View Full Version : www.meras.org ????

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:27:30 PM
Help my computer says it no longer exists, PLEASE TELL ME ITS A PROBLEM ON MY END!! ^_^;

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:35:51 PM

Can someone check it out and let me know if its still there???

Sep 27th, 2002, 02:38:34 PM
servers down. Dont worry, here was too :)

Nathanial K'cansce
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:39:08 PM
Tells me page cannot be displayed...

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:41:33 PM
Well it couldn't find the addy at all, and that freaked me out a little. All...those...threads.... urg :x Thanks guys. ^_^;

Sep 27th, 2002, 02:42:25 PM
np, I aim to serve :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:43:06 PM
Aim is a good talent to have, esp. if you're male and stand up to pee. ^_^;

Sep 27th, 2002, 02:44:02 PM
And it's amazing if you're female and can :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:45:06 PM
Yes, but not very likely. :eek

Sep 27th, 2002, 02:45:55 PM
Yeah, and it'd be more spray n pray over well aimed shots :)

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:46:38 PM
Spray and pray?? :huh :lol

Jehova Eaven
Sep 27th, 2002, 02:47:23 PM
I guess thats how it would work....

Sep 27th, 2002, 03:02:49 PM
yeah, you dont aim, you just fire and hope for the best :)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:10:07 PM

Lady Vader
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:19:26 PM
Great googly-moogly! :x


Diego Van Derveld
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:26:08 PM
This is why I plan to invent the Power Spout....for the future of the women's liberation movement. Because the pinncacle of female achievement is using the urinal :)

Lady Vader
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:34:42 PM
Gawd help us all... :lol

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:44:37 PM
Think about it....the Power Spout...if you can flip up the sipper on a thermos, you can use the Power Spout ^_^;

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:46:36 PM
*ahem* (http://www.restrooms.org/standing.html)

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 27th, 2002, 03:58:21 PM

They took my idea!

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 27th, 2002, 04:02:47 PM
Yep. :P

Oh well, it happens.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 27th, 2002, 04:04:51 PM
but my idea is better...it has a hinging flip spout, which locks away for easy storage!

Sep 27th, 2002, 04:06:22 PM
Okay, subject change now

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 27th, 2002, 04:06:59 PM

Moving right along.... *Gives Fett a big gold sticker that says "Mod of the Year" on it.*

Sep 27th, 2002, 04:09:30 PM
Stop sucking up :)

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 27th, 2002, 04:10:22 PM
Yes, because sucking up is counterproductive to spout operation ^_^;

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 27th, 2002, 04:10:39 PM
What??? Me??? Never!!!!

*Discretely slides a plate of cookies over to him*

Well, I'll just be on my way then.... :D

Sep 27th, 2002, 05:39:45 PM
What kind of cookies? :)

Daanarri Raurrssaatta
Sep 27th, 2002, 07:30:45 PM
LMAO at that site!!

Sep 27th, 2002, 08:27:08 PM
Women... standing? How... odd?

Taataani Meorrrei
Sep 27th, 2002, 08:39:15 PM
That is of totally rad power.

Gia Van Derveld
Sep 27th, 2002, 10:45:39 PM
you could just straddle the toilet while standing, but....that involves getting totally naked from the waist down. o_O

eh, can't be bothered. Besides, peeing is a good opportunity to have a tiny rest while I'm at work. *sleeps in the bathroom* "zzz

Sep 28th, 2002, 12:06:31 AM

Amaizing what they can do these days with our great technology.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:07:44 AM
Great? Ugh, the day I want to pee like a man is the day I die...I like being a woman, and dang it, yes I'm different! Sheesh!

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:10:40 AM
Its that kind of attitude that will set the women's lib movement back 100 years :(

Lady Vader
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:12:29 AM
Too bad... cause I'd frankly rather sit while peeing, thanks. It's easier to read magazines that way. :p

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:15:31 AM
WTF....you have entirely too much time on your hands to read during a pee break!

Lady Vader
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:18:24 AM
I never said I did! But you could! I mean, hell, the way things are advancing now, pretty soon ppl will be posting on these forums from the toilet! I mean they do it from their desks, cars, phones, heck it wouldn't surprise me if there's internet access on microwaves!

Just you wait. Soon ppl will be posting even from the shower... with web cams! :lol:lol:lol

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:22:12 AM
I wish I COULD set the woman's lib movement back 100 years! Okay maybe not womans lib, but feminism? Since when is it feminine to want to be male???

And...SOON we will be posting from our showers with web cameras? *just did it this morning* :o

j/k :D

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:34:44 AM
:) I will pioneer this movement. I like to flaunt :)

Sorreessa Tarrineezi
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:37:04 AM

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:05:25 AM
*gets electrocuted trying it* :x


Leeloo Mina
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:44:39 AM

Sometimes I bring my laptop into the bathroom to play my Mp3s when I'm in the shower.. is that close?

Sep 28th, 2002, 04:39:20 AM
..Haven't we had people posting on the potty before? I honestly wouldn't be surprised... x.x

>.> I have friends that will randomly shout "It's Tinkle Time!" on the phone and race outside to go... Just to freak everyone on the line out. It's a good thing they live in an area where the nearest neighbour is 5 miles away.

Aaand... I just remembered one of the alternate uses for Spooky (the toy) (http://future.boomspeed.com/lucere/spooky.jpg)!

Ont he box, it says "Use as makeshift urinal! (Girly attachments coming soon)

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:40:52 AM
Yes, yes, yes, I have posted while in the bathroom

Brielle Acaana
Sep 28th, 2002, 03:24:12 PM
Id rather have the stand up-thingy! I hate waiting in line for a free stall and my bladder feels like its about to burst...that or pee down my leg! It would be great not to have pull the ol pants down then have to retuck the shirt, etc. I say go for it, Diego!! :)

Silus Xilarian
Sep 28th, 2002, 03:41:44 PM
Charley.....you are giving away the one power we men truly have over women......FOR MONEY....

Sell out....or.....Entreprenuer........?


Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 28th, 2002, 03:43:07 PM

Money is my T&A, man. I have no other selling point, except that I'm a material boy, living in a material world.

Ryla Relvinian
Sep 28th, 2002, 03:43:18 PM
Well, you know, if we ladies can do this we'll have one thing you men don't.....

... aim.

Commander Zemil Vymes
Sep 28th, 2002, 04:00:37 PM
Oh its easy to say that when you've NEVER TRIED IT BEFORE!

There are so many factors that influence the stream. Its not simply a point and shoot affair.

Ebon Dir
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:46:55 PM
Preach it brotha!

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 28th, 2002, 07:23:09 PM
Well you guys treat some OTHER things as if it were a point and shoot affair, so why should we assume you treat peeing any different? :cry

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 28th, 2002, 09:28:52 PM
,44 Magnum hand gun the ultimate Point and Click device

Sep 28th, 2002, 09:32:54 PM
Hardballer can be classed as better I hear :)

Sep 29th, 2002, 09:40:42 PM
No a machine gun is better then a pistol. Oh wait this is like Counter Strike....

Leeloo Mina
Sep 30th, 2002, 03:35:02 AM
you pee at other people on Counter Strike?? o_O

Sep 30th, 2002, 09:22:58 PM
No I just Grenade them...

Or I camp with a good assult rifle...

Lord Gue
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:38:49 PM
lol, A magnum and some good jumping skills can be the diff between life and ur entire teams death on some maps...

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:51:18 PM
That isn't what *I* meant by point and shoot. Ryla got it.

Leeloo Mina
Sep 30th, 2002, 11:50:41 PM


Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 1st, 2002, 04:00:04 PM

Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:47:48 PM
whats wrong with posting from the bathroom?

and, i have posted once while i was in the bath... you just have to sorta hang over the edge of the bath so youre in the water about up to just above the waist, and the rest of yous hangin out of the bath, with a laptop on a low table or on the floor.... not a hot bath or the steam can screw up the comp.

ill post a diagram if ive got time

too much info?

Elena Van Derveld
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:48:26 PM

Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:09:27 PM
There. Happy posting with a floating rubber duckie by your side :)

Elena Van Derveld
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:13:56 PM
I was so reluctant to click that ... :x

Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:17:22 PM
but i bet ya did..... and feel much better for it? now you need never leave the comfort of the bath to post again :crack

Elena Van Derveld
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:18:29 PM
Oh yeah, because my computer can just be carried into the bathroom :mneh

Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:26:39 PM
sadly i could only do that when i had borrowed a laptop.... :cry

ah well. can be also done with a tv outside the bathroom door, and a playstation controller with a very long lead....

just add a plate of chocolate cookies, and thats pretty much heaven.

Leeloo Mina
Oct 3rd, 2002, 08:19:55 PM
My cable nor my phone line will reach into our bathroom :cry

and I was afraid to click it :x

Oct 4th, 2002, 10:38:51 AM
why are people so afraid to click it..... its only a little sketch.
see! only six people are braaave enough to look at it!

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 4th, 2002, 12:09:42 PM
I will not be wrangled into this thread. I will not be wrangled into this thread. I will not be wrangled into this thread. I will not be wrangled into this thread.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 4th, 2002, 02:43:43 PM
*was one of the clickers* wussies.....

Darius Van-Derveld
Oct 4th, 2002, 03:23:40 PM
Chickenwuss! all of ya!, cept the ones who clicked....

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 4th, 2002, 08:40:46 PM
oh I clicked.

I ain't no wussy :p

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:03:30 PM
:Pokes the wussies

Oct 4th, 2002, 11:23:57 PM
Even I clicked it, it's not a bad picture.. Come on....

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:40:52 PM
yep, not like anything bad is being shown......

imported_Grev Drasen
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:44:20 PM
Meras.org- is that basically an ooc forum or something?

Oct 5th, 2002, 04:02:23 PM
its a really big bathtub. with a computer in the middle.

go on! click it!

do not fear the bath.......

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 5th, 2002, 10:39:08 PM
:lol you can dooo it!

Oct 5th, 2002, 10:41:13 PM

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 5th, 2002, 11:40:18 PM
Do what?

Oct 5th, 2002, 11:42:38 PM
Originally posted by Grev Drasen
Meras.org- is that basically an ooc forum or something? Meras' (http://meras.org/forum/index.php?referrerid=1) general forum, known as Omnicron Theta is very OOC and insane, while in the other sections there are a mixture of IC and OOC forums.

Dae Jinn
Oct 5th, 2002, 11:45:16 PM

*huggles meras.org* :love hehehe

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 5th, 2002, 11:47:46 PM
seems American movies are lost on Marcus.......

Oct 6th, 2002, 05:13:33 AM
Just the ones with Rob Schnieder in them ;)