View Full Version : Visit Senic Coruscant in the Off-Season! (Marcus)

Sejah Haversh
Sep 27th, 2002, 04:05:03 AM
Tucking his lightsaber into his belt, Sejah looked over the stack of clothign and whatnot before cramming it into his duffel and slinging it over his shoulder. Opting for a snack before leaving, he snagged one of Corin's banannas from the counter and then snapped a quick self-portrait at arm's length before rushing out the door and jogging down to the shuttle launch bays.

92...93... Why did Marcus have to pick one of the furthest away bays? He wondered to himself as he approached bay 94, and once he did, he lined up a quick shot of the ship and let the shutter fly on his camera. Then it was another quick jog up the ramp into the ship and into the cockpit.

"Hello, Master Q'Dunn, smile!" He said before suddenly blasting Marcus with the flash of hsi camera as he snapped a picture of him. "I'm ready to go whenever you are."

After a quick admonishment about sirprising him with a blinding flash like that, Sejah was told to go put his things away and come back to join him in the cockpit--without the camera. Knowing he would get a chance to shoot more pictures later, the mongoose complied, and they were soon on their way.


Marcus had not been kidding when he said Coruscant was a great city. Sejah could hardly believe the towering spires of glass and steel that rose before him. IT was like somehting out of a demented engineer's storybook, and it filled him with awe. When they touched down on a landing pad, the first thing he did when he stapped out was take a few more pictures. His memory card was quite large enough to handle it. "Master Q'Dunn!" He suddenly exclaimed, "We're floating! This pad is floating!"

All he got back from his master was a chuckle at his naivety, and a beckon to follow him into a public transport. Within minutes they arrived at the Senate Dome, and Sejah stared at it slack-jawed, floored by the sheer size of it. But his surprise was short-lived as he suddenly turned his back to it, struck a campy smile and took another arm's-length portrait of himself with the Senate Dome and Marcus in the background. "Wow, this is incredible! My planet even has a seat in there!" he said while rushing to catch back up with Marcus, who had begun ignoring Sejah's constant shutterbugging.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 27th, 2002, 06:36:24 PM
This.... could get to be a very, very trying trip. He had been on Coruscant to be blaise about it's wonders, while this was Sejah's first time in the seat of Galatic power. He hadn't expected to be taking a snap happy tourist on this trip.... while he understood, he was probably going to be sorely tried by the end of this. Another flash dazzled his eyes for the 6th time since they had set down.

"Come along Sejah.... we dont want to keep the Senator waiting" he said tersly.

Marcus himself was dressed in a much cleaner and neater set of clothing that looked like a lot of his travelling clothes. A dark green cloak, set off with a neck clasp jewel set off the clothing and with a sword at his side and a sabre on the other hip, it gave him an air of nobility. They continued to walk (or in the mongooses POV, gawk through the huge boulavard that lead to the senate directly. At the front doors, security guards scanned ids and removed any weapons, but Marcus went to one side, pulled out a pass card and went to a side entrance marked "Private Entry". The guard at the door took the passcard, scanned it, then snapped to attention and saluted.

"Welcome sir. Purpose for visit...?"

"I'm here to see Senator of the Arcan system. Myself and the Jedi Padawan"

"Thank you sir.... you may go in"

It was to be noted Marcus and his Padawan were not asked to surrender their weapons. There was very, very few allowed to do that. And more remarkable was the sudden coming to attention as they went past other checkpoints, without pause - right into the area where only Senators themselves or their attendants were allowed. The huge halls were decked out in rich decorations, the carpet was thick and springy, almost like grass. On the upper levels, windows looked out across the vast open expanses of the Senate plaza - in a place as crowded as Coruscant, empty space was the ultimate status symbol.

It was alos quite clear Marcus knew these select halls very well.

"I dont come here as often as I once did" he said, speaking quietly as they walked, "But there was a time I could be fond here regularly. I'm peronal friends with the Chief of State and I carry the rank of Warlord. My pass is labelled with the code of ArchAngel - the highest security clearence. However, its rare I go via the front doors - there is all sorts of secret passages I would normally go down and avoid been seen. Now, where is... ah yes, the location holo. Let's see...."

He tapped in a few symbols and a pinpoint location came up.

"One level down, second corridor, office 77C."

Sejah Haversh
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:52:15 AM
Sejah had wisely stowed his camera as they passed through the scurity scanners, deciding that he'd probably get in trouble for photographing the interior of the Senate Building. If not from Security, then definitely from Marcus.

"Back home I would never be given access to someplace like this," he said as he followed his master to a lift, looking around as he went. "I wonder where the Nehantite Senator's office is. I know he takes up residence here, as it takes at least a week to travel from the planet to this one."

He wasn't meaning to be overly curious or annoy Marcus by lookign at everything, but it just happened. Where he grew up, seeing such a place as the Senate Halls was something only joked about, nobeast ever thought they would actually do it. But there he was, and standign next to someone with unrestricted access to it all. But as the doors to the lift slid open, the Nehantite calmed hismelf down, not wishing to look as a poor student to his master. He straightened his outer vest and adjusted his lightsaber in his belt before following.

"Master Q'Dunn," he asked quietly as he walked alongside him, "How should I act when we meet your wife? She is a Senator, after all, and I don't know the ettiquite for things like that."

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 28th, 2002, 04:24:40 AM
"When in public company, bow first when presented to the Senator. Treat them as a high official, but also remember that you are a Jedi - in some ways you are the one who must be deferred to. It's a very curious position - we are to defer normally and address any Senator as 'Senator', yet, you will find a level of deference back in return. Being a Jedi menas a lot within these halls, even if..."

They passed a group from one of the Trade Federations. The aliens stopped and stared at the Jedi, a faint glow of hate in their eyes as Marcus and Sejah walked away.

"... they desipise you. Here, being a Jedi is a most worthy thing. Now protocols - you stay three meters from the Senator unless summoned closer, they are the ones whom may speak without interruption, although you are permitted to speak unbidden. In manners, they drink or eat first, they are seated first. If following a Senator, stay behind unless you are directed to personally escort. Avoid body contact. Only a Jedi or a guard may be in the presence of a Senator bearing arms." They came to a door, which Marcus knocked on - a female opened and bowed.

"Yes? Can I help you?" she said in a lilting accent

"Two Jedi to see Senator Evenstar, if she will"

The woman nodded, closed the door. A moment later, she came out and two others follwoed.

"Senator Evenstar will see you now and she will see you both alone, Master Jedi"

Helenias Evenstar
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:02:24 AM
It was fairly nice as offices went - a large square reception area, an even larger area I could sit behind my desk and meet others, a lower entertainment floor and a rest area, with refresher. So far, the walls were bare grey, with a long, long bay window overlooking the outside. There was a nice red carpet and some meeting chairs. Nothing really else. Not even a terminal as yet, I was not long here, only a day. I had only began meeting the staff attached to this office, interestingly only women. Security was lighter than I liked, so I was keeping a rail gun at the ready under my coat - which itself was layered above a more formal deep green flowing dress. I was looking out the window, thinking, when one of the attendants came in.

"Senator Evenstar, there are two Jedi at the door. Do you wish to see them?"

Mildy surprised, I raised an eyebrow. "Certainly. Alone please - all leave us alone" The others in the office left, while I turned and waited for my visitors. Who, I wondered, was this?

Much pleased I was to see Padawan Haversh, which suggested....

"MARCUS!!!" Dropping anything that seemed like a respectible air, I pounced on the man, kissing him as he tried to recover from the flying woman hitting him. I had to admit, I was acting more like a hormone controlled teenage girl. But then again, I had not seen my betrothed for a month. "Marcus, what a surprise! What brings you here? And Sejah Haversh..." I unwound myself from Marcus, straightening my dress. "It is good to see you again. Please come in, come in!"

"Helenias, I dod say that there wre porotocols when in the presence of a Senator.." Marcus began.

"Oh, stuff them - I'll behave as I want with you. And I'm quite sure your Padawan will understand. Sejah, how are you and how does your training go? Anything I can get both of you?"

I noted the look Marcus gave me. "Anything that does not involve having your mind in a gutter, Mister" I stated, still grinning hugely. Now this visit was cheering myself up no end.

Sejah Haversh
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:27:11 AM
As Helenias promptly shattered protocol, Sejah could only stand by and watch his master get the luvvy treatment from his wife, and supress a chuckle as it happened. Well, that wasn't quite all he did; he did snap a quick picture of the most embarrassing moment without the flash on on his camera as he appeared to be crossing one arm across his waist for a polite bow, though not the full court bow as he normally would have before the huggle-fest occurred.

A warm smile at the sight of his Master's happiness graced Sejah's face, and as he was offered something, he politely put up a paw to decline. "No, but than you, Senator Q'Dunn. It is treat enough just being here," he said, though stealing glimpses around the large office every now and then.

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 4th, 2002, 12:55:09 AM
I gave the Padawan a looking over, bowing slightly.

"Here is one of good speech and good temprament, Marcus, you could take lessons from him in courtly manners! Are you sure Padawan Haversh? Coruscant is a place where anything can be procured, even the greatest dainties from your own home. Whcih thinking of home.... your not the first of your kind I have seen here. Does your home planet have a presence in the Senate as well?"

Sejah Haversh
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:14:53 AM
With a curt nod, the mongoose replied, "Yes, Senator Q'Dunn; I believe our senator does take up residence here on Coruscant. He is a high-born nobleman and is quite smart form what I hear."

What he didn't add was that he was also deeply entrenched in the class system that Nehantish had, and only fought for things that would benefit the upper circles. There was no way a political reformer would have been allowed to be a senator by the Sultan of Nehantish.

"And I have everything I really need, so, thank you again for your offer, but I will decine it respectfully," he added. He knew she meant well,a dn was only trying to help, but, he didn't like charity, Sejah ahd too much pride for that. Besides, he was better off as far as living quality went with the Jedi than he had been at home in any case.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 5th, 2002, 06:01:34 AM
While his wife and Sejah spoke, Marcus wandered off to look out the huge window. He hid his true feelings well - he was concerned for Helenias. This was no place for a Jedi to be and with one whom was a stubborn and as hard as she could be.... this was a place of compromise and dilution of what you stood for. Which was one reason Marcus hated the place so much. Only the corrupt and the willing to do deals got anywhere here, to have someone like his wife in the Senate was like having a huge. bird of prey in amongst scavengers. Too weak one or even a handfull would be, but a whole flock?

A sore test for one like her this was going to be. Maybe a deadly test, if his heart's fears came true. But she was the one who dealt a huge blow to the Jedi by the destruction of the original Jedi Temple on Coruscant, so maybe he was being over anxious.

But he doubted that.

Why did you do this Helenias? You did not have to do this for anyone. Dangerous this plac is and I fear for your life. There are deadly forces arrayed here and I fear that if you make a stand, they will overwhelm you. Be careful my love....

He looked about the apartment, noting that there was an assault gun lying on her couch, he went across and picked it up. Loaded with a round chambered. Security cams were all about and he noted the deft hand of Helenias in almost invisible warning trip beams and a weapons scanner. Ah. So she wasn't blind to the danger and even in some ways, she would be able to see it coming faster than anyone - she was afterall gifted in foresight. Would it be enough? He could not see that far inthe future.

"How about we go for a walk? There is a Diner not far from here I know well that we can get something to eat. Oh.... better take this Hugbunny..... things get a little rough there" He tossed over the assault gun, the woman catching it and giving him a rude gesture. Marcus faked a grin, while all the time his senses were suddenly screaming.


Not in here. But in the Force, somethign was telling him it was time to leave.

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 5th, 2002, 08:44:16 AM
I caught the gun and in one movement, had it slung over my back and with a bit of dress rearrangement, hidden.

"Sure... I could do with something to eat" I stated, senses coming to full alert.

This place could get a little rough

I noted Marcus had come onto full alert. It was subtle, but the signs were there. The watchfulness. The hand just above the hilt of the sword. Whilst I felt nothing, I trusted him totally. Being closer to the Padawan, I lowered my voice, so only he could hear.

"Be on your guard, your Master senses something amiss. If you need a weapon, you may have one of mine - what would you prefer, gun, sabre or sword?"

Sejah Haversh
Oct 6th, 2002, 03:59:52 AM
For his lack of other skills, Sejah had leanrned to read others well. But, those had been others of his own kind, and he was leaning that actions in humans were easily mis-percieved. It was much easier to read the flick of a tail than the lift of an eyebrow.

He had not entirely missed Marcus' restlessness, but he definitely hadn't thought it serious enough to warrant the danger that Helenias was picking up on. Tilting his head so he could speak through the side of his muzzle, he replied quietly, "No, thank you, I have my saber with me." He didn't mention the handgun tucked into the folds of his sash-belt above his tail, though, still not understanding why there was so much worry. Marcus tossing the rifle to Helenias did manage to get him thinking, though.

Not knowing what else to do, the mongoose soflty backstepped and turned to hit the button that opened the chamber doors and waved a paw toward the hallway. "After you," he said politely, than grinned and added, "I don't know my way back out of here."

Suddenly, a thought popped into his head, and he paused and pulled his camera back out. "Hang on, nobody'll ever believe I was in a Senator's office, jsut a sec." Turning his back to them, he held the camera at arms length and took a snapshot with them and the room in the background. Stufing it back into its case, he stepped aside to clear the doorway again and repeated, "Um, after you, again."

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 8th, 2002, 04:31:14 AM
I had to laugh. I was really getting to like this honest and almost innocent Padawan. Also, the concept of a Padawan being tourist struck me as amusing as well. I glanced at Marcus to express my humour, but it died when I saw that he was not looking or even taking note of us - his attention was clearly elsewhere.

"Marcus.... Marcus? What is it you feel?" I asked, quietly as we went into the corridor.

"I dont know. But the Force tells me not to tarry - and do not go out the side entrances"

"Noted. Now, where do you suggest we go?"

"I do not know - your the one who is good at seeing the future. What would it say to you?"

That was a point. I paused, thinking. "I do not know and nor can I see. Maybe you should go ahead"

Marcus nodded and in the quiet and silent way he had, merged into the crowd and disappeared. "Take note of his attitude just now Sejah. For Marcus, that means he senses something dangerous coming. It would be well for you to learn how to sense danger and I would tell you Marcus is the best at it. Now, come, we will go to the front entrance. Look like I am instructing you on what the tapestries and statues are about"

Sejah Haversh
Oct 8th, 2002, 04:38:32 AM
So he was supposed to watch Marcus, yet appear to be lookign at other thinfgs at the same time? Perhaps it would ahve been possible were Sejah not suddenly made so nervous. He could hear the worry in their voices, and knew that if somethign worried them, it would be far more than enough to take him out.

But it was not the student's place to question the master unless he was told he could do so, so the mongoose did as he was told, following Marcus and looking at the artwork as Helenias pointed it out. What had been a wonderous place only mintes before was now almost invisible to him as he strained to feel what they were feeling, and failed to do so.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 9th, 2002, 07:40:46 PM
Didnt take long for him to go down the stairs, down a turbolift, out into the public areas and into the massive Grand Entrance. The wondrs of the place were lost to him as he moved, silent and unnoticed, somehow merging into shadows and crowds so as not to draw attention to himself. Then, casually out the doors into the bright sunlight of outside.

Nothing. Damnit, he could sense and see nothing more..... going down the stairs that lead to the massive walkways surrounding the building, he leaned on a pillar, trying to sort out the hubbarb of minds, to detect if he could see where the threat was coming from.

And hence, when Helenias and Sejah likewise exited the Senate building, Marcus was outside of trap, sprung too early it seemed - for the rush of 7 beings split out of the crowds, coming at Evenstar with blasters firing. sognalled someone had been spooked or their hand forced. Even as he drew out his sabre, two of the attackers died as the Assault Gun Helenias was carrying came out in a blink and roared in response - scattering body parts in all directions.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 9th, 2002, 07:59:22 PM
Sejah ducked out of instinct when the blasters begain firing, for the moment thinking they were firing at him; that he had been found.

His paw reached back and snatched the .45 out of the back of his belt and dropped a bead on one of the attackers. Squeezing the trigger, he fired, twice, dropping one of them, though not sure if he was dead or not. "What's going on?" he shouted, then swapped his pistol into his other paw and whipped out his lightsaber, though still unsure of wether he should go after them, or just keep shooting.

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 16th, 2002, 05:10:27 AM
A third came at me and with a quick squeeze of the trigger, he was dispatched into pieces. A lot of pieces, an assault gun loaded with pellet ammo was powerful enough to disintergrate humans. This lot were amatuers - the attack was badly co-orinated and they had to push through crowds to get at us. A fouth was blown into pet meat before the remaining two even got close enough to be accurate. And by that time, it was a simple matter of point and allow the Force to sweep one attacker into the other. They both crashed to the crowd as I reloaded.

Jedi with sabres were bad - Jedi with highly powerful guns could be worse. As the five dead showed.

"I dont know Sejah.... but I plan to find out. I want at least one of the last two alive. Able to answer questions is all I want"

And almsot casually, I swung the assault gun onto my shoulder and fired backwards without looking. The wet splat announced I had hit the eigth and final attacker, whom had tried to come from behind.

"Get to the last two before Marcus does... and tread carefully around your Master. He will be in a bad mood as a result of this"

Would he ever. For myself, I was wondering who the hell was behind this.

Sejah Haversh
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:29:52 PM
Sejah's stomach was sickened at how Helenias' rail gun dispatched their assailants, but, he also knew of worse ways to die. Swallowing hard, he followed her instructions, and ran off in pursuit of the last two who had retreated. Switching his gun back into his right paw, the mongoose waited for a clear shot, then unloaded three rounds into his back, hoping none would pass through and hit an innocent on the otehr side that he had not seen.

The man was still trying to move as Sejah jumped over him, but, with wounds like those he wouldn't last long; that and there was anotehr still on the run. Helenias' words came back into his mind, and Sejah knew that this one had to be taken alive in order to gain information from him. He had four rounds left in his clip, and risked a dangerous burst of shots. Aiming at the man's megs, three shots missed, but finally one took him through the thigh, causing him to fall and clutch his leg in pan. In seconds Sejah was atop him, pressing his empty gun against the man's forehead and growled, "If you know what's good for you, you'll keep still." Sure, the gun was empty, but, the man didn't know that.

Lifting his head back up, the Nehantite called out, "Marcus! Helenias! I've got him!"

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 06:46:13 AM
The onimous reloading of the Assault gun was quite loud as I came closer. It was quite clear I was in a dont argue mood - having your first assasination attempt on yourself would do that to anyone. It was quite clear to myself I was the target.

"Good, well done Padawan Harersh. Now get this scumbag somewhere where we can ask questions. I am very much displeased"

And seeing the look of death of Marcus' face as he got closer, knowing how protective he could get to myself and family, I added another order.

"And make sure Marcus doesn't get his hands onto that scum. I really dont want to be interrogating a red splotch. Quick, get one of the guards coming now to help you. Hurry!"

No, Marcus just didn't have the death look.... he was fuming. I decided to intercept him.

"Marcus.. Marcus! I'm okay! Just dont do anything out of order!"

Sejah Haversh
Oct 22nd, 2002, 01:04:23 PM
Marcus traveled too fast, and Sejah had no time to call a guard to him. In a smooth movement, the mongoose used his left paw to pull his kris dagger from his waist and placed it against the man's throat while shifting the aim of the empty handgun to Marcus and warned, "Master Q'Dunn, stay back. Your wive has given me an order to keep you from harming this man."

His tone was solid, and he prayed that Marcus would take the bluff with the empty gun. After all, he held it so dead level that even he believed it might have just one more round in it.

Marcus Telcontar
Oct 22nd, 2002, 09:00:58 PM
He couldnt do anything... he felt helpless as the attack happened. It was cold comfort that Helenias managed to clean up the attackers so fast with some help from Sejah.

But it till didnt hl the sinking feeling he had. He was used to danger directed at himself. But at his wife?

And more so, there was an unusual emotion coming over him.... fear. He was fearful as to his beloved safety. SHe finally manged to get close, only to be stopped physically by Helenias. "Marcus.. Marcus! I'm okay! Just dont do anything out of order!" he heard.... his eyes came to meet hers and in a few seconds, she stepped away, mouth agape at the the emotion... the fear and concern she saw. So much unlike the Marcus she knew. Without a word more he advanced on the remaining survior... now with Sejah standing over him.

"Put the gun away Sejah, I counted six shots. I'm not interested in harming this scum... I want him healed"

He turned his attention to that man, who was looking a bit annoyed he got bluffed out. "Dont worry, I'm not intending to hurt you" he said, voice now calm and peaceful "I'm a Jedi Master. But the woman you were intending to attack? Well, you already seen she's not going to tolerate nonsense. I'm the nice one around here... she likes to rip beings arm's off and beat them to death with it. Man, you know it makes me want to puke. Why just last week, she ripped a Wookiee's leg off and rammed it up its backside. Talk about blood everywhere and the poor damn Wookiee howling in pain - now maybe you should go to sleep and think about whether you want your limbs ont inserted into orifiaces that they should not be....."

And with the Power of the Force, he sent a mental sugggestion for the attacker to sleep. From behind, there was a noise of disapproval from Helenias, which Marcus turned his head to acknowledge.

"Whhhhat? It's true. You do have a tendancy to delimb beings"

"Marcus... I am a Senator.."

"So? When is that going to stop you? Besides, this scum is going to be thinking of that when he wakes up. I'm sure he'll want to talk.... you did want to talk, right?"

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 24th, 2002, 01:35:51 AM
I just had to roll my eyes.

"Ha ha, very funny Marcus. Of course I want to to talk to this greaseball. There's a medical section down in the sub sections of the Senate building. Padawan Haversh, make sure he gets there in one piece and on the double. And you Marcus... Stop spreading rumours about me. The Wookiee's arms were jammed in it's ears"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 2nd, 2002, 03:50:56 AM
Sejah paid little attention to the lovers spat going on next to him as he picked up the ambusher over his shoulder and stood up with a grunt. Whoever he was, he could stand to lose a little weight, the Nehantite thought.

The gathered crowd parted before him as he went, and he only knew the medical center from the white cross above the door when he was directed to the right floor., the words were still too big for him to be able to recognize. Attendants quickly wheeled out a stretcher and Sejah gratefully heaved his passenger down onto it, only then seeing the large bloodstain that had formed on his shirt and vest. "Dang it, not on my good clothes...." he muttered, but didn't have long to wonder how he was going to get it out before a blaster was pointed at him and he was told to put his hands on his head as his weapons were confiscated.

"Who are you? And who shot this man?" A security officer bellowed at him.

"I do not know who he is, but I shot him, sir," Sejah replied as calmly as he could. "I was try-"

"On your knees, now!" The guard ordered upon hearing that Sejah had shot him, "Did you know it is illegal do discharge firearms in public places Mr.... Haversh?" he snapped as he read Sejah's ID card. "And it is even more illegal to shoot somebody? You're going to have to come with me, I'm placing you under arrest."

As Sejah's pwas were pulled down and handcuffs slapped on his wrists, he protested, "But I was shooting in self-defense! It was an attack on a Senator, and I was protecting her!"

His cries fell on deaf ears as he was hauled to his feet roughly. "Oh, protecting a Senator, huh? Hardly. And I'll wager you don't even have a license for that handgun, either. Come on, we're going to the station."

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:13:02 PM
As Sejah's pwas were pulled down and handcuffs slapped on his wrists, he protested, "But I was shooting in self-defense! It was an attack on a Senator, and I was protecting her!"

His cries fell on deaf ears as he was hauled to his feet roughly. "Oh, protecting a Senator, huh? Hardly. And I'll wager you don't even have a license for that handgun, either. Come on, we're going to the station."

Marcus picked up the tail end of the conversation, looked up and grimaced.

"Hang on a moment. Looks like we have some overzealous bozos"

She shook her head, face twisting to a scowl. "Pity they weren't here a minute ago."

"Yeah, well..." he concentrated for a moment, before the cuffs dropped off Sejah's hands, the locking mechanisms undone via the Force. Before anyone had any tiem to react, the Jedi Master was already over there.

"If you dont mind, I'm annoyed enough as it is Officer. I would rather not have this Jedi Padawan arrested. Senator Evenstar, need I remind you, is a Jedi herself. I'm sure you dont want an issue betwen Security and the Jedi Council, hmmm?"

The Offciers looked at Marcus with some suspicion, before replying. "And who are you?"

He flashed his id... his very, very high ranking id. "Major General James Tohmahawk. Now if you dont back off RIGHT NOW, I'm busting your sorry backside to traffic. Now get back to your duty and guard the Senator and clean up this damn mess! You here! Take this man and take him down to medical now. What the hell are you waiting for? MOVE!"

He certainly had a way to make them jump., for they did. Two Security agents ran to get a stretcher, while others formed a cordon about Helenias,... and someone else ordered some sponges. Pretty much all that was left of the dead attackers. "Ummm, my apologies Master Jedi" said the original Security type to Sejah, before scuttling off like his backside was on fire - which it could have been with the intensity of Marcus' glare.

Sejah Haversh
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:30:54 PM
Tohmahawk, Sejah had heard that name before. Slowly what he knew about his master was falling into place, but he kept quiet, rubbing his wrists where the handcuffs had been moments before, a little too snugly at that.

The whole situation was too close to another he had been recently in for comfort, and the mongoose tried to play off his anxiety at only having been perturbed at almost havign been arrested. "Thank you, Master Q'Dunn," he said quietly to Marcus as he picked up his weapons from off the counter. The spent magazine was ejected, and Sejah loaded another one in its place, then cocked the slide, set the safety before inserting it into the back of his belt again and pulling a section of sash up tom conceal it. The kris slipped easily back into his belt, and so did his lightsaber. His heart was still beating rapidly, and the smell of blood on his clothes was still present, but he would have to deal with it.

It was a mad-house in the area now, security everywhere and large portions of the walkways closed off. Pouring himself a cup of water from the nearby cooler, the mongoose swigged it down and let it soothe his nerves. "So, what do we do now, Masters? I think that fellow will have to be patched up a bit before they let us talk to him."

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 5th, 2002, 10:57:25 PM
"Yeah, that I agree. And he needs a good guard incase someone wants to silence him. We're it. I think Helenias is safe for now and that's my only other real concern... or I should say no one would be idiot enough to have a go now. I've got no doubts she would do something fittingly nasty"

He watched as Security swept the Senator away back inside the security area, and Marcus himself reached out for a cup of water too.... and notcied his hand was tremblng. Surprised, he closed it into a fist, took a few calming breaths, then opened it again. Steady.

"Frell man, I never thought I would see this day. Look... you go and guard that perp. I ned to run a quick errand. Back in ten minutes. And if anyone gives you trouble, your a Jedi Padawan. And if they really bother you, invoke the name of Tohmahawk. That will scare them. Now, go. Make sure you dont lose sight of that perp"

Marcus turned to go, then ran. out the building. He had something to do allright - a quick decision. Sometimes being a Jedi was not what was needed.


It was 15 minutes later where in the medical centre, a man in a deep black military uniform appeared, General insignia on the shoulders and a patch of the NRSF on the chest. Twin Rail Guns were at the hip, Sabre was tucked away behind his back, which had a flowing cape, clasped in silver at his neck. And with the eyeshades now on, the man cut a very menacing figure. And people moves when he ordered them. Tho the last anyone heard, the legendary General Tohmahawk was MIA, here he was, with th well known fire and sharp tongue that had the weak peeing their pants and the strong backing away carefully.

Tohmahawk was not a man to be screwed with.

Which was why Marcus so loved the id. If anything, this was closer to how he was in reality. 8 long years he had been this name until Whitetown. 8 years.

It was feeling like meeting an old friend.

"So where is this attacker of evenstar?" he asked a medic.

"Still in op...."

"I didnt ask how was he... I asked WHERE. As. In. What. Real. Estate. Is. He .In. Draw me a map if you want." he replied.

The medic was braver than most, but even he wilted under the blasting soullessness of the mirrored shades. "Fourth door down. There's a Mongoose or soemthing that is refusing to leave his side..."

"Oh? Good. Now get out of my way"

The medic leapt aside as Tohmahawk stormed downthe halls, going to the fourth door. He entered, to be in a viewing area, sealed off from the actual op room. Sejah was inside.

Good one. Now, I'll wait till the bone saws are finished

Sejah Haversh
Nov 5th, 2002, 11:38:20 PM
Sejah had been made to wear a surgical apron and gloves, as well as a facemask when in teh operating room. The damage he had done to the man's leg was quickly becoming more apparent as the medics cut off his pantleg and went to work. There was a lot of blood, and Sejah's stomach felt a bit queasy looking at it all.

The bullet had passed clean through, well, not exactly clean, but it had passed through. Sejah expected no less from a .45 at that range. The hole was a nasty mess of torn flesh, and he couldn't hardly look as the medics pulled it open a ways to examine the inside. But he kept his vigil, making sure no other attack or harm would come to him, and hoping that things would turn out okay. All he had wanted to do was to see Coruscant and the Senate building and maybe snap a few photos for memory's sake. Not get involved in an assassination attempt and shoot a man.

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 5th, 2002, 11:48:13 PM
Took a while for the bone guys to finsh, but they eventually did, taking the perp to a recovery area. Marcus now chose to come into the same room, dragging a steel chair behind him. Okay, so he wasn't scrubbed, but he didnt really care. They fixed the bugger, they could keep him disinfected. All Marcus wanted was for the would be assasin to answer questions.

And actually, if the truth be told, Marcus had something much better to heal with anyway. He took his gloves off, reaching over and touching the man on the head, allowing the pwoer of the Force to flow and begin to speed the perp's recovery. Now noone else btu Sejah was around, he dropped back to Marcus-mode. "I think I mentioned this to you - using the Force to accelerate someone's recovery from injury. We'll have this one resonably able to answer questions in no time....." he looked up at his Padawan, a lopsided grimn on his face "... and looks like you just found out what very few others know. This is how the Galaxy knows me. I'll explain once we have this one awake and answered questions"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:05:53 AM
Sejah didn't know what to think. He knew Marcus had a few aliases, but Tohmahawk he hadn't thought to have been one of them before that day. All he could do was watch and trust his master, finally asking, "Is there anything else you've been keepign from me, Master Q'Dunn?"

Marcus Telcontar
Nov 6th, 2002, 12:29:56 AM
"Are there things you keep from me Sejah?" he asked retorically

He bent over the perp, watching his face for signs of awakening, before standing upright and looking over his shoulder at the Padawan.

"Everyone has their secrets. Some are not worth telling. Others, yyour not ready. And still others...... are too dangerous for others that others, even Jedi should know. It's not a matter of trust, you know more than others anyway. I operate on a need to know. At least you know I am a Jedi - the Galaxy doesnt and nor will it. Marcus Q'Dunn means nothing outside the Order and that's the way it should be, to protect some I love dear."

He sighed, shaking his head.

"Been wondering if I should show you the world of the Unerground. It's where ones like me and Helenias used to lurk. It's not a not a nice galaxy in there, it's ugly, dark and deadly, one slip you lose your life and the lives of others. Most Jedi would not survive for long... thiose whom have thier head up their asses, thinking that the Galaxy can be healed with a soft word and The Force. There are dangers and forces that can not be stopped by a Jedi - some that would surprise you. Like the Galactic News Network. The criminal elements in the Cizerack. Or Sanis Prent."

And in speaking, came to a decision.

"We'll go to a place called Dexter's Diner after this"

Sejah Haversh
Nov 7th, 2002, 02:28:50 AM
Three knuckles in his left paw cracked as he se squeezed it slowlt with his right. Sejah's gloves hung looped through his belt and he stepped forward, reaching out his right paw and lightly touching the comatose man's temple.

It was almost as if all that Marcus had said fell on deaf ears as the mongoose paid his master little heed, closing his pink eyes and takign a deep breath to calm his nerves. Three seconds passed, and suddenly he ripped his paw back and clutched his skull with the other one. "Garfife!" he snarled as he stumbled back, nearly fallign over before catchign himself against the wall. Both his paws were soon holding his head, rubbign his temples and forehead lightly as he nearly hyperventilated. When he finally did open his eyes again, they wouldn't remain fizated where he wanted them to, but fluttered lightly back and forth. They did not come to a steady bead for almost a minute, but his headache still remained.

Looking down at the man on the table, Sejah then turned his gaze to Marcus and explained, "I, I heard that sometimes a touch or contact can help with telepathy. I was going to see if I could read his mind, but... Gar, that hurt. Worse than before, even. I'm sorry, Master Q'Dunn, I just didn't want to find that out at the wrong time, so, I had to try it. Ow...: He trailed off, trying to focus on other parts of hismelf than his aching brain.

"And, I will keep your secret, Master Q'Dunn, but, I would also expect you to try and get at some of the secrets I keep, not let me harbor them forever. And, what is this Dexer's place you speak of? Is it around here? And would they have some aspirin?"