View Full Version : Training(spar to padawans)

Jakob Burton
Sep 28th, 2002, 09:24:24 AM
Jake waits in an empty room to see if anyone wanted to spar.

Plo Koon
Oct 1st, 2002, 07:15:59 AM
Plo watched the man in the empty room. He slowly walked in with his hood up. He spoke in a low tune

"You wish to face me?"

Jakob Burton
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:00:53 AM
"Sure, why not? After all, we are both here for the same thing: to become defenders of the universe. And what better way to do so then by facing each other first?"

With that, Jake fell into an offensive stance.

"Let's have a little fun."

Plo Koon
Oct 3rd, 2002, 07:32:07 PM
Plo grinned beneath his mask

"Is this a hand to hand or Sabar to Sabar spar?"

Jakob Burton
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:59:17 AM
"Your choice."

Plo Koon
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:57:22 PM
Plo ingnighted his sabar making the room glow a orange.
"Is this your answer?"
He dashed towards Jakob about to strike him

Jakob Burton
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:43:40 AM
"Yes. It does."

Reading the muscles and the movement of his opponent, Jake sidestepped, and kicked his leg outward. As his opponent began to lose his balance, Jake brought out his saber, and blocked the thrust and spun, slicing at the opening created.

Plo Koon
Oct 8th, 2002, 12:34:14 PM
Plo back flipped and landed a few feet away to avoid the attack. He then charged at him and jumped into the air. While falling he landed behind Jacob and used a Force push to shove him into the wall. He then ran towards him and sliced at his back

Jakob Burton
Oct 9th, 2002, 07:59:02 AM
Jake, using the momentum of the Force Push, ran up the wall, doing a flip off of it. He landed behind Plo, just as Plo was attempting to slice him in the back. Jake does a Force Grab, and yanks Plo backwards, grabbing Plo's cloak with his hand and throwing him over his shoulders.

Plo Koon
Oct 9th, 2002, 06:52:18 PM
As Koon fliped over he wraped his arm around Jacobs neck and held him in a hold. He then jamed his knee in his back causeing him extream pain.

Jakob Burton
Oct 11th, 2002, 08:03:26 AM
Jake grits his teeth, fighting back the pain. He falls to the ground, rolling and coming back to Plo, using the momentum and an increase in the Force to uppercut him, knocking him directly in the mouthpiece. As blood shot and Plo swayed, Jake jump-kicked Plo in the chest twice, watching him fall to the ground.

Plo Koon
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:37:44 AM
Plo fell to the ground. He whiped the blood away and got back up. He charged towards Jacob like a bull and speared him in the chest. As Jecob fell back, Plo droped kicked him to fall back further

Jakob Burton
Oct 14th, 2002, 09:26:45 PM
Jake falls, with the momentum. He feels the pain, but feels dissattached from it. He meditates, and rolls back to his feet. Plo moved in such a fast motion that he couldn't stop himself in time. Jake trips him, and brings a saber down towards the back of Plo's exposed neck.

Plo Koon
Oct 15th, 2002, 09:37:21 AM
Plo pulled the hand that was holding his sabar to the back to block the attack. He then quickly spun on his back and tripped him to the ground. He then put his sabar just milimeters to Jacobs throat and waited for his reaction. Smiling under his mask

Jakob Burton
Oct 15th, 2002, 09:19:55 PM
"Your pretty cocky......for an ugly one!"

Jake, in one explosive movement, pulled off two moves. He first snaps his hand up, deactivating Plo's saber, before driving his foot home in the crotch. Plo, naturally, ducked, holding himself. Jake took this opportunity to kick the mouthpiece from his face. A trail of blood followed, trailing the mask as it rolled across the floor. Jake then sprung up and stepped away from the fallen Plo.

"Oh, yeah. I was just kidding about the 'ugly' part. I'm not that great-lookin' either..."

Plo Koon
Oct 20th, 2002, 10:52:14 AM
Plo gasped as his neck started to squeeze and convelse. He quickly ran and picked up his mask. He then fasened it to his face and took a deep breath. Blood was dripping from where his mouth peice is cliped on

"Never do that again!"

He walked at burton and back kicked him in the face. As he fell to the ground, Koon walked over and put a choker hold on him. He strated to gasp for air.

"I need that mask to breath your prescious oxygen. I dont breath the same gas as you... So next time, dont even think about it"

He then grabed him by his throat and shot him into the wall across the room

Jakob Burton
Oct 20th, 2002, 04:40:02 PM
OOC: Correction, Plo breathes oxygen, but not as much as what is in a normal atmosphere. The mask actually makes less oxygen available to him, for his planet is a low-oxygen planet. Ok, I'm shuttin' up now.


Jake noticed, by the throbbing in his head, that the removing of the mask pissed him off. And that's what Jake would use. Jake, getting back up, taunted him by slightly moving his mask. It upset Plo greatly, and Plo charged. As he did so, Jake charged as well, leaping as they were about to collide. Jake, in the air, delivered a left-right kick combination to Plo's chest and face, knocking Plo, from his feet. As Plo fell, Jake used the Force, pushing himself further into Plo. Jake continued pushing via the Force and stomping with his feet until they were about three feet from the wall, which then he kicked out with both feet and Force pushed Plo into the wall. He slammed into it hard, leaving a huge dent and several cracks where he impacted with it.

Plo Koon
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:55:33 AM
Plo grunted as he hit the wall. Pieces of tile falling to the floor. He pushed himself off the wall with the force, leaving two creater like dents in the wall from where his hands pushed off. He grabed onto the lower part of his rib cage and watched him scream in pain. Plo then droped him and back kicked him.

o.o.c: from my sources, Plo Koon dosnt breath anything close to oxygen. Kel-Dorians breath a gas that is highly toxic to humans. I did my research ;)

Jakob Burton
Oct 21st, 2002, 09:21:37 PM
OOC: Ok. If you did your research, I trust you. After all, Jedi are trustworthy.....


Jake groaned as he got back up slowly. This was a ploy, and one he had used several times before. To act as if slowed and in pain, and then to strike at a vulnerable moment. As Plo moved in closer, Jake kicked outward, driving his blow home, into the crotch of Plo. As Plo doubled over, to clutch himself, Jake saw the opening, and gave two kicks with his right foot: one striking in the center of Plo's eyes, and the other in a soft spot in his neck. Plo crashed to the ground, and Jake backed off to give him a favorable stance.

Plo Koon
Oct 22nd, 2002, 08:47:22 AM
Plo rolled on the floor for a bit to get his bearings. As he got up he started to laugh

"Is that all your able to do...Kick people in the crotch? Your good but its not always good to do that"

He exploded towards Jacob. He used Force Speed to appear infront of him. He then used the force to kick Jacob right between the legs...right in his crotch. Jacob went flying into the air. As he came back down, Koon used a flying side kick to send him into the wall

Jakob Burton
Oct 23rd, 2002, 07:25:00 PM
It hurt. And bad. Jake landed on the ground, swooning. Jake rolled over and got up, groaning as he did so. Suddenly, using the Force, he lunged, hitting Plo in the neck and knocking him to the ground. As Plo fell, Jake locked his arms around Plo's arms and neck. In one swift motion, Jake slightly popped the mask from his face, so enough oxygen would get in to make Plo swoon. He held it there, until Plo began to gag madly. As he gagged, Jake put the mask back on, allowing a breath. As soon as Plo was finished, Jake popped it out again, repeating the process. By now Plo was beginning to get lightheaded. Jake popped the mask back on and tightened his grip, putting him into a sleeper/choker hold, locking his arms and reinforcing his grip with the Force.

Plo Koon
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:02:09 PM
Plo started to feel dizzy but Jacob didnt know about the Kel-Dorians. As his mask was removed, he quickly tilted his head to the back and exhailed all his breath. It released a toxic gas that made Jacob release his grip right away. His neck started to cave and his face turned purple as he couldnt breath. Plo then punched him in the stomach to make all the gas leave his body. Jacob stodd on all fours gasping for air.

"This isnt a real fight. You shouldnt nearly kill me and I told you not to take off my mask"

He then stuck out his hand to help Jacob up

Jakob Burton
Oct 24th, 2002, 10:12:42 PM
Jake, feeling woozy from the toxicity of the gas, reaches up for a hazy hand.....and pulls Plo down to the ground beside him.

"You're right, man. I don't know what got into me. Let's just call this a lesson and go get a drink. I need it."

Plo Koon
Oct 26th, 2002, 01:34:47 PM
Plo chuckled as he got up. He patted Jacob on the back

"keep it up, your a good fighter"

He walked out of the training room with Jacob