View Full Version : New SW Room

Sep 24th, 2002, 05:46:15 PM
Well, we made an offer on a new house yesterday and they accepted it. We have a bonus room above the garage that I'm going to turn into a SW/billiard room. The whole process is going to take sometime. We won't be moving in until Oct. 28th. The room will be nothing but a desk and some boxes for a couple of months. I'm going to start by selling off portions of my collection that I don't want anymore. Basically, most of the 12" stuff and some other odds and ends. Then I'll start arranging displays and building shelves. I'm going to do some work with the storage areas so it'll be easier to store boxes and misc. items. I may even paint the ceiling with some kind of SW theme to replace the sky mural the previous owners put up. I hope to get a pool table in there some time next year. Like the 'Additions' thread I'm going to use this thread as a running record of the whole process. I just want to be able to look back at the room in all the stages of its creation.

Well, here is where I'm starting:

The room is 21'8" by 19'6". You can see that it's a converted attic. The previous owners refurbished the space just recently. The paint is new and the room gets plenty of light. It's just off the master bedroom and there's a seperate entrance from the side of the house. I have a feeling my wife may lock me out of the bedroom every once in awhile when I make her crazy. This is going to be lots of fun...:crack

Sep 24th, 2002, 06:08:24 PM
I love new projects like that. It will be alot of fun. When I get a home of my own, I'm going to convert the basement into a home theater/bar and hopefully have a SW room, but that's asking alot from a wife.

Sep 24th, 2002, 06:59:28 PM
A man's got to have his playroom! :cool

My wife was really great about it. During all of our house hunting she'd point out which houses had rooms that I could use to display stuff. It was tough, but we finally found a place that met most of our wants. It was also less expensive than most of the homes we were looking at.

A home theater/bar should be a lot of fun to put together JMK. If you can get the right kind of basement you might have plenty of space to incorporate SW items in your basement. It doesn't have to be wall to wall to look great.

Hey, any ideas for the ceiling? Should I just go with some white ceiling paint or should I try something more adventurous? I thought about a star field, but that might darken the room too much.

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:37:20 PM
Looks good Jedieb, one day I would like a room like that too. As for the ceiling I go adventerous, not sure what to put there though.

Sep 25th, 2002, 08:41:19 AM
I just realized I could extend that ceiling sky down and then paint a Hoth landscape around the room. What do ya think?

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:34:55 PM
That sounds like a cool idea, just curious what made you decide on Hoth.

Sep 25th, 2002, 01:41:46 PM
It was the first SW location with blue skes that popped into my head. Besides the Hoth and the Battle of Naboo, where could I go? You never see the sky at Endor because the trees are so tall, Dagobah is a cloudy and rainy environment, and everything else is a space scene. I could go with Tatooine, but there are too many clouds on the ceiling for that desert environment. Tatooine would be my second choice after Hoth, but I'd have to repaint the ceiling to get rid of the clouds. Any other suggestions?

Sep 25th, 2002, 07:00:41 PM
Maybe you could blend one scene into another. Hoth on one wall, which blends into Tatooine, to Naboo, but I realize that would be very tricky. If I married a SW freak, she wouldn't mind having the home theater/SW room together, but the gf now would never go for that.:(

Jedi Master Carr
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:48:58 PM
That is a cool idea JMK though you are probably right that would be more complicated.

Sep 26th, 2002, 09:54:03 AM
If I went with that I'd go with Tatooine on one side and Hoth on the other. Naboo just doesn't appeal to me. The gungans aren't exactly my favorite characters and while I have dozens of battle droids and a few destroyer droids, I never built up an army of Gungans. I don't even like them enough to set up a slaughter scene. A bunch of dead Ewoks I'd do, but not Gungans. ;)

Sep 27th, 2002, 02:54:59 PM
If I were a skilled painter, I would do all 4 walls in a Coruscant city-scape motif. That would be the ultimate IMO, but SO incredibly hard to achieve.

Sep 28th, 2002, 05:19:06 AM
i wish i had a whole room for my stuff

Admiral Lebron
Oct 3rd, 2002, 05:22:32 PM
I wish I had thousands of dollars worth of toys.. :cry

Oct 4th, 2002, 06:14:26 AM
My son says the same thing.
"Daddy, can I play with the Falcon?"

Oct 4th, 2002, 08:44:07 AM
That must be torment for a small kid to not be able to touch so many toys! Just be sure he doesn't grow up to resent Star Wars! :lol

Oct 4th, 2002, 07:36:13 PM
My wife went by the new house today for a home inspection. She got some more pics of the room for me. You can get a sense of scale because my little Princess is in a couple of the pictures.


The next pic will show the room full of boxes and a general disaster area. 10/28 is the big day. I can't wait!!!:crack

Oct 5th, 2002, 04:34:18 PM
That really is a pretty spacious room. I'd wager that it still won't comfortably hold that vast extensive mess that you call a collection! ;)

And that little padawan is adorable!

Oct 6th, 2002, 09:38:16 AM
Thanks, she's just an angle. In that second picture you can see there are possible storage areas with framing around them. I'm going to put hinges on them and use them as places to store boxes. I may even turn some of them into recessed shelves. My father-in-law has more power tools than you can shake a stick at. I hope to be over at his place working on little projects during the winter. The very first thing I may do is paint the ceiling. That blue sky is nice, but it just doesn't go with what I want to do. I'm just going to cover it with some white ceiling paint.

My wife and I are just going nuts. We can't wait to finally move. Life is good. :D

Oct 6th, 2002, 02:44:51 PM
I've always liked moving, but I hate packing up. I just like the unpacking part. It's always nice to move when its to a better situation than the one you're currently in, isn't it?

Oct 8th, 2002, 12:56:04 PM
What a great room Eb! Not a closet, a WHOLE ROOM!!!

I know it's early to ask, but what are u planning on selling?

Oct 8th, 2002, 05:58:06 PM
I'm selling a lot my 12" figures and some Action Fleet stuff. It's going to take awhile to sort everything out. Luckily, there's a post office a couple of minutes away so shipping stuff out will be much easier for me than it is now. If there's anything in particular that you're looking for let me know. Everything is boxed though and won't have some of it open until early November.

Oct 8th, 2002, 09:40:19 PM
Well since I started collection stuff recently (considering how long you've been collection) I'm trying to get a hold of anything older than the SE era. So I don't know anything in specific, so I'll guess we'll talk in Nov once you set everything up.

Oct 9th, 2002, 09:11:34 AM
You're talking about vintage toys (1978-1985.) After the POTF line stopped in 1985 there were no new SW toys from Kenner/Hasbro until the POTF2 line in 1995. Everything after 1994 is considered modern although there were a few SW collectibles in the early 90's. The novels come to mind. I'm not selling any of my vintage stuff, the glasses, ships, and even the old paperbacks are all gold. I'm basically getting rid of post 95 stuff that I just don't have much use for. If you're looking to fill holes in your collection you may want to get a hold of some SW collectible books or visit sites like www.rebelscum.com . They've got a great photo archive of both vintage and modern toys. I've packed it, but there was a great book by Sansweet that came out a few yeas ago that had not only toys, but all kinds of vintage collectibles. You could find everything from ESB bedsheets to ROTJ furniture in there. That's a great resource if you're looking into picking up older stuff.

Nov 17th, 2002, 05:02:54 PM
Okay, this might take awhile...



I plan on painting next Saturday. I'm going to paint the room in a traditional style. It's going to have a pool table in it one day so I'm going with green and tan. I might br able to start before Sat., but I doubt it. After I paint, I'm going to start building shelves. I'm either going to start the floor to ceiling shelves or 6 recessed shelves. Everything has to stay in boxes until I can get some shelves built.

Nov 17th, 2002, 08:21:58 PM
Yikes....that is alot of freakin boxes dude. Scary. But the goodies inside!!!!

Nov 25th, 2002, 08:58:18 PM
I spent all of Sunday painting. Here's where I'm at now:

I've got 6 openings that lead to attic storage areas. I was going to build recessed bookshelves into them but now I've decided that the number 6 is just too perfect. I'm going to cover each opening with a movie poster. Then all I'll have to do to access the storage areas is lift the posters. Man this is gonna be sweeeet... :smokin

Gurney Devries
Nov 25th, 2002, 09:18:52 PM
It's definitely a nice house. I'm jealous. :)

Nov 25th, 2002, 09:52:49 PM
I can't even envision myself in a nice house. What an expense! :x

Nov 26th, 2002, 07:57:07 AM
I've said it before, I'll say it again, you've got to get yourself a Sugar Momma! ;)

Nov 26th, 2002, 04:02:55 PM
Jedieb, you're so full of wise words! I love it! Got anything else?

Nov 27th, 2002, 08:58:54 AM
Hide your receipts in a secure location. Even Sugar Mommas have their limits. ;)

Nov 28th, 2002, 10:25:11 AM
Excellent stuff!

Dec 12th, 2002, 12:41:58 PM
Here come the shelves:

This afternoon I'll be buying even more lumber to start on the floor to ceiling shelves on the opposite wall. I doubt I'll get much done tonight though. I'm coming down with something and I think I'll be takin' some Nyquil before the day is over.o_O

Dec 12th, 2002, 08:21:25 PM
Originally posted by Jedieb
Hide your receipts in a secure location. Even Sugar Mommas have their limits. ;) You so Are my Hero!!!!!!!!

But I am kind of worriedO_o

You are starting to remind me of my older(much older) Brother. But his thing is NASCAR:x

Nice Cowboy's trash can :cool (No comments JON :p )

Dec 12th, 2002, 09:26:00 PM
Say, that's a nice saw. :)

Dec 13th, 2002, 09:35:37 AM
Ya like the trash can buff? I've got a Dolphin one that I got for my wife a few years ago. But she thinks pro football ended the day Marino retired so she doesn't pay any attention to football anymore. Crazy woman!

Heero Luna
Dec 23rd, 2002, 04:59:57 PM
let me get this straight. You've got six storage opening leading to attic storage space......and your gonna put a movie poster from each of the six movies on each opening, which in turn would lead to your toys from that particular movie?

If so...you rock!

Dec 23rd, 2002, 07:08:01 PM
The toys are going to be displayed throughout the room on the shelves. Extras and items I'm not displaying will be hidden behind the posters. I actually got a lot of work done over the weekend. I stained most of the standards. I'm going to be working on the shelves themselves next. My father-in-law will be making the moldings for me in the next few weeks. I'll probably get some new pictures up soon.

I think the posters are going to look great. There's still so much work to do before I get to a point where I can start to go through my collection and start deciding what gets displayed. I'm getting closer though... :)

Morgan Evanar
Dec 25th, 2002, 11:19:00 PM
Guhh... that space screams... not SW room to me. I want to live in a space that big

(damns his messy 10x10 bedroom)

Dec 26th, 2002, 01:08:11 AM
That's livin large!

Curses his 8 x 10 room. :\

But that Natalie Portman signed pic sure brightens it up! :D

Jan 3rd, 2003, 07:19:30 PM

I've finished cutting all of the shelves. Right after I took those I started staining the shelves. I might be able to finish them tomorrow. My father-in-law has ordered the pieces to make the moulding for the standards and the top of the shelves. It may take a couple of weeks before I'll get the mouldings and have a chance to stain them. I might actually be able to start displaying stuff before the month is over.

Jan 4th, 2003, 02:17:42 PM
You're really into woodworking aren't you? Do you have all the different types of saws to cut all of those things?

Jan 4th, 2003, 03:32:21 PM
Actually it's my father-in-law that's really into it. The saw that he's going to be using to make the moulding is over $1,000. The table saw that I'm using is one of his old saws that he gave to me a couple of years ago. My wife actually knows more about painting and staining than I do. I'd say I'm just a novice woodworker. Bob Villa would cringe at some of the shortcuts I've taken. I am proud of how the shelves are coming out. My father-in-law checks on my progress every once in awhile and he thinks it's coming along nicely. It just requires a lot of patience. The staining is taking a lot longer than I thought. I may not be able to finish it this weekend. Then I've got to go back and put a coat of Polyeurathane over the whole thing. (Another thing my wife had to teach me.)

I just want to get some toys out of their boxes!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heero Luna
Jan 4th, 2003, 04:27:55 PM
I'm looking forward to seeing some of your toys too!!
How many figures have you got?

Jan 4th, 2003, 04:30:47 PM
I've got about 1/3 of the vintage line (a yakface is one the way) and I'm pretty much caught up on everything that's been made since 95. I'm going to be making some custom steps to display all my loose figures. They'll go on top of the shelves under the air conditioning unit. It's somewhere around 300 or 400. I've never really counted.

Heero Luna
Jan 4th, 2003, 04:45:38 PM
Whats your favourite Vader figure? And Luke?

Jan 4th, 2003, 05:00:09 PM
Removable Helmet Vader, by far is my favorite Vader figure. Hasbro did an awesome job with him. The Emperor's Wrath Vader is great also. I like the Dark Empire Luke the recent Bespin Lukes have been pretty good.

Feb 11th, 2003, 09:15:47 AM
The shelves have all been cut and stained. Right now I'm in the process of putting on polyeurathane. It takes 3 coats for each side of wood. You can see from the pic that I've got 33 shelves to work on. That's 96 times I've got to put that crap on! That doesn't even count the step shelves under the AC or the standards. You have to wait 2 hours between coats so I really only have time to get one stain done a night. This week I'm in Spouse B-Day & Valentine's Day Hades so I may not be able to get any work done until the weekend. Still, I'm making progress. My father-in-law has the parts he needs to start cutting the molding so he'll be ready to start on that soon. Once I get those I'll have to stain and poly them as well.

I've made up my mind to build 2 more sets of shelves on the wall opposite of the windows. I've drawn out the plans and I'll be starting on them once I get done adding poly to these shelves and standards. Ah, the joy of carpentry....:x


Feb 11th, 2003, 02:38:43 PM
Looking good my man!
I bet you'll flat out refuse to move out of that house once that room is all completed huh?

Feb 12th, 2003, 09:58:58 AM
We're loving this place more and more. This is probably the house we're going to grow old in. I managed to get some work done last night. It took around 1 1/2 hours to get one coat on all the shelves. I didn't get any of the standards done though, just the shelves. At this rate I might be able to finish by the middle of next week.

Mar 26th, 2003, 12:34:41 PM
It's been a long time between updates but I've been pretty busy. The shelves are almost complete. I've done all the staining and polyurethaning that needs to be done. I even sanded and stained the floor molding to match the shelves. There's a few odds and ends left; a door frame needs to be stained and polyed, the standard moldings haven't been cut yet, and I'm going to be building another two bookcases for the non window side. I'm finally at a point where I can start to open some boxes and display stuff. I even bought some more stands to get figures out. I'm almost done with the first and biggest box of loose figures. I also got most of my SW books out. This is where am at so far:

After I get these figures out I'm not sure if I'm going to work on playsets, comics, or vehicles. But it's a nice distraction with all the craziness going on.

Mar 26th, 2003, 03:02:59 PM

Get some close ups in there when you get a chance!

Mar 26th, 2003, 05:00:04 PM
that is uber cool dude

Mar 26th, 2003, 06:20:19 PM
Thanks guys! I'll try to get some closeups tonight and get them uploaded some time soon. :)

Mar 28th, 2003, 11:57:23 AM
That is so sexy!

May 13th, 2003, 09:43:25 AM
Isn't this the thread Eb?

May 13th, 2003, 09:46:41 AM
I've gotten a lot of work done in the last couple of weeks. The moulding has been cut, stained, polyeurathaned, and mounted. I've gone ahead and built 2 more sets of shelves and they're almost stained. It'll take awhile to get the shelves stained and cut. Then I've got to get more moulding to cut. It looks like I might be done by the end of the month if I'm lucky.





Oh crap, just go to this link and see the latest pics if these still haven't loaded:

May 13th, 2003, 12:46:50 PM
Man! Is there anything those plastic bins CAN'T do???

May 13th, 2003, 12:53:59 PM
I use them as saw horses, paint stands, and I even lock the children in them when they get out of hand. They truly are one of nature's miracles.

May 13th, 2003, 03:38:06 PM
I think they would make pretty good flotation devices in emergency situations too!

May 13th, 2003, 06:49:09 PM
Nothing to see here, move along....