:33:03 PM
s'Il grinned, getting to her feet. Her stance was still a little tired, and she knew she'd need rest before going on with what she was going to propose. Her boots scuffed the floor as she scooted the chair back into the table.

"Meet me here tomorrow morning at dawn; out front. It's actually pretty simple... a race from one end of town to the other. You win, and you can name your price. I win... well, I'll figure something out."

Pierce Tondry
Dec 25th, 2002, 11:44:53 PM
"Right," Pierce said, quirking his eyebrow. "I'll be here, don't you worry."

With that, Pierce got up and left the bar, leaving an empty mug behind at s'Ilancy's table.