View Full Version : Stories of a Young Dawnstrider: Part 1

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:49:12 PM
Through a Hero's Eyes

Regret. That is a man's true enemy. Many people will say that if you regret something you have learned you lesson about that subject. I have to disagree. It shows that a man has done something he is really ashamed of. I live with regret every day. For years I kept in bundled up deep inside of me. I did not let anyone know how I felt. I even ran away from the problems I created. Like the dogs my people rose from, I ran with my tail between my legs. I have been many places, and done many things. That is my curse. The long life the Garou healing gives me also gives me a very long memory. I remember all I did as a child, and even as a young adult. I have done terrible things most people can only dream about. Some people can not even do that. I know my daughter wishs me to tell her everything about my past, but I for one am not ready. How can I tell her that one of the people she looks up to has done far worse than most Sith. She remebers little of growing up on Eden. She does not remeber the wars that were faught there. She does not remeber how the Garou live. I wish I could tell her what all I have seen and done. I am afraid that if I do she will see me for what I was for 50 odd years of my life. A monster. A cold blooded monster spawned from the Nine-Hells itself. I guess that is why I am so protective of her. I know what I have done, and do not wish her to follow the path of a "true" Garou warrior. A Killer without regret. I guess that is why I had to leave my people. I had too much to regret. She does not even know our people saw me as the greatest of Garou heros. I would hate for her to know how I got that title. Both me and my brother. She doesn't know how I let him die. All I have now though is regret. It eats a mans soul from the inside out. It tears at his brain and drives him to madness. In that madness he does even more things he starts to regret. A cycle that will never stop. The strongets generals break down from it. The cruelist man even cries. I hope she never has to live with the reget that I have to. She sees me as cruel for not telling her about my childhood. I for one see it as a kindness. Then again, I may even begin to reget not telling her as well. Life is truely funny.

- from the privite Jounals of Verse Dawnstrider

42 years ago..........

::Battle raced across the plains of Eden. The primitive Ciz nation of Eden had grew in large numbers. The Garou could not stand it. They were a warrior nation. The true ruler of Eden. Only the Ciz stood in there way. Soon they would all die. The Garou would crush them if they did not bow down to them like all teh otehr races of Eden had to. The upstarts had to be controled. This was just a normal raid. Even the Garou were pressed for food. The whole damn planet was a wasteland. Nothing but dust and blood. Herd animals once lived on Eden, but the Ciz and Garou killed most of them off. The Garou raided Ciz territory and killed many of there animals. The Ciz in turn did they same to the Garou. After many many long years of this both nations were slowly starving. This was a small farm. A scouting party had found it. The leader of this party was not of high socil standings amoung teh Garou. Both he and his brother were from a low class family. They did have one thing speical that sent them apart. they were twins. This was very rare in teh Garou world. Because of such theyw ere made the leaders of a small scouting party. Many low class citizens did not even get this far in life. These two were lucky.::

"Kill Them all! Do not even let the woman and children live. We can not let them tell the leaders of the Ciz Empire."

::The black haired twin shouted these orders from his large Dire Wolf mount. His Blond Haired brotehr nodded his head. He agreed fully. Letting the women and children live would make the Ciz, as well as teh higher ranking Garou, beleive that this party was sowardly. The two twins could not allow that. Teh blond haired one smiled and looked at his brother. The younge Garou kicked teh sides of his mount letting it know to charge into the fight. The black haired brothers laughed and followed fight behind him. Blond took out his sword and sliced the throat of a woman as he ran by. His wolf grabbed up a little child as it ran snapping it's neck. Blank jumped off his mount and engaged a lone warrior. The much more skilled Garou killed teh Ciz with little problem. These were all farmers. None were fighters. Blond threw his sword and caught a runing man in the back. His troops sliced up all they came across. Black grabbed a man and pushed him into a wall of a building. Blond finished the job by ramming a rock he found on teh ground into the man's skull. Blood splated as the skull was crushed. the two brothers laughed and kept there grim work up. Blond looked and watched many of the farmers families run into a barn. Blond whistled and his mount ran to him. Fresh meat fell from it's jaw, and blood covered it's paws. Golite was well trained. He was able to fight on his own with his rider. Blond pulled a bow and arrow from the makeshift saddle on Golite's back. Black laughed and he pulled some flint from his own mount's bag. Striking the rocks together Black set Blond's arrow ablaze. With a sadistic grin Blond let the arrow fly into heyloft. The Garou had little use for hey, so he cared not if it burned. The lumber could be used though, but Blond could not pass this up. The building burst into flames at once. teh screams of the women and children could be heard. It was Blond's turn to give orders.::

"Grab there wagons and blockade teh doors. I do not want so much as a fly getting out that ride to teh Nine-Hells!"

::The Garou scouts did as they were told. The screams kept on till the flames grew white hot. Then the died down. The council would be pleased to hear how the people died. It mocked the Ciz's Gods and everything they stood for. The twins only smiled. Once they, and there men, had finished off the rest of the farmers, the gathered upa ll they could. They took all the food and placed in the wagons they found. The Garou then tied the wagons to there own mounts. They took everything they could fit in the wagons. All were quiet on the way home. the wolves knew the way. That allowed the scouting party to nurse each others wounds. The had not lost a single man. All twenty Garou smiled. They had killed 50 farmers and there families. After a few days they came to the base of the mountain they called home. The gates opened for the younge warriors. Black and Blond dismounted and made there way down the streets they called home.

Black turned to look at his brother. Both had washed ina sream on the way home. He ate one of teh fruits they had found at teh small farm. With a playful punch to his brothers arm, he yawned.::

"You know the council wants to speak to us brother. They are very pleased in our raid. They are even more pleased with you. How is it you always grab the spot light Verse?", the Black haired twin asked.

"I guess you just have to be more ruthless Pivo. Grow some balls. That or rip them from the next Ciz you kill and sew them to your crotch." Verse replied.

::Pivo only laughed. Verse always was the attention hog. He got most of the girls and most of the credit in battle. He was flashy, arrogant, and a heartless killer if need be. He was a true Garou warrior. Not that Pivo was any different. He just was more laid back. Verse made the jokes, and Pivo laughed at them. It was a perfect brotherly relationship. He would not let his brother win this time though.::

"Well, no matter how I get them I plan to atleast use them. Unlike a certain brother I know. All the girls try and drop hints, and little innocent Verse doesn't pick them up."

"I did get that red-haired girl a few weeks back."

"Please, she more or less raped you. I on the other hand...."

"....Was turned down by her younger sister, then slapped in teh face when you tried to push the subject furter."

::Pivo just laughed. Verse laughed with them as they walked. The two felt they were made for glory and honor. Hopefully teh Council would agree.::

Sep 23rd, 2002, 07:37:21 PM
*Verse felt two smaller arms wrap around his neck from behind as he was tackled by a young woman dressed in light battle armor. She wore a chest plate stained with blood and armlets over a dark shirt and pants. Her long brown hair was done in Garou braids, and a smile was on her lips.*

"Verse!!! Everyone is talking about you!"

*Santhia had known Verse and Pivo since they were small children, they had played together and trained together. Now she stood over the fallen blond and gave him a playful kick to the rear. She was a warrior, like them, but in a different scouting party. She rested her foot on Verses' back, holding him on the ground.*

"You're still a show-off. One day it's going to get you into a lot of trouble!"

*She took her foot off him and turned to Pivo, hugging him gently around the waist. Santhia looked down at Verse still smiling.*
"I'm guessing the raid went better than expected, especially since the Council wishes to speak to you two."

Zandaria Manaachia
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:21:44 PM
"That makes me quite ill......."

A young woman said softly to a man who sat beside her....both perched high atop one of the richest estates on Eden. Her eyes drifted over the bloody men that walked by her......throwing up their sashes to land at her feet.....offering their sword and their life for her. She simply shook her head and looked on. One man in particular caught her eye. A Verse Dawnstrider.......of course, a name she had heard of through the tight chains of people that drifted over the sacred planet.

"What do you think he will do with his life?'

She questioned, tilting her head to the side as the blonde man passed beneath the large deck the pair sat upon. He looked up for but a moment, only to see the young Zandaria look away.

"I do not know, my daughter....it is hard to tell. Sad is the life of one who kills so needlessly.....at least we have true Warriors Blood in our veins."

The woman sighed gently and looked on as the troops passed by them.....still her gaze followed the one whom she had heard so much of.....yet, was afraid to meet. She caught the look of a woman who followed closely beside him.....and silently she let out a sigh.....thinking he had already chosen a mate....or several of that matter. She had no interest in him thoughl.....right? Only time would tell the true tale.....

"Oh your time will come, Zan.......your time will come....."

The old man beside her chuckled as he said the words and his eyes too shifted to follow the troops that passed by. The words echoed through the ears of the young woman and she shook them out, then nervously brushed the wrinkles from her silver robes....and pushed her blonde hair behind her head, a few braids with silver coins on each end, fell gently together as she drifted off deeply into her thoughts....

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:56:05 PM
::Verse laughed and jumped to his feet. Dried blood stained his breastplate. Santhia had grew up with verse and his family. Life on the lower class was hard. Most grew up to be low class foot soilders. Santhia had raised through the ranks because of her superior fighting skills. Even the nobles, who had elite trainers, found Santhia more than a handful. She had helped Verse even though he and Pivo were a couple of years older than her.::

"Your just mad because I was kickin' ass and taken names......"

::Santhia laughed as she hugged Pivo. Verse laugehd as well and looked up as they walked. One of the nobles looked down at him. Verse looked at the young woman. His heart skipped a beat. Then she turned her head. That was one of the council member's daughter. He suddenly came back down to Eden. His head no longer in the clouds, he motioned for his brother and freidn to start walking again. They had little time. The Council did not like to be held up. The town was rather large, so the trio had to make haste. oon they came to The Temple of Gaia. Inside was the Council of 15. They were nobles that ruled the Garou. Verse and Pivo took their spots in teh middle of the room. They bowed in unison and called out in stronge voices.::

"We have answered you call wise ones. Tell us what you wish....."

::It was a standard greeting when meeting with the Council. Every Garou knew it by heart, though few lower class members had to say it. Mostly only the higher ranking officers were called. It was rare that low rank grunts like Verse and Pivo were called. Verse looked up. He saw the young woman again. All he could do was stare. It was not uncommon that nobles 'slumed' it for a bit. Most thought the idea of living in filth was exciting. Verse had done it all his life. He was more than ready to give that up. At once teh senior Council Member spoke.::

"Verse and Pivo. You have made a name for yourselves the few weeks. Three raids in one month. That is a good record. That, and you haven't lost a soilder yet. Not bad for lower class scum."

::Both the brothers winced at that. Pivo jumped at the chance to put nobles in there place why on the battle field. The dark haired Garou knew this wasn't the time though. The Council Memeber wasn't done though. Like most older Garou...he was long winded.::

"That is why we need to...borrow you. There are reports of a few major farm camps within one weeks march. They hold valubale food and materials. We can do without them, but we might as well try and get them. I'll get to the point though. We need you. Both you...and that warrior b^&$% of a friend, are all skilled warrior. Not as skilled as many though, but skilled for low class soilders. It gives you a chance to get these things for us. We could send the higher ranking officiers, but of they die.....we lose nobles. You and your band are all low class. You can all die and within weeks we can have more like you. You low class scum breed like damn cockroachs. I guess that is all you have to do though. More or less, that is why we want to send you. You are all expendable."

::Verse looked at Pivo and shrugged. Pivo just snarled. He kept his cool though. Atleast they had a mission. One for the Council at that. Very few can claim that....if this was even worth claiming. Verse sighed. He felt this was a waste of his talent. He should be leading armies, not doing grunt work. Killing farmers was fun, but he found little challenge. Under him and Pivo, there group had gotten pretty good. Some even said they were better than some nobles. All in All, Verse was disapointed. The council had called him to say he was expendable. Verse sighed. Pivo looked at him and nodded. The twins spoke in unison again.::

"We hear, and we obey wise ones."

"Good, not get out of my site. Your very presence defiles the Temple...", The council member replied.

::Verse breathed deep and left. He really was in for a long couple of weeks.::

Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:18:56 PM
*Santhia has waited outside, hearing most of what the Council had said. She scowled as Verse and Pivo came out.*

"Those bastards! Thinking some sad Ciz could kill US!"
*She slid up next to Pivo, slipping her arm around his waist. She sighed.*
"We're much better warriors than all the Nobles put together!"
*They walked back into town slowly. Santhia wore a sour look the whole time.*
"Oh, if I could get a chance to fight one of those stuck-up prisses." *She let Pivo go, walking backwards in front of the brothers. She unsheathed her sword, swinging it in her palm. She swung the heavy sword with ease, the silver blade flashing as she pretended to slay the Nobles.*
"I'd lob off their heads and keep their ears as trophies!"

Pivo Nightstriker
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:54:02 PM
Pivo laughed and yawned.::

"No dought that you could. Hell, you could take me and Verse with ease!"

::Pivo Nightstriker smiled. Garou custom did not allow him to share the same last name as his brother. He was the younger one, so he had the opposite name. Verse was Dawnstrider. Pivo was the opposite, Nightstriker. It was well urned though. He loved the night. He had little luck with ladies. He always got his foot in his mouth really fast.::

"They have Noble blood though. There families faught hard to have the privalige to call themselves Garou nobles. That is ok though. Soonw e will be up there. Then we can tell them to kiss our asses all day long. After they see teh trail of bodies we leave behind, they will have to make us nobles. Then they will eat loads of crow."

Sep 29th, 2002, 07:29:04 PM
*Santhia sheathed her sword and rested her head on Pivos' chest and sighed.*

"I hope one day...That would be bliss. No more listening to them prattle on about how we're scum..."

*She buried her face into his chest, putting her small arms around his waist.*