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Syren Lysandor
Sep 24th, 2002, 04:33:26 PM
"Bewitching goddess of the crossroads
Whose secrets are kept in the night
You are half remembered, half forgotten
And are found in the shadows of night

From the misty hidden caverns
In ancient magicks day
Comes the truth once forbidden
Of thy heavenly veiled ways

Cloaked in velvet darkness
A dancer in the flames
You who are called Diana, Hecate
And many other names

I call upon your wisdom
And beseech thee from this time
To enter my expectant soul
That our essence shall combine

I beckon thee O ancient one
From far and distant shore
Come, come be with me now
This I ask and nothing more."

The fire crackled as yellow and orange flames danced, embracing the night. The figures of trees loomed about the small clearing in the forest, where Tempist and Syren had journied to revive one of her oldest friends ... Syren remembered Eve in their Death - she remembered how she waited for her sister to join her in infinite Darkness.

She had already drawn a pentagram in the soil with chalk - and surprisingly, it showed. It was huge, filling up basically the whole clearing. The center would be where Eve's body would lie in peace for the last time. "Sister," she murmured after she finished drawing it. Bending down onto her knees, Syren closed her eyes and placed her hands on the dirt. It was all too easy to sense where Eve's body laid, hidden in Vega's little laboratory where he could keep his dear sister safe and sound, snuggled away from the pains of reality where he could look at her preserved whenever he felt abandoned - whenever he wanted a familiar presence to keep him company.


She had already invoked the Moon's power with the previous chant, and looked up into the sky to see it hanging lower than usual. Hecate's silvery rays descended onto the pentagram, blessing it with the "Divine" Powers of the Night -- if you could call it that.

Closing her eyes, she took in a deep breath and let loose of her soul. It wasn't really hard, being that she had been dettached from her body so long. She could feel herself being ripped apart as her soul departed from her earthly shell and into the ground. Her soul could sense Eve's, and began to head off where Vega's home was.


It was too easy to slip past the many guards, for all they felt was a gentle breeze passing by. She passed quite easily through the doors and walls, searching for Eve. It took some time, yes, but nothing was forever. Vega's secret laboratory had been found.

Standing in the middle of the room, Syren's spirit went up to the glass cylinder of where Eve's body was suspended by wires and liquid and pressed a hand against it. Her fingers slipped through the glass and was soon followed by the rest of her body, which then went into Eve. The dead Sith Knight's body was now inhabited by another spirit -- and was going to be taken to another place ...

Eve Siren
Sep 24th, 2002, 04:49:44 PM
Eve had been resting for the longest of time, though her body stopped functioning, her spirit still lived on. As soon as she was touched by a spirit, the eyes of the ex-Sith Knight's spirit opened angrily. Suddendly, she heard a chant, echoing in her mind.

Bewitching goddess of the crossroads
Whose secrets are kept in the night
You are half remembered, half forgotten
Are are found in the shadows of night

"Who's there ?!" She screamed, though only spirits around could hear her.

From the misty hidden caverns
In ancient magicks day
Comes the truth once forbidden
Of thy heavenly veiled ways

She suddendly found a spirit that oddly looked like a like her sister. Her white eyes widening as she tried to pronounce her dead sister's name.

Cloaked in velvet darkness
A dancer in the flames
You who are called Diana, Hecate
And many other names

The spirit of Eve Siren tilted her head to the side.

I call upon your wisdom
And beseech thee from this time
To enter my expectant soul
That our essence shall combine

"Syren ..." She murmured.

I beckon thee O ancient one
From far and distant shore
Come, come be with me now
This I ask and nothing more.

"..." The spirit nodded. "Take me away from here."

Syren Lysandor
Sep 25th, 2002, 03:27:29 PM
The eyes of Eve Siren opened. Except the eyes were black. It seemed as if her pupils had dilated immensely, leaving no white.

Her hands clenched into fists and her right arm yanked up, ripping some of the wires that held it in place. Using her free hand, she grabbed a bunch of wires on the other arm and tore them off. Suspended only the wires around her waist and legs, "Eve" doubled over and grabbed the cords on her waist. After getting rid of them, she was hanging upside down in the cylinder, looking out with emotionless eyes.

Forming a fist, she slammed it into the glass and it cracked. Another punch and the glass shattered, as the liquid gushed out onto the cold floor. She took hold of the wires that bound her feet and broke them, falling down into the air as she flipped herself up and landed on her feet.

Walking out of the shattered cylinder as if nothing had happened, Eve reached up and automatically ran her fingers through her short, wet hair. She glanced around at the laboratory before going to one of the walls, pressing her hand against it. It opened and revealed the rest of Fascinataru.

Going into the corridor, she flexed her muscles almost experimentally before walking through the castle. Finally, upon reaching the huge doors that led outside, Eve pushed them open and walked outside. The guards looked at her quizzically - the last time they saw her she was dead; so bloodied that it was hard to distinguish who she even was. Deciding against their own thoughts, they just stared as she walked away into the night.


She finally reached the forest clearing where Syren was, lying in a heap at the ground while Tempist watched expectantly. Eve walked to the middle of the pentagram, gave a final look around her, then laid down. There, Syren's soul departed from her and forced itself back into Syren.

Eve Siren
Sep 25th, 2002, 03:50:43 PM
Though she was dead, Eve's mind began to have flashbacks. Images of everyone she knew in her life, but one stuck in her mind. An image of Dyne Darkforce. It has been so long. Stopping at that image for a moment, it continued moving on to DK, to Shin, to Hell. Though she knew she was going to burn in hell, she never thought it would be that painful, that awful, that traumatizing. The flames, the fire ... All so painful.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:32:28 PM
The Dark One had been watching the events unfolding infront of him for a good while, and simply stared on with dark, glowing eyes. He'd opened himself up to the darkness completely for the spells that would be needed, and waited untill Syren had brought her sister here. He couldn't get Eve's body, he and the owner of Fascinataru weren't on the best terms... but he could bring her back, only with Syren's help. He stood there, head to toe in ancient Sith cloaks, the traditional atire for Sorcerry in the ancient lore and teachings. Under his arm was an old, blackened tome. One of the few surviving books of it's nature.

"When ever you are ready, young one."

Syren Lysandor
Sep 25th, 2002, 08:39:43 PM
Syren's body laid still on the ground for a moment, then rose, and cracked her neck.

"I'm ready," her voice monotone.

She looked at the still body of Eve in the middle of the pentagram, then back at Tempist. It was he who was going to do the spell - but it was something that they had both discussed some time ago.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 26th, 2002, 03:41:11 PM
Tempist nodded, still under his hood. He lifted the tome up from under his arm, and it began to float in air. He silently thumbed through the pages untill he found a particular spell he was looking for. He held his arms out to his sides, and began to murmer ancient words, older than all three of them put together. It was barely audible, some parts near silent.

"Dimh...... idehj............................. hosks...." were the only parts loud enough for anyone to hear, yet the darkness seemed to be growing overwhelming. It was only a matter of moments now.

Eve Siren
Sep 27th, 2002, 06:20:08 AM
"I left TSE."

"Nothing at all. A clumsy accident in the back; I'm not much of a cook."

"I know I'm looking at death but, it won't be that easy to beat me down."

"Come out, come out, wherever you are .."

"Fill them up, now. I'll need them in a bit."

"Please tell me you're not..."

"Yes, I am, Capashen."

"That was for shooting me, little bitch."

"Leave Eve alone!"

"The reason I left the Empire was to get you people out of this, and you're still butting in !"

"Shut up ! Don't you understand, Aurora ? You are looking up to see me, while I look down to see you ...That's our position right now."


Eve's mind was beginning to fill with her last memories, the day she died.

Syren Lysandor
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:35:29 AM
As Tempist began to chant, Syren moved towards the middle of the pentagram towards where Eve was. It was big enough for two - just what it was intended for.

Getting down on her knees, she took one last look at Eve and reached out with fingers to lightly brush them against the dead skin. "Goodbye," she whispered, then bent over to kiss the forehead. The ritual would cast out her own soul in exchange for Eve's, making her an empty shell of nothingness.

Lying down next to Eve, the red-head closed her blue eyes and took in a deep breath. A part of her kept screaming that it was too soon - that she had just begun to taste life once more. But another part told her not to be selfish and give it to a person who deserved more .. a person who could do so much more.

It was time for Eve to be ressurected.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:08:37 AM
Tempist's voice grew now, and the world turned black, except for the three of them and the pentegram, all of which glowed red.

"Ahd ko buv jeeh oah visk ko fac dok pad jnaoh!"

Syren's body stood straight up, her head tilting all the way back, mouth and eyes open as wide as humanly possible. Light was pouring out from them, and her soul flew out from her body, in a great flash of bright light. It looked like a red shadow, spirling around the pentegram. Higher and higher it flew, untill the last moment, when it plummeted down into the center of the star.

A split second later, another shadow emerged, this one tinted blue. It stood for a moment, before diving into Eve's body. It convulsed for a moment, and then fell completely limp.... except for the movement of her chest. She was breathing. She lived again.

Oddly enough, Syren's body moved too, also breathing. Tempist knew why, he knew that even the soulless lived. Syren's body was just that, just a body. She'd made the only sacrifice worse than death, to bring back her sister.

The world around them began to lighten slightly, but still seemed dark. There was but one thing left to do, to close the spell...

"Fahk jah leb."

Now the gates of hell were closed, it was sealed. One had life, the other a half-life.

Eve Siren
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:18:47 AM
Eve winced. What was this taste in her mouth ? A taste she didn't like. She opened her empty brown eyes slowly, sitting up. What was she doing here ? Wasn't she dead ? Didn't Shin kill her ? She lifted her shirt to discover scars on her stomach. She ran her fingers across them, emotionless. But then her eyes fell on the body next to her. Her eyes widened as she realized who it was. She lifted the body, making the woman sit up.

"Syren ..? Syren, wake up .."

Then her eyes searched for someone before falling on Tempist.

"Tempist ..? What, why, I don't understand ..."

Syren Lysandor
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:50:59 AM
She could remember her heart beating with fraility against her ribcage as she laid down next to Eve, her veins singing hotly as blood was circulated. She began to draw in short, unsteady gasps of breath as she waited for the ritual to be complete. She didn't want to go back down into where she had just escaped from... She didn't want to die again.

But before she could think of more heart-shattering thoughts, her world went black and swirled with pain as she felt herself being flung up into the air. It felt even more painful then her first death, as if her muscles were being torn apart and bones being broken while the last of her life essence poured out.

She fell limply back to the ground.

Syren ..? Syren, wake up .. Her head hurt, like some sort of nightmare hangover, and her eyelids fluttered open. The voice sounded like a voice of a sweet choir angel, broken by bitter grief. She felt herself being forced to sit up, and it almost felt like floating.

Syren focused her vision on the woman and realized it was Eve, although more thinking made her head pound more.

"I .. did it," she managed to get out.

The loss of her soul caused Syren's conscience to fade away with it, for now she truly was an empty shell.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:59:19 AM
As the excess darkness flowede from his body, His eyes regained their natural color and stopped glowing. He smiled at Eve, partly suprized that he hadn't been destoreid in the casting of the spell.

"...Welcome back Eve. You've missed much."

Tempist walked twards the two, and knelt down by them. He spoke softly to Syren, not wanting to aggrivate her.

"Yes Syren, you did it. You brought Eve back." He held out two hands, one for each, and offered to help them up. Eve had quite a bit of catching up to do, and they needed to make sure that Syren was alright. Only once before had he seen anyone missing their soul.

Syren Lysandor
Sep 29th, 2002, 09:06:09 AM
The soft voice of a man reached her ears, who were now very sensitive to sound, and she turned her head to look at the speaker. Who was it .. Ah, yes, Tempist ...

He offered a hand to both of them to help them stand, and she slipped hers into his and hoisted herself up. She swayed slightly on her feet, getting used to the new feeling of .. nothing. Syren looked down at her hands and clenched them, then unclenched them. Odd, she really didn't feel anything, and looked back at Eve with empty blue eyes.

She should've had a sense of pleasure that she and Tempist were successful, but she didn't. And odd enough - she liked it .. if you could say she liked anything now.

Eve Siren
Sep 29th, 2002, 09:18:51 AM
"Welcome back ..?" She arched her eyebrows as she took Tempist's hand.

With his help, she stood back up silently. She stroked her own face to see if this was another trick from the devil, but could see no reaction. Her empty gaze then fell on Syren. She put her hand on Syren's cheek and sighed. Without needing them to tell her, she understood. She just shook her head, and looked forward.

"What do we do now ?" She murmured with a monotone voice.

Syren Lysandor
Sep 29th, 2002, 09:27:41 AM
"We live."

If that was possible.

Syren felt Eve's cold hand being placed on her cheek, and knew that in a few minutes her flesh would be warm once more, with her blood circulating through her bloodstream like it once did.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 30th, 2002, 02:40:39 PM
Two and a half...Tempist thought to himself, thinking over the lives present.

"Come with Syren and me, Eve. You have alot of history to catch up on."

Tempist and Syren had found a place in the city for them to stay, somewhere perminant for Syren and Eve. Tempist had too many loose ends to tie up still, too many wrongs to set right. He'd help get them started again, and check in to say 'hi' once in a while, but he couldn't be there too often.

Eve Siren
Sep 30th, 2002, 06:58:21 PM
Eve nodded then stepped forward. Now was time for a new start, a new family, a new life. She looked at Syren sadly once more, then turned her gaze away, nodding to Tempist again. It was time to get away from here, and live her new life, given by Syren.
