View Full Version : Everybody Wants.

Sep 27th, 2002, 08:47:22 PM
by Stabilo Boss

doesnt anybody know how to walk any more.
doesnt anybody know what a radio's for.
doesnt anybody wear their hair down low.
doesnt anybody know, doesnt anybody know.

doesnt anybody hate it when the street light turns red.
doesnt anybody want five more minutes in bed.
doesnt anybody, doesnt anybody have a letter to send.
doesnt anybody wish they had just one more friend.

Cause Everybody wants and everybody needs,everybody asks for one more peice.
everybody wants to hear some one say please.
Cause Everybody takes and everybody steals, everybody cries when something feels
everybody's looking for the drug that heals.

doesnt anybody wanna take another shot at me.
go ahead,the gun is loaded and the bullets are for free.
doesnt anybody spray perfume to cover up the smell.
doesnt anybody know where to go and get some help.

Cause Everybody wants and everybody needs, everybody begs for self-esteem.
why dont you get your mind out of the past.
everybody takes and everybody steals, everybody's been kicked by other heels.
please, raise your hands up in the air.
yeah, why dont you raise your hands up in the air.

Cause everybody wants.

doesnt anybody know how to walk anymore.
doesnt anybody know what a radio's for.
doesnt anybody wear their hair down low.
doesnt anybody know, doesnt anybody know.

Cause everybody wants.


Eyes of luminescent blue surveyed the crowded expanse. They would be beautiful eyes, if they werent so cruel. The mass of strolling, promenading, socialising life forms were ignorant of the woman looking maleviolently down upon them.

From her vantage on the duracrete overpass, decorated with ornamental creatures resembling cherubs and children, the Sith Master wondered at the futility of the lives parading in ignorance before her. She marvelled at their capacity to be entertained by the frivolis, the quaint, the meaningless, and concluded that she would be doing the majority of them a favor.

Tomorrow, for most of these here attending the fairgrounds of Tempana, there would be no more mundane-ness, no more puposeless ambling, no more attempting to fill and enjoy such pointless existance.

This time tomorrow, the fairground would be a tulmult of pain and incomprehendable charnage as the timer clicked its last move to detonation point. The bomb was in place and would do its work with terrible stealth. And she it would be then she would make her move.

A small child running excitedly up to her parents, squealing happily something which the Sith could not hear from where she stood. It made Hera shake her head in condescension. She would not even consider the thought that the scene held any form of beauty. She pushed off from where she was leaning on the bridges stone wall, her face grim and emotionless.

"A favor."

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:01:39 AM
'On leave'. Those seven little letters had resounded in her ears when her captain back at the station house had spoke them to her only a few hours earlier. Brie couldnt remember the last real leave she's had. A day here and there but a whole week!

The first thing she had done was to leave the city behind and this was done at the controls of her brand new THX 1138 AccCelera, a custom made and outfitted speeder, one designed specifically for her at her father's request. Her parents hadnt fully approved of her decision to join the force but had relented at her insistence and this was thier gift to her upon her graduation from the Academy. A lightweight armouring covered the vehicle, from nose to tail and the makers had assured her father that it could outrun anything else on the streets. Senator Acaana worried enough about his only child and wanted her protected, at least when she was driving, by the best that money could buy.

Brielle had reached her destination several hours ago and was now meandering through the crowds at the Tempana fairgrounds, her head turning this way and that as she tried to take in all the sights. Picking at a large turkey leg she had purchased, Brie settles down on a wooden bench as she eats it, her eyes sliding from one passerby to another as they parade endlessly down the thoroughfare.

A movement from the top of a stone walkway catches her eye and she looks up just as a slim blonde female moves away from the edge.

Now, why do I suddenly feel something is wrong?

Sep 28th, 2002, 04:08:33 PM
Making her way down the stone steps, and crossing the grassy rise where two lovers were picnicking, she barely cast them a glance.

In her minds eye, she was running through tomorrow's scenario. Where she would be when the explosion erupted, what direction the majority of the frightened, panicked people would be running. If all goes as planned, they would be raising enough confusion and mayhem for the local authorities and emergency response teams for anyone to notice what she was up to.

The Sith's eyes swept over the grounds and saw a woman taking a certain interest in her it seemed. Hera acted as if she hadn't noticed and turned to continue walking on. Her face etched in her mind, marking the young woman as a potential threat.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:17:32 PM
**Meanwhile in the Diplomatic Suites at the Coruscant Heights Hotel **

A knock at the door preceded the arrival of room service. A slight woman, in simple attire answered the door and allowed entry to a uniformed server. She was the Envoys aid and gestured for the room service to be served in the adjoining room.

As the cart was wheeled in, the Envoy smiled and thanked the hotel employee. She was tired from her journey and tomorrow would be a hectic day. The plan for the evening was something to eat, a turn in the refresher and then the soft beckoning comfort of the bed.

As room service left Luminara asked her aid to get out the documentation again so the Envoy could revise the specific aspects of Tempana for her speech at the fair.

Oct 12th, 2002, 09:56:12 PM
She strolled across the street to a mid-sized restaurant. One where a person could blend but not loose sight of someone, say a pursuer, if she did not want to.

Hera took the offered menu and then a seat at a table against the wall. She could see the street throught the window, but could not be seen herself from the window unless one peered right into it.

The server placed a glass of water in front of her and the Sith ordered two Corellian Ale's. The waitress puzzled for a brief moment, but who was she to question the customer.

The beer arrived and Hera indicated she would order in a moment, and then, just as she had anticipated, in walked the darkblonde woman from the park. Hera had followed the woman's progress from across the street and along the sidewalk up to the restaurant. Hera stared right at the woman, openly telling her she had "made" her.

Now to see if this stranger would be straightforward enough to join her table, or decline the not so subtle call.

Brielle Acaana
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:26:49 PM
"An import, good. I dont like the domestic beers very well."

Brielle had played too many hands of 'friendly' poker with her father not to know when to call and lay her cards on the table. This woman knew the game, too.

The eyes. Always watch the eyes. You'll learn more if you do, Brie and see things coming that you didnt expect.

The eyes chilled her. Even with the smile tugging at the corners of her lips, the eyes remained cool and calculating. The uneasy feeling Brie had when she first saw her, returned in spades.

Pulling out the chair, Acaana sits down and picks up the mug in front of her, lifting it in a semi-toast. The thought crosses her mind that just possibly the drink had been doctored with something nasty but Brielle quickly discards that idea.

Eyes of a killer. She wouldnt want her prey unconscience. She would want them awake so they could scream for her.

"Let me guess. Youre here for the livestock judging, right?"

Brielle smiles as she looks across at the older woman.

Oct 12th, 2002, 10:30:20 PM
"Who's asking?"

Hera sipped her beer, not taking her eyes off the woman.

Barris Offee
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:36:09 PM
"Of course Master," the woman said, pulling out a few documents for the Envoy.

Barris Offee had been in Envoy Nissorrinah's service dating back to the Old Republic. First as Jedi Padawan, now as her aide and friend. It was far from easy work, but not completely difficult.

The only problem Barris had was dealing with diplomats and politicians day in and day out. But that's why she was an aide and not the Envoy herself. Even in her more mature days, she still showed flashes of that temper that her master had spent years trying to curb (and succeeding for the most part). But politicians still grated on her nerves...even the non-corrupt ones.

"Envoy, is there anything else I can get for you? Some water or spice tea perhaps?"

Brielle Acaana
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:39:13 PM
"Maybe Im a contestant and Im wanting to score points with a judge for a prize winning heifer I own."

Brie leans back in her chair, locking her smokey green gaze with the other females' cool blue one.

"Im with Coruscant Watch. Off duty at the moment. Names' Brielle. Now, its your turn."

Oct 12th, 2002, 10:46:01 PM
Hera paused in her drinking long enough to nod and take in the "Coruscant Watch" part.

Tilting the beer glass base end up, she guzzled the rest and released a satisfied sigh. Flicking her fingers toward the server calling for two more ales.

"Names Hera - smuggler,pirate, murderer" she grinned and it was hard to tell if she was joking or not. She laughed goodnaturedly, but that didn't really help either.

"You hungry Brielle?" Hera didnt wait for a reply, but continued on speaking. "Brielle...an unsual name."

Envoy Nissorinnah
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:55:52 PM
"Sahm spice tea would be nice, Bahrris"

The Envoy's smooth islandic accent was almost sing-song in its tone.

Barris was so much more than an aid. Their friendship transcended Master/Apprentice bounds and even their official appointments. They each would gladly give their life for the other.

"Please join me, ahlso"

They spoke softly together and were encouraged by their recent talks with Senator Acaana and the inroads they were making in developing safe supply routes deeper into the Unknown regions.

This upcoming speech was to encourage the general populace of Coruscant that all was being done in many different parts of the galaxy, by many different parties, to bring justice, order and peace to the "everyman" The talks with Senator Acaana a promising example..

Brielle Acaana
Oct 12th, 2002, 10:59:32 PM
"Smuggler, pirate, murderer". I believe it.

Matching this self proclaimed badass, Brielle kills off the rest of her ale, sitting the mug back with a thump.

"Funny, I was thinking that about your name. 'Hera' isnt one thats heard too often except in history books. No, Im not hungry but thanks just the same."

Oct 12th, 2002, 11:17:22 PM
The beer arrived and Hera ordered herself a steak, with mushrooms medium-rare, "Im not one much for blood" she commented to Brielle with a wink. Potatoes - lots of them - and fried tomatoes with onion.

"My father named me after an ancient godess in some folklore. Its just a name" she shrugged.

"So....you're a cop." she asked when the server left. "Why law enforcement? Not much money in that, Id guess."

Brielle Acaana
Oct 13th, 2002, 12:47:22 PM
"Why? Its how I was raised. Live to help others and you'll find yourself in doing so. No, theres not a lot of money in law enforcement, not if youre one of the good guys. If you happen to be on the take..."

Brielle shrugs expressively. She knew of two at the stationhouse who liked having thier palms greased. But that wasnt her style. Like the female across from her, Brie liked making her own way, on her own terms.

I'd have thought she would want her steak fresh off the hoof.

"Now that we each have a good idea of where the other stands, do I haul you in and try to dig up some dirt on you, or do you lie and promise to be a good girl?"

Oct 14th, 2002, 12:27:11 AM
"Haul me in?" She gave Brielle a lopsided grin. "You could try."

Her steak arrived and without a moments pause, Hera tucked into it immediately. It was cooked just the way she liked it, which went a long way in her retaining her oddly amiable mood for the evening. The Sith was rarely friendly, just for the sake of it. And tonight was no different. This woman had been following her - and Hera would find out why before her dinner was through.

In between enthusiastic depositing of forkfulls into her mouth, the Sith kept the conversation going.

"You in the habit of following people when you're off duty? Or is it some kinda sicko kinko thing you got going cause you have no life?"

Barris Offee
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:35:10 AM
Barris poured the Envoy a glass of spice tea, then one for herself.

"Things may be going well with the Senator. But with these people just recently being freed from Imperial rule, some of them might not like it."

She sat down next to Nissorinnah and gave her the tea cup.

"Especially those from Imperial worlds who decided to join us, for the sake of joining us. I don't trust them...not at all."

She took a sip, "I sense...I don't know...deceit from them. How do we deal with them?"

Brielle Acaana
Oct 14th, 2002, 12:46:46 AM
Brielle returned the grin.

"I follow people who trigger my alarm bell whether Im on or off duty. If that makes me a 'sicko kinko' then Im your girl."

No life? I'll give her half a point for that one. Damn, shes got juice dribbling down her...use your napkin, for pete's sake!

"My life isnt your concern. My concern is why you were eyeballing all the rubes with a 'cat that ate the canary' expression. My instincts dont lie. Youre up to something and I want to know what. Its that simple."

Oct 14th, 2002, 01:04:58 AM
Hera figured if she followed everyone who "triggered her alarm" this Brielle would be running all over town 24/7. And the woman probably did at that, too. She looked the dedicated type. She was doing her cop-drill on her and Hera found it annoying. Still, she didnt want Brielles suspicions aroused. Hera wanted to get to the Envoy tomorrow and everything was in place. She planned that it stayed that way without some dudly do-right lousing things up.

"Im up to dessert right now." Hera wiped her lips with her napkin and pushed her plate aside.

"And I'm here to enjoy the cultural festivities of Tempana."

The server returned and took her plate and her dessert order.

"Rum, make it a double"

Envoy Nissorinnah
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:21:05 AM
Luminara nodded, agreeing with all Barris said.

But their role was not one that must enforce loyalties. Theirs was to lead, to guide, to assist. To point the way, and help by example and compassionate understanding. Barris sometimes forgot this. She had a fire that burned inside her for righteousness and justice that sometimes sought for another expression. It wished to be more assertive in circumstances that were not theirs to orchestrate. Disloyalty and betrayal were a constant contingent in all their negotiations. They did not conduct their work because of this fact, but inspite of it. Somewhere, there were true hearts that made all their efforts worthwhile. These were for who they labored.

Luminara sipped her tea quietly and refrained from comment. Barris was sensitive and would need no verbal correction.

She gazed out of the hotel windows at the millions of lights across the city.

"You hahve ahlwahys hahd a knack of mahking good tea, Bahrris."

Brielle Acaana
Oct 14th, 2002, 01:34:03 AM
"Another Corellian ale for me and put her drink on my tab."

Brielle turned her green gaze from the waitress back onto Hera.

"Seems we've reached an impasse. But since Im here on a small vacation, I dont plan on doging your every step...unless you give me reason to."

Frell, its hot in this joint. Wheres the air conditioning?

Picking up her napkin, Brie lightly wipes her face with then dabs at the back of her neck. Tossing the paper back onto the table, she lifts her hair and quickly loops it up off her neck. Holding it in place with one hand, she digs a pen out from a back pocket and inserts it into the bun.

With her arms raised, Brielle's ever present badge, worn on a chain around her neck, slips out from its place inside her shirt, its metallic sheen causing flashes of reflective light to shine on her table companion's face.

Oct 14th, 2002, 02:08:44 AM
776295.....Well, well Detective 776295 Coruscant Watch, lets just see who you are..

Hera commited the ID number to memory as she glimpsed the womans police badge and already planned her late night call to Remkah to run a trace on her. He was bound to have a program that would be able to access such information. Or one of her SFF crew would.

Hera lifted her drink to her lips.

"Well, lets just agree to be unlikely friends shall we Brielle? And talk of something other than "work"..What do you say?"

Brielle Acaana
Oct 14th, 2002, 02:18:14 AM
Nodding her thanks to the waitress who had just delivered thier drinks, Brielle tosses a couple of credits onto her tray.

"Sounds like a plan. What topic is next?"

Damn, I wish I had more than just "Hera" for a name. Guess I'll have to slip that glass of hers into my pouch when I leave and have someone run out to get it.

The weight of her snub nosed pistol at her hip gave her added confidence and Brielle settles more comfortably in her chair as the other female finishes off her dessert.

Oct 15th, 2002, 12:58:14 AM
Sitting, watching each other silently for a moment, the two women looked every bit as much as two friends out for a late drink.

It was so far from the truth as to be laughable. Each didnt trust the other, but both kept the facade of amiablity. It was a switch for Hera to take such an approach. Normally she would not waste such energy on mind games, but something cautionary in her psyche kept her from dismissing this gun-totting girlscout too quickly. There was much more to this Brielle. Something Hera should be aware of..she was certain of it.

The drinks came and went one more time around before both Hera and Brielle realised they were only doing the same non-comittal dance in conversation. Both recognised the time had come to try other avenues of information-getting. Hera was the first to stand.

"Its been fun, Brielle, but Im sure the streets of Coruscant are far from safe and you are needed desperately. Surely some little old lady needs to cross a road some place?"

Hera stood, tossing ample credits for her meal on the table.

Leaning over Brielles shoulder, she smiled darkly.

"Be good now." And then made her way to the exit.

Brielle Acaana
Oct 15th, 2002, 07:40:55 AM

Just dont let me hear the screams of pain from the next person you toy with or I'll be breathin down your neck, sister.

Staring after the trim blonde, Brielle found it difficult to shake off the feeling of impending doom. For whom or what, she didnt know but what Acaana did recognize was that Hera was dangerous, through and through.

Tearing her dark thoughts back to the present, Brielle drapes her own napkin over her hand and gently picks up the empty glass Hera left behind. Opening her leather pouch she digs out an ever present plastic bag and slips the tumbler inside, discarding the napkin back onto the table.

Rising, Brielle slings the pouch over her shoulder and steps out into the waning sunlight. A touch of coolness had entered the air along with the coming night and the vendors and ride operators alike were busying themselves in switching on the gaudy neon and flashing lights of thier particular attraction.

Picking her way through the growing throng, Acaana reaches her speeder, unlocking it with her remote then sliding onto the drivers' seat. Putting a call through to her stationhouse, the operator transfers the call to Knobes.

"Its Brielle. Look, I need you to run a name for me. Hera. H...e...r...a. Yeah, just like that.......No, its all Ive got. And can you send someone out here to Tempana? Ive got a glass with her prints on it and I need them lifted and scanned......wh......what do yo.......tomorrow night?! No, I need them run now! Listen, something is up with this woman and......yes, Knobes, its a female........................................fine . Fine! I'll see one of you tomorrow night."

Letting her head flop back onto the leather tooled seat, Brielle sighs deeply before easing out of the speeder and locking it up. It wouldnt take her long for the walk back to her hotel room and she needed to think.

A change of shifts had occured while she had been out and when the new desk clerk inquired her name, Brielle gave it without thinking, her mind still focused on the other woman.

"Acaana. Brielle Acaana. Have there been any messages for me?"

Oct 15th, 2002, 03:34:27 PM
Hera was staying on the "Wolfsschanze" in the space port docking bay. Everything she needed was there, and she just found it easier there than staying at some hotel someplace.

Accessing her databanks, she had Remkah, her Base captain working the other end searching Brielles ID badge number. SFF had a surprising assortment of hack access to a wide variety of places, the only hitch was timing. One had to be discreet and patient in order not to set of flags in the programs themselves, alerting the presence of prying eyes.

It was some time before the profile of Brielle Acaana displayed before the Sith, but display it did.

Slamming an angry fist onto the ship console, Hera cursed. She had the Senator's very own daughter within her grasp - had a beer with her for frell's sake - and then walked away from her! She shook her head at the irony.

The whole purpose of her coming here was to destroy the influence of the pact established between Envoy Nissorinnah and Senator Arcaana. The Envoy was easy to find, but the Senator was not. It was to corner one, to get at the other. The Senator being the real target. He was the deciding factor when all was said and done in the particular trade routes that effected Hera's business - the Envoy simply the flavor of the day in his negotiations.

Hera slumped back in her chair in thought, her fingers steepled together in pensive considerings. Wonder if Brielle was "Daddy's girl" or not... Perhaps a change in plans for tomorrow was in order. All was dependent on wether Brielle cared about her father or not. Perhaps she hated him and didnt give a rip. Different scenarios occured to the Sith as her mind actively presented and processed a whole new set of options that had with this new information, opened up to her.

Brielle Acaana
Oct 15th, 2002, 08:49:04 PM
Double checking to make sure that the door to her hotel room was locked, Brielle snags the desk chair and tucks its high back just beneath the doorknob, nudging its legs with the toe of her boot until the chair if firmly in place. She would know if someone tried to get in. The meeting with Hera had affected her more than she liked to admit.

Stripping of her clothes, Brie tosses them on the end of the bed before walking into the bathroom and turning the shower knobs on, adjusting them to the desired temperature. Bathing quickly, she towels dries off and slips on her panties and an over-sized tee, her complete bedtime ensemble.

From her small overnight bag, Brielle removes a large comb, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. Unlocking the sliding glass door to the outside of her room, she steps out onto the balconey, tapping the pack to eject one of the cigarettes. Slipping her lips just over the end of the butt, Acaana ignites the lighter, drawing on the rolled tobacco as it catches the flame.

Through the open door, she tosses both pack and lighter back onto her bed then hikes one leg up on the railing as her gaze roams over the countryside. In the near distance Brielle can see the lights from the carnival reflecting off of the gathering clouds that have begun to move in.

Rains' moving in. Wonder how long the fair will be shut down--and if I'll see 'the Goddess' again?

With a flick of her fingers, she sends the butt sailing through the night air, her lips pursing as she exhales the drag of smoke from her lungs. Standing up from the railing, Brielle steps back inside the room and slides the glass door closed behind her, making sure to lock it.

Snatching up the comb, she runs it through her hair, working out the tangles and knots then tossing the comb on the dresser and climbing under the sheets.

Oct 19th, 2002, 07:25:00 PM
After her initial annoyance of allowing Brielle Acaana slip through her fingers, Hera settled into rational thought.

The woman was a cop. Her natural instincts that of a hunter. She would know Hera was bad business - why else would she have followed her into the restaurant to case her out.

A knowing smile crept along the Sith Masters lips. Brielle would not just discard their chanced meeting today, she wasnt the type to just let a threat saunter off. She would probably try to keep tabs on Hera tomorrow at the Fair...assuming she would be there. Well, it was a chance Hera would take. She still had her original plan in effect and should Brielle show up, then Hera would improvise as it suited her.

In more relaxed frame of mind and her ship in secure lock-down, Hera took to her bunk in the back part of her ship and dreamed the dreams of the wicked.


The morning broke crisp and cool - a slight morning fog crawled over the grounds as she walked the city blocks toward Tempana. It was barely 0600 hrs and though the rain had stopped, the dampness was thick in the air, clinging to the siths clothing and penetrating down to her skin.

Luminescent blue eyes constantly roved the streets and buildings around her as she progressed, wary and expectant of the badge-bearing Brielle.

Brielle Acaana
Oct 19th, 2002, 10:53:13 PM
Rubbing the back of her hand over one eye, Brielle yawned, her reflection mimicing the move on the glass of the sliding balconey door.

Sipping her flavored caffe, Acaana breathes in the scented aroma with a slight smile.

Nothing better to wake up to--unless it was someone in bed next to me. Fat chance with my hours!

Heaving a sigh, Brie sets the caffe cup down and reaches for her clothing, pulling them on without preamble. Slipping her shoulder holster around her back, she fastens it securely across her chest and rechecks the clip.

Full, locked and ready to rock. Just the way I like it!

Pulling her jacket on, Brielle slides her pistol into the holster and grabs up her comm and credits, tucking both into seperate pockets. Opening the door, she exits the hotel in search of breakfast. Glancing at her watch, she grins ruefully.

Even on vacation, Im still up and going by 0700!

Barris Offee
Oct 20th, 2002, 02:35:25 AM
"Thank you, Master, I try," Barris returned taking a sip of her own. It was a bit too spicy, but she was frustrated and wanted something with a bit of kick to it.

"What is your plan for tomorrow? We have the meeting with Senator Acaana and then what? Is there a state dinner for us to attend afterwards?"

Envoy Nissorinnah
Oct 20th, 2002, 10:39:07 PM
Luminara explained that she would be making a speech at the fair, after they had joined up with the Senator. She hoped to make good their departure as she was loath to sit through yet another time-consuming formal dinner. But in all likelyhood, that would not be possible. In which case, they would do their duty.

She set her cup down on the low table.

"We should get ouhrselves some rest, Bahrris. The morning will be coming so soon."

Brielle Acaana
Oct 20th, 2002, 11:10:37 PM
Breakfast had been hot, good and filling, just the thing to warm her against the chill of the morning.

But that was two and a half hours ago and her fast metabolism had Brielle feeling peckish. Stopping in front of a confectioners stand, she orders a batter-fried cake, topped with a generous helping of powdered sugar.

Nibbling as she strolled around the fairgrounds, Acaana kept alert, her eyes flicking through the growing crowd to places that she thought would provide ample cover for the female she met yesterday.

Hera hadnt been out of her thoughts for long and Brielle scrutinized every blonde head that she saw.

Cruising slowly through the throng that was gathering in front of a decorated podium, she began hearing her fathers' name mentioned over and over again.

This is why he was smiling when I told him I would be out of town and at the Tempana fairgrounds this weekend! Dad was going to surprise me by being here, too! That sly dog!

Her practiced eye takes in several bodyguards, one known to her as her fathers' and others whose faces she didnt recognize, now that she knew what was going on. Back at the stationhouse several fellow officers had groused about not getting the time off they had asked for, just so they could come and ogle the Envoy.

Im losin it in my old age. Totally forgot about the Envoy's speech today.

Her wry smile fades as Brielle suddenly adds up Hera's presence along with that of her fathers' and the Envoys'. Dropping the fried cake onto the ground, Acaana's hand darts up to her left shoulder, her right hand gripping the butt of her pistol as she desperately searches the crowd and podium for any signs of the blonde.

Quickly, Brielle begins to edge closer to the podium. She had to warn her father!

Oct 27th, 2002, 02:25:43 PM
"You dont want to start a panick do you, Ms......Acaana?"

Hera spoke softly as she turned from out of the crowd and intercepted Brielle's progress toward the podium. Her blue eyes under the hood of her cloak colder than they had been the day before, the now familiar taunting smile playing about her lips.

"Lot of people could get hurt that way you know."

Brielle Acaana
Oct 28th, 2002, 06:56:34 PM
Do it NOW!!

In the less time than it took to blink, Brielle drew her pistol and pointed the small but deadly muzzle at Hera's forehead. Her hand was steady and her green eyes calm but inside Officer Acaana was quaking, her insides feeling like the oatmeal she had for breakfast.

"Noone has to get hurt here. Just come with me and we can talk this out."

In the milling crowd, which has continued to grow, the onlookers were oblivious to the two females standing off to the side.

Oct 30th, 2002, 11:42:34 PM
Hera's smile broadened into a grin. Brielle's quick action hadn't ruffled the Sith's composure at all, infact she looked quite at home with the blaster nozzle nugding against her temple.

"Sure - we could go for a little walk, but then that wouldn't leave much time for you to find the bomb, would it..?"

Brielle Acaana
Nov 1st, 2002, 02:03:30 AM
.....bomb?? Shes bluffing. Noone in thier right mind would do......all the people...the families, kids in tow, babes in arms..........the Envoy! Thats who shes after, the Envoy......her entourage...................oh god..........my father........

Brielle felt like someone had just slammed a fist into her gut. Sounds and voices from the crowd faded and grew as the public swirled and eddied around and behind them.

Hera's gaze was unwavering as she enjoyed the pained expressions flitting over the young officers' face. Welcome to the big leagues, kiddo and to running with the big dogs. Looks like you just found out this one bites.

Brielle thought about taking the chance and just yelling out, "Bomb!! Bomb!!", sending the crowd into a panic and running for thier lives. Her father, the Envoy and others backstage would hear the alarm as well and stood as good a chance as anyone in reaching safety.

She greatly doubted that Hera woud allow herself to be blown up and for the bomb to do any widespread damage, it would have to be secreted in a place very close by where they were now standing.

Brielle locks her gaze onto the other womans'. Hera wasnt bluffing and the officer knew instinctively that she wouldnt back down. It was all or nothing and Brielle had to make a decision one way or the other. Inch by agonizing inch, she lowers her weapon until the muzzle is pointed at the ground.

"What do you want me to do?"

Nov 2nd, 2002, 01:26:42 AM
Satisfaction at Brielles response registered in Hera's eyes as the police-woman powered down her blaster and dropped it to her side.

"I thought you'd see it my way" she said smugly.

Hera glanced to her left, and Brielle followed her line of sight to see the Jedi Ambassador and her father, Senator Acaana enter onto the dais.

Rolling her head back to look Brielle in the eye, Hera answered the question as if she was deciding on something as inane as having jam or butter on her toast, instead of playing grim reaper with the lives of hundreds of innocent people.

"Do? I would assume you want to find the bomb. You know, to stop all the mindless killing etc etc."

A cruel smile tugged at her lips.

"I dont really care, just so you stay out of my way for the next 10 minutes."

Brielle was resisting the urge to hit her, Hera could feel it, but the womans concept of the "bigger picture" held her in check.

"Where" was the only word Brielle could manage to grind out between gritted teeth.

The Sith's eyes slid over to look at the huge ferris wheel that was gliding in a relentless circle in the air to the accompanyment of an annoyingly repetetive jingle. Delighted squeals of childrens voices reached them over the music. Brielles eyes widened in understanding as Hera only shrugged.

"Good luck, Brielle."

Brielle Acaana
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:20:11 PM
Her gaze shifted again to her father, then she was gone, mud spraying and splattering as her feet pounded through the mess left by the nights' rain.

Despite the precipitation, people had come out to the fair in droves and Brielle had to fight her way through several tight knots of bystanders, taking the shortest path possible to the Ferris wheel.

Yanking her badge out from her shirt, she shoves in into the ride operator's face, her voice low but demanding in his ear.

"Get everyone off of this ride now!! Do it as quickly as you possibly can and keep quiet about it. As soon as the last person is off, tell everyone else that the ride is down for maintenance and walk away as fast as you can. Hurry up!"

Darting from ride to ride and booth to booth, Brielle gives the same warning, flashing her badge to convince the sceptics. Usually several local policemen could be found at such events, patroling to make sure that nothing got out of hand but Acaana could find noone that remotely looked 'official' in her eyes.

The urge to look at her watch was overwhelming but somehow she resisted giving in to it. That would only waste the precious seconds she had.

"........as long as you stay out of my way for the next ten minutes."

Those ten minutes were ticking away too quickly and by her own estimation, Brielle only had a minute or so left. Most of the throng had drifted towards the stage where the Envoy and her father had just started thier speeches, leaving the rest of the fairgrounds rather barren looking with only a few stragglers here and there. On her own it was the best she could have done.

Spinning on her heels, Brielle draws her pistol and takes the first running strides back towards the stage....and her father.

Nov 4th, 2002, 11:16:34 PM
Hera had moved toward the back of the raised platform where the Senator and Nissorinnah were standing. The Jedi had been announcing the success of their recent negotiations and the Senators backing of increased security patrols in the tradelanes on the edge of the outer rim, Echo Sector. Sectors Hera needed to remain unhindered.

Brielle's actions had caused a medium of disruptive noise behind the throng gathered about the dais and the people in the back rows turned and bobbed their heads around to see what the ruckus was about. This had a domino..or snowball effect in that more heads turned to look at what the others were all gaping at. The Ambassador was distracted also, her keen eyes picking up instantly on the fear emanating with such a surge from Brielle. Her words came mechanically across the loudspeaker and a general shift of attention was placed on Brielle.....and away from Hera.

As Brielle began her race back towards the stage, unease and distress began to sweep the crowd and Nissorinnah narrowed her attention in the police-womans direction.

As Brielle "splashed" one booted foot into a shallow puddle as she ran, a corresponding "BLAST" hammered out into the festival air.

The crowd shreiked and shrank together and then with a perceptible heave, broke into a mayhem of crouching and hiding and ducking instinctively to avoid being hit by whatever had just exploded. There was a split-second silence and then the Ferris wheel began to tilt from its center and fall forward. The bomb had been detonated right at it center axis and blew away the iron bands that held the massive metal wheel in place. A giant round wheel of iron,steel and mesh cages began its ineveitable fall forward which would certainly crush the hundreds of people in the press below it.

The Jedi Ambassodor focused her force power onto the massive ferris wheel to stop it in place and prevent it falling. It took a monumental effort of concentration for her to do so, given the suddenness and speed of the explosion.

This was the moment Hera had planned for.

She stepped onto the dais, her cloak fluttering about her as the wind picked up. Two steps and she was beside the Senator, ice blue eyes looking coldly into his wide frightened green ones.
He barely heard her say the word - as with a flick of her wrist, her blue lightsaber sliced across his shoulder and through his chest splitting him into two peices from left to right.

Another twist of her wrist and the blade was gone again, de-activated and tucked back under her cloak.

One leap, and Hera disappeared down behind the dais and into the crowd.

Nov 6th, 2002, 12:12:10 AM
The boom immediately draws Akrabbim's attention, jarring him from his thoughts. He rises immediately, rushing toward the source of the blast. To his suprise, he sees a large ferris wheel rolling toward the dais. Before he has time to react, though, the wheel stops in its tracks, freezing in place. He notes a woman on the stage in deep concentration. Breathing a sigh of relief that disaster is averted, he begins moving away to help with crowd control.

Before he finishes turning, he catches a small flash of light out of the corner of his eye. By the time he turns back, he sees the senator slumping to the ground... in two pieces. A woman seems to be moving away quickly, probably in fear. He races to the platform as fast as he can. Upon arrival, the source of the wound is immediately apparent. Only a lightsaber leaves such a clean, cauterized wound. Reaching out with his feelings, he feels a Dark presence to his right. Perhaps his earlier assessment of the rushing woman was wrong. In his shock at seeing the senator collapse, he does not even remember the woman's hair color.

No matter, a Dark Side presence is enough. He moves off into the crowd, moving quickly to try to head off the presence. Whether the presence had a part in this or not held little import for Akrabbim. A Dark Sider in the vicinity was reason enough for suspicion.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Nov 7th, 2002, 12:45:16 AM
The Envoy was distracted by the "whoosh" of the lightsaber as it cut down the Senator beside her.

The huge iron ferris wheel waivered mid-air and a corresponding GASP was heard as hundreds of people saw their lives flash before them, in what was surely their bitter end.

The everyday people, their everyday lives, crushed and snuffed out in a conflict that had nothing to do with them. Such was the way of life - unfair and nonsensical.

But they were granted reprieve as the Jedi Envoy focused and with great effort not only held the aparatas safely away, but managed to set it down against the side of a building some 100 yards away.

Luminara's eyes were filled with sadness as she turned and saw Senator Acaana dead on the dais beside her. Deep violet eyes swept the crowd, taking in Brielles distraught face as she still stood, blaster held impotently in her hand. The Envoy also registered the presence of another, a jedi like herself, but he moved away too quickly and he was gone again.

Brielle Acaana
Nov 7th, 2002, 01:37:15 AM
She had seen the flash of electric blue and watched as her father fell backwards but due to the podium and the Envoy blocking her full view, Brielle couldnt see how badly her father was injured and leapt up onto the stage beside the Envoy.

Quickly, Nissorinnah turned towards her, lifting both sides of her cloak in an upwards motion to spare Brielle the anguish of seeing her father's body cleaved in two.

The mixed expression of pity and grief on Nissorinnah's face quelled any hopes Brielle had been harboring that with medical aide, her father might be able to recover.

Hot tears filled and stung her eyes but her will and resolve to hunt down the one responsible for her father's murder burst to the forefront of her thoughts.

Brielle had seen Hera jump down from the stage and melt into the now silent and stunned crowd below. Her green eyes scan the throng before her, desperately trying to pick out any noticeable movement. There, just at the back edge of the onlookers, Brielle sees her.

Hera had paused to enjoy the moment of mayhem she had created and pushed the hood of her cloak back from her face as thier eyes met and locked.

A malicious smirk twitches Hera's lips and she raises a hand to her forehead, tossing the Senator's daughter a mock salute just before turning on her heel and disappearing behind one of the exhibition sheds.

Nov 7th, 2002, 10:57:30 PM
The distress, hate and anger all tied in a neat bundle of bewilderment reflected in Brielle's eyes was amusing to the Sith.

The personal touch...oh how she loved it.

Whipping her hood again to cover hear head, Hera twisted back and at a light jog that increased in speed as the crowd naturally thinned out, she left the Tempana Fair Grounds.

Moving into the mass of thriving life that was the City of Coruscant, Hera took a route she knew from repeated reconniscance in the days leading to the fair.

Nov 8th, 2002, 12:01:27 AM
The presence of the Dark Sider begins moving away, and gaining a bit of speed. Akrabbim cloaks himself in invisibility and puts on a burst of Force Speed. It would stand to reason that she would not be moving at full speed, so as not to attract attention. Therefore, with a full-out run, he should be able to catch the person.

After a few moments of Force Speed, the presence is very near. He loops around a building, positioning himself in front of her. He draws his katana, waiting as she nears. When she is barely three feet in front of him, he suddenly appears in a burst of light. His katana, however, remains invisible.

And where would you be going, madam? You can't leave just yet... I believe we have things to discuss.

Nov 8th, 2002, 01:13:34 AM
Hera pulled up short and abruptly as the blast of light appeared in front of her. She had felt a disturbance in the force, but this sudden appearance was not what she expected.

The man infront of her was obviously intent on hindering her progress. The words he spoke and the positioning of his body in interception of her path said as much.

Without a moments hesitation, the Sith warrior recognised the threat instantly. Using her force power, she sent a powerful force-push at the inquisitive individual, lifting him up off his feet and hurling him through a "cafe'au lait" window to crash onto the tables within.

Hera drew her saber into her hand and ran on, not waiting for the man to try to apprehend her.

Nov 8th, 2002, 12:20:59 PM
Akrabbim flies through the window, coming down hard inside the restaurant. He regains his feet slowly, checking his wounds. He's a bit scratched up, a few light cuts from the glass, but his heavy cloak and gi seem to have protected him from the blunt of the glass. The bruises from the fall will just have to be tolerated.

He quickly leaps back through the window, seeing the woman fleeing in the distance.

Oh no you don't... you're not getting away that easily...

He extends his hands forward, concentrating. He sends a strong wave of Force Blindness into the woman's mind, robbing her of sight. He rushes to catch up before she regains her vision.

Brielle Acaana
Nov 9th, 2002, 12:23:41 AM
Deep breaths now....slow deep breaths and close your eyes...........dont look yet, Brie. Hes gone and theres nothing you can do for him right now except just hang on and maintain. Dont lose it girl, not here in front of everybody. Youre a cop, for chris'sake, so act like one! Dont let them see your tears, your grief. Save that for when you get home..................home.....Mom's at home. Shes at home waiting......waiting for him to walk through the door. And instead of him, it will be me. And I'll have to tell her.........tell her that I couldnt protect him because I was more concerned about everyone else. That I let him die. That because of me, Dad is dead.

Without conscience effort the thoughts rolled, one after the other, through Brielle's mind. Standing as she had been with her back to the crowd, she continued gazing off into the distance.

Soft, murmered voices behind her melted together as Envoy Nissorinnah gathered her aides around the fallen Senator, blocking his severed body from thier curious stares.

As the Envoy turned to speak quietly with one of her entourage, the swirl of her cloak caught Brielle's eye and the young officer's head moved to follow.

The full horror of her father's fate was apparent as she took in the sight of his cleaved torso. With mouth agape, she tries to scream as the terror fills her senses, numbing both her mind and body.

Unable to look away, to shriek her lose or to take a breath, Brielle Acaana gives into the overwhelming shock and crumbles soundlessly onto the floor of the stage, her blaster still clasped in limp fingers.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Nov 9th, 2002, 10:17:30 PM
At Nissorinnah's bidding, suited security officers moved in and having fashioned a gurney, they lifted the dead Senator and covered him respectfully with a cloak and moved him off the platform to the more private area in the wings of the stage.

Luminara touched Brielle's shoulder gently.

"Be brave, chihld." The Envoy sensed the deep greif coming from the woman and could only surmise at some close connection between her and the murdered Senator.

"Come whith me, ahnd we will tahlk." Her voice was soothing, calming and kind. And Brielle somehow found the power to get back to her feet.

Nov 9th, 2002, 11:02:10 PM
Hera stumbled, tripped and fell forward with a hard crash as everything around her went suddenly and completely black.

She skidded alittle on the pavement and knocked a couple unprepared civilians over in her path.

She still gripped her lightsaber and instinctively ignited the weapon, slashing it in an arc about her, cleaving an arm off one of the unfortunates she had just bowled over.

She scrambled while still on the ground, pushing herself backwards along the pavement with her feet to press her back against the cold duracrete of a nearby building. She had fought opponents enough in the force, to know that this was some trick or illusion against her. And that she must focus in order to fight back.

The anger rose like bile in her throat at the effontry of such an assault against her, but she took a moment to collect herself. She ignored the wailing of the injured individual rolling about next to her and could hear a crowd gathering around her in morbid curiosity at the scene.

She forced her senses to reach out and could feel the approach of a Jedi. Hera closed her eyes tightly and began to sweep her surroundings. Her attention focused on a mangy dog that was roving about the garbage in an alley across from her. Projecting her force sense, the Sith Master reached out and wrapped dark steely tentacles about the mind of the animal and the dog yelped breifly as it succombed to the dark hold.

Slowly, and with a feeling of nausea, Hera began to get some vision back - though it was through the eyes of the mongrel. At her command, the dog sniffed the air - its keen sense of smell atleast 500 times that of regular humans - as Hera tried to pick up on anything familiar. The sheer onslaught of aromas was dizzying. Man, Coruscant stinks! and she sent the canine off in search of the man she had seen moments before and sensed was who had attacked her now.

Barris Offee
Nov 9th, 2002, 11:22:08 PM
Barris was waiting in their apartment as the Envoy and a cop who lookes vaguely familiar enterred.

"I heard on the news, is everything all right? GNN is saying something happened but not exactly what..."

Nov 11th, 2002, 04:41:49 PM
Akrabbim rushes ahead, focused on finding the woman who had eluded him moments ago. He sees her leaning against a wall, eyes closed tight in concentration. He advances on her slowly, sword in hand. His attention is fully on the woman before him.

Now, as I was saying, I believe we have something to discuss.

Brielle Acaana
Nov 12th, 2002, 12:06:52 AM
With the physical and emotional support, Brielle slowly gets back on her feet, clinging for the moment to Nissorinnah as the Envoy guides her off of the stage and into one of the wings.

A calmness fills her and she welcomes it after the past few turbulent minutes. Reaching out a hand to steady herself, Brielle sinks down onto a chair, her mind once again in gear and racing ahead with what she should be doing.

She would have to tell her mother face to face. But she was torn between fulfilling her daughterly duties and wanting to get the Watch right on this case. Her father's murderer would have to be apprehended and the sooner the better. Brielle knew that left undetected, Hera would strike down some other hapless person and she was determined to not let that happen again!

Lifting her head up, she meets the gentle gaze of the Envoy, sensing an unasked question behind her eyes. Taking a deep breath, Brielle answers it.

"Senator Acaana is............was my father."

Holding up a hand to stop the Envoy from voicing her sympathy, the younger Acaana stands and moves several feet away. An arm around her shoulders now would be her emotional undoing and Brielle had to keep herself together. She had already succombed once...twice would be unforgiveable in her own eyes.

"Im sorry......I need to make a call. Pardon me."

Using her personal comm, she puts a call through to the Watch and in clear precious tones, informs them of what transpired and what she needs to get the investigation rolling. Vymes would make an exception on this, she was sure of it and damn the jurisdictions to hell.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Nov 13th, 2002, 08:51:12 PM
ooc: hey guys, are we still at the fairgrounds or back at the Envoys apt?

Nov 13th, 2002, 11:08:23 PM
The dog had picked up the man's scent and had followed him for the last half block. It padded across the street behind him, and then came around him at a safe distance to look over the man who was still writing arm-less on the ground. It licked its chops and then swung its mangey head about to look over at Akrabbim.

As Akrabbim approached her and spoke, Hera felt that the "force blindness" had now abated, but she remained holding onto the conscious of the dog. She somehow got a slight kick out of the voyeurism she experienced watching through the dog's eyes as the man confronted her.

Pressing her back to the wall as she remained in a semi-sitting, semi-crouch position on the ground she snarled at Akrabbim.

"You are the one who should explain a few things. Because of you, a storekeeper has had his furnishings smashed and that poor skell whining on the ground is less one appendage.

Who the frell do you think you are?"

Nov 14th, 2002, 12:09:03 AM
His eyes widen at the sheer audacity of the woman's accusations. He steps back and sticks his sword into the ground, resting on it lightly.

Well, we have a large difference in our perceptions of reality, now don't we? Seems to me, you're the one with the lightsaber. All I did was ask you to talk. Did I ever say, "Hey, would you mind tossing me through this large window?" I don't believe I did.

Not to mention, a woman who seems the prime suspect in the death of the senator is in no position to make moral judgments. Might I ask why the only Dark Sider within range was running away from a dead man? A man killed by a lightsaber, no less?

And you ask who I am? My name is Akrabbim Melchizan. I am a Jedi.

His eyes narrow as he stares more intently at the woman, blue glow intensifying.

And I don't take kindly to people killing senators.

Brielle Acaana
Nov 14th, 2002, 08:33:43 PM
(ooc: I believe we're still in the wings off of the stage area.)

Her call to the Watch had been made. Commander Vymes and a few other officers were on thier way to the fairgrounds now though it would take them some time to reach thier destination.

Turning to Nissorinnah, Brielle offers a weak smile.

"When my commander and the others from my precinct get here, I'll need to speak with them but as soon as Ive relayed what information I can, I'll need to......".

In spite of her best intentions, Brielle looks over at the table bearing her father's body, the blanket draped over his still form lightly contouring his profile. Tearing her gaze away and steering it purposfully back onto the Envoy, Brielle finishes her sentence.

"I'll need to take my father home and then tell my mother. Your kindness......thank you. I dont think I could have handled it alone."

Nov 15th, 2002, 10:16:24 PM
His eyes narrow as he stares more intently at the woman, blue glow intensifying.

And I don't take kindly to people killing senators.

Hera pushed herself to a standing position, still leaning against the wall, her lightsaber held down and loosly at her side . She watched through the eyes of the dog, and it took her a moment to marry her own position with what she was seeing. Hera had first notably used this skill of projection during her Master Trials, and had since trained herself to supress the side effects of dizziness that came from this state of being.

"In case you didnt notice, a bomb had exploded and there was the threat of that ferris wheel falling and crushing all beneath it. I was running to safety like any normal person would do. And you know, where there's one bomb, there is always the possibility of another.."

She let the suggestion seep into Akrabbim's mind.

"I think the Envoy is a Jedi also...she would carry a lightsaber. Perhaps you are chasing the wrong woman. It wouldnt be the first case of 'When good Jedi go bad.' You are familiar with the Darth Vader story I should imagine. "

Hera was careful not to admit to the murder. As it stood, Brielle was the only person who knew she had done it. It would be Brielle's word only and even though she was part of the Coruscant Watch, it was her father that was brutally killed. Her account could be construed as emotionally unreliable. Hera had been robed and hooded as she jumped the stage and had been lethally quick to dispense her justice. All eyes would have been on the great wheel or looking to the ground as those fools cowered in fright. Akrabbim had nothing but his own suspicions to hold her.

"Now, Akrabbim Melchizan, get out of my way. Unless you intend to again attack me with parlor tricks and then blame me when I retaliate."

Hera barely moved, the dog, however, twitched his tail from side to side.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Nov 15th, 2002, 11:08:59 PM
While Brielle made her call to her Precint, the Envoy spoke to Barris via porta-holovid. Through the small screen Barris could see by Nissorinnah's somber face and the hustle and bustle of Fair officials behind her, that GNN had reported truly. She glimpsed Brielle for a moment, and then the Envoy again took up all the screen.

"It is ah trahdgedy, Bahrris. Thee Senahtor Ahcaahnah hahs been struck down." Luminara was careful of her wording, Brielle being with in earshot.

Barris enquired if the Envoy herself had been hurt.

"No, I ahm fine. But there is much confuhsion ahnd fear here. I will remain here ahnd do whaht I can. Expect compahny later on tonight."

The Envoy closed the connection as Brielle again joined her. The Jedi's heart was filled with compassion for the police woman who had suffered a terrible and shocking loss, yet was still bravely doing her duty.

"I ahm sorry I could not do more to help. Your fahther wahs ah very brahve mahn."

Nov 16th, 2002, 01:23:22 PM
His cold smile widens, eyes blazing anew.

You lie badly, Sith. First of all, I doubt seriously that NO ONE saw you leave that stage. Why were you running away from the stage, and not from the crowd? Second, I'm sure at least one person was watching the Envoy during this situation. For that reason alone I have more than enough justification to bring you in for questioning. You say you're innocent, therefore you should have nothing to fear from a few witnesses, now should you? You also ran away too late. The ferris wheel was stopped when you BEGAN running.

And you threaten me with a second bomb? That, too, is a serious offense. You may well be in serious trouble.

And what kind of fool do you take me for, anyway? Your story would not trick a child. At very least, there is ample circumstantial evidence to make you the prime suspect. I will not get out of your way. And I will stop you, mark my words.

Nov 16th, 2002, 09:48:08 PM
Despite his wordy answer, the Jedi still had nothing concrete with which to hold her. He was reaching. And Hera didnt have the time, nor the inclination to argue the toss with him.

She opened her eyes to look directly at Akrabbim. Instead of her luminiscent blues, she turned deep brown eyes that shone in the light, exact replicas of the mongrel she held possession of. Hera had the senses of the animal at her disposal and if Akrabbims earlier tricks were anything to go by, she would have need of the animals natural sense of smell and hearing.

But it wasnt like she didnt have a few tricks of her own..

"I guess we see things quite differently, Jedi. Though it doesnt surprise me that you would dismiss one of your own as the possible culprit - birds of a feather and all that. Much easier to blame the convenient dark sider."

She smiled thinly at him, but she held not warmth of amusement in her eyes. The crowd that had collected about the initial outbreak of violence earlier had begun to move on and continue on their way. One was used to seeing such action on the streets of Coruscant and it got old and boring quickly.

"You are losing your audience, and so should seek to play the hero some place else. I'd love to stay and set things straight for you, but I tire of such games as this."

Hera used the force, and sprang herself upwards into a leap. Propelling herself into the air, she timed it just as a speeder bike was travelling over head. Knocking the small rodian driver from his seat to fall heavily onto Akrabbims head, the Sith accellerated and fast blended into the continuous traffic that was standard for Coruscant.

Nov 16th, 2002, 10:03:31 PM
Akrabbim sidesteps a bit so as not to take the full brunt of the falling Rodian. He tries to catch him none the less. He is stunned from the impact, but not out. Once making sure the Rodian is okay, he reaches out with the Force to project another illusion. A large transport is heading to intersect the woman's path. Akrabbim simply makes sure she doesn't see it. With luck, she won't notice the large gap in traffic until it's too late.

Nov 17th, 2002, 10:00:49 PM
As she sped along the spacelanes away from the pestilent Jedi, Hera released her grip that she held on the mangey dog's mind. As the cold dark fingers of the force withdrew from the cannines conscious, the dog yelpped a little and then skittered off into the dark alleyway, frightened by what he had experienced.

Hera's lumiescent blue eyes regained their color and she lost immediately the keener sense of smell and hearing.

Continuing forward, the Sith increased the distance even further from Akrabbim. There was an incredible amount of traffic, even for Coruscant and the headlights seemed endless, but up ahead, there was a break in the flow. Hera was barelling forward when screeching toward her was the sound of a horn blasting. It appeared to be coming dead ahead, but Hera could see nothing. In the unwitting game of chicken, instigated at Akrabbims hand, the transport driver's eyes widened in unbelief as the speeder coming toward him did not veer off course, but rather was coming full speed a head. He yanked violently on his steering grip and swerved to the left, cutting across three vehicles as he did so.

A chain reaction ensued and many vehicals spun out of control in every direction. Two crashed into each other, bursting into crimson/blue flames. The transport that had started it all plowed into an eatery, demolishing the help-yourself-sushi bar and one 4 armed Sushi chef.

Hera herself, being part of the group reaction, went careening against the side of a duracreet building, sparking and screeching as metal connected wall. The rear end of her speeder cliped the edge of the building and sent her spiralling out of control.

She fell from off the bike and dropped like a stone down between the criss-crossing traffic, her robes flapping wildly about her head so that she couldnt see. Her bike had crashed up above her into a overhead pedestrian crossing, landing on a drunken Gran.

Hera continued to plummet, fighting to pull her robes from her eyes, all the while using the force to slow her decent. Perfect timing allowed her drop into the passenger seat of a passing speeder and as the stunned driver looked at her, Hera gave her a cold grin.

Hera knew the whole "crash" scenario was instigated by that magician Jedi Akrabbim and she would be prepared for the next time he tried his tricks. Shame on her that he had been able to do 3 of them already on her so far. But this did not sway her or distract her from making good her plans.

Her destination - a small ship rental outlet where she had reserved a vessell under a pseudonym. Her own vessell the "Wolffschanze" she had programmed to depart earlier that morning - it left approximately the same time Brielle Acaana was gulping down her quick breakfast.
According to official record - Hera DrenKast had left Coruscant City Spaceport at 0649 that morning.

Collecting herself, Hera reached over just as the woman was winding up in voicing her protests at Heras uninvited drop, she smacked the womans head once on the driving console knocking her unconsious, and then tossed her from the craft. Scrambling across into the driver seat, Hera continued on her way. As she watched the innocent woman fall to her death, Hera shot the vision into Akrabbims head as a parting gift, and simply said "Your work, Master Jedi."

Turning a sharp left, Hera accellerated leaving the mayhem of the huge crash behind her.

Nov 17th, 2002, 10:29:31 PM
He reels at the woman's mental visions, wondering how on earth she thought that her "right" to escape gave her free reign to blame everything on him. Well, there would be no catching her now. But he knew her face, and with his powers, he could show anyone else who wanted to see what she looked like. He turns to head back toward the podium, to see if he can help there.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Nov 21st, 2002, 01:03:52 AM
"Out of my way, Watch Business."

Vymes made the trip solo, a straight shot red-eye beeline from the other side of Coruscant. In Coco District, it was four in the morning, which was insane to most denziens of the city planet, but to the nightwatchman...it was his prime. Well, a prime with a hot cup of caf and a doughnut. After all, even when awake, four AM can take the energy from you. Acaana's personal call was coming in tandem with the GNN reports of the Senator's murder and the other pandemonium at the Tempana district fairgrounds. Coco, like any district on Coruscant, was full of hoods and perps, and even at this hour, it was a stretch pulling just one man off the beat.

But Vymes made a justified exception.

Already...the scene was crawling with blues. Tempana's day beat were keeping the locals in line, and further in, some hard-faced New Republic suits were cordoning off the area. It took only a glance at Commander Kyfen to get past the locals. They'd worked before, and had an understanding. On the beat, only so much of the status quo was regulation. The rest were a collection of understandings. He'd thrown out jurisdiction when a Tempana serial killer crossed town, because Vymes had enough balls to put his ego aside. Bagging a piece of dren like that isn't worth the price of a few little girls, or whoever the hell he'd end up hacking up. The NR investigators were another matter entirely. One stocky man with a thick mustache stepped into Vymes path, drawing down his sunglasses.

"I'm sorry, this is now a New Republic investigation. We're taking over this crime scene."

Vymes bristled, but then looked past him, at Brielle.

"I'm Commander Zemil Vymes, Coco district Watch. I've got a detective here who can ID the suspect. That grants jurisdictional precedence, and I'll be damned if you cut me out of this."

The NR investigator frowned, putting his glasses away, as he looked to one of his men.

"Best you get is advisory precedence, I'm afraid. The Jedi will likely intervene by default. Envoy Nissorinnah can explain that much. Don't know if they'll give you locals any more leeway than I would, but I wouldn't hold your breath."

The investigator stood aside, and Vymes brushed past him, like he was just another pedestrian. If he didn't have the answers...then it was Brielle...or the Envoy...someone.

Brielle Acaana
Nov 21st, 2002, 02:08:31 AM
"Commander! Commander! VYMES!!"

There was still a crowd milling around beyond the stage and with all the police and other officials it was as difficult to be heard now as it had right after her father had been killed.

Waving a hand in his direction, Brielle pushed and shoved her way over to the commander and uncharacteristically threw her arms around his shoulders, burying her face against his chest. At last, a friendly face and someone she could truly lean on. Next to her parents, Zemil Vymes was the one person she trusted most in this screwed up galaxy. He had been a mentor for her from the day she left the academy and was stationed under his command.

Her actions took Vymes by surprise and in a typical male fashion, he patted her back stiffly as if trying to burp her. With a small laugh, Brielle lifts her head and releases her hold on him.

"Arent you a sight for sore eyes, Commander. Thank you for coming."

Gesturing to the New Republic investigators, she shrugs her shoulders.

"Theyve trampled over anything that might have been left...although I have to admit that I wasnt exactly on my game........Commander, we've got to find her!"

Placing a hand on Acaana's elbow, Vymes steers Brielle towards a more quiet area and grabs up an empty bucket, turning it upside down and offering it as a seat, which the younger Watch officer gladly accepts.

Squatting down on his haunches, the commander fixes her with a steady and calming gaze, allowing Brielle to catch her breath before retelling the events once again.

"From the beginning, nice and slow.....and dont leave anything out. Take your time......"

Taking a deep breath, Brielle begins the story of how she came to be at the Tempana fairgrounds and just how her path crossed that of Hera's.

Nov 21st, 2002, 12:19:24 PM
After a few minutes, Akrabbim makes his way back to the scene of the crime. He notices a man and a woman, both with badges, near the murder scene. He moves closer to them.

Um... excuse me, but I think I know who your killer is. At least, I know what she looks like. Look.

He raises his hands and creates an illusion, showing the face of the woman he had recently been fighting.

I got into a bit of a scuffle trying to stop her when she left. She stole a speeder bike and then a speeder. She killed a civilian and maimed another in my presence. So even if you can't pin this murder on her, I'm a witness to two assaults. I believe my word as a Jedi Master should hold up in court, don't you think?

Envoy Nissorinnah
Nov 22nd, 2002, 08:54:25 PM
Luminara allowed the two CW officers their space to talk, while finishing up giving her account of events to a suited NR Investigator.

As Akrabbim approached, though, the Good Will ambassador drew close to hear what he had to say.

His comments were less than heartening, and the Envoy felt even more keenly her inability to protect Senator Acaana.

The image he created of the female attacker was not one Nissorinnah recognised, but it would not be one she would ever forget.

Stepping up to the small group, she introduced herself and offered any assistance they may need of her. Looking each one in turn, ending with Vymes as he seemed to be in charge.

"I will be hahppy to do ahll thaht I cahn to help."

Nov 23rd, 2002, 03:06:27 AM
"Thats right, Prepaid."

Hera was trying her best to be patient as the man behind the counter was not one to be rushed.

He was the type of man who, when younger, had big dreams, big plans, but insufficient ambition to realise them. He was the type of man that expected much for little and was therefore constantly disappointed. The galaxy owed him, and had yet to pay up. And now, he was a clerk. A 59 year old clerk who worked for a man 25years younger than himself. He had tried to improve his lot in life, but it was too little too late...and he could never seem to catch a lucky break. He was bitter, he was unhappy. He felt redundant. May as well be dead, he thought.

(doesnt anybody wanna take another shot at me.
go ahead,the gun is loaded and the bullets are for free.
doesnt anybody spray perfume to cover up the smell.
doesnt anybody know where to go and get some help.

Cause Everybody wants and everybody needs, everybody begs for self-esteem.
why dont you get your mind out of the past.
everybody takes and everybody steals, everybody's been kicked by other heels.
please, raise your hands up in the air.
yeah, why dont you raise your hands up in the air.)

The old clerk concerned himself with the well spoken woman infront of him and finished up the final details of her rental. He looked at her with what appeared some effort as if he usually kept his eyes cast down - years of being defeated by life in general had left him no real reason to lift them.

As Hera signed her false name "Melissa Cane" in what was not her usual script, the sour man told her she would find "Nautica" in docking bay 6 on her right, through the doors at the end of the office.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Nov 24th, 2002, 11:23:46 PM
Vymes unconciously reached for a bedraggled-looking cigar, wedged into his shirt pocket. Clenching it in his teeth, he lit it up, listening to Brielle's report, Nissorrinnah's advice, and Akrabbim's story.

"Alright...I'd appreciate whatever you can give. It may not be jurisdictional protocol, but I'd like some leeway here. We need to dispatch and lock down...radius of maybe three dozen blocks."

He scratched at his head, a wreath of smoke rising, as he looked to the pedestrians milling around the crime scene.

"Number two...these rubberneckers have gotta go. I'd like some kind of holo or pic to work with. I don't know if Jedi mind tricks can qualify as admissable evidence. Brielle, work with Akrabbim...get a sketch, and comb through these pedestrians as quickly as we can."

He walked over to the body, pulling back the cover.

"Frelling krasst. I'm not the forensics man, but the list of things that can do straight-line lacerations and cauterize the wound are short. Focused beam laser cannons, arc welders, and lightsabers."

I looked around the scene, searching for any stray scorch marks...streaks of vaporized matter.

"I don't think its a focused laser. We'd have secondary damage all behind here, and around the podium. That, and you'd be able to see the line of fire from Corellia. That leaves arc welders and lightsabers. Do we have any disgruntled union metalworkers?"

Everybody reflected on the image that Akrabbim had summoned.

"I guess its narrowed then. Force user."

I glanced back at the Envoy.

"If you've got any more advice...sure couldn't hurt."

Nov 24th, 2002, 11:29:09 PM
Akrabbim raises his hand before adding a few more comments.

If you have something to record an image with, I believe I can make something you will be able to take a holo of. You can spread it to every area in the city.

But if I were you, I'd word the notices very carefully. Offer a reward for information, but no reward whatsoever for her capture. That way, no one else will be killed by her trying to escape. If you can pin her down, I may be able to sneak up on her to help you capture her. But we'll have to move fast. She's on the run, and if we tarry, she may escape.

Brielle Acaana
Nov 30th, 2002, 09:39:45 PM
"I concur. She is far too dangerous for anyone but another force user to apprehend. Should we ask the Jedi Council for help? I wouldnt put it past this one to leave a trail of lifeless corpses in her wake."

Turning to Akrabbim, Brielle shrugs apologetically.

"At the stationhouse in Coruscant City proper, we have the equipment that could record an image like what youre speaking of, but here....no."

Brielle shifts her gaze between the two Jedi and Vymes, waiting for one of them to decide on a definite course of action.

Nov 30th, 2002, 09:50:43 PM
She let the door to the rental office bang behind her.

The air of Coruscant smelt sweet - perhaps it was the satisfying taste of her task accomplished that made it seem that way. Or perhaps it was the anguished look on Brielle Acaana's face that kept appearing in Hera's minds eye.

Either way, the Sith was feeling pretty darn good right now as she strolled the tarmac to docking bay 6, to where the Nautica was stationed.

Boarding the ramp, Hera took a look about the craft.

"Well, it aint the "Wolfsschanze" but it will do."

Taking her seat, closing the outter door, Hera DrenKast began the departure sequence for her flight from Coruscant, from the mystical Jedi, the City Watch and the mayhem she had left behind her at the Tempana Fair grounds.

Again Brielle's shocked face came to mind, and Hera laughed to herself, once more.

Nov 30th, 2002, 10:18:21 PM
He looks toward the woman.

You mean to tell me that no broadcasts were planned for this? Is there no device anywhere that we can broadcast on? I would recommend that we send out announcements as soon as possible. We must catch her before she makes it off planet, or she will be almost impossible to apprehend. We must act now.

As well, we should ask for reinforcements from the council. But we cannot wait on their arrival.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Dec 1st, 2002, 12:39:54 AM
"I can put a word into Sky Command, and get some amount of lockdown. Can't lock it all down, but we can clamp down most sectors. She'll have to go out of her way to get out of here. Checkpoints out of key sectors, and that means she won't be moving much. I'll place the call, but..."

Vymes shifted his feet, puffing on his cigar, and looking at Akrabbim.

"Hope you're not the kind to take offense, but...I just don't trust Jedi very much. Especially not with a corpse burned in half like that. I'm paranoid, and if we're on a joint venture, it'll just have to go down as occupational hazard. Keep the spiritual mumbo-jumbo to a bare minimum, and shoot it straight, and maybe we can do this."

Dec 1st, 2002, 01:30:45 AM
The ship's engines escalated as the "Nautica" powered up.

"This is Melissa Cane, of the Coruscant City Registered craft 'Nautica' requesting permission to depart for submitted flight plan zero-niner-J"

Hera flicked switches and made minor adjustments on her consol - all very standard, and awaited the all very standard clearance.

A thin mettallic voice replied over the transmitter.

"Negative, permission refused "Nautica." All flights this sector held until further notice."

Hera frowned at the speaker outlet. "Repeat...? Sounded like you said flights are grounded."

The tinney voice reaffirmed the earlier instruction.

Hera sat back against the captain seats fabric cover - no leather for the rentals it would seem - and expelled an annoyed breath.

Well, well. The Watch was showing some semblence of efficiency. Wonders would never cease.

This was a glich, an irritation, that could be sidestepped. The CCW could not shut down the whole planet, not for one homicide no matter the family connection to one of their own.

Hera would just need to find another way off the planet.

She powered down the engine and lowered the boarding ramp once more, exiting the ship.

Dec 1st, 2002, 01:27:57 PM
There is a gleam in his eye as he takes in the man's comments.

Oh, make no mistake. I ALWAYS shoot straight. She got away from me once. She won't do it again. I've got a few plans.

He turns back to the female officer.

Now, where's that video recorder? If it's possible, I'd love to make an announcement and show this woman's face all over Coruscant. Would that be possible.

He blinks, remembering his manners.

How silly of me. We've been talking all this time, and I don't even know your names. I am Jedi Master Akrabbim Melchizan. And who might you be?

Brielle Acaana
Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:56:02 PM
With an inclination of her head in respect to the Jedi, Brielle replies to his queries.

"I am Brielle Acaana, forensics specialist for Coruscant Watch. Senator Acaana is my father."

The sympathetic look came as she knew it would and she steeled herself against it. The Jedi Master meant well....they all did....but Brielle couldnt afford to lose the edge of anger that had now built inside of her. It was the only thing that kept her going.

Looking up into her commanders' hard countenance, she waited for him to give her permission to leave the scene and take the Jedi Master back to thier precinct.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Dec 10th, 2002, 05:43:26 PM
"Wait a second..."

Vymes spun around, to a nearby news van, which was preparing to pack up their footage and send it back for an exclusive scoop. He closed the back door, before a technician could load up a camera.

"Hey there. Zemil Vymes, Coruscant Watch. I'm cancelling your exclusive."

Hey, you can't do tha-THWACK

Vymes rubbed his knuckles on the side of his pants.

"Like hell I can't."

Popping the camera open, He tossed the holodisc to Brielle.

"Take the Jedi back to precinct, and see what you can do with that. The press can wait."

Dec 14th, 2002, 03:18:49 AM
She exited the bay doors that housed the docking bays of the rental yard and scanned the streets about her. Even in this part of town, it was fairly busy - lots of options to choose from.

It didnt take her long to spot him. His hands shuffling in his pockets, searching for his parking pass, as he approached his speeder to head home for the night. Juggling with one arm some sort of portfolio he had probably been working on for weeks. His whole body language gave the impression of a hardworking-good hearted-no talent guy trying to eke out a living and maybe, just maybe get one or two steps forward in life. Hera knew the type. Not a lot of confidence, nervous, and a little too trusting if people were kind to him....oh this was too easy..

Crossing over to catch up to the young man, Hera took the portfolio that was loosing its wrestle with gravity and sliding out from underneath the crooked arm that was pinning it, down towards the jutted hip which was twisted awkwardly to arrest its decent.

She flashed him a warm and charming smile.

"Here, why dont you let me give you a hand..."

Dec 17th, 2002, 07:42:43 PM
Akrabbim walks over to the cameraman, and begins conferring with him. He talks with him about their broadcast capabilities. He tells the man to begin recording on his signal. He then turns his attention back to the officers standing by.

We don't have time to go back to the precinct. We can't waste a minute.

He turns back to the cameraman.

Okay... begin.

People of Coruscant, I am Jedi Master Akrabbim Melchizan. Your help is needed in apprehending a dangerous criminal. A murder has occured today, and the main suspect has eluded capture thus far. This is an image of the main suspect.

Akrabbim concentrates, creating an illusion of Hera out of light. This form of illusion should show up correctly on the camera. He maintains the illusion until he finishes speaking.

This woman is armed and EXTREMELY dangerous, and should not be confronted or attacked under any circumstances. A reward is being offered for information about this woman's location, but NO reward whatsoever will be offered for her capture. If anyone attempts to apprehend this woman, even if they are successful, they will forfiet the reward. If you see her, please contact the appropriate authorities as soon as possible. Thank you.

He signals to the cameraman to end the recording, and goes to speak to him.

I need you to broadcast this in every venue possible for the next few hours. If you can get it on the large public viewscreens, that would help greatly.

He addresses the officers once more.

Now, all we can do is wait. Do we have any form of transport?

Brielle Acaana
Dec 22nd, 2002, 11:21:27 PM
(ooc: sorry its been so long since my last post :()

With a jerk of her head, Brielle indicates the parking lot out in the distance.

"I have my personal speeder, faster than anything on the force. Youre welcome to use it. Im not sure what Commander Vymes brought with him. If there is anything else I can do right now, let me know, please. Otherwise, I need to.......to take my Father home. My Mother has to be told as well and I want to be the one to do it."

Shifting her eyes between the two men, she waits for a dismissal. Her main concern now is that her mother will hear the news before she can get back home and somehow try to soften the blow.

Dec 26th, 2002, 07:31:42 PM
A smile here, a kind word there, a healthy peppering of damsel-in-distress batting of eyelids and Hera had herself a a place to stay for the night.

Sitting beside the young, naive boy as the lights of Coruscant streaked past their speeder windows, Hera chatted pleasantly. She looked over the man trapped in her company (though he was unawares as to the danger he was really in) and wondered in amazement how he had managed to live as long as he had in such a place as Coruscant.

A stop at a massive intersection, and her new friend announced he lived just around the next turn and even pointed to the building.

"131st floor, fourth window from the right is my place."

Hera glanced up, not really interested. He would take her there, thats all that mattered.

"Ive only lived there about two months" he continued by way of explanation, "So theres still some un...er.. some un...packing to...be done...."

His voice trailed off and Hera wondered why the kid just didnt spit out what he was trying to say.

A glance at him showed his face had lost all color. He couldnt finish what he was saying as his mouth had dropped open and he showed no indication that he realised it had done so. His eyes were riveted on a huge billboard screen that held his passenger's image and a ticker-type message describing her as "dangerous, do not approach and for anyone knowing her whereabouts to contact the CCW or Jedi Master Akrabbim something or other."

The young man slowly turned his head, dismayed eyes in his ashen face settling on Hera.

She noted his hands had tightened on the steering grip and beads of perspiration had formed about his temples. "Please..." he managed to croak, preparing to beg for his life.

Hera smiled darkly, "131st floor, fourth window from the right - just like we planned." She pressed her foot on top of his and nudged the speeder to accellerate, and again they were on their way to the apartment. Only now, there was no more pleasant chatter from the Sith.

Envoy Nissorinnah
Dec 29th, 2002, 10:50:29 PM
A gentle touch was felt on Brielle's hand.

"May thee Force be with you, Briahlle. We will do ahll we cahn to cahtch this person."

Her violet eyes infused into Brielle's turmoiled thoughts a momentary calm and her touch a faint feeling of peace.

Turning to Vymes and Master Akrabbim, the Envoy re-iterated her intention to do all she could, and would remain on Coruscant until they didn't need her any longer.

"Ih will be at my hotel - you mahy contact me there."

Jan 1st, 2003, 10:37:13 PM
Akrabbim's eyes flash momentarily, the only outward sign of his flare of emotions. Not only is this woman a murderer, but the victim's daughter is here as well. His innate sense of justice surges within him. This woman must... no, will be stopped.

I am terribly sorry for your loss. Mark my words... she will not escape while I still breathe.

He turns to the commander.

Let's go. We don't have much time.

Jan 5th, 2003, 12:26:30 AM
They waited until the apartment building lobby was empty, and then, arm in arm, Hera and her new friend went in.

Avoiding the desk clerks glance, her hood pulled low, the two stepped silently into the turbolift, Hera's averted face dimly reflected in the dull metal sheen of the elevator doors.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Jan 11th, 2003, 09:21:22 PM
"Alright, c'mon. My squad car's down the block."

Vymes took off into a full run, Akrabbim by his side. He dove across the hood, sliding until his feet hit the side adjacent to the driver's seat. Hopping in, he opened the wing door, and immediately hit the comm.

"This is Zem Vymes, Coco district. I need tie-in to local district lines...over."

As they waited, Vymes lifted off into the main sky thoroughfare, to get a better vantage over the district. He reached down to a mangled paper sack, and extended it to the Jedi.


Suddenly, the static broke.

Commander Vymes, be advised. Unconfirmed sighting at sector 00433. Subject spotted with young human male. Last seen on foot, at the Illalia Estates.

Vymes' brow furrowed.

"Patch me up a holomap. I'm a bit outside my district. And cordon off that block till I arive."

Understood, Commander. Three squads are forming a perimeter now.

Zem glanced over to Akrabbim, then to the holomap, and veered off the main skylane.

"Roger that. We're on our way."

Sirens screamed in the sunset, as the squad speeder accelerated in the quickest path to the apartment complex. Speeders veered out of the cop's path, allowing Vymes the right of way. Less than three minutes later, Vymes sat his squad speeder down amidst a sea of red and blue. The wing doors went up, and Vymes jumped out, popping the trunk, which contained bigger tools of the trade than the corellian blaster he had in his dogleg holster. He brought up a blastech rifle, and extended it to Akrabbim, and then paused.

"Guess you won't be needing this."

Tossing it back inside, he drew a larger shock rifle. Sliding the harness over his neck, Vymes snagged a bullhorn.

"The building is surrounded, and we know you're in there. Come out with your hands above your head."

Police gunships lowered from the sky above, seating themselves over the action. Vymes made a face, and looked to Akrabbim.

"Well...your call."

Jan 11th, 2003, 10:33:50 PM
As they speed toward the scene, Akrabbim's mind races. The woman was sighted with a young man. He thought back to their earlier confrontation, remembering the reckless disregard she has for human life. Good thing he was able to gather up the materials from the medic station before they left. He would try to subdue the woman this time.

As they ride, he declines the offer of a doughnut and begins treating the points of the shuriken with the materials he gathered. He breaks open vial after vial, coating and recoating the weapons until every point is covered with the substance. He tucks them carefully back into his gi.

Upon arrival, he watches as Vymes takes charge of the situation, preparing the perimeter. He turns to him to speak.

I'd be willing to bet she has that young man with her. We need to get him out of there. She won't hesitiate to kill him. Maybe she'd be willing to trade him out for one of your officers, or myself...

Jan 12th, 2003, 10:31:03 PM
The glow of the refrigerator cast the only light along the apartment floor, and Hera's shadow fell across the young man sitting stiffly on his plaid couch.

She twisted her head to look at him, sitting there clutching his hands about his knees and frozen in a morbid fear as he watched her raid his ice-chest.

"You gotta be kidding me?" she lifted the can she had pulled from within "light beer?" She laughed lowly, mockingly. "Geez kid, why dont you just stock up on kool-aid and be done with it."

She returned it to its place in the fridge, and pulled out a take-out box of udon noodles. Opening it, she sniffed the contents, and shrugging resignedly, shut the fridge door.

She stood across from the young man as she found a fork and began to devour the noodles. His eyes still riveted on her, unable to look away, though her every movement seemed to terrify him.

"So tiger...what do you do for fun?"

He opened his mouth to formulate an answer, but Hera held up a hand to stop him, a noodle dangling limply from the fork. She frowned as she heard in the background the wailing of sirens. Crossing to the window, she opened it slightly and heard Vymes' ampliphied voice.

"The building is surrounded, and we know you're in there. Come out with your hands above your head."

She twisted the fork in the noodles and popped another mouthful into her mouth. Still chewing, she grinned at the young man who seemed to have grown even more ashen than before.

"Looks like the keystone cops have arrived. You think I should surrender?"

She laughed at him as he once again tried to formulate an answer.

"Tell you what...Why dont you surrender for me."

Placing the noodles on the counter, she took off her cloak and put on the mans jacket and ballcap. Dressing him in her own cloak. She then tied the hood snugly under his chin and closed the cape about him. Opening the window wide, Hera made the young man clamber out onto the thin ledge. He was clinging to the wall in fright, and Hera noted he was crying. To all appearances, in the dark and from such a height...there was no way to tell who it was.
It would not fool them for long, but would keep them a little busy for now.

Tucking her hair up under the cap, she walked calmly out the apartment door and took to the stair well.

Brielle Acaana
Jan 13th, 2003, 02:49:11 PM
Somehow, she had known.

Celeste Acaana had met her daughter at the front door of thier expensive penthouse, an expression of deep sorrow written on her elegant aristocratic face. Arms opened wide, she had walked forward and gently engulfed Brielle within her embrace, giving her daughter the support that Brielle had intended on lending her.

She had tried to spare her mother the details but Celeste would have none of it, insisting on knowing the full spectrum of the afternoons' tragedy. Slowly in detail, broken only by tears, Brielle told her mother the account in unerring facts, from the very beginning.

Mrs. Acaana had risen and walked to the large viewport which looked out over the city, her hands clasped together as if in prayer.

"Your father was always so proud of you, Brielle, of your work and the woman you've become. Honest, hardworking and always ready to help someone when theyre at thier lowest."

Brielle sat on the large couch, watching her mother and wondering how she managed to be so strong even at moments like this.

"Do you believe that there is the possibility of a quick capture? This female needs to be apprehended quickly before others suffer the same fate as we. I dont want to lose you the way I just lost your father."

Turning back to face her only child, Celeste Acaana smiles sadly.

"You are so much like him. I know that you wont be able to rest or to live with yourself until this woman is captured. Go. Do what you can to aid the others but darling, please...come back safely."

Walking back to the couch, Brielle's mother leans down and kisses her on the forehead, her blessings now bestowed.

"I'll make the arrangements after Ive spoken to Senator Palpatine. Im sure that the Senate will want him to lie in state in the Rotunda. Keep in touch, Brielle, when you're able. I would like to be kept abreast of what is happening."

With a calmness that belies her inner turmoil, Celeste Acaana walks from the room, her heart ladened with the task at hand.

Jan 22nd, 2003, 06:44:18 PM
Akrabbim is on the bottom floor of the large hotel, in the lobby. A team had been assembled on the roof to match the one he would lead. All entrances are currently sealed, and with so many people watching, there is no way for her to escape.

Being a large hotel, there are at least four flights of stairs. The lifts have been disabled, so they would be the only way out of the building. Leading one of the strike forces, he heads to the front right staircase, and begins ascending...

Jan 25th, 2003, 01:59:13 PM
She had jumped from the landing rail of the 119th floor, deciding that it was just taking too long to do it the regular way, step by step.

Using the force to steady and slow her descent through the air, Hera dropped like a long, silent arrow.

The surprise of both Akrabbim and the watch forces that were with him, was matched by her own when she appeared from above and thudded to a landing in front of them in the bottom of the front stairwell.

Instanly she whisked out her lightsaber and before anyone could collect their thoughts, she had cut down three of the Watch, causing the rest to jump back at a scramble in the confined space and haphazardly try to level weapons to defend themselves.

Jan 25th, 2003, 11:01:30 PM
Before she has a chance to do too much damage, Akrabbim launches at the woman. He remembers the way she responded at their last encounter, and this time, she will receive no quarter.

He rushes at her directly, immediately casting a wave of Force Confusion at her. Her mind is flooded with every color imaginable, as well as various images and sounds, disrupting any chance of a coherent thought.

He moves in as fast as he can, slamming the hilt of his katana down toward her neck to disorient her as much as possible.

Jan 26th, 2003, 12:08:50 AM
She was vaguely aware of the ballcap flying off her head under the impact of Akrabbim's hit, her blonde hair tumbling chaotically about her face.

She crashed against the wall, banging her elbow painfully on the stair-rail, dropping her lightsaber, and she let out an enraged wail.

Her mind was flooded with images and colors, disorentating her. But she had moves that were reflexive from years of training and living a life that often involved mortal combat. No clear thought was required - she just reacted instinctively.

The katana hilt hammered into her throat and it was like to crush her windpipe if she hadn't thrown a protective hand across her neck. As it was, she could barely suck in a breath.

With her free hand, she grabbed a huge fist of Akrabbims hair and reefed back with all her might, effectively pulling him half-way up and off her.

This gave her a clear view of her assailant and she ground out an incredulous "YOU!" through clenched teeth as she recognised him.

This only added to the strength of her fury and her fingers wrapped around the katana hilt and she thrust it back towards Akrabbims face.

Jan 26th, 2003, 12:54:45 PM
His head yanks back as she pulls his hair, nearly toppling him to the ground. He can feel her hand on his katana as she tries to send his own weapon back at him. However, since both his hands are on his katana and he has Force control over the weapon, he is able to hold off the counter. He rolls backward, kicking out with his foot in a toe kick to her midsection.

As he rises, he changes tactics with his illusions. He drops the Force Confusion, and instead sends random flashes of intense light to her. At random intervals of a few seconds each, he causes a very bright light to flare up in front of her eyes, hoping to keep her off balance. He shouts orders to the men following him.

Teams! Drop back and errect the fields! Do not attempt to engage the suspect!

At his command, the security forces drop back to begin setting up the repulsor field generators. It should not require long, and once they are ready, both Jedi and Sith will be sealed in the stair well.

Brielle Acaana
Jan 26th, 2003, 01:14:11 PM
Brielle sat quietly until her Mother's form had retreated and the doors closed shut behind her, then she sprung into action. Dashing from the couch, Bri charged back out to her speeder and flung herself behind the controls, starting the engine and throwing it into gear in almost the same motion.

Zipping into the closest traffic lane, Brielle flicks her cherry lights on, the blue and red flashing and reflecting off of the other speeders and aircars. Whipping in and out of traffic, she advances closer to the action, listening intently on her Watch scanner as the reports fly thick and fast.

Shes out on the buildings' ledge? That doesnt sound right. I dont think she would let herself get trapped that eas......

Through her speaker comes a man's excited voice, yelling that 'Shes falling! Shes falling! Get the nets under her!"

Pouring on the speed, Acaana continues her death-defying rush through the heavy Coruscant traffic, closing in on the action at the Illalia Estates.

Jan 26th, 2003, 06:32:52 PM
Struggling to stand upright again after Akrabbims kick to her stomach, Hera cant see a thing except the dizzying blinding lights the Jedi repeatedly generates.

As she pushes herself up to her feet, her fingers brush the familiar contours of her lightsaber. It is near useless in her hand as the blinding light would make her swing ineffectually and vainly about her.

The rage she feels from Akrabbims repeated interference explodes in an unholy power unleashed from her being.

The iron railing of the stairwell groans and twists as it is manipulated by the force, tearing away violently from its holdings. Bolts that had once held it in place, now popped their moorings becoming lethal projectiles that rocketed and richocheted about the small confines of the stair well. One city watch caught a bolt in the chest, luckily being spared due to his protective vest. His comrade was not so fortunate as a bolt imbedded into his face, smashing through his cheekbone.

Hera covered her eyes to avoid the erratic light and waved her hand creating a massive whirlwind about herself. The officers of the watch were unable to keep their footing and their task to set up the trapping fields were thwarted. The force and the twisted railing effectively occupying all their effort just to keep alive and uninjured.

Re-activating her lightsaber, its brilliant blue energy beam giving her some focus, but only a very little, she rushes forward, knowing there is only one door out, and the Jedi Master is blocking it.

"Out of my god-da*ned way Jedi"

Jan 26th, 2003, 07:06:58 PM
The havoc this woman wreaks is unreal. She has to be stopped, and now. As she rushes forward, he quickly prepares a plan of action. He yells to let her know he is in front of her.

Come on, woman! You're not getting past me this time!
As she rushes in blind, Akrabbim times his movements. Just as she is about to reach him, he sidesteps quickly, sticking his leg in front of hers. As she trips, he grabs her back and slams forward, sending her face first into the wall at full bore.

While she is dazed, he places his hands on her head, renewing his Force Confusion. By having physical contact, the attack is much more powerful. He yells once more to the security force.
Get the shields up now! You don't have much time!

Jan 26th, 2003, 09:30:19 PM
Her face was crushed up against a wall - its rough surface scraping her soft skin. And for the darndest reason, Hera couldnt figure why.

Her mind was awash in random thoughts and images that made no sense whatsoever. A hand held her fast, pushing roughly against her head and threatening to put her face through solid brick.

Where the frell am I?"

She felt her weapon in her hand - Ok, that is familiar atleast..

The man who held her pinned was shouting desperately behind her - his voice intense and wild with urgency.

If only she could just think straight...

Jan 26th, 2003, 09:37:57 PM
Hera seems more dazed than he could have hoped. He had best make good use of this situation. Carefully, he takes out the shuriken he had dipped in solution earlier. He leaves one hand on her head, continuing the Confusion, while he tosses the first shuriken into her right arm.

The shuriken are coated in a very strong sedative. One shuriken would barely affect her... two would make her a bit groggy. But if he can get all five into her, she should pass out within minutes. The sedative will be most effective if he can place the shuriken in all four limbs, with the final one in her chest. With one in her right arm, he tosses one into her left.

Behind him, the security force succeeds in errecting the shield, sealing off the bottom exit of the stairs. Above him, he can see the second team readying their shield. If he can only hold her in this area a bit longer, she'll be trapped...

Jan 26th, 2003, 09:52:45 PM
The first sharp jab elicited a surprised yelp from Hera. The second resulted in her twisting angrily as she didnt need clear thought to react to pain and try to prevent it happening again.

Akrabbims hand slipped as she turned abrutply, raising her hand to claw at his face. She still couldnt figure what was going on, or why she was even where she was at all.

The Jedi reared to avoid her backlash, and she batted his other hand off of her head.

It was like the lights came on once more in her mind, and she realised she was faring much worse at this magicians hands than she had at their previous encounter.

She felt unsteady as the toxin took effect, running freely into her bloodstream.

Plucking one of the shurikens from her right arm, Hera then lunged forward and gripped Akrabbim by his throat. Her force-enhanced strength held him as if in a vice and she proceeded to try to crush his windpipe.

Brining up her lightsaber she snarled, looking directly into his eyes..."Prepare to feel just as Senator Acaana did before he died, Jedi."

Jan 26th, 2003, 09:58:18 PM
Akrabbim's vision starts to haze as the air is blocked from his lungs. However, instead of trying to fight her hand, he concentrates as best he can. With his free hand, he draws two more shuriken, flinging them out weakly. They clatter to the ground behind her. With all the concentration he can muster, he yanks them up into the back of her knees. He can only hope that the attack on her tendons will force her to drop him. If not, this fight may be over sooner than he would hope...

Jan 26th, 2003, 10:08:16 PM

Hera's gaze drops from Akrabbim's eyes to look down and at the two stars now sticking out of her legs.

Her hold doesn't falter, but intensifies in her fury.

Akrabbims' world begins to grow dark, noises seem distant and reality afar off.
Yet in his ear, close enough so that he can feel the warm moist breath coat his skin he registers Hera's voice, though it, too, is faint and like everything else, far off.

"Im going to kill you, Jedi..."

And then her hold loosens.

Breath once more finds its way into his lungs.

Akrabbim looks down at the woman crumpled and unconscious in his lap, her blonde head rolled against his chest. He too is slumped on the ground, his back propped up only because he was against the wall.

He knows he came close to loosing his life today, but he will never know just how close.

Jan 26th, 2003, 10:35:38 PM
Akrabbim floats in and out of consciousness, the periods of unconciousness getting longer as time goes by. Then, suddenly, his lungs fill with air. He revives, albeit groggily, and begins to take note of the situation.

He sees Hera passed out nearby, shuriken still jutting from her legs. He recalls them, and draws his final shuriken. He flings it into her chest, as close to her heart as possible without doing too much damage. He then proceeds to search her and remove all weapons, and to take the power pack out of her saber. He holds her saber with his cloak to avoid smudging the fingerprints. Ordering the shields down, he hands the saber to the security officer in charge.

Take this and enter it into evidence. Don't touch it bare handed. You should be able to use this to either prove or disprove her involvement in the assassination. As well, be sure to inject her with sedatives until a ysalimiri can be found to dampen her powers. Until then, under NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to allow her to regain conciousness until then. Use binders on her as well. Anything you can do to restrain her will be helpful.

He suddenly falters, the toll of the battle hitting him hard.

I must rest now... please, be careful with her. She's too dangerous to underestimate.

He walks away slowly, looking for a place to rest. He will have to enter Jedi sleep for at least a day to recover.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Feb 1st, 2003, 09:24:00 PM
"I need forensics at the plaza perimeter, ASAP. Team One, open the perimeter for their entry. Hurry up!"

Vymes looked down to his holster, where his knuckles gripped his pistol until the skin was white. True to the Jedi's command, he'd held his fire, and let him deal with the woman. But now, more were dead. This time, cops were the ones being toe-tagged. Hindsight being 20/20 as it was, Vymes couldn't help but wonder how it would have all transpired if he'd fired. Who's to say? Force users aren't the same breed as common criminals, and often...they don't fall the same way as the rest of the scum do. Regret and impotent anger stung the back of Commander Vymes's throat like bile as he pulled a plastic baggie from his pocket. Turning it inside out, he slipped his hand in, and picked up the Sith's weapon.

"Dammit, I need a drink."

He closed his eyes, knowing that wasn't him talking...but the aftermath. With shaking hands, he fished out a pair of binders, and cuffed Hera's hands behind her back as roughly as he could manage. The best cops always seemed to be barely-caged vigilantes, who could barely manage to turn their prey over to a legal system that could just as easily free them. There was just enough of a tattered shred of faith within Vymes to keep him on the Watch. Politicians called those that didn't resist that temptation "Crooked Cops". To Vymes, they'd just had their fill of due process...

...which was an inevitable destination one of these days.

At least he wasn't drinking anymore. Small victories.

Brielle Acaana
Feb 2nd, 2003, 12:45:47 AM
It wasnt her, it wasnt her.....

Brielle kept up the silent chant, her lips moving soundlessly as she whipped her speeder to a stop and sprang out of the vehicle. She had already heard the call giving clearance to any and all forensics personel.

Flashing her ID at the nearest officer, he waves her past the throng of wide-eyed gawkers. Brielle catches sight of Vymes in the background but before going any further she races over to the blanket-draped figure lying motionless on the permacrete.

Screw being discrete! Yanking back one corner of the blanket and exposing the view for those pedestrians close enough to see, Acaana looks for the one thing that will be the telltale sign. A mop of blonde hair. Her lips slowly twist into a savage grin as her eyes locate whats left of the head. Amidst the grey matter that was still oozing from the open skull and the blood that was turning into a thick brickred soup, was what she had hoped to find. Dark hair and not a streak of blonde to be found.

Dropping the cover back in place, Brielle whirls around, making a beeline for Vymes and the small crowd of police gathered around him.

Feb 2nd, 2003, 01:27:57 AM
Hera was still out cold as the CW officers bundled her into the waiting Squad Apprehension Vehicle.

Akrabbim's coated shurikens had hit her hard and fast - the toxin sweeping through her bloodstream, permeating her body with such rapidity that it had completely incapacitated her.

She lay slumped in the vehicle now, hands bound behind her, looking harmless. It was hard to imagine her petite form capable of causing the chaos around them.

After a few minutes, the SAV moved slowly, maneuving between around and away from the gathering crowd and other vehicles that were clogging the stationing area of the apartment complex.

Her first awareness was of the slight jostling of the transport. Hera couldnt move, she couldnt even open her eyes. But gradually she became aware that she was very uncomfortable and had a bad feeling she was being taken some place she did not want to be taken.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Feb 24th, 2003, 09:38:36 PM
"Anybody got something to dope her up with?"

I looked around, but no help was forthcoming. I was on critical mass right now, and enough toe tags were already passed out for the day. I wasn't going to take chances. Clenching my jaw, I looked around at the gawkers and rubberneckers amongst the cops, and the media that now moved in like vultures. Soon, I spotted a friendly face.


I hit the brakes, and opened the door.

"Take the wheel. I'll ride shotgun."

Brielle Acaana
Feb 25th, 2003, 11:14:14 PM
Automatically Brielle obeyed but it went against her grain. It had been on the tip of her tongue to object, to say that no, she would ride shotgun. She wanted just one more chance at the disabled Sith to even the score.

Tossing her pouch on the empty passenger seat, Officer Acaana slides behind the wheel, slamming the door closed behind her and throwing the vehicle into gear in one smooth motion.

With sirens sounding and flashing, Brielle adds some horn to the already nearly overwhelming atmosphere and pushes the Watch vehicle through the crowd and out to the traffic lanes.

Thats it....thats it. Hey, move it, grandpa, outta the way. Official Watch business.

Mar 3rd, 2003, 02:00:52 PM
Brielle was here....now that was precious..

Hera would have smiled if she had any muscle movement in her face. Instead she had to be content to gloat inwardly. Brielle's pain was a tangible force the Sith could feel. It was like having her own personal rays of healing sunshine in the front seat and Hera focused on the dark energy of hate and bitterness that permeated the vehicle like a thick fog.

The transport continued to swerve and jolt - Brielle was not much of a driver, Hera thought sourly.

She repeatedly fell forward to bang against the metal divider that held her separate from the front of the vehicle, no doubt much to the other woman's satisfaction. Vymes refrained from any comment, like a smart man should when a woman is doing the driving.

Hera began to focus deeply. The Sith talisman that she always wore about her neck ever since her master Ogre Mal Pannis had given it to her, gradually began to heat against her chest, as she began to yoke its latent power.

Once more, a sharp turn, and Hera crashed roughly against the cold steel, hitting with a dull bang.

Yes, Brielle...I know you hate.... I know...

A very faint cruel smile lifted the corner of Hera's lips.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Mar 3rd, 2003, 11:47:35 PM
"Here. Duck down this alleyway."

Brielle was about to protest, knowing that the diversion was nothing but a dead end, but Vymes cut her off with a look that would draw frost.

"Take it down to level, and drop it in hover. Pop the trunk. We've got about five minutes for Blondie to 'resist arrest'."

There was absolutely no need to explain what Vymes meant. He said it with a calm, deadly earnest. And Brielle knew just as well. Popping the trunk allowed easy access to the standard-issue Watch flechette rifle.

The alleyway was far from prying eyes, and claims of police brutality. In days of bureaucracy and internal affairs, it was the justice kept off the books, and off lips as well.

Brielle Acaana
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:09:52 AM
Brielle didnt argue, she simply obeyed. A chance at Hera was what she had so ferverently hoped for and now it was being handed to her on a silver platter. And by the one man she would never had thought it possible from.

Pulling back on the controls and cutting the throttle to almost nil, Brielle reaches over, her thumb jabbing at the trunk release button just under the dashboard as she brings the Squad wagon to a quick landing, throwing the gears in neutral.

Mar 4th, 2003, 12:25:14 AM
She had heard every word and knew what would be coming.

Well, let them come..

The "pop" of the trunk as the spring was released was heard clearly through the back of the seat.

Hera forced her eyelids open, though they felt weighed down by an iron anvil on each. And saw the shadow fall across her as Brielle walked around to the back of the car.

Hera waited.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:29:47 AM
Vymes pulled the trunk door up, unhooking the flechette gun from its stowed position. He pressed the mag button, and the clip in the weapon fell to the ground.

"Everything short of that. You understand?"

He looked to Brielle, and after a moment of waiting for her unspoken response, tossed her the weapon, and opened the back door.

Brielle Acaana
Mar 4th, 2003, 12:51:50 AM
"Everything short of that. You understand?"

It must have shown on her face. She had misunderstood Vymes intention. Brielle had thought - anything was better than nothing, right? Who knew, another chance could always present itself. Acaana nods her agreement as she takes the weapon.

Gripping the rifle tightly around the barrel and trigger, Brielle moves to the side door, her jaw muscles tightening in determination as the blonde head comes into view.

Forensics had taught her how easy it was to crush someone's temporal lobe with a well placed hit, leaving the person altered for life. With a swift jerk, Brielle lifts the butt of the rifle in the air.

Say goodbye to life as you know it, bitch!

Mar 4th, 2003, 01:09:38 AM
Hera figured there would be a weapon of some sort. A bludgeon, a nightstick, a shotgun maybe. A woman like Brielle would use a weapon rather than her bare hands. It was part of their training most probably.

From her vantage point, Hera could not see. She was still slumped across the backseat, but she felt the fresh air (or such as it was for a city like Coruscant) as Vymes opened the door. A scuffle of boots on pavement and the two officers has switched places.

A parting curse from Brielle told Hera how close she was now standing to her.

At Hera's mental command, the Morphal Crest that was looped about her body liquified and began to unwind at one end. It then immediately shifted its shape to that which the Sith Master envisioned in her own mind.

Thrusting forward from about her waist, the liquid weapon shot upward on an angle, solidifying into its hardened metal-like form into the shape of a barbed spear.

Hera had judged the distance almost perfectly, falling just a little short, rendering the penetration to not quite a lethal length. A shocked intake of breath told her, however, that the spear had atleast found its mark.

..yes, aint I a bitch..

Commander Zemil Vymes
Mar 4th, 2003, 01:10:15 AM
The skewering sound of metal against flesh, combined with Brielle's gasp, got Vymes attention quick. He quickly reached forward, jerking Brielle out of further danger, and immediately drew his side-arm, firing three times at point-blank range into the squad car.

Brielle Acaana
Mar 5th, 2003, 11:30:35 PM
The rifle butt hung suspended in the air. Brielle's soundless gasp and the consequent slam into Vymes standing behind her told Hera that she had hit her mark, though not as well as she intended.

Grabbing her shoulders in his hands, Vymes steps back, yanking the younger Watch officer away and off of the barbed head, flesh and muscle tearing in the action.

Bright crimson splotches appear on the front and back of her uniform as the damaged veins and arteries spill their contents out into the open.

Sagging against the alley wall, Brielle watches as Vymes quick-draws his revolver and begins emptying it into the backseat.

Mar 6th, 2003, 10:16:10 PM
The blindingly painful fire shot once, twice, three times through her body, and every single nerve-ending screamed in rebellion within her. A shocked gasp escaped her lips, but that was all the physical reaction that she showed, her body still unable to move.

The Morphal Crest collapsed from its solid state as Hera's directing link was shattered. The weapon liquified, the spear disolved, and the fluid form wound its end back to its place about her waist. It returned once more to its solid latent form about her until she would once again bid it to obey her.

Being shot with a blaster was bad. Being shot 3 times with a blaster was very bad. 3 times point blank was pushing up daisies- bad. Hera knew this, felt it even, as her whole body burned in a fevered agony.

Reality seemed to shrink to a small sphere around her. The sounds and sensations of all but what was happening to her at that very moment disappated. It was just her now. No Brielle, no Vymes, no Senator, just the darkness, silent and cold. And the fire tearing through her body.

Hera had once, a very long time ago, teetered on death such as this. She recognised the thin eternal line and knew there was a way to stop from toppling over it.

The Talisman.

She clung to its link, the power she already had been tapped into as she fought the toxins from Akrabbim. Now she drew on it as she had so long ago as an Apprentice. Ogre's face loomed up in her memory. In example. He was the giver of the talisman and the one who had all but killed her, making it both a gift and lesson in one.

The fire waned from the injuries of her body, and a coldness crept all over her. As she drew on the immense Sith Power that was locked within the icon about her neck, Hera was lifted beyond the now in her mind to a place of only darkness, and of power. And the talisman while cool to touch burned hot against her chest and its power seeped into her with each shallow heartbeat.

Brielle, holding her bloody side, looked over Vymes shoulder and saw Hera laying immobile. She was still where she had been when the door of the transport was opened. Not a sliver of movement. Not a sound. Only a small wisp of smoke rose slowly from where her clothing was scorched.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Apr 9th, 2003, 04:50:38 PM
"Three four seven, three four seven....shots fired! Suspect down, and officer injured! Call for medevac at grid two four six for immediate dust-off!"

Vymes tossed the comm aside, tugging Brielle out of the way, while pulling the flechette rifle from her grasp. He brought it up to bear on the slumped figure in the back of the speeder.

"On the ground! MOVE!"

When no response was made, Vymes reached forward, grabbing her by the collar, and throwing her limp body to the pavement. He pumped the breech in his weapon, priming it for firing.

"Keep still, or I will kill you!"

Apr 10th, 2003, 10:38:20 PM
"Keep still, or I will kill you!"

Hera's answer to Vymes was to laugh lowly. A disturbing sound and unexpected.

Brielle, weakend by her wounds was slumped against the squadcar. Hera on the other hand had been constantly growing in strength from her connection with the Talisman and the absorbing of its healing properties.

The drugs from Akrabbims shruken had also been dispelled to a large degree by the intense power of the darkside that was channelling into her being.

"Brielle" Hera called lowly, "..help...."

Brielle turned her pained eyes toward the Sith. She saw Vymes laying, wounded on the ground and Hera standing over him with a pistol levelled at his head, ready to fire.

Her countenance changed dramatically as she rounded on her commanding officer, and Vymes couldnt understand why. Brielle screamed at him to "lower the weapon, scumbag!!"

Hera was loving it - deceiving Brielle was easy while the woman was already busy dealing with pain enough to befuddle the best of fighters, added to the manipulations of the darkside, the CW officer didnt stand a chance at fighting this deception.

"Shoot her Brielle! Shoot her!" Hera screamed, Brielle only hearing her commanders desperate voice urging her to act decisively and without remorse.

Brielle lunged at Vymes, throwing her whole body into the assult, and as the two tumbled in a tangle to the ground, Hera got to her feet and ran awkwardly away into the alley beyond.