View Full Version : RE: Sunset at Arcan IV (TBH vs GJO)

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:45:20 AM
This is just a reminder of what I said in Avalon - could the Jedi involved please not go into total over-drive with the posting before all of TBH's members arrive.


Sep 25th, 2002, 11:11:19 AM
How many more are left? While we're waiting on them, you Black Hand people that are there are destroying the place. Why SHOULDN'T we defend ourselves? Hob's destroying stuff, LD's destroying stuff, Wargrave is destroying stuff, and you're telling us not to defend ourselves?

Sep 25th, 2002, 11:15:28 AM
Its not like youre not doing anything in that time, is it? Youre just not seen

Zasz Grimm
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:17:06 AM
I am one of those members who are not involved yet. Hob set this up so that everyone could participate in a very enjoyable RP. Spam fighting over and over cuts people out and they don't want to fight at all.

Please remember other people's online time. They may not be able to get on everyday.

Sep 25th, 2002, 11:19:03 AM
Take your time then! So long as the whole planet doesn't get bombed to crap by TBH waiting on you.

Salem Ave
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:28:44 AM
The intention is not to 'bomb the planet to crap'. There may be some destruction, but I can assure you that we're not hell-bent on turning the place to rubble. I'm sure you'd expect us to wait for you if it was your thread, so please have the same courtesy.

Sep 25th, 2002, 11:31:15 AM
I don't mind waiting, and I'll gladly put Zeke on hold, but so long as it all goes on hold while the rest of your people show up. I'm right near Hob though, and Sorsha just got me with something. I recovered from it, and I'll pause there until you guys get your act together, so long as I don't catch any more attacks during the wait.

Severen Morkonis
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:32:11 AM
Zeke, first of mate chill out, its not like there going to destroy the planet with the Jedi being involved. And 2nd of all its called progressive RP,you dont see all the chars in a ovie jump in at the same time cause bruise willis is going to save the world do you?...no....so waitfor the rest of us to join in before you rush in all arms out and try to beat up 3 dark jedi mastars....to be frank it would be impossible.

Sep 25th, 2002, 11:36:38 AM
I'm fully expecting to get beat to death within 3 or 4 posts of the fight's start once everyone gets there. I think the problem here is that until just now, no one said how many Dark Jedi there would be. For all I know, once you post that's it and the fight starts.

Lord Gue
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:38:15 AM
In the jedi's defense a few TBH members keep going without waiting for their fellow members, forcing the jedi to act else let them keep going un abated.

does anyone see the irony here of trying to get the jedi to stop acting?

Salem Ave
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:38:18 AM
Expect EVERY Dark Jedi from the Black Hand.

Sep 25th, 2002, 11:39:19 AM
How many is that?

Salem Ave
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:39:34 AM
Also, I didn't intend for this to turn into a huge arguement thread. All I'm saying is that please have a bit of consideration for the others involved, as we would do the same for you.

Vega Van-Derveld
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:43:06 AM
The members are Slayn, Milivikal, Vega, Nup, Dale, Zasz, Wargrave, Jibrelle, Deville, Ebon, Shaed, Taja, Evelyn and last but definetly not least, Hob

Sep 25th, 2002, 11:44:44 AM
No problem. Didn't mean for it to become an argument. Just wanted TBH to return the favor. Like Gue said, alot of TBH members are still doing stuff despite the non-existence of a few members.

Korik Bannor
Sep 25th, 2002, 05:17:11 PM
I agree alot of you. Especially working at a supermarket and the varying shift hours it gives me. Unfortunately, I don't have access at work. (But heck I do have union and excellent wage increases.) :( :)

Anyways, I like how all the Jedi have reacted and responded as they should. Remember moderation can be considerate, don't want any RPers buried or left in the dust because RL schedules don't correlate. Making it a fun experience for all is what matters most.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:59:38 PM
OK i had this in my last post in that thread, but I've moved it here. I didn't know there was this thread here.

PLEASE PAY ATTENTION! I am not trying to personally attack anyone, but here are a few gripes I have about this thread--

For one: Wei, I clearly stated in my post that there were no Force users near me, I would be able to sense you, I am a master in the Force, and you never stated that you were cloaking your Force ability. Two: Wei, you sensed, and charged in and slammed me to the ground in one post. No one can cross town that fast. Sorry! Three!!!: HOW MANY POSTS IN A ROW WILL YOU PEOPLE DO AGAINST ME? LET ME POST!! I am VERY ANNOYED that this thread is getting WAY out of control! If there are multiple people posting then you HAVE TO ALLOW THEM TIME TO RESPOND! PLZ GO BACK TO RPing 101 and GET YOUR MANNERS BACK! ARGH!

ok after all that, I'm going to GO with what you have done. BUT DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN it is bordering on godmoding IMO!

Also, this is a short post as I am still waiting for my partner to respond. Please show some common courtesy. Hobgoblin is only replying to this thread once a day, so remember to play nice and take turns and we can all go home happy. *sigh* Also, Lance, lightsabers do not cut through glass without making a sound. Just FYI. If actions like these continue against me I will stoop to the same level, if only to preserve my character's life against illegal attacks. After this RP is over I will delete this post, sorry Mods, but I had to say it.

Arya Ravenwing
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:02:13 PM
The issue here isn't that there are too many of you, but that the ones that are there are posting too many times in a row without allowing us time to respond.

*sigh* :cry

Silus Xilarian
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:05:00 PM

-edit- This message was intended for the post made under the Lileana De'Ville name....it was in know way saying that a :cry is the same thing as a Holly-Smash....A Holly-Smash is much more potent and deadly, and you should be thankful that it isnt used IC......thank you :) -edit-

Arya Ravenwing
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:11:45 PM
:cry = holly frustrated

*:headbash Silus!!!* HOLLY SMASH!!!

Silus Xilarian
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:14:47 PM
thats a head-bash.....silly :)

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:16:41 PM
:lol @ Hollie smash...ok I'm done laughing now. Back to the discussion.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:10:23 PM
Well, I dont mind how TBH are playing this out, but....

There is only one water porcessing plant? Que? A main reactor?

In a place as crowded and at one time tactically important, that to me makes nto a lot of sense - tactically, there would be lots of smaller reactors and water processors. If your belting the ones closest to GJO, hey, that makes sense.

But only one major one of both? No, that would not be senible, also considering the pipes and conduits needed to carry power / water for how many millions at the one place? I dont know if that could work. Surely there would be myriads of backups as well. In a small place, yeah, I could understand one major utility. Not in a huge place like Arcan. Minor pedantic quibble, tho. Just to me would make more sense to say the closest to GJO - certainly given Tohmahawk, who was deeply involved in setting the nearby place up would not have been clown enough to rely on one or even two plants.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:31:55 PM
::Shrugs:: I am fine with waiting. I am at teh Fusion Plant and both the Dark Jedi have not posted a reply yet. I plan to keep my manners till they reply. I enjoy the RPin' stuff more than "Fight Fight....Ug.....Die Die.....Ug.....Me Jedi! Me Smash!....Ug Ug...." stuff. I don't know, that may just be me.

Gia Van Derveld
Sep 26th, 2002, 12:47:26 AM
Water systems are all hooked together. And Arcan isn't HUGE, its just annother city. Compared to something like Coruscant or even the capital of Corellia, Arcan is a small potatoes planet and even its capital is small in the grand scale of things. Not anything incredibly universe changing.

One main reactor and one main water plant seem reasonable to me. There can be others, secondary ones, all hooked together, but the main one would/could inflence them all.

Sound about right to you?

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 26th, 2002, 04:46:18 AM
LOl. :) LD Ragnarok is not a lightsaber. Yeah I know most of the peeps may think it is but no it isnt its a normal very sharp blade thats why Im not making a noise to cut through it. Matrix is my lightsaber and of course I know a lightsaber does noise when its through something >_< Im not that DUMB! Wait are you saying im DUMB

:headbash LD! :mad

:p Anyways don't get pissed miss LD ^_^; Don't smash me

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 26th, 2002, 09:54:23 AM
Wow! Okay, I guess I'll try and answer a few people's gripes. I am the one and only Hobgoblin, after all. :p

Marcus: One thing I've noticed is that you like to think tactically, NOT economically. Simply because multiple main water-treatment facilities is beneficial to military security doesn't mean the planet will be able to afford to construct, operate, and maintain a whole lot of them, nor does it mean the NR is suddenly and abruptly willing to shell out the money for multiple ones either. Since Arcan originally came into being as a planet essentially being run into the ground by criminals and its' own government, reasonably I wouldn't expect it to have multiple main facilities. Simply because the Jedi set up shop on a particular planet doesn't mean its' going to become a booming megalopolis overnight- and you'd have difficulty housing everyone if it did.

But practical objections aside, the Dark Jedi are working within Arcan IV's capital city. If there is an attack on a particular building or facility, you may assume that the building or facility in question is the principle one of said city. Meaning that if we attack a power plant, its' going to be the one that provides energy to all public buildings within city limits and possibly some neighboring towns. If we go after a water treatment plant, its' going to provide water to everything within city limits and probably some outlying districts. The idea is that the public utilities are failing- not private ones, Jedi ones, or military ones UNLESS we specifically say "this is a military shield generator and we are toasting it". It's mainly the average city-dweller who'll be affected our actions.

Zeke: What Holly said about me was right: I'm only going to post once a day, if that. If I don't post on a particular day, I will try to post the next to keep the momentum going (I've seen threads fall apart because they've slowed down too much). One thing I don't want to do is rush things.

I know things are going to morph into little fights very soon, and I'd rather only be fighting a few Jedi at that time :) and I'm betting you don't want to have any more people to face at once than you really have to :) so my advice to you is this: pick an opponent and try to stay constant with that opponent. If you make a post aimed at them, give them a day at least, three days at most, to respond to any action you take before you start heading off in another direction.

Some general cautions!

I've noticed people like to really hop around the place in order to deal with all the threats we present. Okay, great- but if you spend time in transit, that gives US time to be doing things we want. ERGO, if you have to travel somewhere to get to us, you need to remember two things. First, moving between areas gives your opponent uninterrupted time to act, so unless they're already busy with someone else it is a good idea to post that you're heading off towards someone first, and then make an appearance AFTER their next post. Second, if you want to try and sneak up on us, that takes time and effort from you and gives it to us, whereas charging after us is a good way to catch us but a bad way to stay hidden.

A final suggestion!

When you start to interact with another opponent, it is a good idea to limit yourself to two acts per post: a "reaction" which is something you do that responds to whatever the opponent's last post, and an "action" which is something you do to try snag victory. These can be simple or complicated- whatever your preference- and you can write out a few random saber swings that don't result in anything but do add flavor. The main idea is that when someone does something that could get them an edge, they need to stop and let their opponent respond.

I think that is everything! Enjoy!

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 26th, 2002, 10:15:24 AM
OH! I almost forgot!

When I originally posted about Hob spreading chaos, I'd only meant it to affect some ways up and down the street he was on because it takes a lot of anger and effort to affect other people. However, others appear to have gotten the impression that Hob is actually working on a huge section of city. In order to have both conceptions mesh, let's say that Hob is particulary peeved today and thus is affecting people two to three city blocks around his location.

Also, the effect doesn't immediately vanish upon Hob's leaving the area- he is flooding other people's minds with anger, fear, and aggression, and even if the flood stops it will be hard not to fight back if someone takes a swing at you. You might not want them dead, but you will want to beat them up. :)

THAT is truly all.

I think.

Gia Van Derveld
Sep 26th, 2002, 11:51:32 AM
:) You sure this time?? :D V. good points, thanks Hobby. :)

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 26th, 2002, 05:41:44 PM
Um...oops...sorry... no one ever told me the rules of fighting in an RP. My bad. If one of our more experienced RPers could please PM me a slow, easy to understand "how to" on fighting in an RP, please do so.

Also, a lot of padawans in these big RPs get wasted in one or two posts, leaving no room to gain experience. If I am not allowed to gain a decent amount of experience in using the Force, I will be angry.

Have patience with me. I am still learning. I never get to fightmuch in RPs.

Marcus Telcontar
Sep 26th, 2002, 06:10:36 PM
Hob : Tactically, that is exactly how Tohmahawk would have been thinking - because he knew quite well that having the Jedi on the planet was just asking for an attack. Public utilities are very obvious targets.

Now, another reason I just dont see one main plant being even capable of controlling a public utility - maintenance. If we use Sydney for an example, it has 5 million residents - 4 or five seperate power feeds from twenty+ stations. That by itself is a technical challenge keep going. I alsways imagined Arcan City to be much smaller, about a million (which I note thers seem to think it's larger) that would still justify at least two plants. Even a place as you decribed would have to be insane to just leave the processing to one plant - breakdowns and mainrtenance has to happen - no, I cant buy it, there must be backups and fallovers somewhere at the least. Even also considering the sheer power and water volumes to process and then distribute many millions of litres of water a day (Maybe even billions if the place is large? and how many megawatts of power?). If its a small place, yes, point will be conceded. But a big one, esp over a million residents? Even with Star Wars tech, that's a frighteningly big job to rely on just one singel plant.

I dont know - the more larger the place is, the more insane it would be to rely on single plants. Thats not even a tactical consideration - it's a plain outright physical one. Even SW plant have to have limits. Smaller place, yeah, as a I said, point conceded. Bigger place.... can't get my head around it

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 6th, 2002, 05:14:40 PM
OOC information, to be included in posts. I already informed Rognan of the affects of the poison I put in the water, hence his including it in his post.

A single drop of the poison (which is highly soluble and tasteless) will cause severe seizures leading to almost immediate death.

As it is diluted, the poison will cause painful seizures, leading to a coma, and, as often as not, death. Depending on how much, or what the circumstances are, over half of all who drink the contaminated water will die.

Yes, we only put it into one water purifying station.

*pokes Liam* You there? I'd respond to Lance, but I was waiting on you to try and put the smack down on me. ;)