View Full Version : Sweet Recollections

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:19:16 PM
It was a brisk evening, the scorching sunlight had retreated once more, leaving the desert sands to remain in the unlit shadows. A cool breeze swept through the atmosphere, and complete tranquility was omnipresent. The only structure in range of vision was a forsaken mass of rubble, and a serene individual approaching it.

Kindo gradually advanced towards the abandonded stone ruins, remaining in utter silence. The Jedi was there because the wreckage that was before him was once that of a dear friend, Tomak Ohara. He was there to recollect cherished memories of his beloved friend, to remember those good times they once delighted in. Ki Adi had grew greatly knowledgable and strong within the living Force than when he last spoke with his old confidant, and he longed to speak with him once again.

He leapt up upon the granite foundation, focusing upon all that remained intact, the throne room of the once grand castle.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:24:21 PM
Tomak felt the prescence of Kindo, "Why has he come here? This is odd. How could he have found this place and why now?" Tomak arose from the throne and stepped toward the barely intact balcony, "What are you doing here Jedi? Why are you at my castle?" Tomak gave Kindo a puzzling look. It was time to understand the truth of destiny.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:33:57 PM
Kindo was completely taken by surprise, yet not disappointed, not even in the least. He stared up towards his old companion, a slight grin appearing in his features.

" You remember our first lightsaber spar, when we both learned so much, and had twice the fun? "

Tomak Ohara
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:37:41 PM
Tomak smiled and kind of laughed, "Yes, you have great talent. I miss those days. I miss Azhure and Xazor. My friends." Tomak shook his head. What was he thinking. Suddenly he felt a sense of warmness. What was this, "Stop trying to confuse me jedi? Why have you come here? To insult me. Just like the others." Tomak smiled again. He did not mean to this time to it just happened.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:08:06 PM
" I remember all those times we talked for hours within my Living Quarters, personal conversations that were highly cherished. "

Kindo was very relentless in bringing up prior memories, for that was the only way he could remember how precious of a friend the vampire truthfully was.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:13:20 PM
Tomak looked at him, "Yes I remeber. I hope I did not miss your party or your knighting ceremony. How are you these days my friend?" Tomak called a jedi a friend. He was feeling more warmth inside him. This was very peculiar.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 28th, 2002, 04:43:14 PM
" Life goes on has usual, with it's leaps and bounds. I'm soon to be knighted. "

The Jedi began to casually advance towards Tomak, still keeping his meaningful stare locked onto his friend.

" You miss the Greater Jedi Order, don't you? "

Tomak Ohara
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:39:24 PM
"Sometimes, it's almost as if it calls out to me. Like she did. Azhure........." Tomak's mind wandered. He thought of Azhure and the times he had with her. She would not love him now. He had almost killed her. Yet he still cared for her. The feeling grew and Tomak could not suppres it. "What are you trying to do jedi?" Tomak laughed and fell to his knees. He grabbed his head and then screamed for a bit. He rose again, and this time he was a bit nicer, "Kindo, how is everyone at the Order?" Tomak's emotion changed and he looked at Kindo. His eyes were softer though. Tomak was feeling again.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 28th, 2002, 07:16:16 PM
" They miss you brother, they miss you greatly. "

Kindo sapphire eyes pierced deeply into that of his friends, letting Tomak know that he was completely honest in his words.

" Things just were not the same without you around. It was has if we lost a piece of ourselves. "

Tomak Ohara
Sep 29th, 2002, 09:06:57 AM
Tomak smiled for a moment,"Is that true? I left for another reason too. I thought that after I became a knight I would be hated because I was a vampire. I planned to return here with Azhure build my castle and start a gentler race of vampires. I thought I was hated at the Order for being diffrent. Besides, if I went back Dios would never forgive me and the council would turn their backs on me. But for meeting here with you The Shrine could reject me. I am lost, I don't know what to do." Tomak began to cry, and the warmth within him grew exponentially. His soul, his humanity, he was gaining it again. The memories had done something to him. He was becoming free from the evil desires. He fell to his knees crying,"Kindo all I want is to return and not be discriminated. Please old friend....no brother, help me!" Tomak covered his face in his hands. He was crying more than he ever had. He wanted his old friends back. He just wanted to hold Azhure once more. He just wanted to feel the prescence of the Jedi around him and not be scared.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:13:26 PM
Suddenly, from the shadows around the castle, a figure dove out and tackled Kindo to the ground. It growled loudly at him and started to bite at his neck in anger and hatred.

"I should have killed you when I had the chance before, Kindo. Now you will die!"

They both heard Kaytor's voice yell out. The dark side was eminating around her. They could sense it fueling her pushing her. She hated the jedi. She would never alow Tomak to rejoin them.

"Tomak you can not do this. I gave up Lance to be with you. And now you betray me to join in with the very things that I hate? This can not be true."

Kaytor shouts up to Tomak. She holds Kindo's head to the ground by his neck and slowly lowers herself down, getting ready to bite him.

"Prepare to die!"

Valirion Thorn
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:30:25 PM
:: I entered the chamber to see Kaytor upon a mortal man. I sensed the light side out of this one. How pathetic. And Tomak... something was not right, he had changed somehow... and Kaytor's words. The two connected in my mind and a low growl escaped the armor beneath my skin. The sword sheathed inside my spine reacted more in pleasure at the sight of Kaytor over the poor man. He hadn't been hurt too bad but the small rivulet of blood was still very tantilizing.::

Tomak Ohara
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:35:07 PM
Tomak saw Valirion enter, he looked back at Kaytor and rose from his stance. He then flew forward into Kaytor knocking her back into Valirion. He picked up Kindo and looked at Kaytor, "You will stay away from him. If you want to get to him you have to get threw me. Kaytor come with us, we could help you." Tomak drew his saber and got in a defensive stance. He was ready for anything. He looked back at Kindo,"Can I get some support....brother!"

Kaytor Surna
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:39:48 PM
Kaytor got thrown backwards and hit the other shrine member hard. She quickly recovers and grabs Tomak. She sinks her teeth into his neck, quickly and hard.

He could feel her anger of him betraying her. She wouldn't stop unless contained, killed or she had killed them.

Dios Kane
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:48:09 PM
:: Kaytor was blown to the side, and when she slid down the impact marks were still there. I stood at the door way, hand extended. My hand shot down to my side and drew my gun, pointing it to the other vamp still by the wall. The grin on my face did not waver as I entered and the lightsaber in my other hand was ignited.::

Thanks for the invitation Kindo, but I think I got the message a little later than expected.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:02:02 PM
Tomak rose from being hit to the ground. He turned to Kaytor his eyes glaring and then put his saber in a defensive position. "Kaytor come back with us, you and I can live together then. Please do not make me hurt you." He continued to glare at her. He waited to see what she did or said next.

Kaytor Surna
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:09:40 PM
Kaytor slowly rose from being hit agianst the wall and droping to the ground. She turned back to them, her eyes glowing a deep red like blood. The shadows around her flickered and the dark side was pounding in their heads.

She was out of control. Even if she had wanted to stop, she couldn't. She grabed her sword and ran at Tomak. She slashed down at his chest but he quickly blocked it.

She growled and turned to stare into his eyes. He could see down into her soul. The anger, hatred, sorrow. But below it all, the love and kindness that once held her to the jedi. He could hear that part of her yelling in his head.

'Tomak please stop me. I can not control myself.'

Valirion Thorn
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:19:34 PM
:: I could see the look in his eyes, She had said something... and I saw his hand rise to knock her away, He didn't care anymore obviously. The shrine wasn't his concern anymore, and I wouldn't have this thing, this traitor touch a member of the shrine. I launched forward, too fast for Dios to track me with his gun and my sword was unsheathed from my back.::

Kaytor Surna
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:23:41 PM
Kaytor got knocked away by Tomak and knocked farther away from him by this Shrine member. She was confused. None of it was making sense in her mind.

Her right hand twitched a few times before letting go of the sword and letting it clamer to the ground. She droped to her knees, grabed her head and let out a scream... or something like it. It sounded like the scream of a teen girl, the roar of an angry panther and filled with the sorrow and hatred that filled her heart.

The sound pounded in all of their ears. Only Valirion could understand words that escaped through the scream.

"Get out, Valirion. I can not handle this myself and I do not wish to get you hurt. GET OUT OF HERE NOW AND REPORT BACK TO THE SHRINE! Get more people."

Once everything cleared, Kaytor lay on the ground, knocked out. Her right hand looked as if it had been reaching out to Tomak when she droped.

Tomak Ohara
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:30:34 PM
Tomak grabbed her hand, "I am so sorry Kaytor." Tomak picked her up and carried her, "Kindo thank you for your help, and Dios it is nice to see you again. Now then come and help me get her to the order. She can stay with me. I want to try and bring her back to me." Tomak slowly touched her face. He then kissed her for a moment, "My lovely Kaytor....I will try my hardest my love." He began to cry and his tears fell onto Kaytor. He wanted to try and bring her back. However, this would require some time on his part. He turned and headed toward the Order, "You guys coming?" Tomak smiled and continued walking. He was back for good this time.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 30th, 2002, 07:36:58 PM
Mustering what remaining energy he had left in him, the drained Jedi expeditiously drew his sheathed blade. Kaytor's painful neckbite left him weak, so he would now be utterly dependent upon the power of the Force to assist him. Kindo elevated the sword towards Valirion's throat, compelling the enraged vampire to halt abruptly.

" The Shrine stole him once, I will not let it happen again. "

Valirion Thorn
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:18:32 PM
:: I laughed within my armor. My helmet even shifted with the laughing gesture. This was pathetic, I mean, really! He was using every ounce of strength to hold me back? I could feel only the sword against my throat but then again, I was only feeling what the armor was feeling at the moment. I turned off the armor's senses and didn't feel the blade near me at all.
I hoped Kindo knew what was coming because I hoped the Jedi Order made some kind of effort to pick the best people out there to become jedi. Because if not, this would just be a waste of my time. And my armor could barely wait, and my sword writhed in my hands at a possible chance to cut the flesh of this squishy human.
But better yet, why shouldn't I exercise my new abilities? Such as the gifts from my mistress Alana? The ones that could influence the mind of those in a weakened state and such. I would say Kindo is in a weakened state. Kindo heard the whispers in his mind, the whispers that sounded so much like his own voice,
"drop the weapon, let him kill Tomak, the traitor, Tomak will only betray the Order again and again, he has no human soul, how can he say he has humanity? He is evil, pure evil bred and born, only born to kill and decieve."
Kindo was still very strong minded, at that much I had expected. But he was relying on the force to stand! The moment that there was a brief hesitation I took my chance. The armor on my chest formed like liquid and it made a hammer like fist that shot from my breast plate and knocked Kindo backwards. I flew like a torrent of wind, my cape billowing black night and my sword screamed like a starved beast.
I was at the weakling Tomak in moments, and my sword surged forward. Tomak's head snapped back as my sword stabbed through his waist. My clawed hand reached around and grabbed the unconcious Kaytor by the neck. I held her in one hand as I withdrew the sword and resheathed it in my spine. I grabbed Tomak by the neck with the other hand. The helmet warped back and my face burst from it like a bullet. My mouth open, my abnormally long fangs drove into Tomak's neck and in one deep breath, Tomak's blood and three hundred centuries of life were mine. I didn't feel like finishing him off like this, I wanted a fight! I kicked him off my embrace and laughed as the helmet reforged itself about my face, I could feel it licking the spattered blood of my skin.::

I have drunk all that was blessed to you from the shrine, you are not one of us now, merely a traitor that will be hunted like the waste you are. But if I have the chance, I'd honorably defeat you, blade to blade, and the loser must honorably accept the death of an immortal.

:: I still held Kaytor in my other hand byt the neck, she would be fine, but I still had to mind the other two jedi, hopefully they would not intefere with this deul.::