View Full Version : A vastly different PAdawan

Sep 29th, 2002, 10:03:04 PM
Even at this place, where weirdness was not a word, but a way of life, there were still things that could be so extraordinarily out there, they could take the guards by surprise.

The 2 and a bit meter tall droid that was now going through weapons check was certainly one. Glittering steel and plastics and a humanish form, with a clearly recognisable human mouth and chin amongst all that steel. It looked wierd.

It also as unsettling and it looked deadly.

"Stop please.... weapons?"

The droid looked at the guard, it's head moving in very precise and birdlike movements. "Robot is unarmed. Robot told this is where Jedi go for maintenance"


"Eat. Consume food"

"Ahhh... Okay... you can go in"

"Thank you. Have a nice day"

Inside was not really much different to anywhere else Robot had been to. Same notes being played, same beings. It went up to the bar.

The barman's eyes googled. "Hey, we dont serve droids!"

"Not droid. Cyborg. Jedi Padawan is new designation"

"Oh.... well in that case, wadda it be?"

"Rust inhibitor please"

Graham Holfast
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:50:02 AM
“Now that ain’t something ‘ave heard ordered here before, ya know?”

A rosey grin beamed up at the cyborg from a stool to his left.

“Now ‘ere, are ya?”

Sameer Aryan
Sep 30th, 2002, 04:33:01 PM
Sameer entered the bar. He felt like meeting new people today. He was looking around for a seat when he saw a cyborg. Boy was he surprised! He walked right up to him and cheerfully said "Hi!". Then, he took a seat beside him.

Sep 30th, 2002, 05:17:20 PM
Robot glanced to either side.

"Good day to you both"

Program load - welcome and inital casual question module

"Robot is name designate. It is nice day outside"

Graham Holfast
Oct 2nd, 2002, 10:23:16 AM
"Good ta meet ya, Robot!"

He watched the stiff movements of the man, apparently some form of mechanoid, and grinned to himself.

"What's a tin-can like you doin' hanging about in 'ere?"

Sameer Aryan
Oct 2nd, 2002, 04:44:50 PM
Sameer found that the cyborg's programmation was greatly done. He was amazed.

Sam then glanced at the other man conversing with the robot. He looked slightly strange, but they say not to judge a book by its cover, so Sameer tried acting as normal as he could, and kept listening to the conversation.

Oct 5th, 2002, 06:38:57 AM
"Tin can is incorrect designation for Robot. Robot is designate Cyborg - machine and biological combined. Robot notifies that it is here to learn how to control current named as The Force by Jedi. Robot now designated Padawan to Jedi Knight Dawnstrider!"

Inside, the mind just stayed quiet. It just allowed programmed greetings and conversation to continue. When, it wondered did it ever speak to others without this steel encasing?

Sameer Aryan
Oct 25th, 2002, 05:30:42 PM
"Hi Robot! My name's Sameer, great to meet ya!" Sam was enthousiastic while saying this, and it showed. He extended his hand for the Cyborg to accept.

Turning towards the bartender, Sam ordered an orange crush.

"So what brings you here?"