View Full Version : Why...Daddy
Tymbosh Guinness
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:26:07 PM
“Daddy why did we have to leave home…”
Tymbosh yelled into the cold night, as he wiped tears from his eyes. This young boy pushed through the thick over grown bushes, under the night sky. He knew that he needed some type of help. His father lay back at the ship, he wouldn’t move even when Tymbosh begged him into get up. So Tymbosh set out to find someone to help him. He was so very tried but he still pressed on.
He finally made it to a clearing where a small city sat in the middle.
“Can you help me; people came and took things from my daddy, now he won’t get up. Please help…”
He wandered around asking people for help, but no one seemed to pay attention to him.
Coco Blake
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:54:33 PM
"What's wrong little one?"
A kind voice spoke from behind him. Coco Blake looked down at him and smiled sympathetically.
"Who took things from your daddy? And where is he now? "
Tymbosh Guinness
Sep 30th, 2002, 12:16:35 AM
Tymbosh jumped a little as he heard a voice from behind him. But he liked the voice; it reminded him of his mommy. He turned around and saw a young woman with bright red hair. She had a kind looking face with sweet eyes. He wiped the tears from his eyes, to see her more clearly.
Tymbosh was crying too hard to finish his sentence. He buried his face into his sleeve and tried to speck from within.
“He is back at the ship…sleeping on the floor…but he wouldn’t wake up.”
He muffled out from within his sleeve. After a bit he looked up at the young woman and said
“Can you help me…?”
Coco Blake
Oct 1st, 2002, 07:50:05 PM
"I can try....Where is your ship?"
Coco smiled softly, but inside she figured something really bad had happened..."but he wouldn't wake up..." Probably meant the worst...Her hand went to her saber, making sure it was secured to her belt.
Tymbosh Guinness
Oct 2nd, 2002, 04:02:05 PM
“This way, this way…”
Tymbosh grabbed Coco’s hand and pulled her towards the bushes. He felt a little better that someone has come to his aid and will wake up his daddy.
“Thank you…”
He kept saying to her as he tugged her arm towards the ship.
He really didn’t know what was going on. But he thought everything was going to be ok really soon.
Maybe I should give this nice lady my most favoritest toy for helping me…
Coco Blake
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:43:11 PM
She took her saber in one hand, the other being pulled by the child, and looked at the ship...The door was wide open and the inside was pitch black.
"Can you turn on a light or something? Where is your father?"
Tymbosh Guinness
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:17:09 PM
“Here…here is a light”
Tymbosh let go of Coco’s hand and ran over to the opposite wall and pushed a button. The soft glow of ceiling light flicker on. The scene that came into light wasn’t a pretty one. It looks as though a struggle had happen, things were thrown all over. Traces of blood were splattered on the walls. However, Tymbosh wasn’t concerning himself with that, he was looking into the room were his daddy laid on the floor. He reached out his arm and pointed to the room.
Coco Blake
Oct 3rd, 2002, 09:38:48 PM
Coco walked slowly into the ship, taking in all the carnage...When the boy spoke, she looked into the room. A man lay face down on the floor in another dark room. She couldn't feel anything coming from him as she reached out with the force. She walked slowly into the room, kneeling down and touching his fathers' shoulder. He was cold. Coco frowned. There wasn't anything she could do for him...but the child was still there....
Tymbosh Guinness
Oct 4th, 2002, 02:52:29 PM
Tymbosh was staring into the room as Coco kneeled down to take a closer look.
“Is he…”
Tymbosh suddenly stopped talking; he turned his attention to a clock on the shelf.
“That is odd…this clock never worked before”
He moved over to the shelf and put his ear up to the old style clock. “Nope, it isn’t working…do you hear the ticking?…”
He realized that he hadn’t asked this nice lady her name. Not understanding where the ticking was coming from he turn back to Coco.
“What is your name?”
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