View Full Version : Devil's Dance Floor: Jared's Training

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 24th, 2002, 06:35:36 PM
Cherice had sent word to the young man to meet her in the Training Grounds. It was all too obvious that he had previous training, and she wondered if there was much more she could teach him.

Time would tell.

It was night out, and all seemed peaceful within the Order. A gentle breeze tugged at her as she slipped off her black robes, revealing a black bodypiece. It clung to her body like a second skin and she crouched to the ground.

Pulling out a pair of black gloves, Cherice put them onto her hands and closed her eyes - waiting. It wouldn't be long.

Jared Mriad
Sep 24th, 2002, 07:29:26 PM
Jared merrily walked along, obvious to the stares of others. He was on his way to the big open space in the middle of the compound where Cherice had commanded his presence.

His dark duster flowed around his shoulders and such, the leather resting comfortably around his form. To his side, previously not seen in the first meeting, was a katana hilt complete with a streight blade.

Lightsabers? Didnt need em, his body already had possession of six. Grinning madly as he commanded the doors open, Jared had also done what Cherice had, pulled out a pair of black gloves (but these are fingerless) and slid them on.

His golden eyes scanned the large feild and searched for Cherice's force signature... and there!

Jumping forward in a flat out run, Jared enhanced the speed with aid yet again from the Force. Slowling down, nearly one hundred feet from her. Jared gave a slight bow, not one he should've gave, and grinned wider...

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:24:38 PM
She spotted Jared's running figure and remained crouched, until he slowed down enough to bow. She grinned slightly as she rose to her feet, the robes lying crumpled on the ground.

"Why don't you come closer," she said, loud enough so the wind could carry her words to his ears.

On her bodypiece was a silver belt, whereas her lightsabre was clipped onto it and a dagger hung on the other side. Not like that mattered at the moment.

Jared Mriad
Sep 25th, 2002, 06:04:56 AM
Jared seemed to ponder for a moment, the wild grin never receeding.

"Simple facts, Mi'lady. If I had come closer, parsay than I am now, I would've been compelled to have... say.. lunch." By this, Jared ment deeply his taste for the raw flesh of most. Of course, it was evident that he could do it but willed not to.

"As my first tutor, Darth Snack, and spoke of; I have a talent for consuming the flesh of my enemies, and sometimes that of allies too."

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:32:19 AM
Interesting. So, he was what was commonly referred to as a "cannibal". It was so ironic that the situation was almost funny - for she, too, sometimes consumed the bodies of her victims. Most of time, though, the Succubi preferred their "souls".

"Well, with that cleared, I would like it if you told me about yourself ... Besides your eating habits."

Cherice expected a response from Jared, but if he didn't wish to 'discuss' such matters, that was fine. She wasn't one to impose such things upon another person.

Jared Mriad
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:12:33 PM
"Lesse.." Jared started, musing slightly, "... I was birthed on a abandoned starship, lived alone mostly... I like my meat raw, veggies are good too. Needles bug me but sabers are cool, Family's dead.."

This brought another one of Jared's wide grins, "Any duel I'll take, mass genocide or holocaust is my specality.. I belive that's the basics.. Ah! and I'm a 'sociopath', or say so a certain doc' who is no longer with us!" Jared put a hand up to his temple and tapped it lightly in thought, "Anything else you want to know?"

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 26th, 2002, 05:47:04 PM
"A sociopath ? Haven't seen one in ages."

Cherice ran her tongue over her canines before speaking again.

"There's nothing else I feel the need to know, for now - but while we're at it, is there anything you wish to ask me ?"

Surely there were questions brimming in his mind...

Jared Mriad
Sep 26th, 2002, 06:18:17 PM
"Tell me everything and anything, I'm not one to poke and prod though." Jared replied, the grin fading somewhat to more of a toothy smirk. Cherice had certain fangs, Well, So did Jared. His being a mutation of sorts, along with a few other things.

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 26th, 2002, 06:37:56 PM
Ah, Jared had the attitude of a Darksider - he knew what he wanted, yet left it up to others to give it to him.

"I am the last of my kind, a Succubi. The person you see before you is just an illusion - the appearance, that is. Like you, I prefer my meat raw, but souls are usually the main course. Things of beauty usually catch my undivided attention until I ruin their perfection.

"Being a newly promoted Knight of this Order, you are my first Apprentice," she finished.

What else was there to say ? Lots. And she still hadn't taken down the affect that made her skin tone look .. normal.

Jared Mriad
Sep 26th, 2002, 06:43:27 PM
Did she need to? Nay, Jared could see through it. Not plain as day, but obvious to him. She smelt dead, well.. not totally dead.. but close enough.

"I see, and you use... Illusions to hide your true self?"

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 26th, 2002, 07:07:11 PM
"Only when I feel like it."

And then, her peach-tone skin slowly began to show tints of purple as it spread through her body, although he could only see her neck and face because of the clothing. When it was done, he saw the true Cherice now, no illusions, no effects, nothing.

Her blond/silver hair draped around her face as she grinned.

"Better ?"

Jared Mriad
Sep 26th, 2002, 08:06:22 PM
"Sure," Jared responded, shrugging slighly and grinning once more. "I see why you hide behind the illusion, going to places like that may affect certain people who are not good to deal with on a good day."

Chuckling slighly to himself, "So, What shall we begin with since the introductions are out of the way?"

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 26th, 2002, 08:13:43 PM
"First you'll tell me what you know, that way I can get a generalization of what your training will be about."

Clasping her hands behind her back, Cherice eyed him closely. It was time to see how much his previous tutor had succeeded in teaching him.

Jared Mriad
Sep 27th, 2002, 09:22:38 AM
Crossing his arms over his chest, with the addition of creaking leather from the duster, Jared again deved deeped into musing.

"Basic force techniques; Push, pull, run and leap. Touching lightly into the elements learnt from ancient text and such, ambidextrious saber combat as well as force enhanced martial arts." The chesire grin faded for the moment, "Slight insight, slight control over heat and such.. matchlike for example. That is about it.."

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 27th, 2002, 11:51:35 AM
"With some additional practicing and training to smooth out the edges, you'll be done in no time ..."

She began to walk towards him, almost oblivious of the fact that he was a cannibal.

"We will begin with control. Without control, this universe would be nothing."

Yes, she knew that he said he couldn't restrain himself - hence the fact of him staying away, but this would be the first lesson. Control.

Jared Mriad
Sep 27th, 2002, 06:26:00 PM
A grimacelike sneer appeared nearly instantly as Cherice entered the 'Danger Zone' of Jared. The instinct to feed on flesh was trying it's best to overthrow the ability of control over his motor functions.

"Stop..." He growled, head down in a internal war. And as Cherice was within a foot of Jared's trembling form, somthing seemed to snap causing Jared's head to whip up.

His golden eyes blazed with a unknown inner daemon, if it was at that. He could smell her flesh, hear each pump of her heart... But he could not move.. not move at all...

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 28th, 2002, 12:50:15 PM
She had him him mumble 'stop', but she kept advancing. And as she drew nearer, his head finally snapped up as his eyes bore holes into her body.

A malicious grin crept across her pale lips.

Cherice was now within inches of his unmoving figure, and reached out with fingers to brush against his cheek. He was trembling - from trying to control himself ? - and she withdrew her hand and took a step back.

"You're doing fine so far .. But how long can it last ?"

Jared Mriad
Sep 28th, 2002, 02:53:58 PM
No response came from Jared, but his eyes still kept their lock on Cherice. Had she been a civilian the ordeal would've been long done and the area awashed in blood, but she was a Knight. One to be respected at all costs.

"As long.. as I can keep... my... respect.."

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 28th, 2002, 03:31:36 PM
"Ah, so there's one thing that can control you."

The poor 'boy' seemed to be suffering a great deal internally, but Cherice kept her ground.

"And I wonder, how long will that last ..."

Jared Mriad
Sep 28th, 2002, 03:51:23 PM
"Until... my.. sanity breaks," Jared growled out again, grinning halfly. "Then... all hell breaks loose!"

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 28th, 2002, 05:00:02 PM
"For once, break your own sanity !"

A sharp blow was sent to his face and the Succubi gritted her teeth. Yes, she was ready ... ready for the worst.

Ready for when Jared would snap.

Jared Mriad
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:01:11 PM
Jared reeled back from the sharp blow to his face, but not before shooting out his left hand as fast as lightining and latching onto Cherice's retreating arm.

His right hand went to the High Frequency Blade at his side and drew it out in one deft motion with nearly the same speed. Laughing aloud, as the mental tear of sanity broke, Jared spun the blade in the right hand with uncanny dexterity and loud humming.

Letting loose of the Knights' hand in mid draw, Jared used the free left hand to flare back at side of the duster for a quick distraction before jumping forward with teh blade aimed for center of Cherice's neck.

Before it could contact, the insane mass of flesh that was Jared flicked his right wrist up and let the blade loose. The H.F.B summersaulted up into the sky with a pale trail of ethre, meantime, Jared lepted forward in a clothes line (his speed aided by the force) but wrapped his arm around Cherice's waist..

"Jeee.. You really wanna see it?"

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:25:02 PM
She grinned - this was what she was waiting for. As Jared slipped his arm around her waist, Cherice twisted out of his grasp and took a step back, letting her fingers run over his arm as she retreated.

"You're beautiful when you begin to go insane - don't stop!"

What he had just demonstrated was beautifully orchestrated and she mentally congratulated him. Not all apprentices could do such a thing, but then again, he wasn't like the others.

Jared Mriad
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:52:20 PM
Stepping back a few paces, and resting a hand on the hilt of the H.F.B buried in the ground, Jared gave a wild grin.

"To see, you must give. Hand to Hand." He spoke, motioning the ''Come and get it" sign with his free hand.

Cherice St_Hilare
Sep 30th, 2002, 11:17:43 AM
As soon as he muttered the last of his words, Cherice ran towards him. Of course, they both knew she wasn't going to 'charge' right into him. It was just to .. get things started.

Before colliding right into her Apprentice, she stepped to the side and grabbed the arm that he held on the sword hilt, twisting it up and pinning it behind his back. At the same time, she also aimed for a kick at his right ankle.

She left his other hand be, however, to see just how he would handle this situation.

Jared Mriad
Sep 30th, 2002, 02:53:14 PM
Jared let a small wince, just for effect, escape from his lips as Cherice shoved his arm up past it's limit. Laughing loudly as he jerked his right foot up then slammed it against' Cherice's arch part of her foot (which was the one aimed for his ankle).

Using his free right arm, Jared came around with a punch over his left shoulder at Cherice whilest at the same motion hooking his own leg around hers to trip the Knight if she tried to dodge teh blow backwards..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 1st, 2002, 06:24:34 PM
She had one free hand, for it only took one to pin up his arm, and grabbed his fist. Clutching it tightly, Cherice dug her nails into his skin while leaning her head to his ear. Giving it a quick lick, she grinned and brought her knee up into his spine.

Jared Mriad
Oct 1st, 2002, 06:49:41 PM
"Fiesty one you are!" Jared cackled, evaluating the situation carefully. Leaning forward slighly, Jared glanced over his shoulder at the Succubi before giving a wild smile. Before Cherice could respond, Jared had slammed his head backwards and into her face with a terrible force.

Yanking his fist out of her hand, Jared spun to the left and under his captive arm which gave a loud POP as it dislocated. Grinning madly, Jared stood there with the dislocated arm limp in Cherice's hand and his free hand poised at his side.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:00:51 PM
She had to give him credit. Jared's 'fighting style' certainly was one of a kind.

Lifting up her hand, she gingerly felt her lip and felt blood on her fingertips, and her grin grew broader. Cherice yanked on his arm to tug him in, and was he was pulled closer, she aimed a kick towards his stomach ..

Jared Mriad
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:07:01 PM
Dodging the brunt of the kick, Jared used his working arm and hooked it around Cherice's leg. Quickly continuing, the Cannibal stepped forward and performed a slick judo sweep by sweep kicking at the side of Cherice's planted leg..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:25:36 PM
She saw the kick coming, but had a better idea. Instead of doing anything to prevent it from connecting, she let Jared kick the leg out from under her. As she began to fall, she reached out and grabbed onto his dislocated arm with her other hand and pulled him down with her.

After Jared landed on top of her, Cherice grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed her forehead into his nose, then shoved him off. She quickly got on her foot and took a step back, watching him as he rose. She didn't believe in kicking an 'opponent' while they were down, unless, of course, they were really asking for it .. Like Jedi.

Jared Mriad
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:33:46 PM
Jared, not expecting the attack on his nose, rose unsteadily cupping his uninjured hand over the broken nose with a grimace on his face.

"Ah dam,. I forgobt howb much havig yur nobse broke sux," he grummbled, moving it back and forth until it set into the right place and the bleeding began to die off. Holding out an hand to stop Cherice if she decided to attack, which would do no good, Jared set forth reloacating the dislocated appendage which took a good few tries before it popped back into place. Swiving the arm around, and rubbing the joint, Jared then stood still.

"Arn' ya going to get me? Caus' we aint done yet!"

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:38:56 PM
"I should be mortified if it was - after all, aren't you having fun?"

She cracked her neck, but made no move. This time she wanted him to make the first attack.

Jared Mriad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 05:08:42 AM
"Fun's the understatement!" JAred exclaimed before jumping forward in a dash which melded into a airborne round-house kick with his right foot...

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:07:25 PM
Dropping to a crouch, Jared's leg sailed over her before she rose and executed an uppercut. At the same time, Cherice reached around and grabbed a fistful of his fiery, red hair. Yanking his head back, she slammed her fist into his stomach ....

Jared Mriad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:24:36 PM
Keeping himself from folding over Cherice's blow to the midsection, to save his hair actually, Jared clamped onto Cherice's heand and pulled it quite quickly into his own in a modified headbut.

Releasing her head, Jared gripped the arm clamped onto his hair and applied pressure to the wrist. Flaming hot pain would shoot up Cherice's arm if Jared applied enough pressure, which he did with his thumbs digging into her skin..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:42:32 PM
Wincing after the headbutt, Cherice was glad that her nose wasn't broken, but it was bleeding. After the training session was over she would have to apply ice to reduce the swelling that would come in the morning.

Right now Jared was applying pressure to her wrist, which was causing excrutiating pain.

"Open yourself to your Sadistic side! You should always be able to make your opponent scream."

A maniacal grin now decorated her face while she laughed, bringing her heel down onto his knee and shoving it all the way down onto his foot, no doubt scraping off some of his skin. If he wasn't already, she would also make him Masochistic .. For without pain, the world would be nothing.

Jared Mriad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:53:13 PM
No blood could be seen dripping forth from Jared's shin, but Cherice had caused abit of skin removal. Matching her grin with one of his own, Jared thrusted his arms up and ripped Cherice's grip off his hair while taking a few tufts with her.

Spinning under her arm to the left, and dragging it with him. Jared aimed a quick snap kick with his right leg to her jaw while falling backwards from sweeping at the back of her leg with the left.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:08:10 PM
After what he did to her wrist, Cherice could feel herself anticipate the more stinging pain he could bring.

"Yes, my Apprentice, that's it," she murmured before his kick "hit home", and she fell onto her back after he swept her leg out from under her. The Succubi continued to have that same, twisted grin on her face while she layed on the floor.

"Go on - kick me, Jared. Strike me while I'm down!"

Jared Mriad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:16:29 PM
"No." Jared flatly stated, regaining his footing. "I'd rather kill someone while their standing than kill them laying down," He spoke without a grin. Stepping closer, Jared put a booted foot down ontop of her windpipe, applied abit of pressure but not enough for her to choke to death. Just to have trouble breathing, "I think hand to hand has gotten boring, I say weapons now... how bout you?"

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:30:51 PM
"So you're saying that you can kill me?"

The grin that decorated her face suddenly disappeared, leaving an irritated expression. Suddenly, Cherice lashed out with the Force, shoving him back.

"You didn't listen when I told you to strike me - is that how you show your respect?"

She sat up, her blue eyes becoming slightly darker than usual.

"Weapons, you say? All the better."

Now Cherice stood, and reached down to grab the dagger that hung at her side. Clutching the hilt, she canted her head to the side, watching Jared .. This would start a whole new game for them to play - and hopefully he had enough toys to share.

Jared Mriad
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:47:06 PM
Jared maneuvered himself to come to rest beside his own weapon, the HFB. "No, I did not state that I could kill you, I said that I rather kill someone standing than on the ground," He restated, gripping the hilt with his left hand.

The High Frequency Blade seemed just like a mere slab of metal shapped into a perfect shape, but that was only the tip of the iceburg. The Blade itself was garanteed to leave a nasty gash if it had it's chance.

Pulling the sword from the ground, Jared held it out with one hand and the hilt resting against his forearm while the blade pointed out at Cherice. With his other, Jared unsheathed a hidden tanto from behind his back. This certain type had two parrying guards on the crossbar, but with such a little dagger of Cherice's, it would not be much help.

"I give you the first bout."

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:39:34 PM
"But you did imply it."

His sword was gorgeous, glinting wickedly in the spare moonlight that managed to work its way through the dark night, which made them both seem like shadows. The only thing that bothered her was that it seemed like he always wanted her to attack first. Well, they would work on that.

Jared didn't stand too far off, and it only took four or five steps to reach him. She was taking her time, it seemed, and finally reached his side.

"Nice toys. Mind if I play with you?" She whispered.

Reaching out with a slender hand, Cherice ran her fingers over the sword's blade then sliced her pointer finger intentionally. Dark, red blood immediately formed and began to drip to the ground, which in turn greedily sucked it up. A shiver ran up her spine and she wondered just what effect this would have.

Maybe it would get him to attack first, like most Sith were taught to do, or maybe it would take more than that.

Still, her other hand clutched onto her dagger.

Jared Mriad
Oct 3rd, 2002, 06:46:31 PM
Well, she did make the first move. Grinning at the scent of blood, Jared lowered the sword slighly, then flipped it around in his hand so that the sharp edge pointed torwards himself.

As Cherice waited for something, Jared foresighted into possible retailiations. Then, with blinding speed, Jared swung the blunt end at Cherice's neck (mostly to gain some room) while jumping to the right to face her once more.

"I would looove to plaay!!" He taunted, childlike.

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 5th, 2002, 12:09:04 PM
Even though he was quick, Cherice was quicker. She could already see the tensing in his arm muscles and ducked, leaving the blunt end of his sword to slice through thin air. Standing up, she 'swirled', sending the hand which held the dagger towards his sword arm. No doubt it was all too easy to block, but she was only getting things started.

But even if he decided the dagger wasn't important to block, Jared would be in a nasty little surprise. The tip was dipped in the Old Tongue's blood - a very poisonous ancient dragon blood. If it were to enter his bloodstream ... chances were that he would die, if he didn't receive immediate medical attention and remained in intensive care for weeks.

Jared Mriad
Oct 5th, 2002, 08:45:34 PM
Jared did parry the small dagger, pushing it off and away from himself. Striking out under the extened arm with the Tanto, Jared swiped back with the katana..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 05:51:55 PM
Jumping back (aided with the Force), Cherice let a childish giggle escape from her lips as Jared suddenly felt extreme pressure on both of his hands, almost crushing them.

"This is getting boring already .. I think we should add the Force now, hm?"

The pressure on his hands was released, and then suddenly a blow to his left cheek was sent by an invisible hand. Another handy tool Cherice had learned over the time by practicing with the Force.

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:03:28 PM
The blow to his face had caught the Cannibal off guard, although he senced it just before it struck. Spinning in the air, Jared flew with the blow in a dizzying barrel spin before landing on his knees and disoriented.

Pulling a few of his own tricks from the bag, Jared spun around on his left leg and sent a sloid blast right down into the ground directed at Cherice.

Dust and rocks, as well as soil, broke up as the V like blast tored through it and at the Knight. Following close behind it, Jared came with the Katana out to the side. Jumping over the blast, and Cherice, Jared landed in a crouch and kicked backwards with a high one aimed for the small of her back..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:30:11 PM
Very, very impressive. Most Apprentices couldn't pull off a Force blast like that even if their life depended on it.

After Jared jumped over her, she jumped and backflipped, landing behind him so that he was the nearest to the blast. It was coming in with incredible speed, so he would have little time to react.

Naturally, his kick missed her and she grinned, watching...

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:38:16 PM
The sudden surprise of Cherice not being there caught the Cannibal highly off guard, lowering his leg quickly and setting up to jump at Cherice he had momentarily forgotten about the blast and turned around with a wide eye look.

The blast was nearly a meter away and gaining quickly. Throwing out his arms with the thumbs touching and his fingers out-spread, Jared braced himself forward and 'caught' the blast between his hands. The power put into the attack slid Jared back even with the pushing force the Cannibal had put forth, he could feel the bones in his arms begining to give way.

Still, he kept sliding back torwards Cherice..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:45:42 PM
Suddenly, the Apprentice felt a boot digging into his spine as Cherice kicked him. He had been putting all of his energy into controlling the powerful blast he sent that he seemed to have forgotten all about her.

"Lesson number one, Jared," she hissed, still digging her foot into his flesh. "Never leave your back exposed!"

Setting her foot down, Cherice then took her dagger and prepared to strike down at him, who seemed to still be straining with the blast.

"You should never release something you can't control!"

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:04:52 PM
She was right, and Jared knew it. Now he was defenceless and helpless. But, he had two choices: Let the blast hit him or let it loose.

Groaning with exertion, Jared ducked his head between his arms before pushing the blast up with his hands into the sky. The Trench it dug became shallower and sedimend settled back into place as Jared flug it up into teh air and feel flat onto his face because of Cherice's foot.

"Ah Frell!" he growled,

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:09:50 PM
.. And then, the dagger tip buried itself into his right shoulder.

Crouching, Cherice gave a glance-over before reaching over and pulling the dagger out. He had been foolish enough to release a blast he couldn't even control, and now this could possibly be his demise.

"Get up."

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:18:37 PM
Nearly instantly, Jared felt his blood chill ice cold. Getting to his feet, Jared turned to face Cherice with the bloody dagger in her hand.

"What the hell?!" He shouted, stepping back a few paces. His head spun aready, ten seconds or so after the dagger slid into his flesh. He could barely stand on his feet, much less focus. Stumbing backwards, and using the Katana he recalled as a cane of sorts. Jared tried to make dues of what the hell was on the dagger.

Within a few more moments, he staggered to his right and fell to his side. Breathing laboredly, and feeling a helluva lot of nausea building up, Jared tried to get back to his feet but ended up falling down again.

Up in the sky, Jared saw a flash of silver and gold. Blinking, He finally managed to gain his feet but still swaggared about drunkedly...

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:26:06 PM
Standing up, she watched as Jared began to suffer from the effects of the poison. She had killed so many with the very same dagger, tipped with the Old Tongue's blood - would he defeat the odds and survive ?

Cherice went over to his swaying body and wrapped his arm around her neck while wrapping her other arm around his waist. It was to help him keep his balance while she made her way to the med bay. She wouldn't be surprised if his mental stability would snap at any moment, like with the others, and was ready for him to try and tear her apart - or anything unusual like that.

"May this be a lesson you'll always remember," she whispered.

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:37:22 PM
He heard her, in the farthest reaches of his mind. Jared was in another world now, below his feet (What he saw) was a drop to a pool of blood, flecks of the crimson material snowed down from the heavens and he followed a streak of the same being helped by another.

He tried to make out whoevers' visage he was interpreting, but couldnt until they contiuned on much longer. Next to him, with one arm tossed over her shoulder, Xazor assisted him along.

Jerking back, Jared tore free from the Jedi and staggard down the path backwards hurridly. Behind him, Xazor stood and watched patiently.. so he saw.

"Get away from me you bedamned Jedi!" Jared raved, falling down on his rump with a 'oof'. "I dont need your help!"

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:40:54 PM
This hallucination nearly made her laugh. Aye, she had half of Xazor's soul living inside of her, and it even sometimes overpowered her will and "took over".

"Jared," she called out, knowing that there was hardly any time left.

"Do you wish to embrace Death to quickly, or live and continue to torture and kill others, reigning in power and destruction? Make the right choice, Sithling, for it may be your last."

Jared Mriad
Oct 6th, 2002, 07:45:14 PM
Holy Cow! Now this was strange! Jared thought, watching the visage of Xazor swirl into that of Darth Snack.

"Do you wish to embrace Death to quickly, or live and continue to torture and kill others, reigning in power and destruction? Make the right choice, Sithling, for it may be your last." He spoke, motioning lightly.

Jared, attempting to stand again, growled and shouted out a reply of 'Yes, Damit!' or something similar. Already his motor functions were begining to shut down, and the wound on his back began it's own transformation under the dark covers of the duster.

"Get this crap... outta... me..." Jared stammered, then slumped to the side..

Cherice St_Hilare
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:24:30 AM
Cherice began to walk towards her fallen Apprentice, frowning slightly. Reaching out with a light-purple hand (even though who knew what he say at this moment) and grasped his, pulling him up into a sitting position. After attempting to pull him up on his feet, she realized that his strength was wearing off and took a step back.

Suddenly, Jared found himself floating several inches off of the ground - due to the aid of the Force. Cherice began to walk off in the direction of the Palace, with Jared towing behind.

Jared Mriad
Oct 7th, 2002, 11:50:02 AM
Jared, nearly at the point of uncontiousness, floated along without a quarl.