View Full Version : Laying Foundations: Hangar Seven

Kam Dapp
Sep 29th, 2002, 03:43:17 PM

Laying Foundations: Graveyard of the Titans (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21631&highlight=Laying+Foundations)
Laying Foundations: Upgrades and Alcohol (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22502&highlight=Laying+Foundations)
Laying Foundations: Hangar Seven
Laying Foundations: Phantoms and Shadows (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22388&highlight=Laying+Foundations)
Laying Foundations: Adrift and Damaged (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22904&highlight=Laying+Foundations)


Leaning back on his chair, Kam picked the bottle of Niktarr Juice up off the box he sat next to, and pured himself another glass. Taking a drink of the colourful liquid, he turned slightly to see a man standing over him.

"Hi Deck Officer" He said with a smile

"Lieutenant, what are you doing?" Asked Drit Fallon, the man in charge of this hangar.

"I'm just sitting here, drinking Niktarr Juice. Why?"

"Those mechanics are working on your fighter, correct?" He said, pointing to the team of workers all busy with their jobs.

"Yeah, I got priority today. Payment from Sabacc"

"Why aren't you helping them?"

"I FLY them, I don't MAKE them. Besides, it's a nice view" He said, as a female mechanic looking away from them bent over to pick something up.

Sighing, the Deck Officer walked away, as someone stepped out from round the front of his TIE Advanced, and gave him a thumbs up.

"Thanks people, I think that's your debt paid" He said, as they left him to examine their work. Getting up, Kam went to have a closer look.

Slipping into the Cockpit, he stood there for a moment, looking for any problems. He found none.

The first thing he had done was get smaller and more efficient engines and shields. This meant that his craft was substantially lighter than before, but at no loss. The bulk of this extra capacity was used to add atmosphere, so that he could breath without aid. But there was a few more extras than that.

Heading to the console, he could see a new power indicator had been added. This for for the ion cannon he had asked to be added, inbetween the lasers. While not hugely useful, it would mean Kam could disable a ship is needed.

Spinning his chair round, he could see a slight gap in the floor. Getting on his knees, Kam found a small handhold, and slid a small area of the floor open. Kam had asked for this storage space, so he could keep supplies available. As of now he had a few blasters, a sleeping bag, some rations, a datapad and some extra datacards, holding things ranging from a dangerous creature guide to games.

Happy with what he had been given, Kam stepped out of his craft, and looked out at the hangar.

Bette Davis
Sep 30th, 2002, 02:03:49 PM
Bette zipped up her flight jacket, and peered into Hangar Seven. Oddball was the only being inside, standing back from his Advanced. Bette grinned, pulled her boots off, and tied the laces together. Slinging them over her shoulder, she tiptoed inside the hangar in her socks, hiding momentarily behind Razor's TIE The Fat Lady.

He always was joking that it wasn't over until the Fat Lady sang, but Bette had heard that joke about fifty million times. She still laughed though...funny, that. A few seconds more, and Bette was standing behind the newest member of Shadow Squadron as he admired his fighter.

Silently composing herself, Bette reached out and tapped his shoulder, ready in case he freaked out and drew a blaster on her.

Kam Dapp
Sep 30th, 2002, 05:10:51 PM
Jumping at the sudden touch, Kam turned round to see Bette, boots on her shoulder.

"There are easier ways to kill me you know" He said, a smile forming on his face.

Despite the way he kept people at arms length, there were some who he found made him feel more comfortable than most. Bette was one of them.

"It's a beauty, isn't it?" He asked her, pointing towards his ship.

Bette Davis
Sep 30th, 2002, 05:45:55 PM
Bette eyed the fighter, cocking her head to the side, and nodded. "I see you've had the engine refitted..." She walked around the TIE, and nodded again. "Very nice. What are you doing with the extra output, energy wise?"

She rapped the hull with her knuckles, and admired the new ion cannon. "Hey, I'm gonna have to ask for one of those myself." Bette whistled, and grinned at Kam. "Whose boots did you have to lick to get this done so fast?"

Ned Stark
Oct 8th, 2002, 12:55:34 AM
"He beat about 4 mechanics and me in a game a sabacc," the gruff voice said from behind Kam's TIE.

Ned Stark strolled across the hangar holding something behind his back. He pulled out his hand. It was a bottle of alcohol. And an expensive one at that.

"I swear the kid knows his cards as well as his flying," The Superior's Director of Pilots smiled as he handed the bottle to Kam.

"Nice job Leiutenant. Your ship'll fly well."

He turned towards Bette, "Shooter your TIE's up next for retrofit. You got any special modifications you want?"

Silus Xilarian
Oct 28th, 2002, 04:30:33 AM
"Well we could pull the engines out of there so she couldnt leave the hangar..."

Silus walked in behind everyone...

"We would like for her to keep this one awhile"

Silus grinned and shot a wink towards Bette as he walked by. He was still getting aquainted with his squadron, and he really wasnt sure how light-heartedly Bette would take his joke. But this was just how he was. Speak first, think later, apologize rarely.

Silus continued by the group to his TIE.

Bette Davis
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:37:25 AM
"I'd like some atmosphere, makes flying a little less uncomfortable, if you know what I mean."

Silus Xilarian walked by with a smart remark about the fact that she'd gotten her TIE vaped in the last mission. Not to mention that the officer he replaced had also gotten vaped in that skirmish. She made a rude gesture behind his back, and then ignored him.

Kam Dapp
Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:34:45 AM
"Boots? Lick? More like what Sabacc hand did I have to play" He said to Bette, as he picked up the Advanced's toolbox, and put it back inside. Turning round, he saw Ned had joined the pair, while Bette was looking pretty annoyed at someone walking by, Kam couldnt see who it was.

"You alright?" He asked her, walking back in the pilot's direction.