View Full Version : Rejects of the Force

John "Bluto" Blutovsky
Sep 27th, 2002, 06:59:06 PM

The can was pressed to Bluto's forehead, crushed, and thrown behind his shoulder, landing in a heap of other disc-shaped crushed cans. He stood, a little wobbly...and stretched. If he could recall correctly, he had a lesson in force meditation today. But, he couldn't be bothered with that. There were bigger and better things to do today. It was almost noon, and he was still sober. Terribly behind schedule!

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 27th, 2002, 08:07:21 PM
Wei could not help but laugh at this strange person.

"He must be incredibly resistant to pain to crush a can on his head. I wonder if he's gonna have a liump on his forehead from where he did that..."

John "Bluto" Blutovsky
Sep 27th, 2002, 08:44:53 PM
A fine specimen of woman passed by the front of the B&G, as Bluto popped the top of another can of "Yog Hooch". Her hips swayed slowly as she passed, causing the ruffled edges of the miniskirt she was wearing to rise and fall slightly, giving the faintest impression of pink panties. Bluto sat back, raising an eyebrow at the scene. As the woman walked...the back of her miniskirt began to rise.


Wei Wu Wei
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:01:47 PM
Wei shook his head. The man had no manners and the woman was a whore. What was the bar and grill coming to? Wei laughed again.

"What do you know...see something new everyday."