View Full Version : Hunters now the Hunted (Open to the Shrine)

Liam Jinn
Sep 24th, 2002, 09:14:44 PM
Over the past few months, the Jedi Master had sat back, watching the Shrine take two of GJO's members. He had sat and watched Dios deal with them in his own way, though it may have been rash. He had watched enough, now it was time for him to act.

He and Dios stood ready in the middle of a misted field. They had openly challenged the Shrine's members, and now waited for a response. Liam was only armed with one saber and two daggers, not feeling the need for anything else.

OOC: Friggin post. I had another intro all typed out, but accidentally deleted it. :\ Sorry, this little intro will have to do. Anyway, open to two to three members at a time :)

Dios Kane
Sep 24th, 2002, 09:32:58 PM
:: My new view on life had changed me reasonably. I was dressed in all white now. I hadn't seen Zeke yet so I had gotten a spare saber of Liam's after he had saved me. The blade as a dull grey and I stood beside Liam, awaiting the vamps to come out of the mist and fight us. I knew they were there. I could sense them. Their darkness, like Fiends... but Fiend... I would nt go into that right now. Too much had happened and now was here to serve the order. To support Master Jinn was my mission...::

Kaytor Surna
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:03:22 PM
Kaytor had heard their challenge. She knew Dios Kane rather well but barely knew the other jedi though she had heard of him time and time agian. She was ready for them.

Kaytor steped out onto the misty field about an hour after the sun had set. Her sword was straped to her back, dagger hidden in boot and blaster at her thigh.

All they saw at first was a dark siloet of a female. She was soon apon them and they could make out the face of the fallen vampyric jedi.

"Hello, Dios. We meet again."

Kaytor glared at the hunter. Her hand was ready to draw her sword at any time. She had been waiting to fight Dios sense they had last seen each other.

Dios Kane
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:13:08 PM
:: I didn't say a thing. Tere was no need now. I ws definitely not the same as before. I nodded to Kaytor as she stepped forward nd then I moved. The saber glided as if I was no even holding it. I came forward like a flash.
With Fiend's departure, he had left a large gap there to fill and I had slowly notced that the lightside had taken its place. I did not depnd on mysef at all. Only the force, and I applied my fighting method taught by my master so long ago.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 24th, 2002, 11:07:50 PM
Dalamar walked onto the field and the mist parted before him. "Hmnn I thought I heard my name called. What do you want Jedi?" Dalamar stepped into the clearing with his two Katana's strapped to his back and his custom gauntlet. "You seek a meeting with the Vampyre?"

Lord Soth
Sep 24th, 2002, 11:28:29 PM
The dreaded "Death Knight of the Black Rose" emerged from the inky shadow's, standing at the edge of the clearing as his eye's shone as two crimson sliver's under his ancient helm...The place reeked of jedi...

Both men that had summoned the Creature's of the Damned noted a shimmering luminescent glow about the Death Knight as he stood stoically with his armored arm's crossed, his lethal duel saber's in his right hand glinted in the moon light. A putrid smell of decaying rose's lofted on the night air as Soth eye'd the two jedi's that were now surrounded. The Death Knight said nothing...

Liam Jinn
Sep 25th, 2002, 04:26:16 PM
Liam simply raised an eyebrow, acknowledging the new arrivals. A wry smile crossed his face as Dalamar spoke.

"Nah, I hear a wookie can out-fight most of the Vamps these days. I was actually kind of hoping to find a few wookies."

The Jedi Master chuckled, planting his feet. The two new arrivals were pushed back about five meters with a small force push. This gave Liam enough room to feel comfortable.

"But, seeing as you're already here, might as well make the best of it."

Dios Kane
Sep 25th, 2002, 04:35:19 PM
:: I didn't stumble as I came forward, but I did stop dead in my tracks. Dalamar and Soth were a force to reckon with and I wasn't sure how this would come out. I wasn't nearly a match for either at this point but Liam I was confident in would be a worthy opponent for both. I backed up, ignoring Kaytor now, there was really no point to ther with two greater threats right next to me.::

Do not forget me Liam, sharing is always a good thing.

Lord Soth
Sep 25th, 2002, 05:35:39 PM
The Death Knight felt a subtle wave of the force wash over his prismatic sphere as the other two creature's of the damned were effected, casting them back slightly. The jedi's sarcasm was as bad as his hat trick's...Soth was not here to mince word's...On the contrary, Soth was here to put an end to their pathetic lives! Their brazen hypocrisy as well as their blind devotion to the fading light they served was enough in it's self to destroy the two fool's on sight...

The Dark Master wasted no time with his sudden and abrupt assault on Liam. The jedi immediately felt himself torn from the very ground he thought he was firmly planted on. Liam reeled backwards through the crisp night air, only to stop once he smashed with a sickening thud into a lone oak tree that stood like stoic warrior upon the battlefield. Pain immediately registered in Liam's mind as one of the thick broken peg like branches ripped through his back and protruded approximately six inched out the front side of his right shoulder. Liam was now impelled some four feet off the ground as he dangled helplessly, blood flowed from the fresh wound like water from a broken vase. A stabbing sensation coursed up and down his back from the initial impact. He was unwise to underestimate the power's that he had beckoned...

"Stick around jedi...You might learn something valuable tonight." Soth retorted as his sepulchral voice permeated throughout the misty field.

The Death Knight stepped back a few paces into the inky blackness from which he came...Hiding himself in it's dark embrace as he invoked and weave a powerful Sith spell of magic about his armored form...His force signature seemed to dissipate after a few brief moment's, evaporating into the shadows as the tendrils' he wove from the Dark-Side hid his loathsome shape.

ooc: Lone oak tree on a misty field lol :P

Liam Jinn
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:36:16 PM
OOC: I'll turn this into my post (by editing) when Soth edits his. Field :p

IC: Liam felt the thin branch pass through his shoulder, scraping bone as it did. The pain was felt for merely a second before his nerves were deadened by the force. The branch did not hold long before it snapped, send the Jedi back to the ground. He landed on a foot and a knee. He felt Soth's force signature start slipping away, so in one quick motion, his saber was in his hands activated. The snap-hiss was muted by the sound of the blade slicing cleanly through the trunk. No sooner was the tree cut before it had been lifted and hurled via the force, at Soth's fading prescense. It spun, like a fan turned on it's side, towards the Vampire and was brought to a halt with a sharp crack.

He could hear the Vampire's body sail through the air, for a few seconds and hit the ground, tumbling as he did. Liam quickly used this time to his advantage, pulling the branch out of his shoulder and cauterizing the wound with his lightsaber, both front and back. As the Jedi concentrated, his blood began flowing slower, and a few of the more damaged blood vessels sewed themselves together, halting the serious bleeding for a short time. With the wound taken care of and Soth back on his feet, Liam called out to his foe.

"How about a game of hand to hand? Don't let your fear overcome you now, I'm not that hard." He said with a slight chuckle before deactivating his saber and assuming a defensive position, ever wary of the forces pre-emptive warnings.

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:48:25 PM
Dalamar sat down as soon as he heard Soth's voice. The boulder was quite comfortable as Dark Lord watched Liam fly through the air like a child's play toy. The Warlord winced when he hit the tree it was going to be a long night for the Jedi.

The Warlord had his weapons out in case anyone interfered with the mans beating. The vampyre's where here to teach a lesson and the Lightsider's where notoriously slow learners. "Oh well, spare the rod, spoil the Jedi."

Reaching out with the force the Warlord made himself aware of his surronding as he scanned the misty field for any newcomers.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:43:32 PM
::Verse walked up from the darkness slowly. He wanted to makesure this would be a fair fight. His Grey saber was ignited in his right hand, his white bladed one in his left. He had them spinning in circles and figure 8's as he walked. The two blades switched hands with ease over and over again. The Jedi had long ago mastered fighting with the two sabers at once. at the moment he was teh only one to do so. soon his two padawans would be able to as well. Them along with his nephew. His hands seemed to glow slightky as well. It was as if the very sunlight was stuck in them. It was he strongest Force abilty. The abilty to use the Force's energy to make light. Only his daughter could do it as well. Verse was not eager to fight to the death. If a vamp wished to spar with him, he was up to that. Both of them had lives they would rather go back to than to rot away in this field. Verse only waited.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:30:28 PM
"Ahh the Lord of the Dance has arrived. Pulling out his two saber resistant Katana's Dalamar sparked them on the rock. "Verse I have heard of you another Lupine dog to stink up the air.

Well, Jedi do you know how to fight with those, for your sake I hope so." The Dark Lord walked up to Verse. Both stood there staring into each other's eye's. Jerking suddenly Dalamar spun around with his sword cutting Verse in the throat. The wound was not deep enough to kill but it sure hurt like hell. "So it begins." The Vampyre's blood red eye's glowed in the dark as he circled the already wounded Jedi.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:57:44 PM
::Verse did not even flinch. He grew up in battle. He mentaly stoped the bleeding with the Force, and blocked out the pain. Teh wound was not deep at all. A mere padawan could have fixed it. How sad it for that the Vamp counted that as 'wounded'. Verse sighed as he closed his eyes. He open up his mental Mind's Eye.::

"Number One. I am not a Lupine. I am a Garou. Number Two......that was a cheap shot. Hardly worthy of honor."

::Verse could do cheat shots as well. He would save them though. Verse spun his sabers and worked his way into Dalamar's defence. To the Vamps credit, he was skilled. It was rare a warrior was able to wield two weapons at once. Verseswung both blades toward teh Vamp. Dalamar easy held them at bay. Verse planned on that. The normal trick would not work on this one. Verse pushed his arms outward forcing Dalamar to expose his torso. Verse used this monet to boot kick teh Vampire right in the chest. As the Vamp stumpled backward, Verse leaned in and head butted the otehr in the face.::

"Number Three, keep up the cheap shots and I will start pulling my own."

Dios Kane
Sep 26th, 2002, 12:20:18 AM
:: I saw the pointlessness of tryig to interfere with Liam and Soth and now the appearance of another jedi had Dalamar occupied. That left me with Kaytor. She still stood there like a statue, awaiting me.::

Shall we finish this now Kaytor?

Lord Soth
Sep 26th, 2002, 02:05:27 AM
At first glance, the Death Knight's powered armor was quite deceiving as one might think it to be cumbersome due to it's ancient origin and bulkiness, however it was quite on the contrary. A composite of finely crafted dura-steel alloy's and tech equipment within, laced with Sith witchery shrouded it's truest capabilities in mystery...

Soth quickly placed his hand's behind his head, flipping back to his feet with a dexterous grace after being struck. Shaking off the minimal pain he felt due to the cryo-armor absorbing most of the impact, he lifted a sharp talon hand in Liam direction. Subzero temperature's welled around Soth's gauntlet as ice crystal's formed, giving it a white frosty appearance. Almost immediately as the jedi uttered the last of his foolish taunt's at Soth, the jedi clutched at his eye's in agony. His beloved saber dropping to the ground at his feet as he did so. A thick "blinding frost" formed over Liam's face and eye's, coursing down his form as the bitter cold over took him...

As the sluggish jedi master stumbled and writhed at his sudden distress, Soth moved with the dark-side of the force at him...Liam felt his body painfully fold in half as the buffeting impact of Soth's boot's hit their mark true, sending the blind jedi reeling backwards once again...

ooc: Hey bro...The "Frost Blindness" is only temporary. :) /ic

Liam Jinn
Sep 26th, 2002, 02:56:27 PM
Liam was sent back a foot or two by the blow, but landed back on his feet. The frost on his face was just another way of throwing dirt in an opponent's eyes, though the Jedi figured the Vamp would end up fighting cheaply.

The molicules around Liam's face began to move rapidly, the frost melting as the air warmed. He could see again, and kicked Soth with a powerful round-house to the head. It knocked the Vamp off his feet and towards the ground. Before he hit though, Liam jumped after him and the Jedi's knee slammed into his back.

Soth hit the ground hard, whereas the Jedi gently landed on his feet. Liam flipped back, gaining distance, and resumed a defensive position.

OOC: Check OOC Forum

Kaytor Surna
Sep 26th, 2002, 06:28:52 PM
OOC: Sorry I havnt been on that much right now. Trying to catch up on posts.


Kaytor calmly watched Dios aproch her, stop, watch the others then go back to her. She rolled her eyes at the pathetic being.

"I thought I jedi was supose to stay focused."

Her sword came out of it's scabard and into her hand while her dagger suddenly flew out of her boot and at Dios's inner-elbo where he was unarmored. It peirced through his skin, rendering his left arm practicly helpless.

Lord Soth
Sep 27th, 2002, 12:17:05 AM
Neither of the blow's to the Death Knight effected Soth as Liam had hoped for...The Death Knight's ancient armor was extremely durable and it was capable of withstanding much more then this jedi could deliver physically...He would have to do better then that.

As Liam was about to make his "soft landing," he felt his body violently dislodged from the spot where he intended to land. The jedi's form was immediately stretched out by all fours, his arm's and leg's appearing to be on an unseen rack that held him fast. As Liam's prone body levitated over the ground some three to four feet, Soth without hesitation rushed the man via the Dark-Side. Right as the Dark Knight was upon him, Soth extended his armored forearm as Liam fell in it's path. The horrific blow smashed into the jedi's face, rotating his body in a three hundred and sixty degree turn where he landed face first. Blood poured effortlessly out of Liam's nostrils and mouth, his once perfectly straight nose was now broken in several places, his lips badly split as he inhaled the fresh earth that matted his face. Liam fought for consciousness, darkness waves began to fall over his mind due to the severe head trauma he received.

"I guess that's why it pay's to wear helmet's..." Soth thought to himself as he kicked the downed jedi square in the face with the tip of his metal boot. A terrible gash opened up above Liam's right eye brow as his head was violently jolted to the side, cracking the frontal bone as blood gushed into his once clear eye.

The Sith Master then slowly exited the battlefield uncontested as Liam just laid there and bled...The Death Knight of the Black Rose found the supposed jedi master wanting...He had much to learn, tempting fate with a Sith Vampyre was not only dangerous and foolish, but deadly as well...

Liam slowly rolled over to his back as he heard the distant taunting voice of the dreaded Death Knight within his dazed mind...

"Perhaps another time little man...Your caliber of fighting has much to be desired...In time,...Only in time,...I'm sure you will be winged fully from your mother's breasts...jedi!" A mocking laugh ensued as the voice dissipated in Liam's frustrated mind. Soth was now only an iniquitous memory, a nightmare that Liam had plenty of time to ponder as his pride healed and his wound's mended...

ooc: Thats my point,...Little man...:)

Liam Jinn
Sep 27th, 2002, 06:59:01 PM
Liam rose to his feet, noting that Soth had ran away like a coward. He chuckled to himself as he shook his head. It did hurt, but he had much worse inflicted upon him before. With the aid of the force, the nerves in Liam's face no longer began to send the message of pain, and the blood trickled slowly out of his nose. Soth obviously didn't have much experiance in fighting, else he would have realised the fight had just begun.

He shook his head again, realising that Soth had left the battle unfinished, leaving Liam the winner of the fight. He silently took a seat on the boulder the other Vamp had been sitting on, and waited for Verse and Dios to finish their fights.

OOC: Lol, you need to get some experiance my boy :p You lost

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:38:58 PM
Is that it, I slit your throat and you head butt me. I fear that being a Jedi Master has softened you. Where is the man I heard about this 'legendary warrior'.

Dalamar wiped the dirt off of his chest with disgust. The two circled each other warily. The Warlord attacked high and was blocked by Verse. Both swords sparked when striking Dawnstrider's sabers.

Firing his Mandolorian Gauntlet the slender line wrapped around Verse's neck. The Warlord jerked the line tight. Blood formed in his eye's instantly as the line grew taunt and he began to choke. The Dark Lord was impressed that he only fell to one knee most people surrendered immediately. Verse tried to cut the line but was held at bay by the Warlord's sword.

"Garou, Lupine what the difference you still smell like a wet dog and soon you will be a dead one." Dalamar hummed a little tune while Verse started to thrash. You fought bravely may the light you serve send you on your way."

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 28th, 2002, 04:56:26 PM
::Verse smiled on the inside. He was losing air fast and when that was done, he would die. Verse would not allow that to happen. not here and not now. Verse thought fast. As fast as he mind was able to go. This man had trained all 60 years of his life as a warrior. His mind often worked fatser than he even knew it could.

It was clear this man had an advantage at the moment. He could not lash out without having that sword stabbing him. Verse sent a mental blast into the man's mind. He did it fast and hard. This man was no novice though. Dalamar was only stunned for a few moments. Verse grabbed teh cord and pulled it hard towards him. This action did two thinsg at once. It allowed teh cord around Verse's neck to loosen and fall to the ground, and pulled Dalamar at Verse. Dalamar face fell right into Verse's hand, and at once Light energy poured out in a brillent flash of LIGHT.::

"Enjoy the Light Show Vamp. It is not fully sunlight, but you will find it hurts liek hell...."

OOC: I went into 4 moves I think. If you need me to edit, just let me know and I will cut out a move or two.

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:58:56 PM
Blinded by the light Dalamar stepped back his now loose line returning to his gauntlet. The Warlord was in pain pulling off a black piece of cloth he covered his eye's.

Calming himself he focused he had fought in the dark before. Clicking on his boot blade he renewed his attack. Doing a spinning roundhouse Dalamar kicked him in the mouth the blade cutting a large chunk out of his face. Verse fell to the ground clutching his jaw, his blood splattered the misty field. Screaming from his own pain the Dark Lord attacked stabbing the Garou in the shoulder, pinning him to the ground. Having bought the time for his eye's to heal he merged into the shadows to wait for Verse's next attack.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 10:08:56 PM
::Verse howled in pain. He pulled out the sword fast and dropped it to the ground. Verse used his Lighsaber to seal the wound and to stop the bleeding. He would have to fight without his shoulder now. The Vamp couldn't see, and Verse couldn't move his arm. Verse figured they were about even now.

It was clear to Verse that Dalamar had hidden himself in the darkness or shadows. It would take way to much time find him with teh Force. That would be stupid as well. The Warlord clearly would have the upper hand if they went into sword to sword. Verse breathed deep and filled his lungs. He pulled in the Force and let it flow in his voice box. Then he howled. This was not a normal one though. It was like a sonic boom. If he couldn't see him to attack, we would slam him with a sonic wave of sound. Verse howled as loud as his voice inhanced voice could go. Blood rushed down the warriors face. From the gash Dalamar gave him. That may scar. Verse could only hope not.::

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 30th, 2002, 06:27:23 PM
Dalamar crouched in the darkness waiting for the Garou's next move. His eye's already adjusting from the previous attack. A wall of sound flowed over the Warlord.

The Dark Lord was knocked back. The fact that his ears where covered by the black blindfold helped to limit the damage. Still his ears where starting to bleed. Using force speed he ran out of the darkness punching Verse in the throat. Dalamar didn't hesitate using all his power and all his speed he kicked him with his boot blade. The kick was stopped with a sickening thud as Verse clutched his family jewels. Dawnstrider made a pitiful sound and fell over.

"Ooh no, no more litters for you Jedi even I know that hurt." Dalamar heard a pale whimper of defiance coming from the Garou. The Warlord called his sword to himself and waited to see if there was any fight left.

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:58:56 PM
::The vamp was much faster than Verse, and at the moment much stronger. Verse was in big trouble. He felt like he may lose this fight, but he would do his damage. Luckly the lade of the boot did not catch him. He was kicked in the gentials though. Any man would feel that pain. Verse doubled over. Verse wimpered from the pain. Then he reached out with the Force. Verse had trained for years in this area. This man was not as skilled as Verse, nor had the training Verse had in the Force.::

"No more for you as well......"

::Verse pinched the main nerve in Dalamar's brain. Verse knew pain must be ripping through Dalamar's skull and body. Verse Forced his sub-coince to hold onto to this move, that way even if he was beat to a bulp...it wouldn't end. Verse gritted his teeth as he held back the tears. Pressure shoudl be building at a fast rate as well. Even if Dalamar found away to make Verse stop he would have massive brain damage and need medical attention soon. Even Vamps needed there brain. The barin would swell, and the pressure would keep increasing. His brain cells would die off faster than he could heal.::

"I ask for a draw. We both walk away and don't look back. If not I will not let up till your brain explodes......"

Vampyre Dalamar
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:27:32 PM
The Vampyre refused to give up he leapt onto Verse with his blade stabbing him through the eye, killing him instantly. The pain did not stop his head was hemorrhaging. Blood came out of the Vampyre's ears, eyes and nose soon he would be dead. Spitting on the corpse of Verse he pulled out his other sword and cut his head off holding it up high "You Garou -- bastich we die together."

The sun rose in the East and in a fiery flash of sunlight the Warlord atoms scattered to the wind. On his lips where his dying words "I win!"

Waking up suddenly the Dark Lord rubbed his head, another dream. Walking over to his night stand he poured himself a brandy. "Ahh Verse a worthy adversary maybe next time I will make my dream a reality." Lifting his cup "To Verse Dawnstrider may or next battle not be a draw." Melting back into the darkness the Vampyre rested.