View Full Version : Sweet Return (closed Maia)

Dios Kane
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:47:10 AM
:: I didn't bother with goin to my room. There was no point, she wouldn't be there. Itwas nigt and I could already sense her fast asleep. I headed towars her room and as I reached the door I passed my hand befoe the door handle an I heard it unclick from the inside. The door slightly opened an I entered. I sneaked into her bedroom and paused at the dorway.
How sweet she looked from here, peacefully sleeping. The last time I had physically seen her had been when Fiend had tortured her and left her to die. But I had kept her in my mind, the lighthoue that kpt me nar the sores of sanity when Fiend tried to break me more than he had. She had been right that nigh,she would never leave me and she hadn't. And she had saved me, because really, she ad alwaysbeen there, no matter what.
I sat on the end of the bed just watching her breathe as she slept. But as I sat down it stirred the bed a bit and she started to awake.::

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:31:55 PM
Maia stirred slightly and tightened her eyelids. She did not want to wake from the sweet dream she was having. Dios held her in his arms there, and it was the only place she felt safe anymore.

Even with her eye's closed one could see the dark shadows that filled the soft hollows under them. She could feel him near, but assumed it was just part of her dream. Maia curled up into a tight ball, trying to deny that her dream was fading.

Sighing softly her hurt eyes opened. She gasped when they fell on the figure that perched at the edge. For a moment she was afraid that Fiend had come back to hurt her more. Then she realized there was only a sense of love from the familiar face. Not a twisted hate that Fiend had.

Reaching up, scared he would disappear at her touch, she hesitated. "Dios..." Her hand slid slowly across his cheek and into his soft hair. Without another word she slid into his arms and began to cry...

Dios Kane
Sep 25th, 2002, 04:04:19 PM
I'm here, just you and me.

:: I held her there. I had felt her close like this through out the whole time that Fiend had held me captive within my own body, but now it was real, physical. This was the perfect way to come back, straight into her arms. Her smell, the sound of her voice, all of the things that had been denied me by Fiend were now stronger than ever. She was mine and I was hers, forever.
I felt her hand in my hair and my hand slipped to her face. The perfect face that had kept me sane. I wiped her tears as I slowly kissed her.::

I'm so sorry about what has happened... forgive me

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 28th, 2002, 01:09:16 AM
Maia leaned into his kiss, wanting to feel him close. Needing to know she was no longer alone. She had been scared that she would lose him. Had she lost him it would have ended everything she held dear.

"There is nothing to forgive Dios. You have done nothing wrong." She clung tighter to him. She did not want him to disappear. If it was a dream she did not want it to end.

"I have missed you Dios." She said softly while there lips touched. She hoped he did not remember what Fiend had done to her. She hoped he was at least spared that...

Dios Kane
Sep 28th, 2002, 09:25:50 PM
:: I held her a bit longer and then I lied down next to her and looked at the ceiling. He had watched everything that Fiend had commited, to her, to everyone, Zeke. it had been one long and seemingly everlasting nightmare. I didn't want to think about that though... More important things though... such as Maia's hair, her tears, and her face... the face that had kept me going.
When I had been tossed like trash out of the Shrine's palace, I had crawled far enough to be noticed by Liam Jinn, crawling with only one goal in mind. To see that face and hear her voice were the only things that continued to push me onwards. And as I turned my head, that was what I saw, the perfect physical image that was past comparison any dream that I could imagine. I reached a hand out and ran my finger down her face, wiping a tear as it went.::

No longer, my eternal...

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 28th, 2002, 09:44:42 PM
Maia felt his finger on her cheek, brushing away the tears. She had longed to feel him close to her again, to feel his lips on hers. She moved closer and lay her head on his chest, lacing her small fingers with his. To feel him this close heightened there bond and gave her the peace she needed.

"I didn't know if I would ever see you again Dios. I could feel you struggling against Fiend. Trying to come back to me. Everyday I would talk to you as if you were by my side."Maia whispered into his chest. Her tears pooled there against her cheek, wetting his shirt.

"I would have died if you were not able to return Dios. Maybe not my body but my heart would have. I am eternally yours. To lose you would mean losing myself." Lifting up she looked into his eyes. The eyes of someone that loved her for who she was. That had never judged her, or held her to blame for her family.

Lowering her head she began to kiss him. "Eternal, my love.."

Dios Kane
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:09:38 PM
:: I pulled her close to my face and kissed her for what would've seemed forever, the stars could've been stuck still for all I cared, my universe was in the moment, nowhere else. Fiend never existed and neither did any other thing I had ever worried about in my life, only me and Maia were there, the center which everything revolved and left us to peace. But I got up after a bit and walked to the window, staring outside as I thought over a few things. I turned back to Maia, still lying on the bed, propped on her elbow. I turned sideways, still facing her, I pointed to the dark night sky. I pointed to a star and spoke, my voice a whisper but using the force at the same time to enhance the feeling.::

Maia... we could live to see these stars actually die out. We could... live to see this planet destroyed and the galaxy turned to ruin or see the universe turn to the light and stay there for eternity in paradise. Whatever we see, we both have pledged to see it through together, to see eternity as one. And now... now seems like the best time, at the beginning to put it all down, official and all that rot.

:: I laughed because for once in my timeof living for what had been millineums. From ever actually being here, in this time, I was caught dumbstruck and at a loss of words in front of a woman. I drew out my flask and took a long swig before going on. I turned around suddenly and withdrew a small black case. I was on my knee when I opened it up and the stars were reflected within contents, the whole room seemed to glow with the reflected light.
The contents were a ring, a bracelet, and a necklace. All of them had been mine at sometime or another, I had really liked the jewelry that had been said to have captured the light of the stars. But each one had a very large jewel placed on them. These jewels created their own light. And as Maia got a better look, she saw that trapped inside each one, was a liquid, and she knew these jewels were really vials, holding the real holy water, the holy water that had made me possible and led both of down this eternal relationship.::

Marry me?

Maia Tharrinn
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:21:04 PM
Maia's finger stole out slowly and gently touched the beautiful jewelry that Dios held in front of her. In each one she could see the water that laced Dios's veins and now hers. It was the stuff that had given them forever together.

She sat up in the bed her eyes lifted to his. She ran her thumb across his lips and smiled. "Yes, I will marry you Dios, but I think you knew that." She said with a soft laugh.

She stood up from the bed and tugged him up. sliding into his arms she rested her cheek against his still damp chest. To see each day with you would be my pleasure. Backing up from him she released the clasp on her night gown, letting it puddle around her feet. The stars made her eyes glimmer....