View Full Version : I have returned and I am free

Dios Kane
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:31:29 AM
:: I entered the council chamber in the white rags I had been given by Liam Jinn after he saved me at Roon. But I ad a smile on my face. An extreme calm had been reached at this point. Fiend had been released an I had felt better than I had in so long a time. And to be back among the Order without fear of Fiend taking over and humiliating me made it much more welcoming. I knew all that Fiend had done, and I was ashamed but of course the Order had always understood such things.
I had been wanting to see Maia badly but this had to coe first, stating my return to the Order and the release of Fiend was important and the firt priority. I sepped forwards and called for their attention.::

I am glad to be back, but I bring news that a demon of the darkside, naming himself Fiend, has ben released from his possesive hold on me and has been freed to another body. But I am grateful to be back among all of you nd I hank Master Jinn for rescuing me back at Roon. I have come before you to state the problem of Fiend and of my training, I ask if Maia Tharrin might be made my master so that I might actively continue my training.

imported_Terran Starek
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:16:44 AM
"Dios, it is so good to see you again," Terran said as he saw his friend in the temple. He had missed his friend and roomate. It seemed that his bed had been empty for too long. "You look great--a bit tired--but good. I am glad to hear you have been released." Terran smiled brightly and then excused himself, so that Dios and the Council could conduct business without his own intereference.