View Full Version : Anger, Hatred, Aggression (open challenge)

Sep 29th, 2002, 02:29:54 PM
The Jackel raged through the center of the city, katana drawn, laughing maniacally at the carnage. The people ran screaming before the destruction he had wrought on their lives.


He was amongst the panicking masses, katana flashing, severing heads and limbs from bodies, blinded by rage.


Salemn Lysce
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:35:03 PM
< Me. >

She had come to the city to shop for some more herbs, to fill up the empty space on her shelves, and instead found this ... mess. Her Force message was loud and clear in the Sith's head, and he turned around to see a teenage girl glaring at him. Her hand was resting at her hip, where her lightsabre hung.

Sep 29th, 2002, 02:41:10 PM
"And what could a mere human child do against the likes of me?"

His eyes glowed with anger and he bared his claws, sheathing his sword.

"I need only my raw, natural strength to take you out, pup!"

He lunged, stabbing with clawed hands at her heart.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 29th, 2002, 04:08:15 PM
It was all too predictable. The Jedi Knight stepped to the side, watching the Sith fly past her like a bat out of a hell. The thought of this brought a smirk to her lips and her brown eyes flashed.

< Bring it. >

Sep 29th, 2002, 04:12:21 PM
His rage could only grow. It could only feed his power. She would be dead soon enough. Turning, he stopped a woman, cluctching her by the throat and lifting her off the ground. He squeezed, and her neck snapped. The Jackel dropped the corpse.

"Behold your fate, Jedi..."

The darkness built inside him, fueling his body, increasing the limits of his physical potential. The next attack was a fist, much faster and stronger than the stab he'd made earlier.

Salemn Lysce
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:08:28 PM
As he sent the fist flying towards her, Salemn reached up and opened her hand, allowing him to deliver the full blow. She gritted her teeth, but stood her ground and began to absorb the energy. Yes, he had packed alot of power into that one punch - possibly the beginning to his demise ?

As soon as his fist began to withdraw, she grabbed it with both hands and yanked him backwards, stepping infront of him, and headbutted him in the nose. Then, she brought her knee up to slam it into his gut.

Sep 29th, 2002, 07:10:56 PM
The two blows were strong; more power than a girl of her size could muster.

"Using my own Force against me? Feh. That only makes you a better opponent."

He caught her with a left cross and drew his rusted blade once more.

"Let's see you absorb this!"