View Full Version : In The Wrong Place.(open)

Raven Callador
Sep 24th, 2002, 12:30:02 PM
As Raven entered the bar and grill she was stopped by a man at the door. She was informed she had to hand over her beloved sword before she could go in. She eyed him coldly and grimaced.

"You had better make sure it is well taken care of." She grumbled under her breath.

She was to hungry to go somewhere else. She sought a shadowed corner and ordered her food. She was totally unaware that she had entered a Jedi bar. Had she known, she would have turned around and left immediately. Raven had no love for any force user.

Dropping the hood of her cloak back she glanced around. Brushing the hair from her eye's she leaned back. She was tired, to many sleepless nights, to many memories.

Graham Holfast
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:52:22 PM
"Are ya' alright thar, lass?"

A cheery voice spoke from up above Raven and as she looked up, a cheeky smile greeted her. An odd looking figure stood before her, with pointed ears and a rather mis-shapen nose, but with a jovial air about him.

"Ya' look as low as a snake's belly, if ya don't mind me saying, af course!"

Raven Callador
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:07:30 PM
Raven eyed the strange man. She had been traveling alone so long she didn't know what to do at first. "I uh... Had a bad year." She responded with a rueful grin. "Nothing I won't recover from once a debt is settled though." She muttered. She looked around and down at the food that had arrived without her noticing.

"Care to join me?" She gestured to the empty seat. She was tired of not having someone to talk to...

Graham Holfast
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:12:02 PM
"A debt? Ah, money problems eh?"

Holfast dropped down into the seat thankfully, though seemed to do so even before he was offered it.

"Why don't ya tell me about'it over a drink? What's yer poison?"

Raven Callador
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:18:23 PM
Raven cocked her head at the strange man. Her eyebrows rose slightly. "Corillian Ale will do, and no this debt has nothing to do with money." She answered without thinking about what she was saying. It was not often she spoke of the mission she was on. Not many could understand why she had to kill her sister before she could find peace.

She motioned the droid over and placed her order for the ale. She picked up the small knife that lay of the table and twirled it lightly on the tip of her finger.

"There nothing much to tell, just a debt, one that has to be paid to me."

Graham Holfast
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:21:51 PM
Pausing a moment for thought and to flag down a droid, he ordered an ale for the charming woman and a pitcher of some weak cider for himself. The droid scuttled away, and he brought one hand up to his chin to rub it thoughtfully, the signs of some laborious toil showing on his fingertips.

"If yer the one gettin' paid, an' it isn't money that ya are owed, then what is it?"

He leant forward partially against the table, shifting his weight about.

"O' course, ya don't have to tell me, just makin' the ole small talk, ya know?"

Raven Callador
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:31:03 PM
Raven thought about it for a minute and then shrugged. "Someone owes me there life. When they die I can live again." She pushed the food around in her plate. She had lost her appetite.

"Simple as that. She watched as another patron walked by, a saber attached to his belt. "Frelling force users." She muttered...

Graham Holfast
Sep 25th, 2002, 02:35:10 PM
He gave a knowing nob and pulled out what looked like a rolled up strip of paper, slipping it between his lips.

"Ah know what you mean about those Jedi," Graham replied, his voice slurred due to his trying to keep the stick perched on his lip, "A bit too ... odd for my likin', not right in the head if ya get mah meaning."

Holfast gave another curt nod before lighting the stick, causing a cloud of green to drift upwards. It was then he realized he'd moved off topic.

"Got to kill someone eh?" he said loudly, then shrunk back away from the people around, realizing his error. Looking back to Raven with a sidelong glance, he quirked a brow.

"... Ah don't suppose ya need any help?"

Raven Callador
Sep 26th, 2002, 11:04:54 AM
Raven darted her eyes around when the mans loud voice blurted out that she had someone to kill. Sighing softly she leaned forward. "Keep your voice down. They have enough security in here to start a war. Help, to hunt my sister? No, it is the hunt that I enjoy. I have let her stay one step ahead of me but her time grows short." Raven said in cold tones.

"Why do they have so much security in a bar?" It still had not dawned on her that it was a Jedi bar. She steered clear of all things connected to the force. She had been taught from childhood about the evil of all force users. It was also one of the reasons her sister Raine was hunted by her...

Graham Holfast
Sep 26th, 2002, 11:13:58 AM

His eyebrows waggled in a puzzled fashion before it dawned upon him, "Oh yah! It's the Jedi ya know, a bit paranoid about the ole dark ones, I'm thinkin'."

He rocked back in his chair as a droid arrived with their drinks and whisked up his kegg of cider, taking a hearty sip.

"So its yer sister eh? No family myself, no real job either. Just a bit of a jack, ya know? So if ya ever do find yerself in a tight spot, I'm sure I kin lend a hand. I got skills," he added with a wink.