View Full Version : A New Shadow's Birth (Open)

Sep 28th, 2002, 03:27:31 PM
A blanket of stars had covered the never-ending sky, and the city's cold, but refreshing air filled up the lungs of a man that was walking in a narrow, deserted alley. The rays of the city lights gave the ambiance a comfortable feeling.

The man that was walking in the lonely streets, walked until he met a transited street. His eyes were filled with the reflection of the city lights, and the city itself seemed amazing from an aerial view.

The man, known as 'Cold' Blaine, decided to stop for a moment. He stopped in front of a small, family owned liquor store. It seemed that the store was closed. Cold looked at the clock up in a large building indicating it was midnight already. Cold loved to travel the streets at night, even if he risked getting attacked by thieves.

Cold looked at the floor. The concrete seemed firm, and solid. But around it were small debris of the sidewalk. Cold set his hands in front of him, and he began to levitate the small debris. It seemed that he was struggling with these little items; he was never taught how to use the Force. He had taught himself, from observations. Cold learned it from dark siders, knowing that he had always wanted to become one of them.

Once the small debris were levitated a little, they rapidly fell to the floor. He had struggled to get these little rocks up, and he was always mad that he couldn't do it right.

"Ugh. When am I going to get this right?"

Sep 28th, 2002, 05:12:49 PM
"Why ? Because you're not doing it right."

When the man turned around, he could see a woman holding the head of an unconscious man, his mouth was filled with blood, and he had no teeth. Also, her knee was stained with his blood. She threw the man to the left with such ease as she slammed against a brick wall from the alley.

Sep 28th, 2002, 08:47:49 PM
Cold had seen many dead people in his life, especially when he had seen Dark Siders slaughter them in small concentration camps. Cold was only amazed that the woman in front of him would massacre a man so badly in a city where anyone could have heard the screams. Then again, the city was not a secure place. The people that lived there had gotten used hearing about murders, and missing people.

The unconscious man was thrown, and Cold could only close his eyes, and not look at the disgust of his blood splatering all over.

"Of course I can't. Nobody's bothered to teach me.", Cold open his eyes, trying to look at the woman speaking to him, instead of the mutilated body.

Sep 29th, 2002, 06:27:54 AM
Evelyn lifted the tip of her cowboy hat lightly, trying to look at the man better. He says nobody bothered to teach him, so it must mean he's not from any Empire. How to teach him, then ? She crossed her arms over her stomach, tilting her head from side to side.

"Well, it would help, if you had a goal." She smirked.

Sep 29th, 2002, 02:59:25 PM
"Goal?", Cold asked a bit uncertain about what the stranger meant.

"What do you mean?", Cold finally asked. Goals were not important to Cold. He knew it was hopeless to live in a world where violence dominated. He knew that what ever his goals were, there would be no point in reaching them because nobody would care. Cold was a pessimistic young man, and having a goal wasn't something he would think about.

A bit puzzled, yet interested, Cold's eyes fixed themselves on the stranger. He didn't know her, but he knew that she wouldn't harm him.

Sep 29th, 2002, 04:18:25 PM
"Yes. Do you wish for peace ... or for domination ? Do you live for the light side or the dark side ? You know, all that crap." She explained more clearly.

The man didn't seem to be on his defenses, that wasn't a smart thing to do, she thought.

Sep 29th, 2002, 06:30:11 PM
"I don't know what I want.", Cold struggled.

"All of my life, I've been ignored by everyone. Anything I do means nothing. I can kill someone, and nobody will care. I can protect someone, but nobody will care what happens to me..."

Cold had no point in life. He looked at the strange woman. Why was she trying to help? It would have been of no use anyway.

"The Dark Side seems to attract me...", Cold said in an uncertain tone. "But I have no clue what I want."

He paused briefly. He brooded on what he was to do in life. Could he be this undecisive?

"Tell me, why are you helping me?"

Sep 30th, 2002, 02:01:24 PM
"Questions later."

"The Dark Side seems to attract me..." She repeated his words in her mind, then walked up to him.

"Does it ?" She asked, in a low seducing voice.

She trailed her hand gently down his lips, then down his neck and his chest. She then moved in closer to him, kissing only the corner of his lips, then licked her upper lip slowly as if to not waste any taste of him. She grinned - a sweet taste.

"Well, let's just say I'm the Dark Side - Do I attract you ?" She finally asked after a moment of silence, almost in a whisper.

Sep 30th, 2002, 10:24:29 PM
Cold's question being ignored didn't bother him; he was used to it. Observing the woman approach him with such fire, Blaine stood, keeping his cool.

As soon as he felt her hand slide down his lips, down his neck to end up at his chest, a cold chill ran through his back. As she got closer, Cold's breathing was getting harder and warmer. Soon, he felt a kiss at the corner of his lips that tickled his lips, forcing him to smile. The intensity of the heat that came out of the woman's body made Cold's mouth go dry, and his body grow warm.

At the moment, his thoughts were elsewhere. But soon after, hearing her question form, he brooded.

"Trick question.", Cold replied, recovering from the kiss.

"But to be completely honest, both you and the Dark Side attract me... very much.", Cold's tone was getting a bit more serious because he knew that she was but a stranger.

Cold could not completely trust her. She didn't give him a good impression when she had come with a corpse to help him. But Cold was a fool; her seducing curves and devilish personality would win him easily.

"You're good. I've lived in the streets far too long to be naive enough to be seduced for something I don't want..", Cold said, pointing with a nod of his head at the corpse that lay dead in the alley.

"I'm sure that's what you wanna do with me, don't you?", Cold backed away from the stranger slowly, a bit scared this time.

Oct 1st, 2002, 09:49:26 AM
"You're cute."

Evelyn chuckled, lifting the tip of her cowboy hat gently. She then shook her head at his question, a wide grin drawing on her glossy lips. As he backed away, she approached him again and put her hand on his cheek softly, stroking it slowly. She then tilted her head to the side, her lips losing the grin, and her face turning more serious.

"What's your name ?" She then asked.

Oct 1st, 2002, 06:01:28 PM
Cold did not trust her yet. But as she appraoched him, he felt the fire scream at his face. He felt the intensity hit him, but there was nothing he could do at the moment.

"My name?", Cold repeated.

"They call me Cold. How 'bout you?", he asked, a bit concerned that it would be someone he'd heard of.

Cold did not know the stranger, but he took a step away. She was attractive, and his mind messed him up. He did not know if he should leave the place, or stay there.

Oct 2nd, 2002, 10:58:47 AM
"You're hesitating, Cold .... Should I stay or should I leave ? Should I kiss her or should I let her slip away ? Do I know her is or is she a stranger ?"

Eve siren was a disciple of Rama Sha - She had learned all the trick into reading people's minds, then it was no more different for Evelyn. She canted her head from side to side, listing all the questions possible that could come to his mind.

"Is she manipulating me or is she sincere ?"

She grinned, her fingertip slipping down his lips again.

"What does she taste like ...?"

She caressed his lower lip.

"What do I do now ...?"

Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:22:42 PM
"Lemme guess, you can get into my head?", Cold asked, suspecting that she did, but still adding a sarcastic tone to his voice.

Cold decided it was his time to play; he was foolish enough to try. His hand reached her chin, moving it to face him.

"You never did tell me your name."

Cold wasn't too sure of what was happening. What did she want? Cold's heart raced, his mind was lost in this heat. He could not think clearly. The young man decided to play along, especially because it would be ridiculous if he wouldn't.

"...What do you really want?", Cold asked, quite curious.

Oct 3rd, 2002, 09:51:21 AM
"I want to see what you are able to do." She grinned, letting his hand slip under her chin.

She licked her lips slowly, closing her eyes for a second before opening them again.

"My name ? Evelyn."

Oct 3rd, 2002, 06:44:52 PM
"Able to see what I can do?", Cold repeated, "Why?"

Trying to take control of the situation, Cold looked straight into Evelyn's eyes and escaped in a whirling world where he was lost and alone. He shook his head and tried to observe her from head to toe. His black eyes shone as he saw the wonders of her beautiful body.

Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:07:22 PM
She bit on his thumb gently, as he looked at her. Still a grin on her lips, she shook her head, then pulled his hand down the side of her body curves, whispering in his ear at first, then licking his earlobe slightly with the tip of her tongue.

"Does it really matter why ...?" She whispered softly, before grinning and chuckling lightly.

Oct 4th, 2002, 07:35:18 PM
Chills ran through Cold's spine. Her touch paralized him completely. Taking a breath, he said:

"It's just that I've never seen a girl walk up to a stranger and kiss him like that."

Cold shifted his eyes to see where his hands had landed. His palms were sweaty but it felt good. Cold was tense, he didn't know what she wanted. What kind of girl would just walk up and kiss him?

Oct 5th, 2002, 09:25:45 AM
"You've just never seen me before." She grinned some more, before brushing her lips against his, still whispering.

"It's not about what I want ... It's about what you want."

Oct 8th, 2002, 08:27:12 AM
"Then what do I want?", Cold asked, knowing the answer himself.

Cold still had the urge to stay, yet to get out. But how could he leave such a beauty here?

"Most importantly, what do YOU want?", Cold backed away a bit, not knowing her response

Oct 8th, 2002, 10:14:28 AM
Evelyn let an evil laugh escape her mouth.

"I want to see your abilities. What you are able to do, but especially, what you will be able to do."

She shrugged her shoulders, turning around, running her gloved hand through her hair after she took off her cowboy hat.

"You see, I think that if you joined the Light Side, it'll be a waste of time. Why ?"

She didn't wait for an answer.

"Because they're all a bunch of f***ers. They say that they want to save the world, show you the light, what a bunch of bull. Were they there when you were suffering, when people were treating you bad ? No. They're weren't. Hypocrites."

But she continued grinning.

"Well, then again, it's your choice, love. I've said what I needed to say."

Oct 8th, 2002, 04:38:00 PM
"They?," Cold asked, "I'm sure you mean the Jedi."

He observed her take off her hat that was covering part of her head. She had a lovely, cute face, but her sould was filled with darkness. Cold grinned maliciously, and opened his mouth saying:

"Convince me that the Dark Side is the way to go."

Oct 11th, 2002, 09:50:39 AM
"Convince you ?"

Evelyn grinned before turning around to face him.

"What kind of convincing do you want, love ?"

Oct 11th, 2002, 11:11:47 PM
"Well-", Cold paused for a moment, thinking about what he was doing.

"How good are you at convincing people?"