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imported_Grev Drasen
Sep 28th, 2002, 11:12:13 PM
I guess I'm posting this for anyone I used to talk to and/or wondered why I suddenly disappeared.

Fact is I got into a minor carcrash and broke my collar bone, then when school started up I kind of just drifted away from the net for awhile.

Came back here after finding the link in my bookmarks...I don't really know what my status is with any threads or with TSO, so I'll just lurk around for a bit to catch up on whatever.

And if there's any threads I used to be in that are still active or if I need to see or whatever it'd be appreciated if you linked them.

AIM is FearTheRper if anybody needs to get ahold of me.


Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 28th, 2002, 11:20:55 PM
YIKES! Glad you're ok. :)

Zatania Duvall
Sep 28th, 2002, 11:21:49 PM
>.< Owwwwwwwwww. That sounds painful. Glad you survived.

Daiquiri Van-Derveld
Sep 29th, 2002, 10:04:17 AM
Welcome back, Grev :)