View Full Version : Time designation 7am - Jedi Dawnstrider

Sep 29th, 2002, 06:43:22 PM
Cyborgs did not sleep. Machines never slept. Neither did machines dream. But in some part of the metal body, there was a human brain and the spine, attached to the lectrical controls of the cyborg. The brain needed times of rest and when it did, the computers took over. The brain was set to 6 am to revive, and before that, it dreamed. Of a life before it was put into this metal case. Was it it's own life? It did not know. Nothing made sense until it came online and activated years ago.

Still, it was something for the brain to work out.

Such a strange life however. Machine memories, machine limbs, unable to forget the past, no emotions and programmed learning. And processing idly of learning, here Robot was, searching to control this strange power of telekinesis it had. It had shown up a few years ago and had gotten better with self-programming, but not knowing what caused it, it was hard to work out the best programming to use. Now it knew it was something defined as The Force.

What was this Force? How could Robot be programmed to use it? What did it mean?

Thence, here it was, in designatied time and place. Waiting for Jedi Dawnstrider.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:59:40 PM
From the shadows immerged a figure which was silhouetted against the floor as it walked. It was none other than Xazor, and she slowly approached her new student: Robot. A Human Cyborg and one that sought to learn the ways of the Force, surprisingly. She walked toward him and removed the hood of her black robes to reveal her face with its gentle features. The Teacher was ready now, though she was uncertain as to how to approach training this one. He required Programming, something she only knew how to do to a ship and computers. Could he be similar? She was unsure, but it was time to find out.

"Greetings my Padawan, I see you have arrived on time and are ready to commence your tra....programming."

The Knight smiled gently and walked around him to face the tall figure. She sat down upon a large stone platform in the center of the room and crossed her legs like a pretzel....then nodded for Robot to do the same. He was a curious being, and she had only come in contact with one of his kind a time before this. Taking a deep breath, she set her attention upon him and tried to think of him as a student much like those before him....

"Please, tell me what you remember of yourself....your name and such things. Then, tell me what you think the Force is....or what you have encountered with your special gift....."

Sep 29th, 2002, 09:48:40 PM
Name? Such things?

"Question of such things does not compute. Designation is Robot, Human Cyborg. No other designation I have. The Force is not a memory that I can access - Programming from data suggests however it is and energy filed that mind can manipulate. Thence, unlike droids, Robot can affect this Force, because Robot has a human mind inside. Robot designate has no memory before it was booted, programmed to be law enforcement officer. Found out that Force existed because a metal bar falling to me unexpectantly deviated in flight because of command/decision illogical - or wishful thinking as humans who term it. Robot needs programming to understand this Force"

The mind inside paused, thinking. Maybe this Jedi designate had no real understanding what programming meant as well?

"To program Robot is same as what human called teaching. However, unlike human, Robot does not forget, nor is programming made hazy due to time. But programming can be done in either terminal input or normal instruction as per humans"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 30th, 2002, 06:47:15 PM
Xazor listened as Robot spoke curious words. He was different, indeed, but special in so many ways. She would teach him as she had the rest, though he choose to call it Programming. It was a bit confusing to begin with, but she understood and quickly overcame the first gap between her world and his.

"Yes, the Force is an energy field that the mind can manipulate. It flows through all things.....you, me, the rocks and the trees.....everything. It's what binds the universe together and holds all things in harmony. The Jedi do not try to abuse the powers of the Force...we use them for the bettering of the Universe. There are other sides of that coin, though. The Sith use and abuse the Force to give themselves power. The Dark Jedi believe that by killing and committing crimes, they are keeping balance between good and evil."

She paused a moment before continuing, for she wished to make some connection that he was 'computing' this to memory. Smiling, she nodded and gathered her thoughts once again, and then spoke.

"The Jedi are not to use their anger. It is okay to feel anger, but to use it is to break the Jedi Oath. We surround ourselves with peace and serenity....we must be calm or our mind will be clouded. The Sith and Dark Jedi feed off of hate, anger, and aggression. These are the path to the Darkside...."

Once again the Garou stopped, this time she would pause until her student registered everything that she was telling him.

"Do you understand, or do you have questions?"

Oct 5th, 2002, 06:33:34 AM
"You spak of The Force as if it is an electrical current flowing through motors and electrical components. Concept can be adapted. Robot notified Jedi Dawnstrider anger is not possible for Robot. Emotions are not of cyborg. Peace and calm is not possible either, nor is it understood. All there is, is precision and facts. Robot not able to comphend why beings lie, cheat and be angry"

So possibly I would be the perfect Jedi - unable to do anything than to act with cold machine precision and accuracy.

Somehow, the mind in the metal felt loss with that. It reminded it of it's un-natural state, unable to be human like it had once been. Or so it had been programmed to remember. In some ways, the fact it could touch this 'Force' current was confirmation something biological did remain, for it was told that no mechanical could touch this living current.

But not able to feel emotions....... what had it lost in a place it could not remember? Did it know love? Or anger? Or calm?

Nothing now. Nothing but cold machine precision.

Oct 8th, 2002, 06:38:29 PM
Robot ups post to get an answer :)

Xazor Elessar
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:58:57 PM
Xazor frowned a bit as her Padawan spoke the monotonous words. He could feel nothing....in some aspects that was good, but in so many others it was sad. Indeed, the Jedi Code said that there is no emotion, there is peace....but one must feel some emotion to feel that peace! Sighing, she looked down at the ground and then up at his metallic face.

"You have a mind.....I can sense it within you....you must be able to sense somethings. Feelings are generated by your mind! I can tell you what part of the brain controls them!"

And he could probably tell me every part of the brain, its function, and how much use a person gets out of it. This was frustrating, and it was such a challenge to teach something that could only be programmed.....and felt nothing from it. Sighing, the Knight closed her eyes tightly and relaxed, letting the Force flow over her like a great river....and then she reached out and touched his mind. It was a twinge at first, and then he could feel it again.

Do you feel this? Forget everything.....and just feel....