View Full Version : Sith Dance, hosted by Evil itself (open to any darksiders)

Sep 24th, 2002, 08:38:45 PM
:: The bar was quiet now, but it had been loud earlie and it was planned to be loud soon. I sat in the middle watching as the room seemed to straighten itself up. The dead bodies had been strewn up on the ceiling and the blood was drainingdown the walls like paint. A great mural if you asked me.
I stood up and stretched, a switch flicked on and the the musc started. It wasn't jus ne song but several, all diferent types. Orchestrated, remixes, everything, and itall cam together to make a great cacophony of music that rang out like a million souls screaming of the beauty of it all. I stood in the middle of the dance floor, it was perfect... I waited for them to come.::

Sep 24th, 2002, 08:44:16 PM
Inu-Aku entered amidst the blast of music.

"What in all the hells is this?" he yelled above the roar. It was terrible, he'd heard it from 4 blocks down.

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:46:26 PM
Garmollo entered the place and was welcomed by blood and dead bodies, and a horrendous noise.

"Sounds like you guys when you argue."

"More like your whiney voice."

"I think it sounds like nails ona chalkboard."

"A what?"

Garmollo's personalities were not as rambunctious as they usually were. Maybe he would meet some people today.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:21:45 AM
Zatania sat in the way back of the bar, curiously listening to the music. She'd heard it from somewhere before, but she didn't remember from where.

Her eyes brought themselves to the dancefloor, watching the gathering people. For a moment, she stayed sitting down, wondering what the occasion was for the gathering on the floor. She'd seen what the dancefloor was used for, yet didn't truly grasp why people moved in such a way. Somewhere in the back of her mind she knew the answer, but she couldn't understand. Why?

She stood up and walked towards the floor, intending to find out by testing it for herself. Since she had "awaken", she was learning new things everyday that did not have anything to do with survival, that was instinct.

She left her arms at her sides, her hips shifting to one side as she looked to the others. But her eyes were drawn to the ceiling and walls every so often, making a small smile creep onto her face. Oh, the anguish, she loved it.

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:58:43 AM
Garmollo felt a pulling in his head as one of his other personalities had noticed the lone girl in the middle of the dance floor.

"I rather like the looks of that one."

"She is pretty."

"She's mine."

"You? Never. She'll fall for my wit and royal charm."

"Are you going to start the conversation?"


"See there, you are a coward."

After a little more argument, Garmollo and his personalities eventually came to an agreement to just go out there and ask her to dance, or something. In other words, just wing it.

Garmollo walked over to her, and looked down at her as she went to glance at the cieling again.

His personalities all went for the movement at the same time, and Garmollo found he had a hard time talking. "Hi-llo. We-I isrr called Garmollo. And who you are?"

"You bastard! Now look at what you have done!"

"What I did? If you hadn't gotten in my way, that would have gone much more smoothly."

"Shut up! You are only making it worse!"

It happened like that everytime. He wondered what she would think of him now.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:17:41 PM
Zatania stopped looking at the ceiling for a moment when she noticed a man that was taller than her standing right in front of her. She turned her attention to him just as his rambling started.

She tilted her head, confused about what he had said except for the last part. Then he began to shout at the air, and this further caused her to be confused. She'd never encountered someone that did this before, so she merely just raised an eyebrow and watched him for a little while until he cooled down.

Once he finally stopped, she smiled faintly and nodded to him.

"I'm Zatania."

She paused for a moment, wondering if he'd react in a manner that would be more understandable, or at least explain what that was all about.

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:31:06 PM
Garmollo smiled.

"We are Garmollo."

"It is nice to meet you."

"Take one look at her, she's so pretty, why wouldn;t it be nice to meet her."

"I suffer from having multiple personalities, you see," Garmollo said, once the others had calmed down.

"Suffer? Why do you suffer? If not for me, you would have never had the balls to go talk to this girl."

Zatania Duvall
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:38:17 PM
"Likewise." She said to how meeting eachother was nice.

She nodded once he explained that he had mutiple personalities. She'd heard of the disorder, but this was her first experience meeting someone that had it.

But it was quite obvious that the next thing he said after that was another personality, and not his true one. But what it said made her laugh a bit, but she didn't laugh fully. It was just a small little giggle.

"It looks to me more like you have company with you at all times so that you are not alone. Some might find that to be a good thing."

It didn't bother her much, maybe because she was so calm and was rarely annoyed or irritated. Others might have found this too confusing to deal with.

"It is nice to meet all of you."

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:43:44 PM
Garmollo smiled. She did not think he was strange at all.

"Thank you." Garmollo's personalities all said in unison. But it sounded like one voice.

"How do you like the decor?" Garmollo asked.

"I think it is rather nice."

"Smashing. Wish I had been here to help, though."

"Seriously. It would have been a relaxing thing."

Zatania Duvall
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:55:51 PM
"You're welcome."

Zatania looked around at the bleeding walls again and smiled fully, one that showed that she was thinking about all the work that had gone into making these walls bleed.

"Fantastic. I'd have loved to of watched what went into getting the decorations."

She looked back to Garmollo, still smiling. She was quite content with this place, with how the walls made it feel like utter hell . Or, to her and many darksiders, like home.

"How many do you think are dead up there?"

She looked up to the ceiling and laughed again, more than she had before since she was more amused with the death in the room.

Sep 25th, 2002, 01:59:33 PM
Inu-Aku strode across the floor, bare feet tapping in puddles of blood. He approached Fiend.

"You are the cause of this? What power do you possess to kill an entire bar of people?"

Sep 25th, 2002, 05:01:38 PM
Enough, and that is all you need to know for now. Enjoy this while you can, I am. I've seen you before, haven't I? Inu Aku was it?

:: I know he'd never told me his name before but that was the funny part. I smiled as the look of confusion crossed his face and I slowly moved to the other two darksiders.::

Welcome, I am Fiend, the host for tonight, and if I heard correctly which I wouldn't have had to listen anyways, you are Garmollo and you Zatania, correct? Wonderful dancing I might add and you Garmollo, nice to meet all of you in one, a pleasure I'm sure.

:: I motioned a hand to the room about us and two wine glasses slowly flew to each of my hands. I extended both to the people and gave a toothy grin, my fangs bearing down as my red irises danced on the sight of them. The taste of their life forces flowing from their souls. How lovely... I laughed as the music changed songs, it started out like a car crash and then rolled into several different noises.::

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:27:11 PM
Garmollo was silent for a little bit. But inside his head, a terrible debate raged in his head.

"Go on! No clamming up now."

"What do you suggest to do next?"

"She is awful pretty...now what to say next?"

"Oh, to frell with it."

Garmollo suddenly took Zatania in his arms and kissed her. It wasn't quite what he had in mind.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:45:26 PM
"Yes, that is correct."

Zatania gave a small smile of greeting towards Fiend and reached towards the glass that he was offering her, only to be interrupted by Gamollo grabbing her. She didn't quite known what he was pulling, even as his lips touched her's. She blinked several times, but did not pull away.

"What the?" She thought.

She tried to recall incidents she had witnessed from people that she watched for amusement, situations like this. The lady either embraced the man or she slapped him. But which one was she supposed to do? And what was this touching of the lips? Maybe she'd been deprived of good useful info for far too long.

Even in those few moments, she was able to think a mile a minute about this, even beyond the curiousness. And then something in the back of her mind snapped, as though she had some sort of memory spurt, from the someone she had been before she'd "awaken". With that little flash, she pulled back with wide eyes. But then, the memory was gone in a blink, and she didn't understand why she pulled back or was her face was so hot and red.

Sep 25th, 2002, 10:29:20 PM
Interesting, I wonder if that was group vote or did one of you feel irrational Garmollo? Because either way, I have to say her response was unique. How the bood rushed to her face so quickly. If only painters could catch the color of confusement and wonder of the human face.

:: I had just subtely told her my own thoughts but those were for her to interpret. I turned away from the two and went back to Inu. With a new glass in hand, I approached him with a inhuman smile.::

So tell me something about yourself so I don't have to wastetime figuring it out myself.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:33:09 PM
Zatania blinked at Fiend and touched her face for a minute then put back on her emotionless face again, even though her heart was still racing. So many questions were going through her mind at that moment that she didn't say anything to Garmollo. Why did she act so shy? Was that shyness a memory? Why did her face do that just now, and why did Garmollo do that?

Sep 25th, 2002, 10:35:38 PM
"I am genetically engineered to be half-dog. Once, I was fullly human, and I will have my vengeance on the man who did this to me."

Sep 25th, 2002, 10:39:29 PM
Amazing, I hope you do. Be sure to fill me in on the details once hes dead alright?

:: I smiled before going to sit down and watch what woud continu to happen. I sat against the wal and felt the chaotic music going through the room. How sweet.::

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 26th, 2002, 07:44:17 AM
OOC: Oops, wrong thread...Can we get a mod to delete this?

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 26th, 2002, 07:46:44 AM
Garmollo stood there, and laughed at Fiend's comment.

"Well, I'm sure it would have been, but the question of timing was still under debate."

Garmollo felt somewhat ashamed.

"At least she didn;t slap you," the personality said in his defense.

For a brief second everything was silent in Garmollo's mind, but he knew better. They were calculating. Just like he was. Calculating how best to reak revenge on one another for this shame in his heart.

"I am sorry for his abruptness. I hope you are ok?"

Zatania Duvall
Sep 26th, 2002, 09:53:57 AM
Zatania nodded, wondering still why she reacted that way and how to react now. She didn't even choose to react that way, it was just spontaneous, due to whatever in the back of her mind.

"I'm alright. No harm done."

And then she thought of what it could have been, her heart sinking slightly. She remembered something the old man had said just before he died.

"You'll regret this. You won't be able to control the REAL you if I die. And then your soul will be back in limbo forever! This is your last chance at living!" He had said, just before she stabbed him in the heart.

She had a calculating look on her face, knowing that deep inside that she did not want the real her to come out. But even then, she didn't know the real her. Maybe the real her reacted that way and not her.

She frowned and decided to take control. She wouldn't have whoever that girl had been control her every move.

Do that again and I will make sure you live to regret it, girl. She thought.

"Don't worry about it. I was just... shocked."

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 26th, 2002, 05:14:13 PM
Garmollo smiled and eased up a little. But some of his personalities were not so sure.

"What does she mean by that?"

"At least she is not mad."

"How can you tell?"

Garmollo sighed, then took the drink from Fiend. "Thank you."

Anything to get his other minds to loosen up.

Zatania Duvall
Sep 26th, 2002, 05:20:39 PM
"I'm not mad. I just wasn't expecting it is all. Nor do I understand why you did that."

Zatania realized that during that whole ordeal, she had spilled her drink. She looked down onto her outfit to make sure she wasn't wearing the beverage, and luckily for her, she wasn't.

She reached into her pocket and took out her hankerchief and crouched down to clean it up so either one of them wouldn't slip and fall because of the mess.

Sep 26th, 2002, 08:41:57 PM
:: I turned and with a wave of my hand, subtle force pushes slowly nudged Zatania back into her seat. The liquid on the ground slowly flowed into the air and then shifted towards the sink where it was dropped abd let loose to the sewers.::

Please, do not waste your time with such menail things. Continue this wonderful conversation.

Riley Chambers
Sep 27th, 2002, 07:28:27 PM
OOC Crud I posted under the wrong nick. Ignore the character I posted as and pretend I posted with my Zatania nick. :p


Zatania fell back into her seat, yet didn't show any hint of being startled by it. She looked towards Fiend and shrugged.

"Whatever works."

Sep 27th, 2002, 08:22:43 PM

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:21:11 PM
Garmollo laughed.

"This sure is interesting."

He went over to where Zatania sat.

"Tell me about yourself."

Zatania Duvall
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:49:08 AM
Zatania looked over at Garmollo with a kind of blank look. She'd been asked that before, but she couldn't truly answer because..

"I really do not remember much about myself."

She ran her fingers gently across her cheek then behind her ear so her hair would go behind her ear and stay there.

"It's been like that for about a month or two."

She paused then came up with at least a little something she could say.

"All I know is that I enjoy watching people suffer, descruction, sorrow."

Sep 28th, 2002, 08:40:21 PM
:: I nodded my head, similar interests!::

I find all of those exquisitely beautiful! Don't you?

Sep 28th, 2002, 10:20:58 PM
Inu-Aku meanwhile had taken to perching on the counter. Now he spoke up.

"Feh. You're all fools! Vengeance is the only thing that is truly beautiful in life!"

Zatania Duvall
Sep 28th, 2002, 10:47:23 PM
"But doesn't vengeance also cause suffering and sorrow? And in some cases, even physical harm and descruction."

She smiled, taking in a deep relaxing breath. She was having a grand time so far.

Sep 28th, 2002, 11:04:18 PM
"That is exactly why vengeance is the most perfect beauty."

Zatania Duvall
Sep 28th, 2002, 11:20:47 PM
"Hmm... I see, all rolled into one perfect little package."

Her voice didn't have the same monotoned sound to it this time, more of an amused tone to it this time, as always. Her smile seemed to be one of both deep evil thought and content from those thoughts.

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:01:40 AM
I beg to differ Inu...

:: I flicked my wrist and Inu flew across the room, off the counter, and hit the wall with a thud. I made him rise in the air until he was right next to one of the many hanging bodies. A girder in the wall suddenly tore out and Inu was bent backwards across the girder. Inu could hear him bend irregular and I stifled laughter. You could say I was a bit angry.::

I have to say pain is the most beautiful, for in this state of feeling, you cannot even know the true reactions that your enviroment develops when you suddenly choke on your own blood or you crouch when you're heart gives out. Wouldn't you agree... fool?

:: I dropped my hand and Inu was dropped from his 6 meter elevation.::

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:13:56 AM
A rusted Katana flew from the wreckage and pierced Fiend. Inu-Aku walked out of the dust cloud, eyes burning with rage.

"Be glad, Fiend, that my Force control is lacking..."

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:23:10 AM
:: I had not learned an expression for pain yet but the widening of my eyes was good enough. Then they sharpened once more as I stared at Inu before reaching up and withfrawing the sword from my body. I took the sword and tossed it aside. Then my hand flashed to the side and a great fire consumed the sword. The whole sword was searing red, like molten steel that was strong enough to retain its form.
My hand didn't even move but the sword shot forward and stabbed into Inu's leg. As it peirced my eyes shimmered when the dust cloud whipped about my new friend and the sand became like gnats that came back again and again, going for Inu's eyes. As all this happened I didn't even walk but I was beside Inu and my fist hadn't seemed to move but it was suddenly in Inu's stomach. I knocked him away with a force blast and then dropped my slight control on the dust. It fell about Inu and I laughed shrill and piercing as my glass drifted towards me. I took a long gulp of the wine before shattering the glass. My hands burned with backfire of course, that had been too much use... far too much, but that would be the price wouldn't it. Fun for pain.::

Be glad I like you enough to keep you alive. Choose your beauty now, being able to see it or the fathomless darkness after this life.

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:25:25 AM
The Jackel withdrew the sword without flinching.

"You do not know pain, Fiend. I have experienced pain at its worst."

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:33:21 AM
:: The shattered bits of glass flew at Inu and stabbed his flesh.::

Say it again and more than just the glass will be stuck in your face. So you might be some twisted expirement. At least you knew sentience before that. Before coming to this, there was the painful experience of coming to KNOW. To know pain itself is the worst thing you'll ever feel. Enlighten yourself and withdraw from your own selfish views of vengeance. Yes it tastes good, so bitter its sweet, isn't it? But learn from this instead of ignorantly blowing it off. I offer my hand now, if it is vengeance that you prefer, follow me and I will lead you to its source.

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:39:13 AM
Inu-Aku pulled the shards from his flesh and moved to the sink where Fiend had dumped Zatania's drink, running cold water over his blade to cool it so he could sheathe it.

"I have allies already, and I am learning. I must decline your offer."

Indeed, his Master, Lord Gue, had begun his training, and he had forged a shaky alliance with Sasha, Gouyen, and Robi. Others would come in time, but at the moment, why not add these 3 to his alliance?

"However, I accept your friendship."

Garmollo Apostate
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:01:13 AM
Garmollo watched the exchange.

"Back and forth, back and forth. With friends like these, who needs enemies?"

Garmollo laughed.

"When the line between friend and foe becomes blurred, the world becomes a suddenly more frightening place."

Zatania Duvall
Sep 29th, 2002, 11:56:27 AM
Zatania watched the two fighting it out, yet didn't understand what the big deal was. If vengeance involved pain and all other things that Fiend enjoyed, then why was he so angry? It only made the suffering so much sweeter.

Sep 29th, 2002, 12:25:00 PM
:: I caught both of their feelings and I turned with a glass in my hand again to the two sitting down.::

First of all, their never was a distinction between friends and enemies. It is a permanent name given to a temporary thing. And second, vengeance can be as hollow as some threats. Pain is an absolute. Their can be a community that never comes to know revenge but when someone dies off there is always pain of loss and death.