View Full Version : Choices.......(Terran and open)

Xazor Elessar
Sep 27th, 2002, 10:10:32 PM
It was funny how someone could know so much of a subject they were supposed to have no knowledge of in the first place. A recent discovery made by Xazor, left her heart torn to shreads......and so now from the Quarters she shared with Dasquian, she ran to Terran......knowing he would be at Yog's. With tears streaming down her cheeks, the Knight ran faster and faster with Force speed until she reached the establishment. Pushing her hands against the door, she burst inside but did not see him.......but she made her way toward the back of the Bar and sat down in an empty booth.....alone and in the depths of the shadows. Just as quickly as she arrived, she laid her head down and wept for herself.......her heart........and her soul........and for the one whom had betrayed her. She would reach out to the Truth now, and embrace him.....

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 27th, 2002, 10:14:45 PM
Pipe. Smoke. Sword. Yep, all here. Cloak, hood, smoke filled corner.

Never really changed.

Corners were a good thing to sit at - you could see the entire room.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 27th, 2002, 10:24:34 PM
What do you want? Here to make sure I don't make another mistake? Seems my whole life is a mistake!

The Knight had immediatly sensed Marcus's presence through their deep bond......but had not meant to say the hurtfull words that came out. Her tears poured out once again and she left streaks upon her face and a puddle of the salty liquid upon the table. She really was Lost.....and it was all beginning to surface now. It was another low in her life......but then when she thought about it, her whole life was a low with an up moment hear and there......so now she sat in sorrow, again. The stress was beginning to affect her health and she had caught a cold. Thoughts of her unborn child lay at the back of her mind.....hoping she would not develope the sickness because of Xazor's carelessness......

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 27th, 2002, 10:36:22 PM
What's wrong?

Something was hurting her and hurting her badly. But the wash of emotion, it was too hard to look into ther mind and find out.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 27th, 2002, 11:10:53 PM
It had been a long day. Very long. Master Verse had turned the training up a couple of notches, and he was feeling the pains and cramps of vigorous workout settling in.

He entered Yog's with a strange feeling on his heart. He had felt like sleep, but something--the wind--had spoken to him. It had told him to be here. That he was...needed. He never doubted his instincts nor nature. The trees, the wind, the water--it had never failed him. Now was no exception.

Looking around, his intense eyes scanned the scene. It looked normal. Everything was as it always was at Yog's--energetic and active. Despite the appearance something nagged at him. A presence....


Where was she? He reexamined the seating. There--in the back. He could see her familiar golden hair, braided in the traditional Garou braids. He stared in her direction. Things were...different now. Even though he loved her, he would allow her to dictate his actions in times like this. He desparately wanted to run to her--she was in obvious pain. But he would let her call to him...if that was what she wanted...

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:06:08 AM
Diego took a seat, occupying the seat across from Terran, his large frame blocking Xazor from view. His eyes looked coldly to Terran, as he fiddled with the menu in front of him.

"Hello again. I trust you're well?"

The Lupine pressed a brawny fist against the tabletop, the pressure popping his knuckles as the thumbed the menu open.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:59:15 AM
His eyes were torn away from Xazor's position as he heard the familiar voice of Diego across from him. His blood went cold as his eyes fell to the table. His last (and first) encounter with the warrior hadn't gone...well. He felt like an idiot around him now. It seemed that it would not change.

"Yes, Diego, I am," he replied, gupling down some of his nervousness that occured in the other's presence. He wasn't necessarily scared of Diego. It was just that after the incident, he had been expecting Diego to be quite upset with him. If the man wanted--and Terran hoped he didn't--to put an end to his trouble with Terran, he could easily. "How about you, my friend?"

His eyes finally made their way to Diego's. His intense eyes saw into his thoughts as he spoke. He quickly glanced back to Xazor's table and then back. He was worried. He hoped she would say something--anything.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:08:49 PM
"Could say that I've been better, Terran. Three babies have cried since I came in, and I distinctly recall a woman fainting."

Diego shrugged, thumbing through the menu as he spoke.

"Suddenly, I've got quite a bogeyman factor working for me. Must've made quite the impression last week, I guess."

He laughed and smiled, but neither with too much humor.

"Now, I don't mind the wide berth I'm given. Its a comfort at times. But, I try to keep from collecting angry mobs with torches and pitchforks. It complicates things."

He sipped at his water, pausing a moment to scrutinize the contents of his glass. His nostrils flared.

"Something catch your eye?"

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:40:06 PM
Despite their...altercation, Terran didn't feel in the least way unerved now that Diego spoke to him in more detail. The laugh and the smile calmed him--the fact that Diego still had a sense of humor with him helped him to deal with his own foolsihness.

"Well, I don't know if you would want to hear," he replied, chuckling softly. He felt like he could trust Diego now. "What would you say if I told you I got directions to show up here from the wind?" He smiled.

"Something is not right with her." His eyes lead Diego's in the direction of Xazor. She was in the corner alone, and looking forlorn. "My first thought was to approach her...but something tells me to wait. To come to her on her own terms."

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:23:07 PM
"I wouldn't approach her, if I were you."

Diego didn't even turn. He knew well enough.

"Its a dangerous liason. She has many admirers, and equally many protectors. I admit, she caught my eye as well."

Taking another drink from his glass, he set it aside.

"You have no chance with her kind, and you must know your limitations."

A serving droid approached Diego, and he casually layed the menu on its tray.

"I'm not particuarly hungry at the moment. Keep my glass refreshed, though."

The droid wheeled away, returning Terran and Diego to their thoughts.

"Now...what exactly was so important to you to invade the privacy of my mind, Mister Starek?"

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:36:03 PM
Terran thought about what he said about Xazor. At first, he thought it to be unwarranted. She didn't deserve undue judgement. But then, he realized that Diego probably had much more experience than he and would have a better idea of what he was talking about. Maybe it was true.

He then thought about Diego's question. Why was it that he had invaded Diego's mind? He knew exactly why it was.

"I...something had happened to me. And I couldn't explain it. I thought maybe you could. I was just lost and seeking answers. That's all." He made the remark hoping that Diego would at least see that his intentions were simple and good.

He glance towards Xazor. Everything--every part of him--wanted to run to her. To say something to her. Help her. He would wait...for a sign.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:43:25 PM
Xazor gulped a breath of air and brought her blood shot eyes to meet Marcus's.

"It's.......Dasquian........he has......he's betrayed me......."

As the words came out so did more tears and her head fell to the tabletop until she felt a familiar presence......another welcome one.....someone close to her like Marcus. The Knight's head rose from the table and she lifted her eyes to see his face.....


She spoke softly in his mind. Lowering her eyes to the table, she looked to Marcus briefly and then raised her hand in the air, hailing the Padawan her way.

"Please, come to me....."

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:44:20 PM
"I told you before, I'm not a seer, like you Jedi. Now, do you believe me when I say these things?"

There was no condescending tone in his words. It was a flat question. He looked sidelong, angling back slightly.

"And you think she may have the answers you need, too?"

Then a piercing feeling shot through his head, and Diego twitched.


He gritted his teeth, and a few short breaths exhaled rapidly, in response the the sudden, sharp spike in the force.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:09:19 PM
"Yes. I believe you. I do." He responded to Diego's question, in truthfullness. "I don't know if she has the answers...I don't know who has the answers. Sometimes, I just--"

Please, come to me... The words echoed softly in his head. They were from Xazor. He knew them--could feel her voice in them. Diego seemed to grind his teeth as the thought was transmitted, and Terran now knew why.

He sprung to his feet, towards Xazor. Nothing, in that moment, mattered, but Xazor's call. He couldn't ignore his feelings nor his instincts. Making his way towards her table, he could see the spots of tears on the tabletop. He could feel the sadness from her. Her eyes, red with tears. He paused--less than a meter from her.

"Xazor...what...what's happened?" He wanted to embrace her--she looked helpless. Almost childlike. A strong warrior she was, but in this moment...she needed someone. Maybe she needed him. He knew her situation with Dasquian and would respect it, though.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:18:01 PM
Xazor rose from her seat and nearly fell over from fatigue. She wrapped her arms around his neck tightly and cried into his shoulder. Though Marcus understood her feelings.....this also involved Terran....and it involved him more deeply than others would have understood.

Hold me......

She said softly in his mind as the tears continued to flow. A few people looked at them strangly and she knew it.....she could feel their eyes boaring holes into her. Not taking her guard down or revealing her tear streaked face, she spoke to Marcus through their life bond.

Perhaps I should go elsewhere. I need to speak with Terran alone....though you will know all I say. Please find me later.......I need a place to stay tonight......

She spoke softly in his mind, and kept her embrace tight around Terran. Hopefully answers to her questions would come tonight.....and hopefully her life would begin looking up again....

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:27:24 PM

Diego gritted his teeth, holding his head. He stood, whirling about to Xazor, a look of pain and anger in his eyes.

"Stupid girl! Speak aloud or not at all!!!"

A vein bulged on Diego's forehead, as his face turned a shade of red.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:34:59 PM
She embraced him, abruptly, and began to cry even more. She hid her tears from the room, letting them soak his shoulder.

Hold me... She knew he would not disobey. He loved her and when she fell into his arms, he too would feel the pain of her grief. He let his hand fall onto the back of her head, stroking her hair softly. She was using the Force in some way--maybe to comminucate with someone, maybe to hide her feelings, maybe she was wounded and healing--he didn't know. He just held her. When he felt the tremor pass, he let go of her slightly, sending her the signal to look up at him. His eyes met her own.

He could see her pain now--it was more intense than had been expected. His brow furrowed and his eyes watered as he could see that she was deeply pained. He wanted to cry with her--to sob with her. But he had to be strong in this moment when she needed strength. He held her tightly again, letting her back into his embrace. Bringing his mouth to her ear, he whispered. Normally, he would have spoken through the Force. With Diego present, he wanted to respect his affliction (or blessing, for that matter).

"Do you want to go somewhere else?" He could feel the eyes of the others on he and Xazor. He knew that Das and Xazor were together and things were flourishing. However, he had to be here for his friend. For his love. He could not leave her and he would ignore their glares and disapprovals.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 28th, 2002, 07:13:27 PM
Xazor glared at Diego and quickly let his words pass her mind. It was not important at the moment, and she was glad that he was unable to hear her Force speech. Sighing, she let her eyes drift upwards to meet Terran's as he leaned in to whisper something to her. She nodded at his words and looked back to Marcus briefly, then walked toward the door with her head lowered.

The pair passed through the quiet crowd and past the guards at the doors.....and then out into the cool night. They walked in silence for a little while until they reached the edge of the jungles, and then the Knight stopped and turned to face Terran. Her cheeks were stained with tears and a few still fell from time to time. Her eyes were a stark appearance to her light face and hair....the red made them stand out even more so than they ever had before.

"I......I needed to talk to you.......it's important....."

She began, choking back some tears as the words fell from her lips. The Garou knew that Terran would listen to her.....but it would be most difficult to express what she needed to say this time.....for things were getting harder for her......and this time was the hardest it had been in a long while......

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2002, 07:24:44 PM
He could sense the urgency in her voice. Her heart ached heavily with something--something to share with him. It was obviously impotant and hard for her to say. For even though he could tell she needed to let it out, she was hesitant. Almost scared.

"Fear not, Xazor," he said softly, smiling at her. It was all he could do at this point. Her eyes pierced his own--like they always did. He could only guess what her pain was. He had no idea. It was now time to find out the truth.

Strength. Be strong for her, he thought. Be a rock for her pain to rest on. Be a foundation to hold her away from the waters that boiled and churned below her. Without you, they would swallow her up. This echoed through his mind.

"Fear not, for I am with you. It is only you and I here right now." As he spoke, others passed around them, mostly in the distance. But she understood what he meant. They were always capable of creating their own little worlds around each other. In these worlds, nothing exsisted but themselves. "Tell me what weighs upon your heart. I wish only to bring you relief."

Xazor Elessar
Sep 28th, 2002, 07:32:34 PM
Xazor nodded gently and nearly smiled at his comforting words. Her eyes fell to the ground for only a moment until they slowly crawled back up to rest in his own. It was the moment of truth, even though the truth hurt her deeply. She had known for days and had just now cracked under the pressure and stress in her life. Things were getting so difficult and there were few that she found a friend in.....and only two she found refuge in....Terran being one of those. She sighed once again and took a deep breath before gathering her thoughts to continue.

"You know how......how Dasquian and I had decided to.....stay together after my problem....with Shade? You know how we have a child....I am carrying that child. But......"

She paused, unable to conceive the fact that rested upon her heart. It was too hard to believe, but she knew it to be true. Closing her eyes, she took another deep breath and filled herself with Terran's strength as she had so many times in the past. It was then that she realized this was right....and she could speak whatever was on her heart.......and she could cry.

"Despite all of those things......despite our pledges to one another.......he.......he has betrayed my heart for another......and one of the Darkside, nonetheless!"

Again the tears fell from her eyes swiftly and Nature's winds whipped up around her, echoing the fury that resided within her soul. She covered her face with her hands and wept into her palms, not wishing to appear weak now.....though she felt dead inside.......so lost and confused. She only knew one thing at the moment.....and it would be the hardest thing of all to tell him......

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 28th, 2002, 07:56:51 PM
Terran's eyes widened and he almost let go of Xazor when he heard the words. It couldn't be. How could this have happened? What could he say? This could not be. It just couldn't. He would not believe it.

"No...you can't be serious." Something told him she was quite serious. He silently cried into the Force "change it! let her have it back! fix it!" He knew it would do no good. "Xazor? What...why...I just...with who?" He had so many questions. Although his curiosity tugged at his thoughts, he had to be silent and strong with her. He could only be there for her. He could offer her little help with words, only with his ability to comfort her and hold her.

He did both as she wept. The words were hard for her to get out, he could tell. But she had, and that in itself was good. It was always good to vent one's feelings to a trusted friend. Even though she spoke her heart, he felt as though there was something else she wanted to say. The feeling nagged at him, like he needed to know. He felt as though it would be revealeed by her in time.

"I'm sorry for my first reactions, Xaz." He tried to smile a bit, but it was hard as her heart bled in front of him. "It's hard to believe...he was trusted."

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 08:00:25 PM
Diego sat back down with a heavy sigh, wiping perspiration from his face. As he did so, he watched Terran and Xazor exchange words, leaving together in each other's company. Diego scowled, keeping his seat as he allowed himself to relax.

OOC: In the future, please respect post order, and kindly don't leave other participants in the dust. That's not very nice.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 28th, 2002, 09:00:30 PM
Xazor cried into Terran's shoulder once again as he spoke. He said everything that she could not bring herself to.....though she knew very well it was the truth. How could Das have done this to her, especially after she had pledged herself to him. She pulled away from him for a moment and looked deeply into his eyes, and then lowered her head to view the ground.

"With a Sith Witch......Sorsha Kasajian.....an enemy of my family."

It was all she could say of the woman without going and killing her. Gritting her teeth, she let a few more tears fall in place of the possible rage. Her eyes drifted back to meet Terran's once again and then she looked to the Jungle.

"Perhaps we should go to our place......so that I may tell you the rest in solitude....."

She said softly, wiping tears away with the back of her hand. She was calming down a bit at the hard realization.....and his presence was making her feel better as well. The Knight began walking, hoping that Terran would follow. She made her way through the Forest and the wind picked up the sweet smell of the flowers in the little place that only they knew of. It wrapped around them and filled her soul with an unspoken hope. Silently they continued walking.....the clearing was in their view now....

ooc: So sorry Diego......I'll remember next time.......:)

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 28th, 2002, 09:53:53 PM
Perhaps I should go elsewhere. I need to speak with Terran alone....though you will know all I say. Please find me later.......I need a place to stay tonight......

Even as others ignored him, the shadows seemed to swallow the Jedi Master - if you turned away, you would have taken extreme surpise at his abrupt and totally silent disappearence. In reality, he had simply left the table, gone out the back entrance that only Jedi were allowed to even know about.

"There is something odd here.... somethign I dont like" he muttered. Now with extreme stealth, keeping to shadows and with the skill only a Jedi and a hunter like him could possibly have, he moved in utter silence, keeping a track on Xazor with his mind, pinning her location. With her attention and emotions blurred, she would not notice the sudden shift in his own, to cold and precise. Plus, he was also keeping in his mind other thoughts to confuse the issue. Being with this deep and complex bond, it was harder and harder to keep his thoughts and his movement secret from Xazor, as she likewise found the same. But one thing in his advantage was the coldness he could achieve, the clarity of mind Xazor lacked. High emotion she had. Much like what he had been years ago.

He stalked the couple, using now a Force Hide to keep his movement s veiled from the Padawan, stealth keeping his steps from making noise.

No Xazor, he thought. I'm not going to stand aside and wait for you. You need my help. Besides, who is this you are with I wonder? I would find out more.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:15:31 PM
After minutes of solitude to compose himself, Diego rose, paying gratuity on the service (since he'd made no purchase other than water), and made his way to the refresher. His head pounded with a migraine, and he felt feverish. Opening the door, he immediately ran cool water in the sink, which he used to douse his face in a splash. Standing there, Diego's chin dripped dry, and he allowed the dissipating heat to leave with the evaporating moisture.

Terran. Xazor. Why did he even care? Because he was a fool, and she had rebuked his advances before. It caused his ire to raise slightly, like an annoying tick that one might have. His jaw tightening, Diego went to work on cleaning his hands, using a liberal dose of soap from the dispenser as he washed, rinsed, and repeated the task. And there he stood for a few more minutes, scrutinizing for dirt that was not there, and thinking.

The more he thought, the more restless he became.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:01:08 AM
He followed willingly. With the goal in mind, he kept his mind steadfast. What goal was it? He would never leave her. Never. He had promised it to her a time passed, when she confessed to him that she would be with Dasquian. He had made the promise, and on the Force itself, he swore to uphold it.

He watched her as she moved. He was attune to nature like few he knew--he had a natural affinity to it that was seldom reproduced in many beings. He had heard of another like him...someone close to Xazor...a hunter. Though, he had never met the man. At some point in time, he wished to spend time with this other, as he would always seek to learn from someone so understanding of his own inner spirit.

The trees, the flowers--they cried as she passed. They felt her pain, felt her hurt. He could hear them sobbing. He brushed them with his hands, letting his mind be free to run into the woods.

She will be fine, I promise you. She has come to you to seek peace. If you will bring it to her... He spoke to the old woods and they listened. Their favorite spot--the clearing where they had been spending time together--welcomed them. The wind brought messages of peace and solice to the man as he listened to it. They would be safe here. And they were alone...(as far as he could tell)

As Xazor lead them to the clearing, Terran silenced his own thoughts in an attempt to fully immerse herself in hers and her emotions. She had his full attention--every part of him directed at her. Truly, it was an experience to have the full attention of a Jedi at any level.

"Xazor...let it out. It's ok. We are alone. No one will judge you or laugh at you or anything--it's just me..." He looked into her eyes, giving her the familiar look he had since they were in the Sith Academy. "I do not understand what is happening...but I want to...let me understand, Xazor." He took her hand and sat her down on the old stump they had shared conversations on. He kneeled beside her and listened intently.

ooc: Diego and Marcus, my apologies on order. It is just as much my fault as Xazors

Xazor Elessar
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:46:49 AM
Xazor took a deep breath and looked into Terran's eyes. He was giving her the strength needed to get through this and tell what was on her heart.

"I.........I'm giving up on Love. Everyone says that Love.....Love could save us all. But look! Look what it's done for me!"

Tears began to stream from her face. Surly this was not something that he wanted to hear. She knew that if he didn't listen, no one would. He above all would understand what she was talking about.

"I break others hearts and in turn, my heart is broken ten fold. It's not worth it. I am slowly becomming an emotionless vessel....I will until my tears run dry and I have no more to release."

Again the Knight paused and let her eyes fall into his deeply. There was something nagging at the back of her heart. She knew that their bond was strong, so deep for they were soulmates from the beginning of time...yet she could not bring herself to speak what was really upon her heart, so she blacked it out of her mind.

"There is no way I can see to love again.....unless a Hero came along and changed my mind...but we all know that won't happen."

What she did not realize was that her Hero was sitting right in front of her. She sighed and looked away, and her ears picked up on a noise....about twenty meters off, a stick broke under the pressure of someone's foot. Closing her eyes, she tried to search the area with her senses, but gave up with the conclusion it was an animal. As she looked back to Terran, the wind blew around them, through the trees and it seemed that the leaves were whispering to her. The flowers around the pair were in pain because she was, but they remained strong for her and the Garou took comfort in this. A few more tears fell from her eyes as she sat in the silence of the old Forest....with her last thoughts hanging in the air....

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 29th, 2002, 12:29:28 PM
After the solace of the refresher, Diego left the establishment entirely, stepping out into the cool night air of Coruscant's evening. He walked, separating himself from the random traffic of pedestrians, as he found an alcove of a building that served as an old storm drain's downspout. Built in the old style, it was large and wide, and obscured from the building's front edifice. As Diego walked towards it, he began to thumb away the buttons of his shirt. Turning behind the corner, he shifted, and left his simple, work clothes behind. For a moment, he only sat on his haunches, breath becoming steam in pants of night air. He turned his nose back to the street. Terran's scent was unknown to him. The only time he'd opened himself to it was in a previous unfortunate incident at the bar, which he had no recollection of now. Xazor's scent, however, was a bright, salmon pink, glowing traces shimmering in his mind's eye, mingling with a dusty yellow aura that intertwined, mixed with her essence. Rising off his haunches, he followed the beacons, picking up the gentle crescendo of fresher scents strengthening from older scents. The path led him meandering through a small, planned nature reserve park...likely funded by Ithorians. Midway through, however, Diego paused.

A third scent had begun to trace the path, fresher than the other two. It was a blue phantasm, superimposed over yellow and pink ethereal shades.

Someone else was interested in the new lovers tonight.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:56:51 PM
The words hit Terran like a club to his face. He could not believe what he was hearing. Xazor...the one who he had loved so deeply, the one whose love was more dedicated and trustworthy than any love he had ever known. She was his light; a beacon of hope for him. Even if she wasn't his, he believed that her heart would always save him.

When she spoke the words, something inside of him crumbled. Something strong--like a great wall that lost it's foundation. A fortress being shaken by earthquakes. Something was destroyed.

"Xazor..." He spoke with little volume to his voice. He didn't know what to say, how to respond. He was crushed. "Xazor? Xazor? Do you mean that? I mean, everything..." He didn't know how to follow through. He could do the only thing he knew how.

He embraced her strongly, holding her close to him. Her tears--what was left of them--continued to stream down her face. He wanted to cry with her, but wouldn't. Not now, at least. He let her head rest softly on his chest. He let his face down into her hair, which he loved so much. Her golden blonde braids were so soft against his skin.

He brought his mouth to her ear gently, letting his lips almost touch her skin. "I'm sorry, Xazor. I'm so, so sorry." He whispered into her ear, lowering himself down to meet her eye to eye. "I'm so sorry." He said it softly, looking into her eyes. He wanted to say some things. Things that weighed heavily on his heart. Like: I love you, I want you, I need you, I always loved you...I love you more than Dasquian ever could. But he couldn't say them. He couldn't let the words out. She needed him to be here and support her, not present more to think about.

He missed her. The thought that she would never love again--never love him again--made him hurt.

"I'm sorry, Xazor. I'm so sorry." It was all he could muster, inches from her face, his eyes intent on her own.

Xazor Elessar
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:24:00 PM
Xazor fell into his tight embrace and let her remaining tears fall into his chest. She rested her head against him and began to shake a bit from the entire realization.

"It's my fault.....don't be sorry.......don't be sorry......"

She said softly to him, suddenly sensing the presence of another. It was one of a kind familiar to her own......the Lupine......he was coming. The Knight pulled away from Terran and let her eyes rest in his.

We won't be alone for long.......follow me......

She rose from her seat and ran toward the waterfall that was bearing down on the river below. Covering herself with a Force shield, she jumped up and then soared through the raging wall of liquid....to land safely on the other side in a large open cave. Turning to face the wall of Water, she waited Terran as a cool breeze licked her warm skin and the mist came to rest in her hair.....making her glow like an Angel.....

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:52:54 PM
Terran did as he was instructed, trusting her words. He followed and soon plunged through the water-wall that shrouded the entrance of the cave. Xazor...well, she glowed like a spirit. It was as if she was in a dream--a combination of the mist and the light refraction. He paused for a moment to view her beauty and then proceeded.

"Xazor...I can't believe what you said. I know what happened was hard for you. I know. You have to believe me--I have felt that pain." He thought about when she revealed to him that she would stay with Dasquian. It had hurt him so much--hit him like a ton of durasteel. "To say that you have given up on...I mean...I can not believe it, Xaz. Not you. Not my..."

He paused. The words trailed as he came close to her, letting his eyes fix on her own. They almost pleaded with her, seemingly crying. They wanted her badly--wanted the happy, caring Xazor they had known. He came closer and took her hand in both of his own.

"There is love left in this galaxy for you, Xazor. There is."

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 30th, 2002, 11:16:57 PM
OOC: Just checking to see if we should even be RPing this out, since the events preceeding this haven't happened yet IC, and none of us would have any knowledge of it. I didn't realize this hadn't happened yet till I read that thread, so :\. If its explained to me, I'll edit this into an IC thread.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 6th, 2002, 04:53:38 PM
ooc: Yeah, it's fine.....I've made a decision ooc about this and have talked it over with Jen, so just keep it going. :)


Xazor looked down at the ground for a moment as Terran took her hand in both of his. His skin was warm against hers and it brought back memories of old. Slowly her eyes traced up his body until they melted into his own....still unsure of what to say for she thought that she had said all that was necessary.

"How can you be so sure of that? I'll just end up getting hurt again or accidentally hurting another. Why can't things be like they used to? Why can't we......"

She paused in mid sentance and blushed ever so slightly, then turned her head so that he would not see. Thoughts crossed her mind but she pushed them away. It was to soon to say something like that....but she did wonder, why couldn't they have just started back up where they left off? It wasn't that easy and she wouldn't let it be that way just yet. The Knight was lost in her own thoughts.....trying to find a way to make Terran happy and rebuild her own life that seemed torn and broken now. But would there ever be a way? Would her hero come along and save her heart from the depths of hell? Only time and the governing waves of the Force would tell....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 8th, 2002, 12:37:26 PM
"Because I...I..." He thought about what to say next. His heart was pained as he pondered her current state. He wanted to tell her how much he loved her. He wanted to tell her how much he needed her. He wanted to fall into her arms and be next to her heart--where all of his loyalties and all of his love resided.

"Because I know that you can never give up on love, Xazor. Never. It's love--it's mysterious, beautiful, and at times, painful. But it's worth it. It's worth it." He came closer to her now. He looked into her eyes, leeting his own open to hers. He actively increased the warmth of his own aura--Jedi compassion. It seemed to eminate from him. It was genuine.

"Xazor," he grinned, "do you remember when we were Sith and Briana wouldn't leave me alone?" He looked at her as she let her head down. He could feel her smile. "You do, I know you do. She kept giving me what you called, 'the eye.' It made you so mad--you almost put her in the med bay!" He laughed and could tell she was too, even though her grief and her negative emotions ran high.

"You see? Love makes us crazy! It makes us irrational." As their eyes met again, he wanted to say it. He wanted to tell her. "No matter what, you can't give up. Look at you. You are..." He truly searched for the words. "...beautiful, Xazor. You are beautiful, and wonderful, and smart, and caring, and loving. I can say this, because I know." And he did. The love they had shared was so personal, so intricate, he couldn't really explain it in words. She knew what he meant by his eyes.

Oct 10th, 2002, 08:13:18 PM
Silent as death and darker than a shadow I was. Not large compared to the things that walked on two legs, but for my own kind, I was large. Even so, walking near where the one whom could speak to me was, I could not be seen by eyes. Or heard by lesser ears than my own. The larger of us, the walker on two legs that called himself Marcus, he stopped and with a pointed paw, told me to go forward. I did so, padding my way silently.

Now what was I doing here? Well, where Marcus was, I was not that far away. He was a good cat, he fed me well. Well, okay, he wasn;t a cat, but he sure acted like one at times! I liked him a lot. I also rather liked this Xazor walker on two legs as well. She was nice, she would scratch my ears when she was about. I had noticed her smell had changed lately, which I didnt understand - but still, she was nice, even if she was an odd canine. I could tell. Cats have ways of knowing what you really are or what you could become.

Thence, I crept closer. Seems Xazor was not alone. I decided to sit and watch from the edge of the clearing. Marcus himself was drifting further away, leaving me to be closest. Walking on two legs mewings were not for me to understand, so I stayed for a few more moments, before padding softly closer, still unnoticed.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:25:43 PM
At the mention of Briana, the Knight growled to herself slightly and exposed her elongated canines. She recalled many memories of times when this girl had gotten in her way....and of course, she had been taken care of. Still Xazor couldn't help but smile as she looked up into Terran's eyes. He made her so happy, and still...to an outsider, it was so confusing as to why she did not confess her true feelings. She came to terms with this in her mind and turned away from him as she blushed.

"I know that love makes us crazy....and don't talk like that...you know what it does to me."

She grinned slightly and suddenly was aware of the presence of one familiar to her....a feline. The Knight's eyes adapted to the darkness and she scanned the surrounding area...only to see Stig, Marcus's cat. She smiled and winked at the little cat and then turned back to face Terran.

"It appears as though we have a bit of a....spy. Perhaps he is here to check up on me. All is well though....maybe my Knight in Shining Armour is closer than I thought...."

She giggled to herself and began feeling better than before. Turning from him, Xazor blushed deeply as she replayed his words in her mind. He thinks I'm beautiful...he truly appreciates me. He....loves...me. Suddenly her world became nothingness as she slipped into a universe of dreams as Terran began to take her off her feet for a second time....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 11th, 2002, 12:06:44 AM
Terran looked in the direction Xazor had but could see nothing. His eyes and sense weren't quite as attuned as her own--even in a natural habitat like this, those who were skilled at hiding could stay so. He was working on it.

"....maybe my Knight in Shining Armour is closer than I thought...."

She spoke and turned away from him. He could feel her smiling and laughing. Maybe it was the memories he reminder her of--perhaps it was the appearance of the alleged 'spy.' He wasn't for sure--but she was smiling inside. Like she had...before these times...

His hands pressed aganst her ams as he brought them onto her shoulders and down to her elbows. He moved them down slowly and carefully--touching her was exhilerating again. Crossing them across her own arms, he held her from behind. Smelling her hair and feeling her warm body against his own, he was content. It was as if all worries had left--nothing did, or could, matter. It was the effect she had on him. Only she could posses him so. Only she could captivate him so.

"Xazor..." he whispered into her ears softly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry things happened like they did. It's not your fault. I know...I
know that you are loved. There is still love for you...I promise...I..." It was odd. He wanted to tell her he loved her. Say it again. Make the words count. But he couldn't. He didn't know how she felt or if the time was right.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 11th, 2002, 06:32:34 PM
Xazor closed her eyes as Terran wrapped his arms around her, holding her closely to him as he used to long ago. It was a warm feeling...and it quickly returned. She had missed this so much...the way he held her...the way he whispered in her ears. Their fingers slowly interlaced as she brought her hands up over his arms to do so. She smiled and leaned back against him, forgetting everything else as silence engulfed the room. The sound of their heartbeats were the only thing heard and even then, it only sounded as one for they beat in unison as before.

Much is said without words.....

She spoke softly in his mind, echoing his sentiments about the love they shared....yet it remained unspoken for the time until the Knight felt comfortable once again. Though, that would have been sooner than she thought. Taking in a deep breath of the air around her, she exhaled and remained contently resting against Terran's body. How she wished to tell how she truly felt.....but she was afraid to. Was it the right time? Was it too early? Something had been leading up to this....everything had fallen into perfect timing but.....she still had her doubts and needed to be more or less shoved in the right direction. He would show her what she needed to see, though....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:04:42 PM
Holding her tightly, his mind drifted out into the night's air to meet hers. Both spirits entagled and floated there, seemingly in a dream. Bounds no longer existed here--just two souls together. There were no rules anymore, and Terran felt at home. He was where he belonged.

I agree, Xazor...

He spun her around slowly, with care to keep her close. As she turned to face him, he let his eyes fall upon her face. Hers were still closed. She was so...so...beautiful. He could stand here forever, watching her be in peace. Listening to her breath. Feeling her heart beat. He dared to move.

As her eyes opened, he met them with a smile. He held her in his arms still, holding her tightly to him. Bringing up a hand to her face, he stroked her cheek with the back of it. Her eyes closed with his touch. He brought his face closer to hers.

"You...I know this is hard for you...I know it was hard..." He tried to soothe her with his words, but thought maybe they were finding little direction. His breath against her ear now as he spoke close to her. "I...you and I...we were...and now..."

Lost again. He was becoming very nervous inside, but not because he was scared--because he didn't want to ruin this. He didn't wanna lose her again--whether it was too soon, or not right, or maybe if she didn't love him anymore (even though he didn't believe that).

"Xazor...I...I lo...I want y..." he couldn't speak it, stuttering nervously as she glowed in the moonlight. He was lost in her spirt of warmth, lost in her eyes.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 11th, 2002, 09:29:42 PM
Xazor moved closer to Terran...feeling that this was right, somehow. Even though it may have been too soon for others...they were meant for eachother...and nothing could separate them now. Her eyes drifted to meet his and their souls locked together...dancing along the cooler night air. She let him hold her tightly...his embrace was so strong and comforting...only to add to the effect that his words had upon her. He spoke softly into her ear, but the words were of a stutter...and she felt his nervousness. He was...afraid...of something, but she could not figure out what that something was. Moving him so that she could look directly into his eyes, the Knight smiled gently and brought her hand to touch his cheek. She tilted her head to the side and let the warmth of the Force flow through her and touch him...letting him know that all was well.

"What have you to say...that you are finding difficulty in expressing? I can assure you of something here and now...nothing you say to me will affect me in a negitive way....remember, we promised that to one another once?"

She whispered softly, still close enough to his face that he could feel her warm breath upon his skin. It was not an awkward or tense moment.....it was nearly a moment of excitement as all of these emotions and feelings from the past came together in one great song. Xazor moved her hand to gently touch his lips...and she then ran her fingers down his neck and her hand came to rest upon his chest. She could feel his heart beating in time with her own, and she smiled.

Listen to the words that are unspoken....hear them....

At that very moment, it seemed as though thousands of words seemed to echo off of the walls of the large cavern. The water of the falls were speaking...the wind....the insects of the ground...and then....then their souls. Their souls spoke to one another yet they were the hardest to hear out of them all.

Listen to your heart...and speak...speak to mine....

The words gently touched his mind as she closed her eyes once again and took it all in. There was a deep connection between them and together they could hear all of this though another would have been deaf to the voices and the words being spoken. This was, because they were only meant for Terran and Xazor...and them alone. This was the only way that they would ever be put back together...but he had to make the first move...he had to be the one to bring her back or she would be lost to Love forever....

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 11th, 2002, 10:04:00 PM
So close to her. In tune with her emotions, her feelings, her spirit. Their souls echoed a thousand words--unintelligable in the cavern as hundreds and hundreds of phrases and words filled their ears. Only they were to hear--only they could understand.

Terran looked into her eyes--they grasped everything he was. The man he once was, the man he remained at this moment, and the man he would become--was contained in her beautiful, intense, eyes. He let himself be calmed by her presence.

Listen to your heart...and speak...speak to mine.... She spoke to him through her spirit and into his. He could no longer deny it. He found himself unable to contain the emotions that filled him.

Xazor... The cave around them grew silent as the two stood togther, standing close and holding each other in the moonlight.

I love you. I love you and I want you and I miss you and...and... The words poured out--not in his vocal cords, not from his brain...from his heart. The whole time with Shade and then Das...and being back it was...so hard and I cried so many times and...

Tears welled in his eyes as all emotions poured out into the small cavern, filling it with words from his spirit that only she could hear.

To see you again...my angel...my love...I couldn't have you and I hated it...I hated the Force for it...I almost left Nothing would be held back. His hands held her tightly.

It wasn't your fault...it's not your fault...it never was...but now...Force, I love you. The words poured out and as he finished, and he turned away. Embarassed. He felt stupid. He loved her--it was true. His heart had spoken. That logical, doubtful part of him came out and said he was a fool.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 11th, 2002, 10:15:17 PM
Xazor listened intently as the words poured from his very heart...from the depths of his soul. She listened as their souls connected at that moment and shared the mutual feeling. He then turned away from her...embarassed, and she knew it. The Knight raised her hand again and touched his face, then brought his eyes back to look into hers. At that very moment she knew that she could no longer deny what was in her heart and what had always been in her heart.

I....it was so hard to see you again...and it pained me to know that I had given my heart to another, trying to replace all that I had lost.

She paused again and let her eyes sink into his as well as her words into his heart. Smiling despite a bit of nervousness that welled within her heart, she held him close to her and smiled once again.

I could never replace the Truth...the Love. I could never replace you.

Again the words poured from her heart slowly and with a grace that she seemed to possess naturally. A gentle smile crossed her lips once again as she moved a bit closer to him. It was that moment that she knew that the truth had to be revealed...no more games could be played...no longer could the secret be kept.

Terran.....I love you....I love you from the very depths of my soul...from the very ends of my heart and with everything that I am. I need you...more than the air that gives me life for you are what truly gives me life. I need your smile, your embrace, your touch...your kiss. I just...need...you.

She let it all out and kept her eyes upon his the whole time her soul spoke to his. It was a beautiful moment as the two stood enshrouded in the darkness...but enveloped in the light of love. The feeling was incredible and Xazor knew what all of this meant...she had finally found him again...it was in this moment that the Truth had been revealed.

"I love you....and no matter how hard I have ever tried...or ever could try....I could never keep that a secret...or deny it. It's a fact...it's the truth, and it's how I feel."

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 13th, 2002, 12:56:33 PM
A part of him that had been dead since his reinstatement into the Force came alive.

The words she said penetrated his heart. She loved him. She wanted him. She needed him, more than the air she breathed. He could not contain the huge smile that crossed his face as she spoke. They would be together again. It was that simple--they would be together again. Together. Apart. Reunited. Denied. Then together again. Quite a story. He saw passion in her eyes--eyes that burned a hole into his mind, where all of his thoughts leaked out into Xazor's hands. He coudl not contain herself.

"I love you," he spoke as he picked her up into his arms and spun around, laughing. "You love me. You love me...I am so happy!" He shouted into the cavern, putting her down before him. Without wasting time, he kissed her. Slowly and deeply, their lips pressed together, he came alive again. He could see her face--so long ago--when they had first met. So young and beautiful. He could smell the flowers of the grove where he had proposed in the old cavern. He could taste the air of the night he had arrived at the Academy--lost and scared. He could feel the excitement when they had come to realize who they were. Now, he felt complete. He knew the Truth. The Truth.

A time later, their lips parted as held her. He would not let her leave him yet--he wanted to be in this moment. He stayed before her, no words, no actions--just staring into her eyes. He kept eye contact with her, holding her softly in the night. He couldn't believe it.

"I...you make me...I have felt a strange emptiness since I have been here...I didn't know what it was...but it was you. It was because I wasn't with you. But now...I feel...fullfilled..." He spoke softly and earnestly to her. Holding her in his arms, he kept her close,as though he didn't want to let her get away--didn't want to lose her again.

Xazor Elessar
Oct 13th, 2002, 03:39:25 PM
It was a moment to treasure as he spoke words of rejoice...and love. Their lips gently met in an unexpected kiss...and for what seemed like ages of gold, they kissed deeply and passionatly. Terran pulled away and let his eyes sink into Xazor's....and all was silent save for the sound of the water falling to the river below. Xazor had forgotten everything in that moment as he spoke to her. She grinned as happiness consumed her soul.

"Nothing can take us apart now....I love you! We fulfill one another! The void in my heart is no more for it is overflowing with something that I have been lacking for so long....you."

The Garou paused and let her eyes continue staring into his. She leaned in and brushed her lips against his for a moment before pulling away and taking his hands in her own. Looking down, she dropped his left hand and took his right in both of her own. The ring....a beautiful engagement band....was wore upon finger as a sign of their eternal friendship when he found out that she was involved with someone....the man after him. She smiled to herself as she gently took it from his finger and held it up, looking at it for a moment.

"Remember that night when you proposed to me in the old cavern? The flowers scents around us filled the air...like a new oxygen. The mist from the falls collected upon our skin and in our hair as the moons aligned and cast a glow upon our quiet place of solitude..."

After speaking of that beautiful eve, the Knight took his left hand in her own....and with her right, she did something unexpected. In but a moment's time...she slipped the engagement ring upon the ring finger of his left hand, and then took both of his hands in hers once again....looking deeply into his eyes. She stepped a bit closer to him and looked down for a moment as her cheeks flushed crimson. She then let her gaze penetrate his once again.

"I give myself to you, Terran Starek.....I give you my love and all that I am, forever and after..."

She said softly as a tear gently cascaded down her cheek from the pool of deep blue in her eye. Xazor smiled once again as a few more decided to fall. They were not produced by sadness, no....but of an incredible love that she had never felt with anyone else....and never would, only with him. They were soulmates, separated, and now, reunited......

imported_Terran Starek
Oct 13th, 2002, 06:27:26 PM
It was all he could do to contain himself, to let his tears began to stream down his face. He was so happy--this was more emotional than he could have planned. His training had instinctively told him to hold his feelings in--but this was one of those exceptions to the rule.

He looked deeply into her eyes, sensing her passion, feeling her happiness. Everything she said clicked in his mind. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. He was so happy--happier than when they were first together, for he had never known the lonliness of being apart from Xazor. He remembered the first time they had dedicated their love. This time would be the second and last.

"And I," he reached to her necklace that hung around her neck. A ring hung from it--their old engagement ring that she had hung on the necklace when they had taken their bond of friendship. It would no serve its proper purpose. "And I give myself to you, Xazor Leo Dawnstrider. Every heartbeat in my chest belongs to you. Every moment I breathe will be because you are next to me. Every ounce of love I have to give is yours." He smiled brightly, now voice quivering slightly at the emotion in his voice.

"I love you," he siad, kissing her deeply again. He didn't care what was in the past or what the future held for him. He only cared that in this moment, Xazor and he were one. Forever, they would be. He knew.