View Full Version : Not an ordinary day. (GUE)

Dae Jinn
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:26:45 PM
*Daetana sat in a booth of the small diner on Fondor. She had sent him a message, he must have gotten it. It was so important that he be here, with her. Dae had something very important to tell him. A waitress came over to her table.*

"A glass of water, please."

*Dae rested her head on a hand, leaning her elbow on the table and sighed. She hoped he had gotten the message.*

Lord Gue
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:59:11 PM
The message had come to him as a suprise, he didnt have much contact with those he knew when he was out on his own. This one reached him rather urgently, so he responded with due haste. He couldnt recall ever visiting Fondor, but thats where he was needed.

As he entered the bar he looked around, spoting his lovely wife he sliped into the booth across from her, placing his hands over hers on the table and smiled to her.

"Hiya hun"

Dae Jinn
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:04:16 PM
*She smiled as he entered, taking his hands in hers and kissing them.*

Hi Guey. I've missed you....I have something to tell you...

*She was shaking a little and took a deep breath.*
We're going to have a new member in our family. We're going to have a baby.

Lord Gue
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:11:52 PM
"I missed you too hunny"
As she told him his eyes brightened, another son, his first had been such a happiness, he was sure with a mother to help raise with another child was sure to be even greater.
"Hhhow, well of course I know how, yikes, im gonna be a daddy again! This is wonderful hun!"

Dae Jinn
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:17:22 PM
*She laughed.*

I would hope you would remember how! And yes, it is. Very wonderful.

*she leaned over the table and kissed him lightly*
I love you Guey.

Lord Gue
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:23:37 PM
He kissed her back, a twinkle in his eye

"I love you too Guey"

Dae Jinn
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:45:02 PM
So, I guess we'll have to get things ready. I don't know what it will be yet. But I'm sure it will be smart and wonderful, just like it's daddy.

*she leaned back in her seat and put a hand on her stomach.*

Will you still find me attractive when I'm as big as a house?

Lord Gue
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:51:53 PM
"Yes we will"

He smiled brightly as he watched her, his beautiful wife and mother to be

"Of course I will hunny, you'll always be my beautiful wife"

Dae Jinn
Sep 24th, 2002, 12:03:48 AM
*She grinned*
And you'll always be my wonderful husband...

*The waitress came with her water. She took a sip and looked to Gue.*

Are you hungry? Or do you have to get back to your business? I know you are busy, but I had to tell you this.

Lord Gue
Sep 24th, 2002, 12:11:18 AM
"No, I think i'll stay just a bit longer. Did you want something to eat hun?"

Dae Jinn
Sep 24th, 2002, 06:54:52 PM
No, I don't wanna get fat.

*She made a face, puffing out her cheeks*

I'll be fat soon enough, from the baby. I hope I didn't drag you away from anything too important.
*She grinned and gave him a wink.* I know you have important things going on...

Lord Gue
Sep 30th, 2002, 11:26:42 AM
"YEah, well nothing is more important to me than my beautiful wife...."

He ran his hand softly over her belly as he smiled at her, gazing into her eyes lovingly

"...and our baby"