View Full Version : Time for Question and Patching things Up (Xazor)

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:51:47 PM
::Verse had sent a message to his daughter to met him here. They had not spoken much. Her and Marcus had been off alot on there own. Verse really didn't mind. Those two were alot alike. They were happist it seemed when they were together. Verse could only shrug at that. He was a warrior at heart. He just was not a crusader. He was in his younger days, but not as much anymore. He coudl hold his own with ease, but rather not fight at all. Verse called a droid to the table.::

"I would like an Ale. Also a steak. Bring it raw. Also bring some salt."

::Verse leaned back inhis chair as the droid went off to get his order. Verse felt something was wrong with Xazor. She was changing. Verse didn't know if it was better or worse. She seemed happy one moment, then sad the next. Women were like that though. Even worse when they carry children. teh only way he can find out is if he asks.::

Xazor Elessar
Sep 28th, 2002, 11:05:02 PM
A woman made her way through the doors of the Bar and Grill, walking past the guards who let her keep her weapons, of course. Not only a Jedi Knight, but a member of the NRSF.....she was allowed to do that. Smiling to herself, she searched the establishment, though her face was hidden in the shadows of the hood drawn up from her black robes. She pulled it down with one hand and spotten none other than Verse....her Father.

Outwardly sighing to herself, she made her way toward his table, but was nearly knocked over by a fat alien who could not speak one bit of Basic. He grunted at her and she made a comment about his rude actions, and then continued on her way. Her long Garou Warrior Braids swung in rhythm with her steps and the golden coins woven into them clanged softly together until she stopped beside Verse's table.

"Greetings Father.....you have called and I have come......"

The Garou said softly, bowing in greeting and then sitting won across from him. She smiled gently and looked out the window for a moment......then let her eyes drift to meet his. There was something on his mind and she could tell. He had this curious look in his eyes, yet his features were etched with a bit of concern which she could read well. The Knight sat back quietly and eyed him intently, waiting for him to say something.....

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:59:46 PM
::Verse smiled. He hoped this would break the ice a bit. She was not comfortable with him much anymore. He was a fighter at heart. verse was more than able to fight, but rather find other ways than to fight. Xazor was different. That meant they stood on oppisite sides of issues many times.::

"I am glad you came. You have seemed disturbed lately. I just wanted to see if you wanted to talk about it."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:36:48 PM
The Knight lowered her head at his words and let her eyes wander to the floor. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled and looked back up at him.

"It's just that.....you've been so distant lately.....so, I distanced myself from you too....."

She paused in mid sentance for the words hurt even herself. It was a painful realization of what was happening to her family. Chaos never spoke to her....not that she wanted him to after the last few meetings that they had......her real mother was dead....and Verse, well, he had no time for her. She did not know her uncle or even Chaos's mother.....all she had were Marcus and Helenias, and her own children. She sighed once again and searched his eyes momentarily before looking away.

"You ran out of time for me so I pushed myself away to give you as much time as you wanted....."

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:10:55 PM

;:Verse hung his head.::

"It wasn't like that. It isn't."

::Verse had put himself away from most. He forced himself to be alone. He didn't even talk to Santhia much. He had gone out with his friend Liam Jinn some. Not much though. he had been away from everyone and everything. He had ignored and put distance from everyone around him.::

"I just have been feeling.....I don't know....old. I still have over 400 years of life left in me, but I feel old. I am so used to being alone in the world. I was alone for years in space before I came to GJO. Even here I did not talk to many. Now I have family....seeing all you have done and knowing all you have yet to do....I just feel like an obsticle in your path."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:51:01 PM
"An obstacle in my path? How do you think you could be an obstacle in my path?!?!"

The Knight growled somewhat, though she was not upset with Verse as much as she was herself. Looking away, she regained her composure and let her eyes wander back to his.

"You're my Father.....and I missed out on fourteen years of my life with you.....I am still trying to remember the four I did have! It seems like an eternity to me!"

Again she paused in mid thought, trying to think of the right things to say to him. It was so hard seeing as though this was just the tip of the iceburg to her problems as of late. Her eyes wandered to the tabletop that was old and worn....must like how Verse felt of himself. She still could not understand it....he had so much experience and had such a long life left....as did she. Shaking her head, the Garou looked up at her Father and smiled gently.

"I......I need you.....why can't you see that?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:05:01 PM
::Verse had to laugh slightly.::

"I know how to raise a boy. I was once one and know all that he will think and try. A girl is different. I have tried for almost 60 years to understand you. Even if I live to see my 400th birthday, I still don't think I will understand them. I am trying. Around this age a boy no longer wants his parents helping him. I was that way as well. I guess women are different."

::Verse held out his arms as if asking for a hug.::

"I guess I still have alot to learn eh?"

Xazor Elessar
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:20:51 PM
Xazor grinned and felt a tear rise to the surface of her eye. She sighed to herself and rose from her seat, then fell into Verse's arms. It was a good feeling to have him back, so to speak. She just hoped that he would stick around.

"Yes, we are quite different......I need you....and I need Helenias and Marcus.....all of you are my parents and have been raising me. I know I'm older and whatnot....but still, I love you and that will never change!"

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:00:19 PM
::Verse huged his daughter.::

"If you ever need to tell me something, just go ahead. I may seem distant, but really..it is because I am bored and tired. Just let me know. Is there anythign else on your mind?"