View Full Version : Protector Shielding System

Sep 24th, 2002, 11:20:45 PM
Name: Protector Vessel Shielding System
Design: Lash Research Designs
Classification: Vessel Shielding

The Protector Shielding System Was developed to increases shield life. Multiple smaller Shield Projectors are displaced over the hull. This allows one to have power increased to it if the next one in line is Destroyed. Up to 30 % of the projectors can be destroyed before vessel shielding begins to lower.

Basically they look like little domes on the hull and bridge structure.(Lash designs bridge Structure will Show instances of these .)

Research begins 9/26 ends 10/12

Test will be preformed 10/9 for final tweeing.

Oct 11th, 2002, 11:31:09 AM
All tests were successful. All adjustment were made to output . Refitting my start tomorrow on any vessels desired .

Oct 12th, 2002, 09:16:19 AM
Research complete.