View Full Version : I'm cute... and lost!

Omnia Rapier
Sep 26th, 2002, 12:47:28 AM
The young girl walked into the spaceport, the expression on her face was quite lost. This was because she really was lost. She'd missed her flight and someone had told her to take a ship to here to catch the same flight but then she missed it again and then she figured out that it wwas never here, she'd been scammed and this just really wasn't her day. But she wasn't going to let anyone know that. She tried to smile but it didn't work too well. She sat down on a bench and looked around. What was a girl to do?
She flattened out her slit skirt and traced the tattoo on her thigh with her finger. Why had she even left home in the first place? Just because her sensai had said she had the gift of ki? What was this ki? Just becasue she could move things didn't mean anything to her! What did old stupid men know anyways? Nothing it seemed because she had been settled with a very bad bargain now and she wouldn't even be able to get back so that she could yell at him! Maybe someone would be around that would be of assistance.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 26th, 2002, 02:12:22 AM
In the hedgerows, at the periphery of the spaceport's concourse, a presence watched young Omnia as she sat in solitude...

<img src=http://www.bama.ua.edu/~hicks020/pics/diegoch6.jpg>

She thought she heard a growl...did she?

Somewhere in the darkness, eyes were watching her in the crisp stark contrast of monochrome. Her scent 'shone' around her, like a golden orange sheen.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 26th, 2002, 07:38:47 AM
Wei Wu Wei had gone to the spaceport to get...something. What was it again? He couldn't remember.

"It'll come to be. I just have to let it be."

Wei sat down right in the middle of everything until he could remember. After a small space of time, he felt someone's foot catch on him and the next thing he knew a pretty girl had quite literally fallen into his lap.

"OH YEAH! I was here to get a package for Ange."

Wei helped the girl to her feet, and then got up himself.

"Thanks for reminding me. My name is Wei Wu Wei."

Wei held ot his hand for Omnia to shake.

Omnia Rapier
Sep 26th, 2002, 02:42:04 PM
The girl was quite flustered. First she thought she had heard a slight growl from a source she couldn'tquite find and now she had just tripped and fell into this nice man's lap. He'd been nice o help her back up at th same time that she had seemed to remind him of something so she assumed the favors were even. She extended her own dainty hand and shook his hand,

"Nice to meet Mr. Wei, my name's Omnia. Thanks, and glad I could help you with whatever I did. But uhhh... Yeah. I need to get out of here. How do I get to the uhhh... I don't know..."

She sat back down and put a hand to her eyes to wipe the tears away. She was confuse and all these new things were so different. The outside world was nothing like she expected.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 26th, 2002, 02:46:29 PM
Wei crouched down. "Yup. Sitting on the floor helps you remember things. And you are confused. Confusion brings unhappiness. But I got an idea. You come with me to help me get my package, and maybe you will find what you are looking for on the way."

Wei stood and held out his hand. "Come on!"

Omnia Rapier
Sep 26th, 2002, 08:55:38 PM
The girl shook her head as she looked up with a faint smile,

"Sorry, I already followed one person today and that got me in a worse predicament then before. I think I might just sit here and wait for now. I need to think this out before I go running around."

She stood up and flattened out her skirt as she looked at Wei for a moment;

"Sorry, I don't mean to hurt your feelings and I hope you understand but I'm really hungry right now and I want something to eat and I think that's what I'm going to do."

She gave him a wave and turned, heading in the direction of the smell of food and pastries. She was starving and she didn't have many credits left. Not enough to catch a ride out but enough to fill her up.


Wei Wu Wei
Sep 26th, 2002, 09:19:50 PM
Wei smiled. "No harm done. You go enjoy your meal."

Wei turned and headed in the opposite direction, in the direction of his package.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 26th, 2002, 10:15:21 PM
The Jedi left the girl's side, and she approached a concession stand, once again left to her solitude. Her scent sheathed her and followed her like a golden spirit, fierce amidst the background odors that mingled amongst her. Through the darkness, the vornskr watched, seeing with far more than its colorblind eyes...

<img src=http://www.bama.ua.edu/~hicks020/pics/omnia.jpg>

Sep 26th, 2002, 10:55:04 PM
“Spaceports…I should just get a job at one, I always find myself in one.”
Resanul just got off his transfer flight and was looking forward to getting his own ship back. He finally made it back to the port where he was storing it. No matter how much he wanted to go back to his ship. His stomach was forcing him towards food. He ate his so called…food with a blank stare on his face. Not noticing or caring about the looks he is getting by passer-bys. His rugged and rough edge exterior and maybe his staff that is longer then he is, might be getting him these double-takes.

Omnia Rapier
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:46:53 AM
The girl suddenly turned when she had the weirdest feeling that she was being watched. Usually when her friends at home had tried to sneak up on them, she could tell they were coming so she did not ignore the feeling but at the moment she was really hungry. She sat down at a table and began to eat some of her food, it wa quite a bit, she wasn't too worried about her diet. Her normal workout got rid of most of it and turned it into muscle;

"This is great! Wish sensai had made snacks like these!"

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:35:54 AM
The nearby bush rustled noticably, and then was still once more.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 28th, 2002, 08:03:47 AM
Wei had found the area of the spaceport to get his package, and now was waiting in a very long line to recieve it.

"Wait, wait, wait...what can we do while we wait?" He sand to himself.

Now that he thought about it, he was getting pretty hungry. He wondered what sort of food they had to eat at the spaceport.

Sep 28th, 2002, 01:02:48 PM
“Excuse me…are you lost?”

Out of nowhere Resanul got up from his chair and walked over to this young girl and ask her that. Wandering around the galaxy, to planets where just about everyone had the look of being lost, Resanul knew it all to well. Omnia was startled by this wanderer’s forwardness or maybe his looks. Resanul tried to smile but because he hasn’t had anything to smile about in years it came off badly.

“Are you lost, I mean…sorry to bother you but do you need some help?”

Resanul knew exactly why he offered help, during the last year he had helped many. His reasoning was long and complicated, but somewhere in it he was trying to make up for passed actions, and maybe feel like he has some type of purpose to his life again.

Omnia Rapier
Sep 28th, 2002, 11:27:56 PM
ooc... first of all, don't rp my responses, second well... there isn't one, anyways, back to the thing

ic... The girl turned first to the noise from the nearby bush, leaving half a fry hanging from her mouth and then another man showed up. Did she have a sign that said "I'm lost" on her back or what? Geez... She slurped in the rest of the fry and swallowed before greeting the man,

" Sorta, but I don't think I need help eating my food though. What do ya need?"

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 28th, 2002, 11:45:53 PM
The thicket exploded, a dark blur testament to the sound of rushing feet against vegetation and soil. The shape accelerated low, cutting through pedestrians like a knife as it sprinted straight ahead, drawn inexorably to Omnia's scent. Sinew and bone moved like well-oiled machinery, propelling the predator forward in liquid waves of motion down its limber form. The wan light of the evening cast glitter in the creature's eyes, its breath puffing like a locomotive in the night chill...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:10:16 AM
Wei had been playing all sorts of little games while he was in line, and was not the third person from being served.

"Wait, wait, wait...what can we do while we wait?"

Wei decided to scan the spaceport using the Force. The Spaceport was a big place. Maybe he could see the whole thing using the Force.

Wei settled into the Force and started looking about him. Then it hit him. He had felt that presence before. It was that wierd creature from the Bar and Grill. The one that had attacked everyone from out of nowhere. What was he doing here?

Wei was nudged forward by one of the people behind him.

Wei realized it was his turn, so he went up, gave the people his name, and retrieved his package. Wei slipped it into his belt, then made a dash to the other side of the space port. Hopefully he would not be too late.

Sep 29th, 2002, 01:00:31 PM
“Your food?...ah quick one you are…no I meant help you find your way”

It seems this girl doesn’t want my help…but I can’t help to aid where aid is needed.

Resanul was now being a little to forward for his own liking. He looked over his shoulder to make sure no one cleaned up what he was still eating. “Sorry, about this” he exclaimed quickly as he looked back to her “I just thought you needed a little help. If you need any help…finding your way that is…I would be glad to help you” He tried to smile again but still it didn’t work quite right.

Omnia Rapier
Oct 4th, 2002, 09:25:36 PM
The girl's sense kicked in and the gut feeling she had everytime something was about to hit her came around. She doubled over and stood back up to see a huge dog charging at her. She instantly assumed the defensive stance that sensai had taught her.She turned to the man who had asked to help;

"I could really use your help with whatever that is ya know!"

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 5th, 2002, 06:17:25 PM
As soon as the words were out of her mouth, Diego pounced, 240 pounds of liquid inertia thundering over her smallish frame, causing both to tumble headlong twice through deceleration. A thick paw slapped Omnia's left cheek, pressing her face to the ground, as a snarling muzzle clamped across her shoulder, breaking skin and muscle...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 5th, 2002, 08:48:20 PM
Wei heard a crash, and suddenly the walkways were full of screaming people, all running opposite the direction Wei was headed. Wei slipped into the Force and levitated himself slowly over the crowd and asked the Force to carry him quickly to the disturbance. Wei slowly lurched forward through the air, and he saw the Vornskyr.

"Him again..." Wei said.

Wei landed and Force boosted his speed. He stuck out his left shoulder, turned his face to the side and let out his breath as he tackled Diego.

"Hi again!" Wei said cheerily to Omnia. "Now, here is the part where we turn tail and run and hide in a safe place. He won;t be dizzy for long."

Wei took Omnia by the hand and started dragging her toward the exit.

Oct 5th, 2002, 10:45:51 PM
“What the…”

Resanul had seen what was going on but didn’t understand it, one bit.

This is what I get for trying to help others…

Resanul watched as Wei shouldered this beast. Resanul then heard the words “run and hide”. He thought that was one of the greatest ideas he has heard all day. He looked for the exit and started to head for it, leaving his half eaten food behind. He turned back to make sure that the beast was still on the floor. He gripped his staff tighter and kept running.

Diego Van Derveld
Oct 7th, 2002, 11:14:37 AM
Diego rose, a bit stunned. He gave a shake of his muzzle, before turning his nose to the wind again. There were three distinct scents, all departing from his epicenter. Omnia's was as unique as a fingerprint, and it shone like a beacon, even though she had fled just out of sight.