View Full Version : So... Global warming is a fact?

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:30:27 PM
Have a read of this - it states that if there is continued warming we are in fact to hit an ice age and much quicker than you could imagine.

It seems fairly sound. It not backed up, but it does show some interesting facts to support it's supposition. But more in all, it's a good read that is thought provoking


Marcus Telcontar
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:52:26 PM

And a bit more. Seems this is beginning t be taken seriously and with some potential evidence.

What always got on my goat about Global Warming was the lack of evidnece presented in a scientific way, without greenie shrills making it out wrose for what it was. Going through this and finding out more, these are no greenies - they are good scientists. I really have to get into more on this, cause this is rather interesting to read.

Figrin D'an
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:28:39 PM
I'm familiar with this theory. We actually discussed it in an environmental sciences class I had in college.

It's a very sound theory, and evidence has available for some time now to show that the planet's climate observes different cycles.

The problem has been, as you mentioned, radical environmental groups spewing questionable facts and using hyperbole to generate attention. Global warming is occuring... it's just not entirely to blame on man. Yes, CFCs have had an effect, as have certain greenhouse gases. To deny that mankind hasn't had an effect is foolish. However, there are natural processes at work as well, as the article pointed out.

The key will be getting people to understand that changes will occur, no matter what. We can't stop them... we just have to prepare for them. Maybe they won't be that drastic, but it's hard to tell at this point. Need more in-depth research.

Sep 29th, 2002, 08:41:15 PM
Those articles don't disprove that global warming has occured. In fact the second one states that;

But first things first. Isn't the earth actually warming?
Indeed it is, says Joyce.
I just think many scientist have discovered the warming may possibly lead to something completely unexpected, a mini Ice Age. I don't think humanity is completely to blame for the climate changes that may be coming, but we certainly haven't done anything to HELP the situation. Either way, we were bound to have another ice age eventually. No one expected it to happen this soon. It's remarkable to think that the warming of the atmosphere could trigger an intricate set of events in world's oceans that could cause temperatures to drop so drastically and quickly. Those were fascination articles.

Sep 30th, 2002, 11:42:16 PM
Another ice age, that would kind of suck. I hate the cold. It would certainly be interesting, but how depressing.

Would there be ANY hot spots left? Haha, what about like Mexico and Hawaii? They better remain hot. ;)