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Loklorien s'Ilancy
Sep 27th, 2002, 12:07:30 AM
Being in the Bar and Grill was probably not a good thing for her right now. In fact, it was most likely the worst thing for her to do. But she needed answers; answers that only ione man could give her. A man who she only knew by the name of Diego. He was the one who'd turned her, who'd made her into the creature she now was, and now, ultimately, he was the only one she could go to.now that she'd run from Millard.

s'Il had run; blindly and in complete fear; fleeing Balmorra after seriously wounding the man she'd wanted to marry; the man who'd loved her no matter what she'd become. And now, that form had reared its curse.

She had to find him; the man who'd stung her on Naboo; the man who had the answer; the man who had cursed her..

And so she stepped in, gingerly, handing over her slugthrowers before heading for the bar, wading through the mass of people and tables. Climbing onto a stool, she cast a wary look around...

Gods I shouldn't be here... if even one person...

But she had to find hiim. News traveled fast; or at least had a way of finding her, and as soon as she'd heard of a vornskr incident at Yog's, she'd headed for Arcan IV.

s'Il had to find Diego. He was the only one she could turn to, the only one who would accept her now.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 27th, 2002, 12:25:16 AM
He paced...master of a 200 square foot domain, sealed in thick plexiglass. There were basic amenities within. A bed, a desk, and a chair. In the past day, he'd used none of them. Ever since the disaster in the bar the other day, he had been the unconditional guest of those who had no idea exactly what to do with him. It didn't suprise the Lupine. One had to be in control of such things that people feared. Fear drove men mad...and they lashed out upon a scapegoat, so they could return to equilibrium and safety, whether it was real or imagined. His ancestors had seen the same when they were cast from their homeworld. Thus, these extremes were no suprise. It didn't mean he would resign himself to the fate they had given him, though. He was a patient man, who knew how to bide his time well. The plans with the Shi'ido hadn't turned out in his favor...she'd been released hours after the incident. Nevertheless, Diego would find his chance to flee. It wasn't a matter of if...but when.

The building in which his holding chamber was built was beset by windows on one side, affording a modest view of the outdoor areas. Diego passed his time by leaning against his plastic prison, and watched the pedestrians. It came as a mild suprise to Diego then, when he saw a very familiar, tawny-haired woman with quicksilver eyes saunter from a sleek vessel towards the Bar and Grill. For the first time in a day, Diego afforded a smile.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:39:38 AM
s'Il ran a hand through her hair, nervousness easily apparent in her motions, and she let out a hissing sigh before reaching a hand out, grasping the barkeep as he passed by.

"I need to know where someone is... "

He looked at her, waiting for her to go on, and with another breath she spoke.

"... His name is Diego... "

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:13:19 AM
"He's in lock down." Arya leaned over the bar and looked down at s'Ilancy. "I saw him the other day in the hospital. Frelling Jedi, being real glit heads about the whole incident."

The dark haired woman smiled, "Its been a while, s'Ilancy."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:19:47 AM
s'Il smiled a smile of relief at Arya, happy to see the darker haired woman once again. It'd certainly been a while since they'd gotten together.

"Arya... good to see you... "

The other woman's words caused her brows to knit in confusion. "Lock down? What all exactly happened? I only got a brief rundown from a friend... "

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:33:25 AM
Ravenwing got to her feet, and made her way to where the other woman sat. She tapped the being next to s'Ilancy on the shoulder. "You're in my seat." The Rodian blustered, but Arya pulled it off its stool, and took its place.

The alien took its drink and moved to the other end of the bar, grumbling and complaining to the bartender. Arya leaned into s'Ilancy, her voice hidden from prying ears in the hustle and bustle of the bar. "He's a shapeshifter, a Lupine I think his race is called. I did a little research when I was released from the hospital."

s'Ilancy's look of confusion increased, and Arya hastily added, "But anyway, I was just coming here, minding my own business, when I see a fight starting at the front door. At least, I thought it was a fight. Turns out that this Diego character was morphing in front of the door." Arya didn't mention touching him as she walked past, or the visions she'd had.

"I know whats going on...lets just say I've seen things like it before. So I shove people out of the way before he transforms into a huge snapping beast...something like a vornskyr, but a hell of a lot bigger. I run inside here to warn people to get out, but the frelling NRSF grab me for being inside with my weapons. Long story short, he ate a few padawans, and nearly ate me before he was contained."

Arya leaned back. "We were both in the hospital...I tried to get him released, but it didn't work."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2002, 01:53:34 AM
Lowering her head into her hands, s'Il hissed a little after hearing Arya's dialogue. That Diego had been locked away for something he had no control over only made her situation worse; and if the Jedi in the bar had no qualms about throwing someone away for something generated by theire own ignorance...

s'Il cast her gaze about, the need to leave the bar and grill suddenly very tangible. She could almost feel the stirrings; the need to change driven by the almost inaudible hum coming from the force users in the place... she turned back to give Arya a sidelong glance.

"I... know what he is... "

Her shoulders heaved in a heavy sigh as she resolved herself to remain sitting, and looking up at Arya more fully, she lowered her voice, hoping that no one else but the other woman would hear her next words.

"... he made me one too... "

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 3rd, 2002, 02:03:53 AM
Arya jerked back a little. A transferrable shapeshifting ability? She'd never heard of such a thing. She hissed, "You better get the frell out of here then, I think that it's people using the Force on him, or around him, that forced the change that day. I wouldn't want you to end up in his situation."

Hopping up from her barstool, Arya paid for her drink, paid for whatever it was s'Ilancy had been drinking, and paid for the Rodian's drink as well. "Apologies," she told the bartender, who just grunted and took the money. She caught a look from her companion, and shrugged. "Times are good right now. TDK is a gold mine."

Arya tugged on s'Ilancy, pulling her out from the bar, and away from the Jedi inside.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2002, 03:00:35 PM
Stumbling after Arya, s'Il caught her balance with the aide of the other woman's arm, and steadying herself, looked to either side.

"I have to see him... "

Away from the constant underlying thrum of the force, s'Il had relaxed considerably; the reality of her situation sinking more into her mindset as she collected herself. Squaring her shoulders, she clenched her hands into fists, standing up straight. All traces of her previous nervousness lifted from her like a relieved burden from her back, and she breathed in deeply, letting the air fill her lungs.

She turned to look up at Arya, finishing her sentence.

"... I need to get him out.

"Will you take me to him?"

Silus Xilarian
Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:11:43 PM
News travelled fast on Coruscant. The incident that had broke out at Yog's was well talked about all over. News of a shape-shifter sparked alot of gossip. When this reached Silus, he knew what had happened.

Twice now, Silus had encountered the man he suspected was behind this. The two had been set as adversaries, yet both seemed to harbor enough curiousity about one another to keep them at bay.

As Silus walked past Yog's he came upon a large building. This building was unfamiliar to him. He wasnt sure, but he thought it could be it...

Silus glanced around to make sure no one was watching, then quickly jogged around the side, getting out of the public's plain view. He then stood up to the edge of the window, peering in to see if this was in fact, where they were holding "Will".....

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 3rd, 2002, 10:43:48 PM
Arya looked into s'Ilancy's silver eyes, and nodded, once. "He just a little ways down the street..." The dark haired woman started walking briskly down the street, as if happy for the chance to stretch her legs.

"It's not going to be easy, you know." Arya spoke over her shoulder at the other woman. "When I said lock down, I wasn't kidding. They'll let me see him, if I want to, because they think I'm his girlfriend. To be honest, I'd never seen him before that day in the bar. I went to see him once, but he wasn't very talkative." She led the way to a non-descript brick building, covered with grime, like the rest of the city.

"Here we are." Arya pushed the doors open, and walked into the dim interior.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:09:48 PM
Diego's pacing stopped, his eyes turning up to meet a silhouette in the window. They fixated on Silus for but a moment. That was when the doors opened to the right. Diego watched as two female visitors entered. And suddenly, his solitude was broken threefold.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:16:09 PM
s'Il stared at Diego, metallic meeting blue through thick plexiglass. Slowly; almost gently even, she lifted a hand and placed it flat on the transparent surface.

"I found you," she said simply.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:32:31 PM
He stared at her, eyes like wild, blue fire. Canting his head off-angle, he slid a hand up to the transparent barrier, parallel to her own.

"Now what will you do with me?"

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:46:14 PM
She was silent for a few moments, standing stock still with their hands separated by layers of plexiglass. She looked to Arya with thankfulness in her eyes and a slight smile before turning back to Diego. s'Il's jaw was set, and she held his gaze without looking away.

"It's not so much what I'd do with you as it is what you'd do with me."

She stepped a little closer to the glass, almost resting her head on it. "I need your help."

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 5th, 2002, 12:44:53 AM
Arya watched the pair interact with one eye, and caught a glimpse of movement outside the window with the other. She walked silently to the reinforced outside window, and looked outside, on her guard, in case there was an assassin bent on taking out the Lupine.

Of course, it was a military building, and there were troopers and police units in the next room. Still....Arya looked, and made eye contact with the man standing outside.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 5th, 2002, 12:58:48 AM
Silus saw two people on the other side of the building. They must have been important, due to Diego immediately turning his attention to them. He didnt get a good look at them, but they didnt appear to be wearing uniforms, nor jedi cloaks. These two must have been friends. Then one of them spotted Silus, and made eye contact...

She looked familiar, but he couldnt quite place where he knew her from. Silus strained his eyes a bit, rummaging through his memory, trying to place the face with a name....

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:16:28 AM
"From here, S'Ilancy, my options are distinctly limited"

He smirked, smudging his hand against the plastic bubble.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:25:41 AM
She ignored the smirk, her eyes seemingly unseeing as she stared through him.

"All I want to know, is that if I came to you, would you take me in... "

In her mind s'Il had no where else to go; Diego was her last chance.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:40:25 AM
Diego paused.

"You may think....that what I have given you, what I have inflicted. You may think of it as a gift."

He raised an eyebrow.

"...perhaps a curse."

He separated himself from the window, pacing about.

"Neither, Loklorien. It is due wages...purchased by all your faculties. Your physical form, your wit, your very spirit. Everything I have given is earned by you. I have annointed you, and invited you to lay by my side, in the moonlight."

Two thick arms crossed over his chest.

"Your answer is yes. If you can return to me, after knowing who...what I am...then you may go with me, wherever I may roam."

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:13:48 AM
She straightened her back then. He'd accepted her, and she felt as if a burden had been lifted from her shoulders.

"Thank you."

s'Il stared into his roiling blue eyes, her own trying to discern his true intentions. For now she could find nothing. Of course she would need to talk to him face to face; not face plexiglass face. And that was where the next problem lay.

Right now though she had to get him out of his prison. She looked over to Arya who was peering at a sillouette of some curious bystander.

"Arya," she hissed, trying to get the other woman's attention, "I need a distraction," she mouthed.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 6th, 2002, 12:30:35 AM
Arya jerked away from the window, and looked over her shoulder at s'Ilancy. Distraction. She nodded, barely perceptibly, and walked towards the door that led into the monitoring room, and then into the main lobby/office.

Closing her eyes, she found the one point in the room that wasn't quite covered by holocams, and slipped into the corner. Her body ached as tendons moved and fleshy mass was distributed differently, but it was a familiar shift, and took her less than a minute to complete.

<center><img src=http://lilaena.clanpages.com/oola.jpg></center>

s'Ilancy had wisely not stared at her, and was still resisting the urge to turn and look, when Arya opened the door and minced outside. She tripped immediately, and fell into the arms of a surprised trooper. Arya's change had made her...bustier, and several of the buttons on her cotton shirt had popped completely off.

She looked pathetic, and the trooper asked concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Help, my ankle..." Arya winced, even as her fingers were relieving him of his blaster. It was set to stun.

"Hey, where did she come from?!" His more alert partner stood up and opened the door from the monitoring room to the rest of the station. Arya straightened quickly, shot him in the back with a blue stun bolt, and then caught the man who'd helped her point blank in the chest. He dropped like a rock.

She set the blaster to kill, and shot out the monitors, and then ran out the door into the station, and leaping onto a desk. For a moment, everything was frozen, as the troopers stood, slightly mesmerized by the sight of a slightly nude Twi'lek female twisting on top of the desk.

Then the moment was broken, and Arya dropped down behind a desk, changing back into normal form even as the wood splintered and smoldered all around her from blaster fire.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 6th, 2002, 05:57:17 PM
The woman Silus had made eye contact with had now gone out of sight. Her disappearence was then followed by blaster shots and small explosions.

Silus took off around the building. He didnt know what was going on, and he still hadnt been able to figure out who the woman was, but he knew that blaster shots and explosions at this point were bad.

The doors to the building were now wide open. Silus ran on in, and immediately came across a few confused guards. He already had his blaster on stun to avoid killing anyone friendly. Silus fired three shots, takin down three guards. The remaining guards turned and started firing as Silus ducked back around the corner for cover.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 6th, 2002, 10:51:09 PM
s'Il had left her weapons with the rest of the gaurds, so she had nothing to attack with. Instead, she busied herself with slinking through the door Arya had 'stumbled' through, and reaching over to the nearest unconscious gaurd, palmed the small ID card held in one of the pockets on his belt.

Bolts flew over her head, and she ducked low, suddenly freezing as one of the NR officers dropped in front of her, a pained expression on his face as he turned to look at her. Metallic eyes narrowed as he shot a hand out, grasping her arm and pulling her roughly towards him.

"What the 'ell you think you're doin'-"

Wrenching her arm from his grasp, she stumbled back as he brought his blaster around, leveling it at her chest. Ducking around the corner, s'Il flinched as a spray of duracrete exploded from the wall where she'd just been, and with a curse she sprinted down the corridor to where Diego was, card in hand.

With a single swipe through the small box on the side of the plexiglass, she was greeted with a green indicator lighting up, and sidestepping in front of the door, she put all her weight into it, pushing it open slowly.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:10:56 AM
Diego's smirk became a smile, as he kicked the nearby food tray up to his hands.

"If it isn't Princess Valiant, to my rescue."

With a slight curtsy, Diego led the way out, putting the metal tray between himself and the weapons fire. Small circular impact dents popped up on its surface as Diego bolted toward the bit of sanctuary found by Arya. With a snarl, he threw the tray, clipping one of the guards in the head with it.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:30:47 PM
Arya gritted her teeth, and leapt to her feet, shooting out the supports for the hanging florescent lights above a few of the troopers. The lights fell to the ground as the men scattered, and exploded. She ducked down again, as blaster fire splattered on the wall behind her.

Someone else was inside the station now, and three policemen went down. Arya cursed as a flying splinter raked her cheek, and peeked out from the desk, sighting down the barrel, and popping a caf mug that was sitting on top of an opposing desk.

It broke, spilling hot caf in a brown shower. Someone cursed from behind that desk, and she laughed, ducking back behind the desk as s'Ilancy and Diego emerged. "Took you long enough!" She got to her knees and peppered the police with enough blaster fire to cover their retreat to her position.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 8th, 2002, 09:06:14 PM
As the guards fell back from Arya's gunfire, one bright young guard had a wonderful idea. As the others gave return fire, he took off with a full head of steam, around the corner. This vantage point would give him an excellent shot. As he rounded the corner, he felt his feet fly out from under him. He hit the ground, the impact sent his blaster skidding down the hallway. He looked up to see Silus shooting at his comrades. The young guard decided to sieze the opportunity of Silus having his back turned.

The young guard stepped quietly to avoid Silus hearing him. He was an arm's length away when his combat knife was unsheathed. At that moment, Silus spun around and put two shots into the guard. One in the chest. One between the eyes.

It was just that it dawned on him........"Ravenwing! Thats who was looking out the window!" He thought to himself, as he turned back around to fire at the young guard's comrades.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 9th, 2002, 12:09:54 AM
s'Il looked to Arya, giving the taller woman an apologetic smile before ducking a spray of fire as she scrambled to Arya's side, and grasping a fallen blaster, she checked its power supply. Nearly full. She still hadn't seen Silus, her immediate attention focused mostly on Diego and Arya at the point.

And with a carefree grin she popped up over the desk in a hail of blaster fire.

She was getting out of here one way or the other, and Diego was coming with her.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 10th, 2002, 11:28:56 PM
Diego ducked behind the desk, with a lopsided smirk. With no weapon readily available, he wasn't much more than a sitting duck, and opted to take cover and let the two violent femmes deal with problems as they emerged. He didn't mind taking the passenger seat, when it was prudent.

"I hope somebody's got a brilliant idea" He said with a smile.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 11th, 2002, 01:06:11 AM
Arya growled and dashed out from behind the desk, s'Ilancy providing cover fire. She ran low to the ground, and straight for another desk, a little closer to the front, and nearer to where her rail gun was at.

The dark haired smuggler dove to saftey, a blaster bolt smoking at her heels, and s'Ilancy also ducked behind her desk. Arya checked the level on the power pack. Almost gone. Frell.

Oh well, had to make it count. She popped up and sent a hail of cover fire over the troopers, making them dive for cover. s'Ilancy and Diego took the opportunity to make a run for it.

Loklorien s'Ilancy
Oct 13th, 2002, 12:14:26 PM
Bolting, s'Il continued to fire at the soldiers, and as she passed Arya, grabbed the other woman by the arm, pulling her along and out of the way of the guards' return fire as they stumbled their way to the front weapons check locker.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 16th, 2002, 10:03:41 PM
Diego reached the locker, turning the door towards the two remaining guards, and using it as a buffer for their fire. He reached in, pulling out a blastec rifle, and a pair of pistols, which he tucked into the waistline of his pants. Circles of hot, warped metal popped across the door, as blaster bolts impacted against the other side.

Arya Ravenwing
Oct 19th, 2002, 11:15:04 PM
Arya snatched her rail gun from the locker, and her blaster found its way into her hands as well. She rolled away from the locker, diving for a bit of cover, and then popped up, sending a hail of projectiles towards the troopers.

A chair back exploded in a puff of foam padding, and then the padding caught on fire, raining down spectacularly on the enemy. The fire alarm sounded, and ceiling sprinklers sputtered and then began to rain down on everyone inside the building.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 20th, 2002, 01:12:46 AM
Silus looked up as the sprinklers cut on...

"Well isnt that just great"

Silus peeped back around the corner and fired at a guard who had rose up to take a shot at Arya. Silus ducked around the corner. He didnt want to shout for Arya and the group, not wanting to clue the guards in on anything they might not have known, he just hoped Arya or the others had noticed him by now