View Full Version : Look what the Jackel dragged in...

Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:29:58 AM
Inu-Aku walked into the main hall with his katana slung over his shoulder, a cocky smile upon his face. Following him was Murrpau, the former slave child.

"Ho, there!" he called to the darkness.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:44:19 PM
Indeed, Murrpau followed the Sith guide through the large iron doors which held secrets long remembered. The room was just as she visioned. Dark with pillars supporting the roof.

Inu seemed quite at home in this place, Murr on the otherhand would have to adapt. She would love it, and she would become stronger.. and get her revenge.

Already, a slightly angered but inaudible growl issued forth from her vocal cords in rememberance.

"This is the Order, Inu?"

Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:48:51 PM
He gave an annoyed sigh.

"Yeah, this is it...You wouldn't know it...not like there's ever anyone here..."

Sep 24th, 2002, 05:29:56 PM
Sasha entered the room at this moment. Inu, he had kept a close eye on. They had had a few conversations,and most of them had led the knight to believe that Inu, much as he had been, was frustrated, and in need of someone to give him some direction.

And rather than allow his brother of the order to make a mistake as he had, he was working hard to prevent it.

"Your words are unbecoming of an apprentice of the Sith Order. You should know by now that your eyes deceive you. Though the elders may not be visible, if you practiced you lessons with the force, you would feel their presence." He stated disapprovingly, his violet eyes staring for a moment at Inu in a stern gaze.

And then he directed them to the child, leaving Inu to consider his words.

"And who might you be?" He asked, his tone of voice losing the disapproval, yet hardly sounding enthusiatic.

Sep 24th, 2002, 07:34:36 PM
Murr somewhat shrank back, not physically, from the new power. Standing her ground, Murr replied slowly and with a tad bit of curiosity,

"I'm.. Murrpau.. uh.. sir.."

Sep 24th, 2002, 07:57:54 PM
He could feel her shrink back, though the natural curiousity of a child her age made her stand her ground. But she had been storng, andshe was respectful. He nearly smiled.

"Murrpau, hm?" He repeated her name, the hint of a smile finally tugging at the corners of his lips.

"I like that name." He added, his tone of voice softening a bit. He pushed back the hood of his robes, revealing his face, finally. Bright violet eyes looked to the young girl. He was only slightly less intimidating, for the stern expression in his features, rarely truly completely left.

"And what brings you here, Murrpau?" He asked, extending his hand to her, offering to lead her over to a more comfortable area of the room where she could sit down.

Sep 24th, 2002, 08:13:32 PM
Inu-Aku watched their exchange, climbing a pillar to sit in the high rafters.


But he was considering Sasha's advice. So far, Sasha had been the most tolerant...perhaps the closest person to an ally...he jumped down off the rafters and looked back at them.

"Sasha, take care of Murrpau. Murrpau, I'll be back soon. Give them no trouble. You may use my room for the moment."

He left them to their own devices, a plan formulating in his mind as to how he could attain the necessary skills to make allies of this Order's members...

Sep 24th, 2002, 08:16:56 PM
Murr took the offered hand from Sasha and let herself be lead to a seat, "I want to grow stronger so I can take revenge on someone.." She said in responce to the question, ears low she continued, "there's an Aqualish who is into the slave trade, I... was.. uh.. bought and covetted.. sorta.."

It was evident that this was difficult for her, partially fear from the darkness of the place and the uneasy feeling with it. "I want.. to get revenge.."

Sep 25th, 2002, 08:03:57 AM
As Sasha led Murrpau to a seat, he mentally sent a message to Inu.

You will not give me orders on what I should or shold not do, [I]apprentice. These thoughts were not angry, but they were stern.

She will be fine with me. I will see to her needs. Had Inu not left on his own accord, Sasha would have dismissed him. Not out of pulling rank, but because Sasha wanted to speak with the young girl without others around to influence her words. This was a major life decision, and not one thathe felt should be reached under duress or influence of any sort.

As he sat down with Murrpau, he leaned forward, his elbows coming to rest casually on his knees, his left hand playing idly with a silver ring he wore on the pinky finger of his right hand.

He sighed softly.

"Revenge." the words rolled easily off his tongue and he smiled faintly.

"I would not suggest joining the order for revenge, only. The Sith Order is not only a family, but a way of life. A way of life that you must be committed to for a very, very long time. Your lifetime, perhaps."

His violet eyes studied the girl for a moment.

"If your only motivation is revenge, you will find life here to be difficult. Your motivation must come from something within you." As he said this, his hand moved to his chest, patting it in explanation.

And then he stood, his boots clicking on the floor as he paced slightly. Gently, with the force, he probed, pulling bits and pieces of sordid memories from her. They angered him, seeing what she had gone through. And then he sat down again and looked to her.

"Do I scare you, young Murrpau?" He asked. He wanted an honest answer, and he would know, would feel it if she lied.

Sep 25th, 2002, 09:58:05 AM
"Do I scare you, young Murrpau?" The man asked, how could she lie?

"Yes.." She whispered, head lowered. He radiated a strange aura, and it made Murr feel uncomfortable. Figiting with her fingers, Murr tried not to make contact with the violet eyes of Sasha.

"I do want to become stronger.. other than the revenge part..." She thought aloud, ears low as well as downcast emerald eyes..

Sep 25th, 2002, 02:48:11 PM
Her whisper was barely audible. But he heard her answer, and he liked that she had been honest with him. But he didnt like the fact that she was scared. Clearly she had been through much, if he, with his more gentle manner than most of the other sith, scared her.

He reached a hand gently to her chin, sending, as he did this, thoughts to her to let her know he was not a threat. Not at this moment. He lifted her chin until her emerald eyes came into contact with his. And then he withdrew his hand.

"Perhaps there is something we can do to change that." He suggested. His voice bordered on gentle, but there was too much seriousness in it to be completely reassuring.

"Has Inu told you anything about the Order?" He asked.

Sep 25th, 2002, 06:27:24 PM
"Not much, he just told me that the Order can teach me to become stronger, but very slowly.." Her voice also had a tinge of seriousness around it, but blanketed in a thin layer of fear build from past days, "..but other than that, not at all.."

Sep 25th, 2002, 06:30:43 PM
Sasha nodded.

"Dont you think it might be wise to know something more about the order before you decide to join it?" He asked gently.

He was an impatient sort of fellow who had, in his past made rather rash decisions. Over time, he had deveoped patience, and the ability to think before he acted. It was quite a helpful thing at times.

Sep 25th, 2002, 06:40:05 PM
All Murrpau did in responce was gently bob her head twice, signaling a 'yes'.

Sep 25th, 2002, 07:11:22 PM
He nodded.

"Then let me tell you a bit about it, and when you're ready, you can decide the path you'd like to follow."

"The Sith Order is a family. Not of blood, though we might at well be. Our bonds are stronger than even blood can supply. When you join, you gain a family, and the responsibilty that comes with having every member as your brother or sister."

"We're dedicated to the ancient teachings of the sith, to the dark side of the force. As a sith, you will learn that there is no such thing as fear, there is only power. There is no such thing as weakness, there is only the Dark Side to guide you. It is a way of life, Murrpau. And it is darker than you could ever, ever imagine."

"You will not be a prisoner here. You will be free to come and go as you choose. But you will have a responsibility to the Order, and it would be unwise, perhaps even fatal, to commit any acts against the order, or leave permanantly without the well wishes of the elders."

"Do you understand all that I've told you so far? Do you have questions....?

Sep 26th, 2002, 10:53:01 AM
"I understand, and have no questions.." Murr replied, a small glint in her eyes. The statement about a family like bond had hit the spot, as well as references to strength and power, inside her.

Had she ever had a family? None that Murr could remember, allways the trade.. always..

Sep 26th, 2002, 05:06:02 PM
He would have been more comfortable had she had questions, but in time, he knew, she would.

He nodded, still wanting to know more about this young girl who had come to the order for revenge.

"And the things I told you, what do you think of them?" He asked.

Sep 27th, 2002, 10:19:34 AM
"Well... it seems inviting to me.. the prospect of finally having a real family of sorts is invigorating," Murr mused, "I want to forget weakness.. fear.. all of that, because if I dont he'll just come back over and over.. but if I do not fear him, he is afraid of me... perhaps."

She gave a moment ot herself to examine Sasha secretly, what had he thought of it?

Sep 27th, 2002, 10:47:29 AM
he did not respond for a moment as he judged the sincerity of her words. When he was satisfied, he stood up. He'd caught her quick questioning expression, as if she were sizing him up, or trying to read his reaction.

Im quite satisfied with your answer. He said, speaking in her mind, as if to let her know that there was more to someone than met the eye. Physcal appearances said very little of a person's inner thoughts.

He smiled slightly. He could feel that he made her uneasy. Perhaps because he was a man, and becuase of this, she was reminded of the one she wanted so badly to get revenge upon.

"Come...follow me. I'll show you castle, and perhaps...we can see about making this one fear you."

A gleam of something flickered in the violet depths of his eyes.

"He will be sorry one day, Murrpau, very very sorry that he ever lived..." He added, his own anger at the way the girl had been treaed filtering through into his words.

With this, he led her towards the doors to the palace.

(ooc: Im out of town for the weekend, but consider yourself a member, and feel free to being posting about the palace, grounds, etc. Masters are not being assigned, but you can join in the group missions, or if you really want a master, perhaps post in the discussion chamber, or PM someone directly. *grins* Welcome to the Sith Order. :) )