View Full Version : Sunset at Arcan IV (TBH vs GJO)

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Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:03:26 PM
Long, long ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

The Force in the galaxy had changed.

Unknown to those not sensitive, there were lines of energy that criss-crossed the galaxy, connecting all life of any kind in an infinitely complex web that sustained itself. Those with training could see the lines and follow them to their source, be it a person, a creature, or even a Jedi. In its' totality, it was like viewing a map- some systems were systems of great power in the Force. There were places that power had been drawn on by the system's inhabitants and shaped into works of civilization. There were other places not yet visited that burned brightly with the fires of natural life.

Arcan IV was a poor location to see the change from. It was hardly centrally located and the Light the Jedi presence had brought to it blinded them from seeing exactly what had happened to the Force in the sector where the planet Vjun lay. It was, in short, beneath their noses where they couldn't see.

The Jedi had moved now to Coruscant, their main facilities having been established there for two weeks. Most of the Jedi lived there now, and some of the Masters among them could see from this central position evidence of the changes that had been wrought by the Dark Jedi Hobgoblin two months prior in the sector that housed the Vjun system.

But in committing themselves to the center of the galaxy, the Jedi had also removed the few lingering reasons the Black Hand's Dark Jedi had remained inert.

And the Jedi were now to find out that the vacuum left at Arcan IV would be filled with dire consequences...


The capital city of Arcan IV had been much changed by the presence of the Jedi. Where once criminals had free run of the streets, honest citizens now walked. Traffic had been organized, the bureacracy was more efficient- even the buildings had lost their grimy pall.

It was a beautiful example of what could be accomplished by the inspiring presence of the Light Side.

Hobgoblin gazed over this shining city from beneath the hood of a black robe and behind a curiously crafted mask that hid his identity. A lightsaber rested beneath the folds of his clothing, but he was not ready to make use of it yet. Things did not feel right.

The Force flowed through Hobgoblin's senses, and he could feel the vibrancy of familiar lines, lines belonging to his brothers and sisters. They had already invaded the capital city, unnoticed, and some had reached the positions where they would wait at the ready. When they were all in position, the Force would feel proper to him, and that was when it would begin.

Minutes ticked away. At the far horizon, the sun lazily drifted downward.

And then, when it was exactly halfway set, Hob could feel everything was ready. He would have to inform the rest of his brethren.

~Stay masked,~ was all he sent. They would know what to do.

Slowly, deliberately, Hobgoblin began to walk down the main road in that city, radiating waves of dark emotion as he went.

Around him, people began to argue, then fight one another. Speeders in his vicinity crashed as their drivers suddenly panicked inexplicably. Chaos began to spread like wildfire.

And the Hobgoblin walked on.

(ooc) Okay Dark Jedi, show your stuff! And remember gang- let's keep everything organized, so that we don't lose what's going on!

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:54:32 PM
Satine whistles as he pulls on his sleeveless leather duster--his weapons belt underneath that. Opening the door to his quarters, Satine takes a moment to think. He was one of the few Jedi left, and he was intending to stay. The world could use a Jedi protector, and, add to that the fact that Satine didn't like to change places once he got settled in, and you can see why he stays. Walking out of his apartment building, and into the street, satine's mouth drops.

Around him was utter chaos. People fighting, speeders crashing. What was going on?

"What the hell?" Satine asks himself, looking around.

{OOC:It IS open, right? :)}

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:23:32 PM
De'Ville walked through the streets of Arcan Prime, a mile or so away from where the Goblin was causing a ruckus. She had his apprentice at her heels, and they were both wearing street clothes. No robes or anything else to set them apart from the rest of the populace.

Lilaena kept herself dead in the Force, not using it even a little bit. A vornskr might have been able to sense her innate ability, but without touching the Force, it was hard for any other Force users to detect. De'Ville's own apprentices, teh two that were members of the Hand, were here on the surface, somewhere. Getting into place, no doubt.

She looked to the side, at her companion. "Do you have the substance?" They turned a corner and continued walking nonchalantly.

Kregain Richtien
Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:53:53 PM
[I]He walked down the streets, it was like a different time. The streets were clean, the people walked around freely. Nothing like in the times of the rebellion, those were much grimer days indeed. The threat of immenent imperial invasion always seemed to be a weight on these peoples backs. Rebel supporters, every single one of them, though it mattered not now, this was a free world.

He had been drawn here on his quest to find his reason to be, his true call to exist. He had been on his way back to the place it had all started, that unamed planet on the fringe, where he almost lost his entire regiment and if not his own life. Suddenly a choice had brought him here, an unconscious choice, but here he came, and for what? Nothing that he could see.

That was, until the havoc comensed....

The trail of a small shuttle flashed by, his hair shuffling as it passed him over, carening into a nearby building. He rolled his eyes towards it, giving it no real attention. A small handblaster rained fire down from a window above, not firected at anyone apperently, just fireing off at random. Leaning down he pressed his fingers against the scortch mark on the ground, slightly warm. It was a self defense model most obviously, the person firing it must be panicked, they were well outside effective range.

Standing straight up again he watched, the once calm street was starting to turn into a mass of small fights and chaotic scenes. Except for one man, a short man, a slowly, yet suspisciously calmly walking man.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 23rd, 2002, 04:49:00 AM
:: Lance had heard a lot of nosie coming from outside, as he rose to his feet from his bed he looked out of the window, flames and chaos were spreading everywhere the Knight grabbed all his weapons, Lightsaber, Strider Blade, Throwing objects, plasma grenades, mixtures, and put on his strider tunic, covering his face. He sensed strong dark presences throughout the planet what was going he wondered, as he jumped out of his window and stood gripped to the wall he descended slowly into the streets and ran up into the fights and crashed without beeing noticed using his strider abilities, he hid in the shadows of one of the building and looked around noticing Satine standing at a close distance from him.::

"Gulp the hell's going on."

:: Lance then ran towards Satine without making a noise and jumped at the top of a speeder near him.::

"Do you feel it? The force signatures.." A voice rose from behind Satine.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:47:20 AM
Oriadin too was still on Arcan IV. This was his entire past. He still couldnt remember anything of his past before comming to the Jedi Order. This was like home to him. He was looking forward to his move to Courusant though. They would be much closer to the goings on of the galaxy and would be able to do more good. He wanted to stay back as long as possible though, to savour the memories. The plan was to keep a training base here but it wouldnt be the same.

Oriadin was in his quarters gathering his few belongings. Mainly his Jedi robes and data pad. he felt a distubance all of a sudden. Not good. Not good at all. Something was very wrong here. He dropped his small bag back onto his bed and ran out of the building. Chaos everywhere it seemed. What was going on? Oriadin sensed danger and so ran into the Academy. He had no weapons of his own so decided to borrow one of the sabers from the sparring rooms. He threw open the door and using the force summond the nearest saber to his hand. He dashed back outside to see if he could work out what was going on.

Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:54:13 AM
Zeke sat atop a building, arms folded and legs crossed, his cardboard box next to him, his posture and facial expression one of utter defiance. He didn't like the decision to move to Coruscant, not at all. Something about it didn't seem as friendly...Below, the sudden roar of a crash brought Zeke out of his thoughts. He moved the edge of the roof, surveying the carnage and the lone man walking down the street.

Jibrielle Abunai
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:50:52 AM
Clothed only in that of which any other streetgirl might wear, Jibrielle and Lilaena slipped unnoticed into the neverending crowd. To tell the truth, the Apprentice was slightly excited ... well, only slightly.

Turning her head to look at Lilaena, she nodded.

"Yes," she whispered.

It was inside her tattered jacket's inner pocket, so it couldn't "fall out by accident".

She instantly switched the look of serious to one of a childish curiousity, so that it looked like Lilaena was her mother and they had come here for a visit.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 23rd, 2002, 01:18:51 PM
Wei was walking past, finishing up some business on Arcan when he brushed against a girl who was walking with a woman.

"Pardon me," he said absent-mindedly. Then time paused for a moment as something falshed before his consciousness. Something evil. Wei shuddered and went on. There was no way. He was just nervous about the move was all.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 23rd, 2002, 02:52:54 PM
Ki Adi Kindo was constantly trying to get comforatble within the comforts of his warm bed, but no matter what, it just wasn't working out. The forthcoming move to the vast planet of Coruscant seemed to remain a continuous nuisance, for Arcan was his beloved home, and he did not want to abandon it. Failing to get any rest whatsoever, he decided to arise and go out onto the compact balcony for a serene glimpse of the night skies, something he found himself doing often. He rubbed his azure eyes, his blurry vision gradually returning to him. It was then when he noticed crowds of enraged citizens displaying disrupting behavior, not like normal at all.

Ki Adi knew something just wasn't right about it, so being the inquisitive man he had always been, he leapt off of the high perch, landing without any injury in the least. He was dressed in his casual clothing, brown pants and a green shirt, and his lightsaber. After relocating the roaring inhabitants, he began to stroll in their direction, still confound to why the crowds were acting they way they were.

Slayn Cloak
Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:46:44 PM
Slayn had been on this dislikable planet for cycles now, though his company wasn't so terible. He had been welcomed and under watch at the GJO on Arcan IV Navaria Tarkin. However, wasn't all wasted, Slayn had learned much about the area, and the woman alike.

Slayn walked down an access road, he wasn't very far away from the commotion, but to Naviria, he couldn't had been farther away. She was convinced he had left abruptly two cycles ago. He had figured out their connection and would now use it as an asset to the hand...

Slayn was supposed to rendezvous with Milivikal just a half click ahead. It was a short distance away from their target, and on a little traveled route. There were many Jedi about still, and with all the commotion their power could be felt. No one els seemed to be using this road, but there was a figure ahead.

Liam Jinn
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:09:24 PM
The day had been relatively uneventful, at least compared to the last few weeks. Liam spent most of the morning saying goodbye to a few friends he had made while on Arcan. Not too long ago he had entered the bar, only buying a quick drink before leaving. He did not want to go to Coruscant, but it was his duty as a council member.

Personally, he did not feel comfortable on the planet. He had spent some of his youth there, and enjoyed it. But so many things had changed since then, including himself. Shaking the thoughts out of his head, he paid for the drink and left the bar. To his immediate left, a fight had broken out. With the aid of the force, he separated the two men but before he could question them, they ran off.

Suddenly the building behind the Jedi Master seemed to explode, cries rippling in the force.

"What in the frell is going on here?"

Slowly he began to make his way through the streets, the civilians obviously distressed about something. Perhaps it was the Jedi leaving, but something told him the problem was elsewhere.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:22:44 PM
ooc: we are quite a ways away from the Hobgoblin, as stated in my first post, if there was any doubt. /ic:

De'Ville took Abunai's hand, although the age difference was really not great enough to be convincing. Her face was somewhat aged, however, as years of using the Dark side had their way with her body. "Come then, sister." She guided the girl with the scars on her face down another, more obscure alleyway. The crowds were far behind them, and De'Ville was sure that there were Jedi already responding to the crowds in the downtown shopping area.

The building they were heading for was still a few blocks away, but they would be there soon. Jibrelle was an able girl, almost a woman, really. De'Ville had a wandering thought about her own apprentices, both of whom were...well...on planet.

Rognan Dar
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:02:09 PM
Rognan was walking the halls thinking that this was just a normal day when there was a explosion out side of the Jedi order. He ran to the big doors and open them to see people running around and houses on fire, think about nothing else he ran out to get a better picture of the whole thing.

Once he was close enough to the mayhem he could see people fighting each other and speeders crashing. There was a explosion at the house he was standing next to that through him across the street, hitting the out side wall of the house.

He stood up with parts of his clothing burned of, and smoke rising off his body. He looked at the house that just exploded and heard crys for help inside. Jumping to his feet he ran to help the person that was inside. The door was on fire but that didn't stop him, he kicked the door down and ran inside to see a man on the floor not moving, he picked the man up and carried him outside to check if he was alright. He checked for a pulse, there was, but it was faint, and he was breathing so that meant he was still alive. Picking him up again he ran to a clear spot to treat his wounds, after that he left him there to see if anyone else needed his help.

Milivikal k'Vik
Sep 24th, 2002, 12:12:11 AM
The Siren wandered about the area designated to be... what was the woman's name? ...Deeja Hadrit. That was it. Mili looked different, of course, with the other woman's heavier figure, dark brown hair and blue eyes. She kept the pale skin though, and coughed frequently, making trips to the rest room with regularity.

Deeja's supervisor at Arcan's main fusion plant, while visibly concerned, accepted Milivikal's very convicing dismisal of "Deeja's" troubles In reality, she had figured how to shut the thing down... and had been slowly doing so for the last hour. Subtle, critical misalignments that would cascade if pressed.

Soon it would be time. Slayn needed to finish his part if the whole plant was going to cease.

Korik Bannor
Sep 24th, 2002, 01:06:44 AM
He already had prepared for his departure from Arcan IV and thought to spend one last evening on the planet before leaving. The augery he felt was dark and dreadful, like a shadow sifting behind him. It made his skin crawl but at the same time filled him with determined resolve.

Minutes ago, the padawan heard the thunderous crash blocks away. As Korik stalked the sidewalk with a swift gait, he was soon aware of the encroaching chaos. It visibly troubled his stern visage as he fought his way through the humanity. All the while a disturbance of the Force alerted him that more than meets the eye when he reaches the source of these shadowy events. Were we under attack? Korik questioned himself.

Maester Wargrave
Sep 24th, 2002, 02:48:39 AM
"Form up," the dark voice said as equally dark ships fell from the Arcan Sky.

There were only four in this squadron. Four of the best pilots on the Imperial Star Destroyer Superior. Flight Commander Silus Xilarian. Flight Commander Val Torre. Flight Commander Bette Davis.

Officially he was going by the name of 'Captain Tir Carmichael' from the ISD Davidoff. Carmichael was indeed a Flight Captain on the Davidoff, but that Imperial Ship was off on the outskirts of the Balmorran Empire. Unofficially the man's name was Maester Wargrave. And he, atleast by this persona, was not an Imperial. But a Dark Jedi...and a member of the Black Hand.

The missile boats slipped down into the lower atmosphere where the spaceport, as well as most of the land speeders were.

[I]"Set targets and fire!"

Heavy Rockets flew from the lead missile boat, making a direct hit on one military transport as it began to lift off, undoubtably headed towards Coruscant.

It crashed to the ground, a mass of flames and durasteel.

Sep 24th, 2002, 06:06:36 AM
Satine's head snaps towards the sound of fighters in the sky and curses. Running back inside, Satine takes the lift to the roof of his apartment complex, where Black Star was parked. Running up the ramp, Satine opens the hatch to the pilot's sphere. Jumping down, not waiting for the ladder, Satine lands in the chair there, turning on all the systems with the press of a button, and sealing the hatch with another.

"Fine, let's even things up in the air." he mutters to himself, hitting a button.

The viewscreens that made up the walls of the sphere activated, making it seem like he was just floating there, along with his chair. Activating the repulserlifts, Satine hovers the ship for a second, then the engines kick in, thw gins extending, and the weapons on those wings activating.

Opening his comm channel, Satine speaks to the fighters.

"Enemy fighters. You have a choice. Leave now, or I'll blow you out of the sky." he says, his voice deadly serious.

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:11:57 AM
Wei looked up in the sky to see the fighters roar past and listened as pieces of buildings began to fall.

"Not good."

Wei concentrated on the Force. He had to find them. They were there, somewhere. There were more of them than those few that showed themselves now. Those were the ones he had to worry about.

"Where are you?"

Verse Dawnstrider
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:37:46 AM
::Verse yawned slightly as he walked down the street. He did not normaly dress like he did at the moment. He dressed....normal. Well, normal for most people. Verse was at home in Garou furs or Jedi Robes. He wore jeans and a tee-shirt at the moment. His sabers were in his bag. He did not like Arcan much, and was glad to get out of here. He was thinking of staying on Yavin. Verse held his duffle bag on his back. He walked by some ladies and his tiped his baseball cap. Then he felt it. All at once.

Verse was trained as a mentalist. That was what he was good at. he could barely use healing, and couldn't see 2 second into the future. he was a pretty good elementist though. What he really shined in was mentalist. Most of his family was the same. Both of his children were mentalist. He did not feel dark vibrations, but felt uneasy. Like something was not right or about to happen. Verse sniffed the wind. He had to daggers in his boots, but his sabers were in his bag. They were in pockets on the side though. That way he could get them out fast.

Verse pushed the feeling aside. He was out for a reason. He was on his way to say goodbye to a lady friend at the Fusion Plant. They had spoken only a few times, and were not that close. Verse wanted to be polite though. He didn't wish to seem rude and leave woithout saying good-bye. Besides she was kinda cute and he had a couple of hours before he had to leave. It just may be his lucky night. Verse laughed slightly to himself as he bought a drink from a street vender and walked through the doors of the plant. They knew him as a Jedi, so they didn't say anything to him. The plant wasn't as bright as normal. Verse just shrugged. He really didn't know much about the place, so he really saw no need to worry about it. Verse just started to make his way to his friends office.::

Kregain Richtien
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:59:29 AM
[I]Things were going to hell in a hand basket, no ryhme or reason to it all. Thats when the transport erupted, and things only got worse. These people wernt rational, that was clear, no, something else was effecting them. One might have expected a scene like this from a low level Nal Hutta, or even ground level Coruscant, but not Arcan.

He held a hand over his eyes as he looked skyward. Imperial insignias, strange. The Empire shouldnt be here, they couldnt, this wasnt the Empire. The engines screamed overhead as he glanced back down the road at the only calm man on the road. He had a bad vibe from the man, like had an aura of uncomfortablity around him.

Suddenly some freakishly crazed, and rather large bald man rushed at him weilding a large iron pipe. As hew swung it out in a large arc at his head, Kreg ducked low, sprinting up off his toes as the pipe passed him by, punching hard into the mans diaphram, punturing his breathing for moments. Continueing the movement he cuffed the man under his with his elbow, kicking out with his leg to sweep the man on his back. As his head hit the solid ground he lost consciousness.

Straightening back up Kreg turned back to get a second glance at the short walking man, but he was gone. The street had gone eeirly silent. Something was happening here, something not good.

Bette Davis
Sep 24th, 2002, 12:43:10 PM
Bette whooped into the secure comm channel, making light of the threat the four fighters had just gotten from a lone defender. "Ripe for the picking! This is like shooting rats in a barrel." She looped her TIE back around and buzzed over the spaceport again, making a smoking hole in another transport that was still being loaded with cargo.

Sene Unty
Sep 24th, 2002, 01:01:34 PM
Sene was startled awake by the explosions in the distance. Something was wrong. Without a thought he lept from his bed and moved to get his clothes on. What could be happening? He had been one of the last yet to leave Arcan and he was relishing the move. Could this have something to do with it? No....this was something else.

After a few seconds he was dressed, his lightsaber nestled in his hand, and made his way outside. He would get to the bottom of this.......

Evil Hobgoblin
Sep 24th, 2002, 04:48:56 PM
The rage inside Hob bubbled and frothed at every step. It was a strong rage, a Sith's rage with a Jedi's control overlapping it. Even so it leaked out. A wall beside Hob trembled, then blew inwards. The rest of the building trembled and sought to collapse, straining against its structural supports.

It would only last a few more precious minutes before doing so, and it would wipe out some of the scum that infested this planet. Those who lied about who they were, even to themselves.

With an effort, Hob reset his focus. He had a target- a grand target that would symbolize well what would happen to those who denied the truth. It would not do to let loose the full extent of his powers before then. For now, he would be content to cause havoc and chaos along the city's main street and distract the Jedi by doing so.

Speaking of distracting Jedi... there were minds not far he could influence...

A speeder truck turned onto the main street, its' driver narrowly avoiding a crazed driver as he did so. The idiocy of the other driver angered him- the frigging katchni shouldn't have been issued a liscense. Well, if the other guy was going to speed, why couldn't he?

Slamming onto the accelerator pedal, the truck drove straight for Kregain Richtien. Meanwhile, the raging driver of the other speeder had his own target: Korik Bannor.

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 24th, 2002, 05:05:36 PM
A young man strode down the street, bobbing his head to some unheard melody. Everyone he passed were quick to get out of his path. Shaven head with black spade goat-tee, Gabran's eyes were full of maddening glee, eyebrows curled with the lust of violence. He had heard the first wave of the Hand's attack on Arcan IV as planned. Their incursion was an absolute success as the apprentice had known it would be. There was no contingency for failure only sure hostile invasion. Hob was designated to perform the first strike by creating a veil of chaotic confusion within the city itself. Soon Maester Wargrave would commence with the devastating airstrike.

Through the Darkside, Gabran detected the dark hearts of his brothers and sisters. It thrilled him to be joined in singleminded purpose and that is bring the city and the remnant of GJO to it's knees. He happened upon an unusually large but belligerent rodian whom felt Gabran should not share his sidewalk. The alien was sent careening into a lightpost some ten metres away. Everyone in earshot vicinity heard the crack of a snapped spinal cord. Gabran cackled as the thunderous peal of anti-starcraft and cannon opened up in the skies above. In the distance he saw the hangar base alit in flames, churdling black smoke rose to the heavens. Secondary explosions echoed the destroyed craft, as fuel tanks and fusion generators blew. The streets fell into blind panic, shouting and cries blanketed the streets while he continued to cackle.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 24th, 2002, 06:37:37 PM
Ki Adi at last made it within the perimeter of the utter chaos, still confound to why these appalling events were unfolding in such a devastating matter. A enraged townsmen charged towards at inquisitive Jedi by surprise, within his tight grasp a chrome bar. He violently swung outwards at Kindo, intending to forcefully strike his skull.

The Padawan rapidly stepped backwards, removing himself from the line of danger. With the apt extention of his palm, he emitted a mild Force wave, throwing the angered individual to the rough surface beneath him. It would be a long night indeed.

Sep 24th, 2002, 06:47:31 PM
Zeke watched as Hob walked, leaving destruction in his wake and sending crazed speeders at two of his fellow Jedi. He ignited his glitch saber and Dios' Drinking Angel.

"Well now, time to get down to earth..."

He jumped, putting his feet on the side of the building. He ran down it with Force boosted speed and flew straight for Hob, cutting down the speeders as he made his way toward the source of the disturbance.

"That's enough outta you!"

Korik Bannor
Sep 24th, 2002, 07:06:16 PM
"LOOK OUT," Korik screamed as he shoved hapless people safely out of the path of the speeding craft. The driver's expression denoted insanity and madness. In the seconds lapse of reason left the Jedi with only one thing to do. He executed a well-timed Force flip over the speeder landing in the street. The unfortunate driver careened into plexiglass window of the clothing store. Smashing through the display beyond before crawling to a stop near the rear of the salesfloor.

Fortunately the store had closed just before dusk. Korik rushed through the storefront window and his eyes following the path left in the vehicle's wake. Piles of clothing hung from the roof and hood of the speeder. Display stands were lying strewn about or smashed into twisted pieces of durilumin. Lighting fixtures fizzled and sparked. Quickly making his way to the driver, throwing aside a smashed register counter, he looked through the window. The driver was slumped over the wheel, the sight alarmed Korik. He yanked the door open and slipped his hand under the man's chin. Thankfully he felt the steady pulse of life beating. Only unconscious and suffering a minor concussion, knowledge he gathered via the Force.

He glanced back out to the street and saw people gathering. A woman asked, "Is he alright?" Korik nodded encouragingly and asked them to call the emergency corp. The woman responded by stating she was a nurse and rushed to his side while another alerted the medics by comm-link. The Jedi departed out the door and began to seek out those responsible through the Force. Instantly the presence of the Darkside was detected. He swallowed and pursued it down the street following this signature like a hunter follows the tracks of his quarry. The ground rolled beneath the Jedi's feet with a distant rumble as air-raid sirens cried. Confirming his worst fears.

Estelle Russard
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:01:45 PM
She finally felt like she was really, really getting the hang of this whole flying gig.

She banked the x-wing slightly, while increasing the speed just a little - a daring move for her, she had to admit, delaying the inevitable return to sensibility upon closing the distance to the GJO docking bays.

She was still quite some distance out and so had decided to "fool around some" seeming as how she felt so confident. (Not confident enough, mind you, to deactivate the ghost-auto pilot mode, just in case) but confident to grin like an idiot as the "swooping" feeling made her tummy lift and flutter.

"Ok Estelle" she spoke to herself "bring it on home, now."

The happy feeling disolved upon getting closer proximity to the Order and Estelle now began to be flooded with an overwhelming feeling of foreboding.

Transmitting to GJO traffic center, the Jedi Knight attempted to make contact, but the signal was broken up and scratchy.

Something was very, very wrong.

Dwayne Hicks
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:46:12 PM
This wasn't right.... there was explosions.

And screams.

Dwayne Hicks, Former NRSF, downgraded to NR Corporal looked out from where the Bar and Grill had been, now in the process of closing. The Rail Carbine on his back dug into his hip as he twisted, surprised that his very, very boring job had suddenly, all the sudden changed.

There seems to be Sith! They seem to be Sith! All...bzzzzt!

Oh frell. A Sith attack. But, Dwayne and the NRSF like him still on the planet (For this place had been where the greater number of them had been recruited from, after the night Arcan was liberated) knew somethign that the attackers didnt - and Hicks even had been told by Commander Cross what Arcan really was.

A trap. A heavily armed trap, just waiting for such an occasion. Even with the Jedi leaving and the NRSF downsized and gone, there was still a lot of equipment and men left, trained in the ways of hunting Darksiders. Hicks had himself served in Tohmahawk's Command Unit, the Panthers. He turned, went to a certain control panel. Hit a few buttons, then entered the code. The control panel lights went from green to red and final verification was required - only a high up could do that.... and as he watched, someone entered it.

The Publci address systems kicked in, sirens whooping.

Run, under Sith attack! Run, to arms, to arms!

Right now, power systems would be switching to backups, unneeded power grids shutting down and the first hints of the civilians going to ground starting. All possible targets would be evacuated and sealed, locked down and guarded.

Yeah, the Jedi and NRSF, ell even Tohmahawk was gone or going. But the steel jawed trap wasn't. If they thought Aran was now a soft target, men like Hicks would show that they were quite wrong.

"Okay, would someone tell me who the hell triggered red alert?"

Hicks turned, seeing Comander Cross, resplendant in a green flowing dress, arms folded and looking extremely annnoyed. "I did Madam. Theres reports of Sith...." he broke off as an explosion rang out and the face of Cross changed to detirmination.

"Stow it - I think your right. I want 4 companies of soldiers wating for me in five minutes outside - and get the rest of the local army mobilised, find out who we are facing. MOVE!"

Hicks didnt need asking twice. He ran to obey.

Gabran Darkysa
Sep 24th, 2002, 10:26:08 PM
Hearing the siren's wail reminded the Dark Jedi apprentice of a joint NRSF/GJO defense if they can even muster an such sufficient force. No matter. Wargrave had already prepared for this. Gabran thoughts returned to his immediate surroundings. Reaching into his spacer jacket, Gabran's hand now held a magnetic explosive device with timer switch. As he walked down the street watching the motorists pass by, he set the timer to ten seconds then quickly tossed the device at a passing speeder. The insidious device struck the outerhull of the hover-vehicle and held affixed by it's now active magnetic plate.

He counted the seconds down on his fingers as the speeder carooned around the next corner beyond him. A terribly deafening blast shook the building he was passing near. That ought to preoccupy the Jedi. He wondered what tasks his brothers and sisters were carrying out at this very moment. Gabran was making his way into the heart of the GJO district. This will be the darkest day in the history of the Order.

Clipped to his belt was a transceiver, Gabran deactivated the deadswitch and pushed a second button. Through out the capital city, various bombs planted at key sites detonated at once. Offering the illusion of random attacks breaking out in various locales, cloaking the The Black Hand's movements within the city. Chew on that Jedi, he thought silently.

Kregain Richtien
Sep 24th, 2002, 11:07:47 PM
He didnt even think, just pure reaction, he droped to the ground as the truck hovered right over him. Fliping over he watched as a crowd of civilians were mowed over by the driver as he smashed his truck into the adjacent building. Pushing himself back up he rushed over to the trucks door. Leaping up on the side he stood over the door, lifting it open and looking down at the driver inside.

The man twisted side to side, his anger appearent as in his dibilitated state he attempted to free himself and break things. Rage shown in Kregs eyes, reaching down he held the mans head in his hands

"You will never..."

His fingers traced the mans eyes

"Attempt to hurt me..."

Diging his nails against the sides of his head

"Or anyone ever"

He put his thumbs over the mans eyes


[I]He screamed as his thumbs shot through the mans eye sockets, the drivers screams peircing to the ears as fingers were pushed past his eyes and into his brain, killing him instantly.

Wiping his hands on the drivers coat he leaped out of the truck, past the bodies and right on towards the end of the road the other man had walked down.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 25th, 2002, 12:28:09 AM
Lilaena walked through a side door into the water treatment facility, where Arcan Prime got all of its drinking water from. The water nearest the cities of Arcan IV was polluted from years of industrial wastes, and needed to be purified heavily before it was ready for human, or any other living being's, consumtion.

Jibrelle entered after her, and closed the door after them. De'Ville pointed to a piece of machinery. "That should be where they add chemicals to the water to purify it." It was less invasive to actually filter water, but the process took a very long time, and some of the waste in the water still wouldn't be strained out. So, the technicians here (some of which were moving towards the pair) added other substances to negate the harmful ones already in the water.

It was a complicated process.

"Miss, are you two lost?" A kindly looking older gentleman was the first to reach them. Jibrelle ignored him and walked to the machinery, tubes, levers, and pumps all working harmoniously. De'Ville lifted her hand, and the man found himself choking.

"Quickly now, Jibrelle. There are no Jedi near us, but that won't last forever." De'Ville leaned towards the old man, and called to the other workers, "He's having a heart attack! Come here!"

The other five technicians, the only others in the room, all ran towards her...towards her lightsaber and their deaths.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 05:06:37 AM
:: Lance stood among all the danger and action observing everything, he then started to think, where would an enemy strike if they really wanted to cause damage...he first thought the living quarters...then the temple..or maybe the academy..but what maintains us alive? He thought after...our...food...our..WATER! Lance tilted his head to the side his jaded eyes a bit covered by his blonde hair falling on it, he force jumped above on the of the building and observed what was the fastest way to the water treatment facility....he ran back towards the LQ who wasn't very far from his spot and ran into the hnagar, as he jumped on Dash...he just hoped his cycle wouldn't buzz off right now, as slammed the ignitor and wheel opened as the cycle started the float the blue thrusters made the cycle shake a bit.::

"Everything's normal I guess it should hold for a few mins alright baby let's go" The cycle bursted out of the hangar leaving a trail of dust behind him, the water treatment facility wasn't too far..but he couldn't waste his force power right now. He knew he'd need it..something great and evil was lying in the facility he sensed it...the force spoke to him warning him from a great danger, as soon as he reached the facility he jumped off the cycle and left outside.

:: Lance jumped on the wall and started crawling up like a spider using his strider abailities to then reach a glassed area, he tilted his eyes and then lowered his body to observe what they were doing, he gulped a bit. He was somehow nervous about this..::

Sorsha Kasajian
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:37:31 AM
Originally posted by Zeke
Zeke watched as Hob walked, leaving destruction in his wake and sending crazed speeders at two of his fellow Jedi. He ignited his glitch saber and Dios' Drinking Angel.

"Well now, time to get down to earth..."

He jumped, putting his feet on the side of the building. He ran down it with Force boosted speed and flew straight for Hob, cutting down the speeders as he made his way toward the source of the disturbance.

"That's enough outta you!"

:: Bolas whistled through the air, snaring Zeke's legs and causing him to fall flat on his chest. He could feel something rushing towards him, something dark and wicked, but nothing was there. Nothing that could be seen. Felt for through the force though, it sends a chill through his body ::

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:49:39 AM
Wei somehow heard a voice, "This man is having a heart attack!"

Wei ran to go help the old man. Then he felt it. Someone was using the Force. A bad someone.

Wei ran in, left shoulder out and his face to the side. He rammed in to LD's exposed side and knocked her to the ground.

"I will face you, if you wish."

Wei knew that he had just gotten himself into more trouble than he could fathom. LD was not a padawan. But he was.

"I will not allow you to harm anymore people."

Wei had confidence in his training, though, and would use it to its fullest.

Sep 25th, 2002, 09:55:49 AM
Zeke fell, a cord around his ankles. He cut them easily enough, and had just gained his feet when a chill came over him. A familiar chill. He'd felt it once before, fighting Dae Jinn. Her master, Sorsha...

Maester Wargrave
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:16:05 AM
"Shooter, Razor...we have incoming. One fighter is appears. You have the concussion missiles, I suggest you engage them."

Deception was always wonderful. It was true, Shooter and Razor did indeed have advanced concussion missiles on their missile boats. But the advantage of the small fighters were the dual missile lauchers...capable of carrying either a double load of a warhead...or multiple ones.

Wargrave chose another target, a lumbering military freighter transport (typically the type for marines), as it lifted off from the spaceport. His indicators went red, and he fired...watching the yellow rockets slam into the freighter, forcing it back to the ground.

Four more rockets headed directly towards the spaceport, two of them impacting on the shields while the other hit the main hangar. Part of it exploded in a brilliant fireball.

Decption was always wonderful.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Sep 25th, 2002, 11:58:24 AM
(The last day on Arcan for Jubei was proving to be memorable, for ways that Jubei would not wish to remember. At the hospital, wounded were pouring in, and the medical staff were quickly overwhelmed. Most were crash-related injuries...lacerations, broken bones, burns. The noise of wailing injured was intense, as Jubei ran through the lobby, tending to the most dire cases. One man with a compound fracture tugged at his robe, unable to speak his agonies due to a punctured lung. With a look of compassionate concern, the Calanic Monk worked on him quickly, deft hands skillfully setting the bones in his leg. A hand clamped over the jagged puncture that the bone had protruded through. Unnatural heat began to emanate from Jubei's hand at the contact point, and he concentrated, influencing the man's local metabolic processes and healing responses. Bones began the long task of knitting, and blood vessels mended, leaving a film of thin, delicate pink skin over the wound. Closing his eyes, Jubei pressed on the man's chest, seeking out the cause of his other traumas. Outward, the world was awash in escalating suffering. This could not be natural, and it concerned the Jedi Knight.)

Jehova Eaven
Sep 25th, 2002, 01:19:18 PM
Jehova leaned against his staff waiting for Slayn to show himself. He wasn't really much of a "team player" but thought it best to participate on this mission. His grin could barely be seen under his dark cloak. He could feel Hob's presense perverting the "good natured" people of Arcan, but Slayn could barely be felt. His psychological ties with Slayn seemed to fade away over time and now he felt nothing.

"Where the frell is he?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 25th, 2002, 03:32:00 PM
Something was not right at all, and Kindo could feel it. It was obvious that the area was wrapped in utter chaos and complete devestation, but even the young Jedi himself knew that this coulden't just have occured randomly. His extensive training gave him several abilities, one being able to sense darkness even amongst the bustling crowds, and he sensed something.

He immediatly turned his central focus towards a foreign individual, and it seemed has if evil had produced an encompassing aura over him. Kindo made his way through the surrounding debree, finally approaching the obsidian warrior. He kept his right hand grasped tightly upon the steel hilt that rested on his hip, anticipating any unexpected response.

( Im heading for Jehova Eaven )

Liam Jinn
Sep 25th, 2002, 04:18:38 PM
As Liam walked further, more explosions and crashes could be heard in the distance. The Jedi Master was puzzled. Cries of pain echoed through the force, making him stop. Had the Sith launched another attack? Just as he was about to continue on, Lance swooped by on a cycle.

"Hey Lan-"

But he was already gone. He hadn't seen Liam, and it seemed as if he was in a hurry. With a quick shrug to himself, he started after Lance, following his trail with the force.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 25th, 2002, 04:21:35 PM
Originally posted by Wei Wu Wei
Wei somehow heard a voice, "This man is having a heart attack!"

Wei ran to go help the old man. Then he felt it. Someone was using the Force. A bad someone.

Wei ran in, left shoulder out and his face to the side. He rammed in to LD's exposed side and knocked her to the ground.

"I will face you, if you wish."

Wei knew that he had just gotten himself into more trouble than he could fathom. LD was not a padawan. But he was.

"I will not allow you to harm anymore people."

Wei had confidence in his training, though, and would use it to its fullest.

OOC: Sorry Liam we posted at the sime time ^_^;

:: Lance suddenlt felt a strong presence, familiar though, as he turned around and looked down he saw Liam standing on the ground above, he didn't send any force message frighten of having it catched by any of the other force users, he then threw a small rock on Liam's shoulder.::

"Pssht! Liam!..Wei's in trouble! I'm going in!" He said whispering, as he grabbed Ragnarok from his back he cut a hole through the glass not making a noise and grabbed the circular glass and held it back putting it slowly on the floor, Lance then grabbed a small explosive pin, the pin weren't powerfull at all but made a lot of noise, he threw the pin with all his strenght at the other side to draw their attentions at that spot, as the exlosion went on Lance got ready to jump in the facility.

Sep 25th, 2002, 05:23:27 PM
Satine growls, and sends his fighter into a tight turn, the jet-black ship turning as tightly as a fighter--even though it was the size of a YT-1300. He aims his quad plasma cannons and two of his four missile launchers, switching one bank to flash-type missiles, the second to homing-type missiles. Getting a tone, Satine lets loose with his plasma cannons first, the green globules of energy spinning out of the cannon-tips. As the fighter begins to dodge to the side, Satine triggers two warheads from each tube.

The blue-tipped homing missiles streak by, turning, to try a rear shot, while, just before the flash missiles would fly by, detonate. Intensely bright light causes the cockpit to go completely opaque. Grinning, Satine fires another volley of plasma...

Slayn Cloak
Sep 25th, 2002, 07:28:37 PM
Slayn had now only come a few more meters down the road, the figure was still a blur, but Slayn could sense it was someone very familiar.

The chaos had in sued to a great extent and Slayn could still feel Navaria clawing at his deepest mind. Still it was all to easy to shut her out, she hadn't gained the experience he had with these situations.

" !!! "

The figure wasn't yet clear but Slayn knew very well who it was. Jehova Evaen stood not even five meters away from the Cloak lord. It had been so very long since last they had a chance to train, he had hoped to see him on Vjune, but now, this was their hour; The entire hand would stake its claim.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 25th, 2002, 09:52:32 PM
ooc: plz see OOC post in OOC forum/ic:

De'Ville felt the sudden surge in the Force even as she dispatched the last engineer, and turned to see a man hurtling towards her. She swiveled on her left foot and put her hand out, sending the Jedi backwards and to the ground before he could touch her.

With his exposed shoulder towards her, she could have easily turned her saber on him instead of pushing him, and let his own momentum slice him in half. "Jibrelle, I hope you're almost done, we've got more company coming." She readied her saber for another attack, prepared to protect the apprentice's back as she completed their task.

Silus Xilarian
Sep 25th, 2002, 10:25:21 PM
Just as Silus' cockpit went black, the indicator went red on Satine' ship. Silus fired then jerked the missile boat upwards, while getting on his communicator...

"Going up!"

Silus climbed through the Arcan atmosphere blindly for a few seconds until he regained sight. Then he quickly hit a sharp U-turn and began heading back to reform with his group...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 26th, 2002, 04:52:16 AM
:: Lance jumped right in the hole landing down on the ground, as he started going down he grabbed Ragnarok his Strider Blade (:p) and Matrix his Lightsaber he pressed the igntition button on Matrix, the sky blue blade hissed out of the odd and unique looking hilt as Lance landed on the floorhis two blades forming an X his body low, his gaze at the ground, his jaded eyes then swung up to look at LD::

"Well now, I'm kinda confused here? You don't seem to be siths yet I sense darkness within you." Lance watched Wei on the floor and his eyes narrowed as his body got up.

"I don't care what you are or what your intentions are" Lance had sensed a much superior power to his in LD's force signature..he though to him-self that there was no way he could defeat her by trying to overpower her, he'd have to find another way to stop her.

:: Lance formed an X with his blade right in front of him to block the attack sent his way ready to strike his aura glew green bright and hoped Wei would quickl get up to aid him.::

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 26th, 2002, 07:31:25 AM
Wei got up slowly and carefully. He knew he had gotten in over his head, but at least he had some back up now.

"Morning, Lance," Wei said, even though it was just evening.

Wei got up and drew one lightsaber. In the other he held his closed warfan.

"OK, what should we do, buddy?"

Sene Unty
Sep 26th, 2002, 04:53:45 PM
Sene exited the LQ and entered into a world of complete chaos. Fires burned in the distance from explosions created by either the flying ships that zoomed overhead or the large crowds that appeared to be rioting. Sene spun in the street, allowing his mind to take in all the utter destruction. What could possibly be happening here?

Milivikal k'Vik
Sep 26th, 2002, 09:09:29 PM
While the room wasn't altogether isolated, it did run over a critical wiring juncture. She supposed it would make due.

The Siren sat, legs crossed. A chant slowly grew, one of low, deep earth tones. With the volume rising, her disguse faded, revealing raven-black hair and pale blue-green eyes.

"mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..." the whole building began to hum unnaturally. The power core itself worked fine... but the regulation equipment fluxed with the quality of the superconducting lines, creating hard-flash blackouts, and rapid brownouts.

The noise suddenly doubled, and the lines physically rippled outward, grounding against insulation. Power surged again, blowing many of the outlying tier 1 regulators.

Sep 27th, 2002, 06:10:54 AM
Satine's shields take the missile hits, and he redirects any secondary power he can to shields. Pulling up, Satine sends his ship in a chase of the one who had fired on him...

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 27th, 2002, 07:12:15 AM
:: Lance's eyes stayed narrowed looking towards LD.::

" Just stand ready dood"

Ebon Dir
Sep 28th, 2002, 04:39:29 PM
Perched atop a two-story building, Ebon contimplated the chaos engulfing the streets below.

You could always tell the worth of people by their reaction in a crisis. Many fled, thinking of nothing but saving their own pathetic lives. The ones with more worth focused on saving their loved ones--friends and family; the truly righteous in the crowd selflesly insured the safety of strangers they met on the street.

And then there was the scum.

Below him was a bank. Frightened by growing chaos, fat merchants and lying businessmen swarmed to the bank, saving the only thing they held precious. As he watched, he saw a distinguished looking elderly woman push over a young girl who happened to be standing between her and the building that housed her money and valuables. The girl hit the muddy ground and was quickly over come by the mob.


Like a bird of prey he decended from the rooftop, his worn, grey cloak fluttering behind him like a single, tattered wing. He landed with a soft thud, crouching amid the pressing throng of humanity. Glancing to his left, he saw a common thug accost a man, stripping him of his valuables as unconcerned townspeople streamed by. With a flick of the thumb, he activated his lightsaber, it's pale red blade startling everyone around him. One oblivious fellow was unfortunate enough to be standing in the path of the blade as it emerged from the metal hilt. The confusion on his face as he grasped at the smoking hole in his chest mirrored the confusion in his mind--he never knew what hit him.

Turning on the thief, he casually removed the man's ugly head from his shoulders. The headless corpse slumped to the ground without spraying a bit of blood--an almost disturbing display in it's cleanliness. As an afterthought, he disposed of the thug's victim as well; a brief mental probe had revealed countless ugly thoughts. He felt no remorse--the world would be a better place without the man. His next target was the girl whom he had seen being pushed over. Forcing his way through the crowd, delivering vicious kicks and elbows when needed, he reached her. Bloddied and broken, she had been trampled by the crowd and was barely hanging on to life. He tossed her over his shoulder and tensed his muscles.

Leaping above the mass of hysterical people, he glided in a graceful arc towards the bank, stopping briefly to set the woman down against an alley wall, safely apart from the stampede in a surprising show of goodness. With a growing rage he entered the bank, the power of the dark side bubbling and writing inside him. Judgement had to be passed, and he was more than happy to be the one passing it out.

(Current death toll: 3)

Jibrielle Abunai
Sep 29th, 2002, 08:11:03 AM
Quickly Jibrielle left Lilaena's side and went over to the machinery, peering down. It was all too easy - and she smirked slightly. Reaching into her jacket, the Apprentice's fingers fumbled around inside the pocket until they wrapped themselves around a medium-sized vial, and pulled it out.

Lilaena, at the time, was busily occupied with some Jedi, and shouted for her to hurry. Jibrielle frowned and unscrewed the cap, holding it in her other hand. In an instant, the fluid poured into the water as she emptied out the vial.

It was clear, just like the water itself, but just that amount alone could kill four people with just a drop. She had gotten the liquid from Hobgoblin himself and no doubt he made it even stronger.

Screwing the cap back onto the vial, she slipped it back inside her jacket and turned around.

"It's done," she whispered, but the other Dark Jedi could hear her.

Jehova Eaven
Sep 29th, 2002, 12:41:32 PM
Finally the young Cloak had arrived. His former "brother" now merely a brother at arms. Another being also began walking towards him. The man had his hand on some form of weapon. He was probably under the effect of Hob's perversion. For now Jehova wouldn't see him as a real threat to the mission and would merely keep an eye on him.

"You're late."

He told Slayn as he approached.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:25:39 PM
Lilaena nodded once as Jibrelle turned back around, and then centered her attention on the two Jedi facing her. "Stand ready? If you wish." Two sabers, one sword... The sword was no match for a lightsaber, unless it had cortosis on it...but such a material was unsuitable for swords, as it would just break on contact with anything remotely solid. The dark-haired one looked nervous, while the other seemed cocky...as if he knew something Lilaena did not. She could sense another presence, somewhere near....

De'Ville took a step backwards with her left foot, and then lunged forward, taking care not to get between the two Jedi. She sent a pressure wave out from her, knocking both of the Jedi to the ground, and then chose the blonde as her first victim. Pivoting on her foot, she slashed down on him as he was scrambling to his feet.

Silus Xilarian
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:26:54 PM
"So he wants to play tag, does he", Silus thought to himself, "Lets see what he's got...". With that thought Silus broke left and dove, building up as much speed as he could as he once again started to leave his squadron. As his ship picked up speed, Silus got on the closed frequency to his squad.......

"Alright Shadows, I got 'em on my tail.....you know what to do..."

Bette Davis
Sep 29th, 2002, 02:34:51 PM
Bette swung her ship around, away from strafing the spaceport, and saw an X-wing on approach to the area. Frell. The pilot wavered, and the snubfighter seemed to hesitate, and then it pulled out of the approach pattern.

"Alright Shadows, I got 'em on my tail.....you know what to do..." Bette tore her eyes away from the fork, and towards Shadow Leader. Two clicks on the comm signaled him that she and Razor were with him, and she kicked the rudders, sending the missile boat up and around in a loop.

Val's ship appeared on her right side, and they both moved into position, coming up behind the defending craft that was tailing Silus as the two roared by.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Sep 29th, 2002, 04:34:41 PM
:: Lance spun his leg to lower his body and slash upwards withy Matrix to block the lightsaber not wasting a second or trying to maintain the power of the clash Lance quickly slid to the side and since she had sent a slash down letting her go off balance, as he slid to the side he slipped his other hand who was holding his blade and with the wounce of space and power he could take he sent a weak slash to her ribs.::

Slayn Cloak
Sep 29th, 2002, 05:32:20 PM
" I'm not late, no specific time was specified."

Slayn could barely hold back the emotions he felt; He was filled with a wonderful anticipation, soon he would fight alongside Jehova again.

The pair continued on a few blocks to the power station. An odd energy seemed to emitt from it, no doubt this was milli. A man stopped them at the door to question them...

Sep 29th, 2002, 08:17:03 PM
Satine hears a beep, and looks behind him, the screen-walls showing what was directly behind him. Missile boats. Cursing, Satyine says two words:

"Rear Turrets."

The computer, set to take voice commands, changes the HUD that always was towards the edges f his vision, and also showing a lock on the missile boats.


The two rear turrets--computer controlled, and one located on top, one on bottom--belch silver bolts of energy at the missile boats on his tail. Turning back to his prey, Satine increases the throttle, and begins to spray fire from his forward weapons...

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 30th, 2002, 08:10:22 AM
Wei moved to the side to allow Lance a better shot at LD. Then he noticed the other girl. An apprentice, he hoped.

"And what may I ask were you doing over there? If you are associated with this...lady, I can imagine it was nothing good."

Ki-Adi Kindo
Sep 30th, 2002, 04:09:59 PM
Kindo was now within a mere distance of Jehova, and he appeared to notice the Jedi's gradual advancing.

Ki Adi's hand grasped tightly onto the steel handgrip, which had remained dormant, but not for long. He ran his finger past the ignition switch, allowing a saffron beam to emit outwards from the silverish hilt. He then elevated the lightsaber towards his chest, preparing himself for any assault.

" You are one of the one's responsible, now draw your saber. "

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 30th, 2002, 04:25:47 PM

The chaos that had roared up around Arcan IV had many people in a panic, not knowing what was going on or what to do. But that was where the Jedi came in. Just because they weren't on the front lines holding off the Dark Jedi did not mean that calming the general populace was not important. In some cases, it was even more important.

Already the Jedi Knight, Navaria Tarkin, Council Member of the Order, had taken control of the situation inside one of the local government buildings. She was the only Jedi present in the building and she thanked the Force that she had to come here today. Navaria was here to see the Mayor of Arcan about an important matter but then the beings inside almost gave way to anarchy once the fire fight started by the nearby spaceport.

It did not last long once she took charge. Quickly Navaria grabbed the Deputy Mayor and another random official, which looked calm under this pressure, to break up the crowd into smaller groups and lead them towards the rear exits. There was too much chaos happening out front to let the people out there safely, between the random blaster fire and vehicles colliding into each other.

Navaria was keeping a special eye out for the actual governing body that was present in this building. Mentally, she was keeping count ...

Silus Xilarian
Sep 30th, 2002, 05:15:24 PM
If anyone could see Silus' face now, they would witness an ear to ear grin. As Satine sped up, Silus engaged his Gunboats SLAM system, diverting power from his laser cannons to his shields and engines. With a more speed to play with, Silus headed straight into the main part of Arcan, quickly bobbing and weaving around buildings.

Knowing that his pursuer's ship was nearly twice the size of the gunboat, Silus took every opportunity to fly through the most narrow openings that he could....Then the Capitol building came into view.....

"Shadows, secondary target located.......lets take her down..."

With that Silus began letting loose with a volley of heavy torpedos. Each one en route toward the Capitol building, where it was suspected that the Mayor, along with a handful of other government officials would be presiding..........

Sep 30th, 2002, 05:30:43 PM
Satine feels a wave of danger in the Force, and quickly turns his ship, following Silus. He manages to pilot his ship to the best, "Threading the needle" as it were, through the gaps in the buildings. As the missiles are launched, Satine puts more speed, toggling a chaff missile into each tube, and launching them both.

The missiles streak out, and, once they get within range of the torpedoes, explode, chaff spreading into the missiles' airspace.

"This is Satine Capashen, Jedi Knight to any Jedi or NR that have air power. I need help! I can't take care of all these missile boats myself!" Satine shouts into the comm.

Bette Davis
Sep 30th, 2002, 05:31:45 PM
Bette cursed as the rear turrets started spitting plasma bolts at them, and returned fire with her laser cannon. Shadow Leader led their merry chase into the city, and she flew her missile boat underneath Razor, keeping the defender in front of them both. She accelerated, stamping on the rudders, and grimacing as an airborne taxi flew into a building to get out of her way.

Chaff missiles exploded in front of Silus' torpedoes, causing premature detonation, just in front of the capitol building, and raining shrapnel on the now frenzied crowds down below.

Civvies...damn it! "Don't people have the good sense to get out of the way when they're under attack?" Bette didn't bother flipping the comm on, she needed both hands for the yoke. As Silus headed towards the Capitol building, she depressed the warhead launcher, sending a concussion missile rocketing towards the underside of the enemy fighter.

It was the size of a YT-1300, and at such close range, she didn't know how he could evade. Val was keeping the rear turrets busy, using his SLAM to up the power to his forwarad shields, while targeting his laser cannon on the rear fuselage.

Sep 30th, 2002, 06:03:58 PM
The missile impacts the heavy shielding on the belly of his ship, and throws Black Star up, and away from the laser blasts. Cursing, Satine brings his ship into up into a climb, then putting it back on course, but is still hit with a few laser blasts. Checking his shield readout, Satine notices it is half gone, and fuinnels most of his discrectionary into the shields, bringing them to full power. Growling, Satine keeps up the hail of fire from his rear cannons, and then triggers a dual blast of homing missiles at Silus.

Lilaena De'Ville
Sep 30th, 2002, 06:21:01 PM
Originally posted by Lance Stormrider
:: Lance spun his leg to lower his body and slash upwards withy Matrix to block the lightsaber not wasting a second or trying to maintain the power of the clash Lance quickly slid to the side and since she had sent a slash down letting her go off balance, as he slid to the side he slipped his other hand who was holding his blade and with the wounce of space and power he could take he sent a weak slash to her ribs.::

De'Ville felt him move to the side as their sabers clashed, and she used her momentum to spin around, nearly taking a slash in her ribs. She cursed, and faced the Jedi again as he got to his feet. The other one was heading towards Jibrelle, but she would have to take care of herself for the moment.

With a smooth movement, De'Ville swung high, the Jedi answering with a block. Sabers crackled, the smell of ozone filling the air around them. But it was too late, anyway, the technicians were already dead, and the water was already contaminated. This plant supplied the major residential areas of the city...most likely people were already getting sick from the water. And if not, they soon would be. But the Jedi had no idea what they had done, and that made it all the more delicious.

She slashed in low, aiming at his midsection, ready to end this Jedi here and now.

Estelle Russard
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:55:24 PM
She saw the dog fight, or whatever the proper term for one or two ships chasing another lasers blasting, was long before she heard Alpha's call for aid over the general frequency.

Estelle had increased her speed and come around from the other direction towards the agrressors. It wasnt so much a strategy as it was her current position and her eagerness the help where she could.

In a dangerous and completely unintentional game of "chicken" the Jedi knight screeched forward toward the first gunship as it straffed the Government building. She flipped the trigger guards off both hand controls, and pressed it flush against its base.

A flurry of fire burst from her ship, preceding her headlong rush to engage the enemy.

Liam Jinn
Sep 30th, 2002, 10:21:02 PM
It had taken him awhile, considering he ran the whole way, but he finally made it to Lance's position. For some reason, it didn't completely shock him feeling a dark prescence in the building directly in front of him. He looked to the right and noticed a cut hole in the glass. Inside he felt some sort of a struggle taking place, and another was pending.

As his hand moved for the door handle, the image of five techs passed through his mind. They were all dead, a tragedy to say the least. The door opened easily, and the Jedi rushed in, warning the techs that were unaware of the situation to evacuate. His feelings guided the Master towards a back room, towards four that had some handle over the force.

"Here we go.." He muttered before leaning back and releasing a force enhanced kick on the only door that stood between him and the others. The hinges buckled and broke under the pressure, shooting off along with the door, one driving itself deeply into De'Ville's upper right arm. The door landed with a loud THUD a few meters away, exposing the Jedi Master.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 1st, 2002, 04:58:53 AM
:: Lance still blocking the upper slash then saw the other slash come down, and summoned the force around his hand to make a force shield, the shield would only lower the lightsaber's speed to give him a momentum to flip away, as suddenly a door hit LD's right arm Lance was given enough space to flip backwards and into the air he grabbed 2 daggers throwing them rapidly towards LD while she was dealing with the door.::

"Ah perfect timing Liam!" He said while throwing the daggers.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 1st, 2002, 11:07:47 AM
Having an experienced murderess of Sorsha Kasajian's likes among the ranks of the Black Hand's Dark Jedi was proving to be quite an asset. Even as Zeke had sought to cut Hob off from his objective, Sorsha had cut him off from Hob and so allowed the Dark Dwarf to continue unimpeded.

But it would only be proper for Hob to join his strength with hers in a sign of brotherly affection.

As Zeke regained his footing, he suddenly felt himself to be in the midst of a dark flood of emotions. The rage and malice buffeted coldly against his skin, but then was twisted and compressed into power that shoved Zeke off his feet and sent him sprawling a second time.

In spite of this concentrated effort, Hob still had more than enough focus to continue the effects of his maelstrom of rage as he walked further up Main Street. It would be too late for the Jedi once he reached his objective, but that was still a ways off.

The real question was whether or not the Jedi on Arcan would have the wisdom to deal with the chaos Hob was spreading on their doorstep.

(ooc) Just FYI, Hob is four unterrupted walking posts from his objective at the end of this post.

Zasz Grimm
Oct 1st, 2002, 06:55:12 PM
Zasz stood infront of the governmental building that was standing before him, shaking as large explosions went off around him. His hair was died brown, he seemed to have a tan, and he was wearing blue contacts, he looked nothing like he did before. The brown robes he was wearing made him look like a Jedi, which he pulled off rather perfectly.

Civilians were running out of the building scream for their life as he came upon them they were all screaming..

"Help us please! Save us! Where are the Jedi! Save us!"

"Over here! This way!" Zasz called out as he motioned with his hand, countless numbers of people came over to him, a pity for them, they were running to him, when they got there they saw a rather large fissure in the ground that an explosion caused. He moved forth his hand.

"Quickly, follow the fissure!"

The people fled and ran down it's length before Zasz turned around and chunked a thermal detonator set for impact, and 30 meters. It was thrown towards them as Zasz ran off, avoiding any explosion, but hearing cries. At least thirty were killed just then.

He stepped into the building. Dalethria was with him on this mission, but where she was, he wouldn't know. No doubt already further than he, but still, he would meet up with her. He saw some officials walking out, mainly assistants, but a representative was with them..

Representative: "Oh thank goodness! We are saved! Master Jedi, this way, help us!"

Zasz: " On my way sir, hold on!"

He sounded genuine, at least he thought so, apparently the men thought so too. He looked at them as they all started to talk at once, before the representative finally got his voice louder than the others to talk to Zasz.

Representative: "The others are further in, one of the top floors! You must help them!"

Zasz arched his brow as he felt a shake in the building, so much was going on and he tried to look like he was in trouble before he looked up, made the ceiling crack and crumble upon the men as jumped back, hearing a bone crunching sound. They were gone. He spoke to himself it seemed as he was walking away.

" I plan to help them..."

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 1st, 2002, 08:58:02 PM
She stopped dead in her tracks as the pain of dozens of lives were snuffed out in a blink of an eye. It was followed by the familiar chill of the Dark Side.

One of the enemy had entered the building and was coming this way.

A few meters ahead, both the Deputy Mayor and the Mayor himself, stopped and looked around at the Jedi Knight in concern and confusion.

Mayor - "Jedi Tarkin, what's the matter?"

Navaria frowned heavily.

"One of the Dark Jedi has entered the building. The one who caused that nearby explosion more then likely."

The frown vanished and a stern expression full of resolve filled the politicians with hope.

"Hurry! We have to get you out of here before he knows of your presence!"

Needing no more incentive to run off again, the officials began to turn around and head even faster for the door ...

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Oct 1st, 2002, 09:01:55 PM
... and they were too busy running for their lives, confident that Navaria Tarkin would protect their worthless souls.

It didn't register that their bodies were sliced in half by a violet lightsabre. At least not until the half of their body that contained the chest and head hit the floor and rolled up to see a smirking Dalethria standing over them.

"By Kashalla. You people still fall for that trick."

She leaned down in her true form and kissed the Mayor's forehead.

"Won't it be great that Navaria gets blamed for this since she was the only person seen entering the building."

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 1st, 2002, 09:08:50 PM
The the ghastly white visage of Dalethria vanished into the beautiful placid face of Navaria Tarkin. She had sensed others coming from down the nearby stairs and looked up to meet their horrified stares with a twisted grin.


Slowly she stood up just as the last gargled breath left the Mayor's body in a red bubble that pop sickeningly. Tense moments passed as the civilians looked at the Jedi Knight, not knowing if this was their time to die. Countless questions went through their minds as to why Navaria did this, why was she here, it couldn't have been here but her sabre was ignited ... (and yes, the color was light blue, not the familiar violet sabre that Dalethria uses).

... but then Navaria disengaged the weapon and turned around, heading towards where Zasz was. She needed to meet up with him and finish what they came here to do ... while those citizens that were sparred, ran out of the building.

Oct 1st, 2002, 09:21:57 PM
Zeke was sent flying, rolling to a stop against a wrecked speeder. He rolled back to his feet, ignoring the dull throb of his newfound headache. They hadn't hurt him enough to discourage him yet though. Sabers drawn, he continued down the street ahead of Hob, to figure out a method of defense.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 1st, 2002, 11:22:15 PM
De'Ville fell sideways, a door hinge slamming into her upper bicep. One of the bolts cut her deltoid through her clothing, a smear of blood staining her sleeve. The Dark Jedi Master bit her lip and heard the Jedi congratulating the new arrival. Too soon for that.

She flipped up to her feet, spinning her lightsaber from side to side, deflecting and ruining the two daggars that the Knight had sent towards her. "Liam!" De'Ville gave the Jedi Master a pouty smile. "I was having fun." Her pink lips parted in a grin, and De'Ville lifted her hand up, pinching the forefinger and thumb together.

The Jedi Knight dropped to his knees, clutching at his throat. "As you can see, I cannot afford to allow you to stop me. Do not advance, or I end his life now." De'Ville was seeking something inside the Knight's head...just a small blood vessel...only a pinch and the resulting aneurism would incapacitate the Jedi for...well, forever.

The control needed took time, however. Jibrelle had walked towards her, keeping the padawan in front of her, but coming against De'Ville's back. The two Dark Jedi stood ready, facing their opponents as the Jedi Knight began turning blue from lack of oxygen.

Sene Unty
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:56:56 AM
Sene stood on the Main Street of the city, as chaos wrapped its twisted fingers around him. Behind him sat the Jedi Living Quarters from which he had just exited. A dark presence was moving towards him now from down the street. The architect of the destruction conducted his madness upon the citizens that stood around him. Despite his experience, the dark side crept into his brain feasting on his doubt and anger. He had to push it away. He could not allow the Anarchy that perverted those that were weaker to taint him. He had to be stronger. With a final push of his will, he expelled the voice in his head. Trembling with fatigue he focused his attention on the coming danger.

How could he stop the madness?

Jehova Eaven
Oct 2nd, 2002, 09:45:37 AM
Jehova stood at the ready with his quantum metal staff in a defensive position. It would seem that the stranger he was keeping on eye on was more than a simple crazed pedestrian. He felt it now, the taint of weakness, the taint of the Jedi.

"Continue with your mission, Slayn. I'll handle him and catch up with you later." he spoke into Slayn's mind. Then he spoke aloud to the young Jedi. "Relax friend, don't force me to defend myself."

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 2nd, 2002, 11:47:40 AM
:: Lance grabbed his neck not feeling the oxygene pass through his system.::

"gah!!ugh...!! lee..le.le...let go off me" Lance could brely talk trying to breath, he then let one of his hands go downwards and grabbed an explosive pin as he gathered all the strenght he had in his body he threw it towards her make it explode right in the middle of the space between them, the explosion made Lance fly away and of course make her lose control over him, he then quickly rose to his feet and still touching hi throath he gasped .

"How the hell did she do that" Lance then grabbed Matrix back and spun it in front of him.

"Gah enough tricks!!! Let's finish this"

Maester Wargrave
Oct 2nd, 2002, 12:24:07 PM
Wargrave ducked his missile boat below the laser fire from the X-wing as it came into the fray, although several of the blasts smacked against his shields.

Engaging his own SLAM drives, the Dark Jedi's fighter began a steep climb into the upper atmosphere of Arcan IV. Satisfied he was far enough from the dogfight, Wargrave cut his engines and began free-falling towards the ground of the Jedi Planet.

He cycled through his targets, coming up with Estelle's X-Wing. The HUD gave no indication who it was on the ship, although Wargrave had encountered Estelle before. He switched from heavy rockets to advanced concussion missiles and prepared to fire.

"Little Jedi, far far away," he said into the comm, "No one to protect you now...No one at all...

His fighter slipped behind Estelle's X-Wing and Wargrave fired.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 2nd, 2002, 08:06:15 PM
" I know you have something to do with this chaos. "

Kindo was completely determined to discover who was operating this vile assault, and he knew it had something to do with the individual standing before him.

Ebon Dir
Oct 3rd, 2002, 12:53:04 AM
He was supposed to be joined by another of his dark jedi brothers in the assault on this target, but he hadn't showed. No matter, there was practically no resistence, Ebon could have handled the task half asleep.

He walked in, making no effort to hide his attention as his still-ignited saber cut a dazzling path before him. A quick slash disposed of one guard, while a bone crushing kick caved in the chest of the other, driving the shattered remains of his ribcage into his lungs. A chorus of screams rose from those in the bank at the site of the two sudden murders. He hardly heard them, though. They simply blended in with the ghostly screams he heard every moment of every day in his mind, along with the endless prattling of a long-dead friend.

Ebon turned and slid his saber across the door frame, welding the entrance shut. He wouldn't want anyone sounding the alarm, afterall; the last thing he needed was some nosy jedi poking his nose on to this quick operation. He captured the gaze of one of the attendents with his own piercing eyes, tossing her several large bags pulled from his belt. And though it was uneccesary, he spoke the words she already knew were coming.

"Fill these bags; be quick about it and you just might live."

With the attendent busy, he placed his attention on the patrons.

"You won't all make it out of here," he said matter-of-factly. "I suggest you make your peace."

(OOC: Awww, come on, don't any jedi want to play with li'l ol' me?)

(Current death toll: 5)

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 3rd, 2002, 11:57:42 AM
Hob walked. Step. Step. Step. Step. Ste-

Abruptly, the Dark Dwarf looked up. The rage continued to pour out of him, and Zeke could see in the eyes of his mask how overburdened with hatred he was.

Hobgoblin was exactly halfway to his target- the symbol of the Jedi that proclaimed to the world their strength. The symbol that he would denounce by bringing it down.

But first, there should be ceremony. There should be more symbolism- the very Jedi who that symbol stood for, Hob would brush aside, achieving something the legendary Darth Maul had not- a victory through pure physical combat.

Hob's arm pulled open his robe. A black glove held itself out expectantly. With a jerk, Hob's lightsaber landed in his hand, slowly hissing to life.

Looking past his vibrant red blade to Zeke, Hob extended a hand, and then beckoned with it.

Slayn Cloak
Oct 3rd, 2002, 02:54:34 PM
Slayn received his message, and began to feel the Jedi behind them. With a nod Slayn stepped forward and rose a hand to the security officer who blocked their passage into the power station; As he did this electricity crackled out of his fingertips and into the man, he fell dead in the doorway. Slayn stepped over the corpse and entered leaving Jehova and the Jedi to battle...

Oct 3rd, 2002, 03:36:52 PM
Zeke stopped, directly in Hob's path. The darksider drew his saber and beckoned him to fight. Zeke ignited his two sabers, the orange Drinking Angel and gold glitch. He took several deep breaths to calm his nerves. He was the only Jedi between Hob and GJO. The others were preventing havoc elsewhere, there was no telling when an ally would show. He dug himself in, and breathed out slowly, feeling the Force. To allow Hob the attack would put him immediately at a disadvantage. To attack first wouldn't be much better, but still, it was better than nothing. He drew another breath, steeling himself for the onslaught, and closed the distance between himself and Hob, drawing his sabers back for a powerful horizontal swing.

Zasz Grimm
Oct 3rd, 2002, 04:03:56 PM
He ran up past the debris as it was falling down around him, explosions rocking parts of the building. He looked around as people panicked, were running out of the building screaming as loud as they could.

What other political being was here in the building aside from the Mayor, that was no doubt already gone, and the representative? Surely there were more bu-.....

Man: "Senator, this way!"

Boom. A senator was running down the steps with other men dressed in diplomatic robes. Zasz ran over quickly to them, with genuine concern plastered all over his face. Yeah, right. As he was nearing the men, his hand started to go beneath his brown robes, reaching for the hilt of his lightsaber.

He ignited the blade, and the men surrounding the senator looked at him. Zasz did a backwards flip into the air, placing the end of his glowing blade at the mans face, right at the nose in the center, vertically. The men next to the Senator were splattered with blood as they screamed and started to run.

But as one began to run, the crimson blade of plasmic energy seemed to whine through the air as it met it's target, piercing through his neck, beheading him. The two other men were already running, Zasz reached out with his hand and heaved a piece of rock their way, crushing one man, but he let the other go.

The man was screaming.

Screaming loudly.


Zasz deactivated his blade quickly and twirled it inside of his robes, clicking it to his belt. He looked down to the senator of Arcan IV with a small grin. He ran forward, surely to run into Dalethria soon.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 4th, 2002, 11:22:15 AM
The sluggish arrival of Nupraptor had finally worn the Lupine’s patience to the minimum. Tired of standing in the side lines as the others indulged their minds and powers on the planet of Arcan IV, Vega set about making his way down into the city centre towards his destination to join in the fun. It was easy to see and even sense where the others had headed off to, as not only did they often leave behind a trail of debris but also the echo of their force signature was faintly visible.

Just as the darksiders aura’s betrayed their presence, so did those of the Jedi, who had begun to flock to the defence of their former base. Some, he imagined, had not even left the planet for their new home yet, and thus provided some guard against the Hand, however others seemed to be coming from off-world having sensed potential danger on the barely departed sphere.

As he stalked down through the streets of the city, people around him quarrelled and he felt the dark energy on the planet begin to grow and slowly form a blanket around various areas. Though the Hobgoblin had perverted the minds of many, there were still some who remained intact – and these would be one of his first targets. Though the NRSF had vacated the planet, a police task force had been left in charge, and were based in one large main complex as well as many other nucleated garrisons which panned across the cities; though were all linked primarily to the nexus and governed by a superintendent therein.

They could wait. The planet could not heal itself without medical supplies and doctors to administer them, and thus he headed for the hospital, in which already many were being treated. Pushing his way through the doors – they were open, wide open infact so that the injured could be ushered in quickly for treatment – he immediately sensed an enemy within, though continued on through towards the front desk. One of the clerks was all too happy to reveal to him the location of the power generator within the hospital, which was infact a dual system, with ports in both the basement and top floor. To get to both he would need to cut through some wards, unfortunately, and this boded an encounter with the Jedi within.

Never the less, he walked on, with martial stalk, striding through the hospital towards his destination.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 5th, 2002, 01:39:36 AM
Silus grinned as the X-wing came into view. As soon as Estelle fired, Silus jerked up and went full throttle. He moved quick enough to avoid her laser fire....

The two homing missiles launched by Satine, however, werent so fast...

The barrage of fire from Estelle's X-Wing hit one of the missiles. the explosion detonated the other missile. the two explosions rained more shrapnel and heat on the chaos below.

Now that Estelle would have her hands full, with fighting Wargrave and avoiding the two missile explosions, Silus went back to his original plan.

Silus absently engaged the trigger for the heavy torpedos, sending another volley of missiles at the government building

Estelle Russard
Oct 5th, 2002, 02:01:27 AM
As Silus' ship pulled up hard and away, Estelle was spared the horrible decision of when and which way to veer off to avoid collision. So much was going on around her - the fire from the other ships, the incredible speed of the crafts as they rained their terror on the buildings and people below and now....Wargrave was taunting her over the transmitter.

Feel the force, Estelle. she calmed herself as best she could.

This predicament was unexpected and she was completely inexperienced in this form of combat. If she survived, it would be very lucky. If she was effective against these pilots in any degree - it would be a miracle.

The voice, though tinny sounding over the speaker, was familiar. Was it Taylor Millard? The Jedi Knight reached out with her senses but she could not recognise him.

There was so much imbalance in the force right now, the overwhelming darkness and chaos - so many darksiders unleashing the invective on the populace. Estelle felt greived in her spirit.

An frighteningly loud bang thudded on the side of her x-wing, the impact of the incoming missile from Satine blowing off one whole gun turret on the left side and sending the ship carreening wildly into the path of Wargraves fighter.

Estelles stomach did tripple flips as she struggled to bring the x-wing back under control.

Bette Davis
Oct 5th, 2002, 03:21:57 AM
Bette triggered another salvo of missiles at the frieghter sized defender, aiming at the underside still. They were flying towards the government building, and she was pretty sure Shadow Leader was almost clear of the area.

At the same time as her finger depressed the trigger, Razor activated his tractor beam. Not bothering to get a complete lock on the defender, he settled for a partial, and the defender's ship shook suddenly and veered off course, towards the buildings on either side of their flight path.

Oct 5th, 2002, 05:18:33 PM
Satine growls as his shields finally fail, and the last missle rips into theheavy armor plating on the underside of his ship. Feeling the thing move and change course, Satine calls up a report, and sees that a tractor beam was beginning to pull him into the buildings.

Smiling, Satine quickly configures two warheads to be laucnhed from the reafr warhead launcher, directly into the tractor beam.

He left Bette a choice. Either he keeps the beam on, and get slammed by two missiles, or cut out the beam, and dodge the missiles.

Satine, slamming open his throttle, begins to break free of the beam himself...

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 6th, 2002, 01:53:22 AM
After Wei addressed her, Jibrielle looked at him with wounded, deer eyes. He - accusing her of something wrong?

"I wanted to see how the machines worked, and dropped my ring. Now I see that the rest of you are attacking my 'Guardian', eager to point fingers."

The scars on her face began to burn slightly, causing her to wince. The Apprentice looked away from the man to LD, watching her fight the Jedi ...

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 6th, 2002, 08:58:11 AM
(Mending another man's injuries, Jubei's attention quickly snaps away, turning down the hall of the main medical ward.)


(He leaves the injured to the care of the overwhelmed staff, and runs down the hallway, toward the aura of darkness he feels approaching)

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 6th, 2002, 10:53:23 AM
It was odd, how an entire capital could be grinded into oblivion within the span of a single night, and not a single Jedi cared to stop and deliberate whether the attacks really were made at random; one would imagine that followers of such pure philosophy welcomed such an absolution from outright battle.

And yet, on the contrary, it appeared that they preferred to wage war - and only when war was evident - instead of choosing to shear the problem at the source before it veered out of control. A good idea would have been to station a few Force adepts by the building housing the main planetary shield generators. It was, after all, rather important.

Even a handful of Padawans would have proved to be of some effect, but no, only a small number of lowly police officers were posted outside the large edifice. And judging from the manner in which their eyes drooped and ever so often one left to return several minutes later, their coffee and doughnut supplies replenished ... it was quite obvious that their hearts really weren't set on the job.

Especially not this newest recruit, positioned just in front of a window paneled with black-tinted glass. His mind - or actually, the part of it focused on his crotch - kept straying over to a couple of females, sitting on the edge of the pavement on the other side of the near-empty street. They were quietly giggling and whispering naughty little things to each other.

A broad grin etched across the official's face and he drew in a deep breath, expanding his chest outward. Two harmless young girls, in their late adolescent years at most, looking to have fun. Why not indulge them?

Immediately as this thought formulated in his mind, one of the pair arose and sauntered across the street. She was lightly built and, once she had reached him, had to raise her head to meet his eyes. A strand of strawberry-blonde hair twirled around her finger and she bit down on her lip. The girl leaned up and pressed a hand against his chest, covering his mouth with hers in a lingering kiss. As soon as she pulled away, the man fell to the ground, frozen. Dead.

By this time the woman's companion, a fair-haired female, was standing beside the body. Some of his fellow guards, alerted to this disruption, were making quick haste towards the scene, weapons poised. Taja quickly walked over to the dark window and shielded her eyes with a gloved hand, the other punching through the thick glass with deceptive strength.

She darted a last glance at the Apprentice before hauling herself through the gap. "Take care of the others. Meet me inside in no more than five minutes."

Rognan Dar
Oct 6th, 2002, 04:36:06 PM
Rognan was continuing down the street when even more explotions went off, he was so confused at why this was happening, but it didn't stop him from going on. Every step closer he got to the center of the distruction he felt heavy hearted, but he pressed on knowing that he needed to help thoughs that couldn't help themselfs.He was walking down a debry filled street when he saw a man beating and kicking a woman on the ground not moveing, he saw dumbfounded that someone would do such a thing. He started to run at the him when he the man stoped and looked at Rognan, the man was twice as big as him but he had to stop him from beating on the diffencless woman. He picked up speed and jumped at the man, nocking him to the ground with a thoud. Rognan stood up and looked at the figure, he wasn't moveing so he moved to the woman to check if she was alive. He broght his fingers to her neck, there was a beat thank god, and she was breathing but not very well. At that moment the man slowly stood up and had a look of confution on his face.

"Whats going on here, ouch, and why does my head hurt." The man said. Rognan stood up as quick as a wink and was in a diffensive stance, but he thought he should answer and see what he thought. "Um, you where beating this woman here and I nocked you over and you hit your head." I didn't know why he was telling the man this but I did. " I was doing what? oh my is she alright?" the man said. "She alive but shes hurt bad." Rognan said wondering if the hit to the head casted out the evelness in the man that was getting to everyone.

"Are you saying that you want to help?" He questioned.

"Ya, let me help you out. you helped me now I want to help you." That was all I needed to hear so I picked the woman up and walked down the street with the man following me. We made our way to a hospital with it's dorrs wide open. Walking in he saw a horrifying site, people were all over the place with many diffrent wounds. I found a spot for the woman, and placed her on the floor, and went to get some water for her. Looking around I finaly found a sink and a bowl and filled it up with water and brought it back.

Sitting the woman up put the bowl to her lips and she drank it all up. At once the woman started having seizures, he didn't know what to do, just a second ago she was fine now she was jurking al over the place. "Help, this woman needs help." Rognan said "Hey you, go get someone, she needs help." He said, trying to stop her from hitting things.

Oct 6th, 2002, 06:33:37 PM
Vega has but just finished off his first victim, splattering the poor soul along the barren hospital walls, when the lights flickered, then died. For the span of a few heartbeats, they remained out of commission. Then, with a sluggish churn that was clearly audible, the alternate generator kicked into gear and the lights returned, dimmer than before.

And, just a few dozen paces in front of Lupine, stood the heavily robed figure of a man, where none had stood but moments before. His head was bowed, but a red glow pulsed from under his hood.

"Did you really think we would let you get this party started without us, Vega? We have much work to do."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 6th, 2002, 06:57:35 PM
Wei saw the girl tear up. Then he saw her wince.

"Uh, are you ok? You just acted like you were hurt."

Wei wondered what she had been up to over there. He also wondered why she had winced.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 6th, 2002, 08:24:24 PM
Kindo continued hastily walking towards Jehova, his sapphire eyes gazing heavily upon the ebony warrior ahead. A dark ambience encompassed the man, and the Jedi could feel it. He didn't understand how the darksider managed to create this impulsive castastrophe, but he knew for sure that he was part of the cause. His master had once taught him how to detect cloaked darkness amongst the swarming crowds, and to that training he held.

With his tawny lightsaber still in hand, he stepped up before Eaven. With the swift extention of his arm, he held the blade close to the puzzled man's neck.

" You are part of what caused this, now if you so desire to inflict such hatred, defend yourself here and now, against me. "

He was not trying to appear pompous or ignorant, but just wanted to protect the others around. By distracting this amoral man, he could prevent him from continuing any further disaster.

Liam Jinn
Oct 6th, 2002, 08:35:04 PM

Liam shook his head, raising an eyebrow at De'Ville. Lance had taken care of himself, at least for the moment.

"Almost, Lady De'Ville. Almost."

As he stepped into the room, his attention moved to a different girl. He did not recognise her, but something inside told him she wasn't to be trusted. He chuckled a bit at her story, then turned back to De'Ville. His hand settled on his lightsaber, just in case.

"She has a few things to learn, doesn't she? Now what are you two doing here?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 6th, 2002, 11:31:06 PM
The smoke from the explosive device the younger Jedi had managed to throw was still thick in the air, and De'Ville walked through it towards Liam. "Now, now, Jinn, you should know better than to ask questions."

Her saber was still ignited, and she threw her hand behind her, tossing the younger Jedi into the nearby wall with a thud. "Get out of our way." Her eyes bored into Liam's, and she held her saber in front of her defensively as she walked forward, determined to pass him. "Abunai, follow me."

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 7th, 2002, 10:27:38 AM
The whimpers, screams and bawling of the hospital patients fell upon deaf ears as Vega regarded the newly appeared Nupraptor with a faint smile. On the one hand, he was faintly impressed by the manner in which he had appeared, whilst still his ego held him to consider himself the most powerful of the pair. Within his mind, the centipede twitched.

“Ah, the illusive Nupraptor. How nice of you to grace us with your presence,” the Lupine chimed in response, nodding in greeting.

“We are behind in our work, and I sense that already one of the Jedi has realised his folly and begun heading for this portion of the hospital.”

As he spoke, he brushed flecks of crimson from the thick cuffs of his coat, momentarily diverting his attention to the still alive civilians within the room. It would be fun, but sadly far too time consuming, to take each one for the slaughter – plus, the two had much more important things to do.

“Unless you have a method of pulling off that trick again, I suggest we split up and head for the two generators to remove the hospitals power.”

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 7th, 2002, 12:44:18 PM
Zeke sought to cut him in half, and bissect him the swing would have, had it landed. Rather than be drawn into the trap of blocking a single lightsaber and leaving the other to injure him, Hob knew he had to stop both of his opponent's weapons.

How he did so was astonishing to watching.

As Zeke neared, Hob drew his blade horizontal in a seemingly defenseless move. Then, with speed born of a master's intuition, Hob extended his lightsaber under Zeke's left blade with an accompanying step. Then, Hob used his weapon to shove Zeke's lightsaber blade over his head, reversed his direction, and brought both blades down into Zeke's second blade, still coming from the right. The momentum of Zeke's weapons worked against each other, and Hob's third blade kept them both pinned to the ground.

Sparks flew up, bits of molten metal and street dust, and Hob looked through his mask across the weapons at his opponent for a brief but lingering glance.

Then, as Zeke pulled upward to free his weapons, Hob used that momentum, too. A short hop into the air, the Dark Trickster went, landing nearby and holding his lightsaber as he had been.

Releasing one of his hands from the hilt, Hob beckoned Zeke again. Then he took hold of his lightsaber handle and set himself.

This young whelp would know the powers of a true Jedi soon enough.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 7th, 2002, 02:12:00 PM
Wei was slammed into a wall, but soon got shakily to his feet. He needed to catch his breath. The wind had been knocked out of him.

"You were saying about your Master, young lady?" Wei had a tendency to refer to his peers as ma'am, sir, lady, gentleman etc when he was being stern.

"I think you need to tell me the truth. What did you do to the machine?"

Wei advanced toward the girl, focusing the Force through his body to ease the pain and regain his breathing. He would not let her escape to vandalize something else.

Oct 7th, 2002, 04:39:11 PM
Zeke stood his ground, sizing up Hob. That move alone was enough to seal Zeke's fate in his own mind; he was in for a long fight if Hob chose to play around, and in for a swift beating if Hob chose to be serious. He lunged once more, swinging his sabers in a circle at Hob's feet. He jumped and twisted , using his rotating momentum to throw a swing kick at Hob's face.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 7th, 2002, 08:56:38 PM
(Jubei stepped into the hallway's intersection, facing the two darksiders. His eyes widened a bit, as their intent needed no explanation. He held out a hand in pleading)

No! Not here! If you must fight me, do not involve these people.

Milivikal k'Vik
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:03:18 PM
Milivikal's left hand slapped the metal floor.

The building rang, a caphony of tones and rumbles. She pulled her fingernails against the cold floor, strange scrating noises ensued. Inside the conduits, the wires were tortured serprents, writhing and spitting. Her right hand joined the left, beating a rythm against the floor, doubling the panic of the power grid.

wum-ptat ptat-boom-ptaktak-ptat-ptat-boom-ptaktak maintained the right hand while the left focused on the strange screeching (to the passing observer, of which there was none). The Siren intensified her strange beat, and the vast majority of the grid flickered off. After an intense percusion session, Mili began to flicker in and out of conciousness.

The center of the city remained darkend.

Jehova Eaven
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:17:28 PM
This pest was very bold for stepping up to an Ambrelian warrior. Of course being bold and being foolish were two entirely different things. Jehova stood smiling with the bright blade at his neck, after all, this was not the first time he was in a situation like this.

"It seems like you leave me no choice." he said softly.

At that moment two forces began to wrestle for the blade at his neck, a physical one and a mental one. Only one would come out victorious, and that victory would go to the one with the greater will. The blade inched back and forth going towards his neck and then quickly away. To those watching it would seem like their willpower was evenly matched. However, as the blade once again came close a spark ignited within Jehova. It was the indomitable will to live. That spark forced the blade out of the young man's hands and away from his neck.

He quickly prepared himself for the coming battle.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:49:11 PM
As Zasz turned the corner, he saw a smirking Navaria Tarkin leaning on the side of the wall.

"What in the name of the Force took you so long?"

Oct 8th, 2002, 01:08:15 AM
"You. Hm hm hm", a deep chuckle resonated through the Dark Jedi's chest. "Yes, I remember you. The tree hugger."

His feet slamming against the hard tile floor, Nupraptor approached Jubei slowly, yet methodically. As he walked forward, the lighting around him twisted and swirled in a most surreal manner, and the air was filled with an audible clicking sound, punctuated only by his thunderous footsteps.

"Do you think us ignorant of where we stand? We chose this location intentionally, little man. These people are weak... unfit to live. Were it not for outside intervention, they would have been dead already. It is natural selection." His last words were carefully enunciated.

"This planet will be the first of many to be wiped clean of such filth. You may join them, or you may join Us. Either way, choose quickly. We have much work to do."

Kelt Simoson
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:29:10 AM
Kelt had come with Jubei into the actions of the hospital, and had two walked into the path of the two powerfull darksiders. The crusader pressed his hand against the hilt of his saber waiting for one of there moves, he was hardly a match for them both but atleast he could buy some timefor the innocents in the hospital.

'You shall not pass!' Kelt bellowed bravley stepping up beside Jubei.

Oct 8th, 2002, 09:54:02 AM
"It will be my pleasure." She watched Taja walk away.

The Dark Jedi kicked the frozen man on the ground, grunting boredly. She looked around, her arms slowly crossing over her stomach until the corner of her eyes spotted a sort of walkie-talkie on the man. She arched an eyebrow and picked it up. A few pssh sounds could be heard and some men talking. She couldn't quite understand, but she pressed on the button on the side and spoke into it with a low seducing voice.

"Hey boys, looking for a little fun ? Pretty lady here at ..." She looked behind her for the name of the side of the building. "A1."

The men were probably wondering what happened, because they all ran towards her. She threw the machine into the wall, making it break and a small dent in the wall. When they arrived, they saw a woman running her gloved her hand through her blonde hair and their dead companion.

"Little b-- !" One of them yelled.

But she already grabbed him by the head as he charged at her, ramming her knee into him, as he was sent up in the air, she let go of him and kicked him sideways into his comrades.

"I don't have much time, so." She walked up to the ones remaining, taking out a silver steel gun. "Better end this now."

She pistol-whipped one and shot the other in the mouth. The last one remaining, she grinned, muttering a little word before shooting through his right eye, but upwards slightly to hit his brain.


Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 8th, 2002, 09:54:26 AM
“We shan’t pass? And you’re going to be the ones to stop us?”

Bringing both arms to fold over his chest, he sneered a snide laugh as he rocked his head back and then forth once more to fix his gaze onto Jubei and his cohort.

“Don’t make me laugh! I suggest you do as my colleague here advised and make a fast decision: death has no time to wait.”

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 8th, 2002, 03:23:46 PM
Kindo used his palm to thrust a forceful blow towards Jehova's midsection, vigorously throwing him backwards. Still lacking a weapon, he quickly retrieved his stagnant saber through the Force. He then advanced upon the darksider with a robust overhead strike.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 8th, 2002, 07:33:40 PM
Zeke: (ooc) I've read your post a couple of times and am having a tad bit of difficulty making sense of the part where you say you're "swinging your lightsabers in a circle at Hob's feet." I'm guessing that you mean you're swinging first one lightsaber, then the other, and that your momentum comes from a kind of diagonal spin. Then after the saber swings, you follow up with a kick that comes at Hob from the same direction. If this sounds wrong, let me know and I'll edit this post with a different manuever.


Anticipating the direction from which Zeke's momentum had to come, Hob prepared his next defense. He made a short hop to clear the first blade with a staggered landing: while his front foot was landing, his back foot was still in the air. But rather than land straight from there, Hob continued with his own rotational spin. His front foot pushed off again, clearing the second blade and sending him falling into a kind of cartwheel. Hob took one hand off his lightsaber to catch Zeke's kicking leg. His hand met it, shifted, and shoved it down beneath him.

When the limbs had finished flailing, the alteration to his momentum had put Zeke on his feet, but off his stance, while Hob was landing gracefully and balanced a few meters away.

For all his grace and poise, the dwarf had so far been fighting a defensive battle and he knew it. It did not concern him. He could take care of himself until an opening arose.

And after he'd made a defining mark of contact, he would unleash upon Zeke the full power of the Force.

Oct 8th, 2002, 07:47:28 PM
OOC: That's exactly how it went. I was worried I'd have to edit with something else...

IC:Zeke landed off balance, staggering almost to his knees as he regained his footing. He flourished his sabers idly, thinking as fast as he ever had in all his life.

"How do I connect...?" he thought to himself.

Zeke feinted one step forward, then backed down, indecisive. Finally, he sighed, and focused. He felt the Force, allowed it to guide him. He could almost hear it speaking. Let's try...


Zeke sprinted toward the dwarf, sabers flashing, mixing the angles and directions unpredictably as if preparing for a strike. Then, at the last moment, Zeke put his sabers behind him and launched a flying kick at the Dark Jedi.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 8th, 2002, 08:54:25 PM
Hob watched with curiosity as Zeke began working a flurry of feints. From the distance he was at, Hob judged his opponent to be working at a deception tactic with his useless swings. And correct, the dwarf was.

Upon seeing Zeke take to the air once again, Hob turned his blade vertically. With a twisting lean, Hob put himself on the outside of the kick, letting it pass by him.

And then, he cut downwards at Zeke's hip as he flew by.

Oct 8th, 2002, 08:59:05 PM
Zeke twisted, pushing out with one hand. It wasn't much, but Hob's blade clipped his side, instead of cutting him in half. The padawan hit the ground, arching his back to keep the cut from touching the dirt. He gritted his teeth against the pain and drew a hissing breath. Man, it just wasn't his day...

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 9th, 2002, 09:08:37 AM
Hob bent his knee and brought his head down after the cut, ensuring that neither of Zeke's trailing blades would cut his head. Then he stood and whirled on his Jedi opponent, who was on the ground in pain.

He had no desire to kill Zeke. It was his hope that the Jedi would learn from this battle, that this would free him from his deluded pacifist ways. But Zeke was still an opponent, and capable of stopping him even in his injured state. As such, he warranted disarming.

As he covered the short distance to where his opponent had landed, Hob began to channel his powers into his lightsaber. There was a powerful advantage to the red Sith blades that was not common knowledge: focus crystals harmonized with the Dark Side put forth powerful energies that sometimes broke the blades of other lightsabers, shorting out their energy matrices and melting the focus crystals to render the weapon useless. By channelling the Force through the focus crystals of lightsaber and empowering the energy matrix of his own blade, Hob had found a way to enhance this capability to the point where it was a near certainty. Granted, the lightsabers he'd tested it on were either relics of Bast or ones he'd personally constructed, but the science behind the process should have remained the same.

With his lightsaber glowing an even more vibrant and vicious red, Hob angled his lightsaber to point at Zeke, waiting for his enemy to attempt to bat it out of the way and receive a nasty surprise. "You are beaten," he said quietly. "Yield one of your lightsabers to me, and you may leave this place without suffering further at my hand."

(ooc) Some FYI notes! :) The lightsaber sundering process in question has not received any practical use to this point- it is just an idea I've been refining in my spare time as a means of achieving victory over an opponent without killing or maiming them, since that's contrary to the RP rules. This is pretty much a test run of the power, so if something should go unexpectedly... well, that'll probably cause something unexpected to happen. :)

Also, Hob is speaking the truth about letting Zeke go in exchange for a lightsaber, so if he attempts to sense Hob's motives he'll get the impression of honesty. That is all I wanted to say, and thanks for being a good sport about the post. :)

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 9th, 2002, 09:48:22 AM
(Jubei had to bait them, lead them away. They were intent on doing harm in the hospital, and he had to turn that intent away from the patients and onto himself...

He dropped into a deep horse stance, and with a rapid kata, advanced on Vega in a sprint. He jumped, using his considerable upward and forward momentum to sustain a chain of snapping shin kicks, aimed at the Lupine's chest and face.)

Oct 9th, 2002, 10:58:27 AM
OOC: No problem Hob. I myself didn't think what I had originally would fly, but couldn't figure a way around it. Glad we did.

IC: Zeke looked up along Hob's blade to the dwarf himself.

"Give you one of my sabers? You're joking."

But something about Hob told him that the Dark Jedi spoke sincerely.

"One question before I do...what do you want them for?"

Zasz Grimm
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:16:48 AM
"Oh, you know, the usual. Now they have a dead Senator."

He slowed down as he looked to her. She looked odd, she wasn't pale and the color in her cheeks and her body was up. Alot different.

"My, you clean up well."

He meant it as a joke as he waited on her for what to do next. They had to level this building, that much he knew.

Jehova Eaven
Oct 9th, 2002, 11:57:58 AM
The force that knocked him back had impacted on his frail ribs, but luckily the muscles around them had softened the blow. He grinned while he hid his pain. The human would pay dearly this day.

With a subtle sidestep Jehova had parried the deadly move. This defender of the "peace" had gone for the kill too quickly and had left himself open for a counterattack. His staff spun around his body and connected with his attacker in the back of his calve hard. The force of the blow was enough to easily shatter an Ambrelian's bones into at least a hundred pieces.

Oct 9th, 2002, 12:55:46 PM
The Fallen Jedi watched impassively as Jubei made his assault on Vega. The thought had briefly crossed his mind to assist his comrade, but he knew it was unecessary: Vega Van-Derveld could take care of himself. Instead, he focused his attention on the other man.

Nupraptor did not recognize the other Jedi. He must have been a more recent admission to the order.

"They would send a Padawan to face Us? Lambs to the slaughter, I say! Tell me, little one: Do you wish to die, having accomplished so little with your life?"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:21:18 PM
Kindo understood the reason he wanted to engage in combat, for the distraction itself would provide a scarse oppurtunity for the others around to remain safe. He knew that even with all the rapid strikes he delivered that Jehova would resist them, at least he hoped.

With the swift sweep of his leg, he kicked the Ambrelian's hind legs, compelling him to crash just has he did moments ago. With the darksider disabled momentarily, Ki Adi vaulted back up upon his feet, regaining his previous defensive position.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 9th, 2002, 03:58:05 PM
"It is all a manner of perception my dear Zasz."

Dalethria answered, tapping at the side of her head. Then she frown as a stray though was picked up from her fellow Brother. She stopped herself from chortling. Once a lover and now a Brother. Quite ironic the situation was. Dalethria thought she would never have to see Zasz again but the Force loved to play tricks upon its Dark followers.

"No you are quite wrong my dear ... fellow ... Jedi Knight."

She smiled sardonically and approached Zasz.

"To level this building serves no purpose. Making sure who runs things does. But that is for later. Now, with Navaria conveniently away from this poor catastrophe, I think you and I need to continue sullyng her name and the Jedi ways. Hmm? What do you think? There are plenty of stupid Arcan citizens to fool on the way to the ship."

Maester Wargrave
Oct 10th, 2002, 12:06:12 AM
"Mister Xilarian, once you shake your tail you are with me. Commander Davis, Commander Torre...thank you for your assitance. Once the fighters are dealt with you can return."

Wargrave swooped below the battling fighters, heading back towards the spaceport. He'd accomplished part of his mission. Now to take out the transportation abilities.

"Fox One" he said reflexively as he released two heavy rockets towards the train rails.

It exploded in a mass of flames.

Bette Davis
Oct 10th, 2002, 12:46:37 AM
Satine growls as his shields finally fail, and the last missle rips into theheavy armor plating on the underside of his ship. Feeling the thing move and change course, Satine calls up a report, and sees that a tractor beam was beginning to pull him into the buildings.

Smiling, Satine quickly configures two warheads to be launched from the reafr warhead launcher, directly into the tractor beam.

He left Bette a choice. Either he keeps the beam on, and get slammed by two missiles, or cut out the beam, and dodge the missiles.

Satine, slamming open his throttle, begins to break free of the beam himself...

Val heard the warning clarion notifying him of incoming missiles, and he released the tractor beam, angling up and away from the dogfight towards the upper atmosphere. The defender, who had been accelerating, trying to break away from the tractor beam (but only overheating his engines) shot away towards the building, smashing into the side of the skyscraper.

"Mister Xilarian, once you shake your tail you are with me. Commander Davis, Commander Torre...thank you for your assitance. Once the fighters are dealt with you can return."

Shooter double clicked the comm in reply, as did Razor, and Bette turned sharply into a cross street. She headed up for the upper atmosphere, and joined up with her wingman, Razor, heading back towards the spaceport.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:07:18 AM
"Only as a proper mark of victory," Hob replied. "Certainly a Jedi such as yourself will willingly conform to the formalities of dueling? Or would you rather I played the part of a Sith and sought your life instead of mere victory?"

Kelt Simoson
Oct 10th, 2002, 09:53:36 AM
'I am in no mood to be judged on my rank,nor am i going to waist my time toying with your pathetic excuse for a taunt.'Kelt shifted into a defensive stance and ignighted his saber in a blade of solid light blue. 'Have at thee!' He cried gesturing towards himself

Oct 10th, 2002, 12:57:18 PM
"And what, bragging rights isn't good enough?"

Zeke laid his head back on the ground and sighed. He was beat, flat out. But he had one last trick up his sleeve. He looked to his gold saber, the one he'd made himself, the one he'd built wrongly. Then he looked at Hob.

"You want one of these sabers? Here, take this one!"

He threw the gold saber at Hobgoblin, watching it cover the short distance past Hob's red saber, past his arm, to strike Hob's shoulder.

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 10th, 2002, 01:51:20 PM
As the Jedi leapt through the air, the Dark Lord brought both hands up from his chest into a defensive position and simply waited. Once the light sider was within reaching distance, he felt the force of his kicks slam against both hands as they attempt to penetrate through to crack against Vega’s body – of course, to no avail. The Lupine finally got what he searched for in a grip on one ankle, and literally tore Jubei from the air, simply tossing him on past the Dark Jedi and across to crash into one of the rows of occupied hospital beds.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 10th, 2002, 02:11:01 PM
The shining gold blade hissed into the fabric of Hob's robe, turning the black cloth into ash in a split second. Hob's red blade flickered darkly for a second as the hilt of Zeke's lightsaber moved further, the blade disappearing into the darkness beneath the robe.

And then, the blade re-emerged from the robe the way it had come in. The length of the weapon shrank, and shrank, until it closed itself off with a final hiss.

The inactive hilt struck Hob's shoulder and bounced off. Hob took one hand off his own weapon and caught his prize with it. Zeke caught a brief glimpse of the activation switch unlocked and in the off position, before Hob's gloved hand closed around the weapon.

In the small, burnt place of Hob's robe, a patch of red and blistered skin showed.

Hob's lightsaber flickered and dimmed. The dwarf walked several meters away, then concealed both lightsabers somewhere inside his robe. "Shame on you, Jedi, for expecting a true Master to be caught unawares," he said quietly. "And shame on you for breaking a duel's bond ."

As the words duel's bond hissed in Zeke's ear, he found himself choking and unable to breathe effectively.

Oct 10th, 2002, 02:15:37 PM
Zeke struggled for breath, watching Hob as he walked away.

"I can't...just allow...you to walk away!" he gasped. "I can't let you...destroy....the Order..."

Zeke's voice faded as the Padawan fell unconcious.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 10th, 2002, 02:25:48 PM
The last thing Zeke heard before he was knocked out, and before Hob released him from his power, was a mocking trail of cackles that penetrated even into his unconscious.

In the struggle between order and chaos raging in the city, chaos had just surged powerfully against its' would-be opponents. Arcan solar continued to sink slowly beneath the horizon.

And in the middle of Main Street in the now-darkened city section, Hobgoblin continued on, sending forth fresh waves of hatred.

Liam Jinn
Oct 10th, 2002, 03:38:26 PM
He took a few steps back, then leaned up against the doorframe, blocking any passage out of the room. He mocked a yawn before a grin slipped onto his face, his eyes staring back with the same intensity as De'Ville's.

"Now now, Lady De'Ville. You'll pass when we know why you're here."

The lightsaber that hung on his belt leapt into his waiting hand. A grey blade rose quickly from the hilt, the tip pointing in De'Ville's direction, warning her not to take anymore steps in his direction.

"..But I am not garunteeing you'll be able to walk out...Unless of course, you do this the easy way and tell us what you were doing in here."

Oct 10th, 2002, 03:56:20 PM
"Oooo... it looks like the pup has a bit of a bark. We wonder if it has any bite to back it up."

The Dark Jedi raised his hand, all of his fingers pointing upward. He twisted them about for a moment, using the motion to focus his will. There was a cracking, followed by a crash as the flimsy hospital ceiling tore itself apart, the lights falling and breaking on the floor. The support beams and and several cinder blocks fell directly towards Kelt.

Oct 10th, 2002, 04:41:58 PM
Originally posted by Bette Davis
Val heard the warning clarion notifying him of incoming missiles, and he released the tractor beam, angling up and away from the dogfight towards the upper atmosphere. The defender, who had been accelerating, trying to break away from the tractor beam (but only overheating his engines) shot away towards the building, smashing into the side of the skyscraper.

"Mister Xilarian, once you shake your tail you are with me. Commander Davis, Commander Torre...thank you for your assitance. Once the fighters are dealt with you can return."

Shooter double clicked the comm in reply, as did Razor, and Bette turned sharply into a cross street. She headed up for the upper atmosphere, and joined up with her wingman, Razor, heading back towards the spaceport.

Satine slams against the straps of his seat as Black Star slams into the skyscraper. Quickly activating the antigravs Satine realigns his ship, and streaks after the fighter group. As he's doing this, he checks the damage readouts. He groans when he sees what they say. The shields on the left side were gone, and slowly regenerating. A quick fix of evening out the power did the trick, but one of his four cannon hardpoints was down. Which meant he lost a weapon.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 10th, 2002, 10:49:04 PM
De'Ville raised her eyebrow at his saber tip, and lifted her own saber to match. "What were we doing? Oh, a field trip. Abunai is terribly interested in water, and machines."

She pouted prettily, "May we go now?" Abunai was nearer to her than she was to the knight or the padawan. Just one opening, was all they needed...

Kelt Simoson
Oct 11th, 2002, 03:51:37 AM
Kelt waisted little time in seeing what was falling down upon him. The Jedi Padawan made a brave attempt to lunge forward out of the way of the falling debre and he won just clearing the falling brick work and tiles. In mid lunge however kelt turned his body into a ball sticking his left arm out so that be was not cut by his own blade and just as he was exiting his role the Jedi positioned his blade out towards the Dark Jedi so the momentum of his speed out would hopefully impale Nupraptor onto the light siders saber.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 11th, 2002, 12:03:07 PM
(Jubei tumbled back into some cots, dislodging some wailing patients as he fell. He rolled forward, springing to his feet, and kicked the pneumatic lever of a nearby mobile bed, lowering it down by a foot. He then kicked at the top of the bedframe, sending the wheeled device hurtling into the backs of Vega's knees, causing him to fall back. As Vega and the bed rolled forward, Jubei made a running leap, aiming to drop an axe kick across the prone Dark Jedi's sternum)

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 11th, 2002, 02:25:13 PM
"Of course I'm fine. Goodbye."

Walking past Wei as soon as she heard Lilaena speak to her, she stood behind the Dark Jedi and looked out at the other man with dark eyes.

"She speaks the truth, Sir, I wanted to see how they filtered their water and dropped my ring."

While she spoke, she moved out from behind LD and began to walk towards Liam slowly. She looked innocent, and maybe a little lost. You want to let them go, whispered the Jedi's subconscience ...

Oct 11th, 2002, 05:24:23 PM
Even when he had begun his roll, Nupraptor had stepped backwards and to the side, pressing his body up against the wall. He watched with amusement as the padawan struck out with his saber at thing air. Then he turned, still facing Kelt with his back to the rubble and starting edging backwards.

"Don't think you got away quite that easily," he chimed. "Because that was only setting the stage."

Jehova Eaven
Oct 12th, 2002, 08:45:41 PM
Jehova was no longer having fun, this stranger had now become a thorn in his side and he would soon remove it. He quickly rose to his feet and activated the staff's secret. Within a split second a bright colorless beam of light exploded forth from the tip of the staff transforming it into an energy scythe.

"Well then, would you care to be the first on this planet to have their blood shed by this blade?"

His foot moved forward preparing to lunge.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 12th, 2002, 09:00:51 PM
" Has far has I am concerned, no blood will be shed, not here, not now. "

He gradually encompassed Jehova, silently positioning his lightsaber for a rapid strike. He then quickly advanced upon the infuriated darksider with a horizontal slash in a whip-like action.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 12th, 2002, 11:52:17 PM
Satine was back on Silus' tail. Satine's ship had gone through hell, but the fun was just starting. As Satine was pushing it to keep up, Silus let off his throttle and took the diverted power from the engines and diverted it to his shields. After doing this, Silus angled his ship down sharply, Letting Satine fly over him.

As soon as Satine passed over, Silus diverted power back to his engines and brought his ship back up, jumping on Satine's tail.

Silus immediately "blind fired" two heavy torpedos at Satine while his targeting sensors locked on. As soon as the indicator went red, Silus fired off two advanced concussion missiles and cut hard right.

This would leave Satine in a bit of a "situation". If he decided to chase Silus, he'd be hard pressed to rid himself of the concussion missiles. If he decided to keep going and try to rid himself of them, Silus would be free to do whatever he liked....

The choice was up to Satine as Silus flew away from the city, catching up with the fighter occupied by Wargrave, Silus' master....

Maester Wargrave
Oct 13th, 2002, 01:55:44 AM
"Final orders SS," Wargrave said as he headed towards the local military base. Because the New Republic expected the Jedi to protect them they had only a few fighters which still sat on the runway, waiting pilots.

Wargrave targetted a fuel truck, sitting next to an outdated Z-95 Headhunter. The Dark Jedi launched two advanced concussion missiles at the fuel truck, smiling at he saw it detonate and destroy the Z-95 at the same time.

He switched to heavy rockets, he had about six left, and targetted the military barracks.

It was then he felt it...a familiar presense on the ground of the military base. A presence he hadn't felt in a long time.

Wargrave smiled...this would be fun.

"With the airspeed traffic destroyed, your orders are to destroy the military base, then leave as fast as you can. Go, Commander Xilarian is in charge now. Good luck."

The Dark Jedi launch three of his rockets at the barracks and watched it explode.

Then he syncronized the slave circuit on his missile boat, so Silus had control of his fighter.

The last thing he saw before ejecting from the fighter was orange falmes from another one of the command area as he heavily damaged that with the last of his rockets.

Fifteen minutes later and he was on the ground of the burning New Republic base.

"Now...where are you..."

Kelt Simoson
Oct 13th, 2002, 06:08:01 AM
Kelt with the momentum of his roll went back up onto his feet and stop himself going over again by pressing his hand against the wall, and as soon as he had exited the roll he had swung his light saber 140 degrees around do it was in a sideward arch towards the Master. 'We will see about that!'

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 13th, 2002, 07:20:32 AM
The blow landed cleanly on Vega’s chest and caused a shudder to ripple up from the manubrim, resulting in his head jerking forwards. Still the bed rolled on though, ploughing through a few stands into a wall. Just as it was about to make impact, the Lupine pressed his palm down against the top of the metallic table and sent a force push from his fingertips, thereby throwing himself up into the air. Mid-air, he caught his balance and landed with a loud clatter atop one of the empty beds, whilst Jubei too seemed to have dismounted the runaway cart.

Without waiting or allowing for any time to think, he hopped down from the table and called the Knight forward with a Force push, whilst wrenching the back portion of the two part folding bed forward, thus aiming to crash it down onto the back of the Jedi’s skull.

Ebon Dir
Oct 13th, 2002, 11:10:51 AM
Meanwhile, back at the bank...

3 sacks were filled with precious jewels and other valuables, and three bodies lay on the floor--minus their heads, of course. An older couple and a young man with one thing in common, they were all deemed unworthy to live by Ebon.

In truth, he cared nothing for the worth of the things he was stealing, but he did it for two reasons. Firstly, He was sure the wealth generated from the black market sale of the bounty would be well appreciated by his brothers and sisters in The Hand. More importantly, it gave him a chance to seperate the chaffe from the wheat, the worth from the unworthy.

He plunged his saber into chest of a man, piercing his heart, killing him instantly--the man had been thinking impure thoughts; he was unworthy. Another body fell to the floor, another bag was filled and placed on the counter.

And still, the sheep were without a shepard. Where were the jedi? This was shaping up to be easier than he could have ever expected.

(Current death toll: 9)

Oct 13th, 2002, 11:26:43 AM
Satine keeps after Silus, launching two guided flares--basically little darts of energy--at the missiles. One hits the target, the advanced concussion missile exploding into flames. The second misses, but the missile is damaged by the explosion of the first.

Gunning his engines, Satine targets, and lets loose with two concussion missiles, followed by a spray from his plasma cannons remaining.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 13th, 2002, 03:05:36 PM
A young man was fast asleep is his chamber in the Living Quarters. Unaware of what was happening outside because of his music witch was on full blast. He slowly woke up and walked to the bathroom to get ready for another day of training. After he got out of the shower he walked to his dresser and turned off the stereo. He could suddenly hear screaming and explosions going on. Straffe started to panic as he got ready. He had no time to pull on his cloak but grabbed both his Strader Blade and his Sabar/Sword. He ran out in to the hallways and saw Jedi's running everywhere. He ran downstairs and out into the court yard. To his horror he saw buildings on fire and people lying on the floor dead. He quickly pulled his sword out of its hilt on his back and ran towards the nearest explosion. He could feel the pressence of evil. It angered him very much as he saw bodies everywhere.

"Show your-self you cowards...Come feel my wrath! You will all pay!!!"

He flicked the switch on his sword and watched as it turned into his sabar, glowing a baby blue.

Oct 13th, 2002, 05:03:18 PM
Nupraptor almost smiled at how perfectly the padawan had played into his hands. All he had to do was take one more large step backwards and snap the trap closed.

With the slightest of motions, the Dark Jedi used the Force the push forward one of the cables dangling from the destroyed ceiling. It swung, meeting the hilt of Kelt's lightsabre in mid-blow. And the metal proved quite a conducter, as several thousand volts of electricity travelled up it and towards its holder, faster than the blink of an eye.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 13th, 2002, 07:43:34 PM
You annoy little...

Silus cursed a bit as Satine fired two concussion missiles at him..

Hes just full of little surprises....

Silus not diverted almost all power to his engines, completely shutting down his laser cannons and greatly reducing his shields. As he did, Wargraves fighter automatically followed suit. Both ships lept to nearly double their normal speed, effectively keeping ahead of the missiles at least until they could get into real space, where their would be no atmospheric resistance...

T25 get the Dragon out here, asap....

Silus grit his teeth a lttle. The best he could do now was to keep dodging the fire from the plasma cannons, at least until he could get some help....

Shadows...Im headed into realspace, this this guys still on my tail, and the Dragon's on its way....Ive got everything under control though, so go ahead and finish off that spaceport...

Oct 13th, 2002, 07:53:10 PM
Satine peels off, but, before he does, activates two new toys his techs in Dragon Fleet installed. The rear cargo hatch opens, and half a dozen thick metal disks are tossed out. they unfold, and anti-gravs activate, keeping the platforms aloft. They finish folding out, and two gauss cannons, and two laser cannons charge up, and take up positions around the war-zone, firing on any enemy fighters withing range.

One of the missile-boats fires, and takes one out immediately, but Satine quickly swoops in, his plasma blasts flashing in.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 14th, 2002, 07:54:40 AM
"Whatever. If Master Liam draws his saber on you, then youve done something wrong. Master Liam wouldn;t use violence unnecessarily."

Wei looked relaxed, but his mind was alert.

"How about telling us the truth?"

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 14th, 2002, 08:29:55 PM
(The bedframe met Jubei's approaching skull with a smack, causing the Knight to tumble to the ground with the inertia)


(He concentrated, regaining his composure, and as Vega moved to approach, he sprung upwards from his prone position, into a back handstand, legs scissoring just behind the Dark Jedi's head, as he tucked, throwing Vega with his ankles, in a full-force Frankensteiner)

Estelle Russard
Oct 14th, 2002, 09:45:37 PM
By the time Estelle had regained control of her damaged craft, pulling it back onto an even keel, the surrounding airspace about her was clear. Not a fighter in sight.

Checking her instruments in disbelief, she confirmed the fact. She had skidded off from the main battle when her side turrett was hit and had miraculously avoided crashing into the second fighter-Wargraves fighter. It also appeared the earlier encounters between the other fighters had broken off, moved even further afield...or ended. One way or the other, she found herself alone.

From her vantage point, there seemed a great deal of damage going on down in the city below. Garnering snippets of feedback and garbled information over her transmitter as she shifted one frequency to another trying to get a hold of someone to help her find her best strategy to help. The sense of darkness was almost overwhelming. This attack was much more than a strategic ploy. It was a flaunting of the dark side of the force. A blatant slap in the face toward the Jedi and the innocent people below were the ones paying for it.

Estelle felt her blood boil at the wicked minds that would instigate such violence.

Her ship started to shudder and gages were fluctuating at a distressing level. Time to get her feet on the ground.

With a bumpy landing - one that she should be proud of given the circumstance, but was not - the Jedi Knight exited the craft, her yellow/orange lightsaber already in hand and ignited. She had landed in what was a parking lot of some sort and at a run she saw up ahead of her a darksider (the aura was unmistakable) leaving the Arcan city bank, 3 bags slung over his shoulder.

And if Estelle was not mistaken, he was swaggering proudly as he walked.

She picked up her speed and leaped to flip up and over, landing in front of Ebon Dir. Her brown eyes steeled and fiery.

"You have a great deal to answer for, dark one."

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 15th, 2002, 10:46:59 AM
Taja's feet landed noiselessly on a plush carpeted floor. It was some sort of a board room - and a meeting was currently in progress; they had only just received word of the madness which begun with Hobgoblin. Surface thoughts suggested they had been trying to forecast the Hand's possible interests in the shield generators. A little too late for that now.

Frenzied eyes all focused on the newcomer. She really couldn't be blamed for what was about to happen; the glorious preservers of peace that remained on Arcan IV were too caught up fighting her brethren. Which suited Taja just fine. She liked things simple and clean.

"Excuse me."

Her foot connected squarely with the chairman's abdomen, stood nearest to her at the head of the table, sending him ramming into the wall. The shards from the broken window rose from the ground and, before they could react, had the officials enveloped in the shattered glass. It was a slow and painful way to die, but Taja was deaf to their anguished screams as she walked across the large room and into the hallway, sidestepping the writhing men and growing pools of blood.

Well, maybe not that clean.

Quietly pushing the door closed, her eyes quickly scanned the corridor. There was a convenient little map displayed on the bulletin board across from her, with an arrow and three simple words written in bold black letters: You are here.

She turned left down the passage, towards the control room.

Jehova Eaven
Oct 15th, 2002, 01:44:16 PM
Jehova quickly blocked the lightsider's move and sent them both into a weapons lock. Their energy beams bent and twisted as sparks flew in every direction. Around them people were gathering to see where the exploding sounds were coming from. The peace loving people of Arcan were unsure as to what to do.

Jehova knew what to for them, he decided to end their confusion and at the same time end the Jedi's life. His eyes flashed a brightly as a burst of energy ran up through his fingers into his scythe. The blade became twice as large as the magnetic field around the blades expanded. Soon their weapon's would deactivate and the stored dark energy would explode into the crowd and into his assailant.

Kelt Simoson
Oct 15th, 2002, 05:13:28 PM

The force of the electircity thumped Kelt to the floor with a almighty crash, he had in a few shortmoments felt a almighty walloplight a hammerhis his chest and then blackness as he shot back into a wall knocked out...but thankfully...still alive.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 15th, 2002, 07:21:44 PM
Plo saw horror all around him, in every direction. He looked up to see what was happening when he saw a window break and a man get badly hurt. He saw a woman inside, she was the one cause so much pain. He quickly used Force Speed to enter the building and up the stairs to where she was. He keep her force signature in tune so he knew exactly where she was. He appeared from a connecting corrador and stood infront of her.

"Whats the hurry? Got somewhere to go?"

He pulled his sword from its hilt on his back. Kept the tip of it on the ground, in atticipation of her attack. He flicked a little switch and it ignighted into a baby blue sabar.

"Think your too goo for me Taja? Guss I gatta show you a lesson"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 15th, 2002, 07:34:30 PM
With the expeditious extention of both palms, Kindo delivered a powerful Force wave accurately at Jehova's energized staff, casting it away from it's owner. Through the aid of the Force once again, the Jedi brought to his hands a stray, steel bar that has rested amongst the nearby rubble.

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 16th, 2002, 04:54:44 AM
It was time that I joined the fray. I had deliberatly delayed my entrance, for I was waiting for the truly most powerful to show their hand and hence their location. Reports coming into the comm unit in my helmet told the whole situation - the Black Hand were the ones attacking. Well I thought as I ran out of the living quarters I bunked in, that was going to change in a hurry now. In one hand was my sabre, the other was an assault gun, ready and primed for firing.

However good I was however, I still wished Marcus was here. He was someone to fear. We needed his power, but he had gone to Coruscant. This would mean I would need to tackle the Dark Masters myself. And I was not as powerful as them in the Force - but I was willing to bet I was more ruthless. As the one called Hobgoblin was about to find out.

Putting my sabre back onto my belt I jogged to where I could feel the waves of hatred. I grinned inside my helmet, primed special surprise number one. Then, I ran out into the same street, some 100 meters behind the evil dwarf, bought my gun up and fired.

The Assault Gun was not even ordinary for a Rail Gun. A much bigger ammunition round, it had twin sabots that fell away in flight, that left either hail of hypersonic pellets or one big projectile, travelling at 5000 kph. Even a Master would have probelms dealing with something that big. Except, knowing that Dark Jedi could have good danger senses, I had not fired at him.

Instead, I had taken aim at the fuel cell of a sitting speeder nearby the dwarf, that in a fraction of a second later erupted into a wall of flame and shrapnel, spraying outwards in a spectacular flower of destruction. With any luck and grace from the Force, the dwarf was shredded. And if not, he would still have a slight probelm to deal with.

I sense someone... a presence.... where have I.... MILLARD!!!

"MILLARD!!! COME TO ME YOU GUTLESS BASTARD!!" I yelled out, repeating the call in the Force, reloading the assault gun as I did. It would take time for Millard to come closer. I would deal with the dwarf first if I had the chance.

Now I stood in challenge, gun in one hand, and now sabre in the other, waiting.

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 16th, 2002, 09:28:17 AM
:: Helenias feels a sharp pin prick in the back of her right calf. It was a poisoned dart, well aimed and fired from a position of concealment. Her leg grows numb as the vornsker venom works it's way through her system. Sorsha retreats into the deep shadows once again. She had no intention of fighting any of these Jedi directly. She keeps moving and makes her way up to the roof tops ::

Vega Van-Derveld
Oct 16th, 2002, 11:37:08 AM
The Lupine’s head smacked down with a wet crunch against the floor, as blood splattered out onto the tiles in a thin spray. Laying face down, he slowly rose upwards and looked to Jubei with incensed cyan eyes, a tiny stream of crimson cutting down over his brow and nose from the impact with the floor. With the Jedi’s legs still around his neck, he brought both hands to grip down onto his ankles and snarl as he rocked back onto his knees, using sheer strength to heft his opponent and swing him around, through the air, and crashing straight into the wall they were sprawl by.

Maester Wargrave
Oct 16th, 2002, 01:53:30 PM

Wargrave gave a tight smile. He was right.

"Ah Madame Q'Dunn...a pleasure to see you still in health." he gave his own reply in the Force, as he began walking towards where the Force said her location was.

"How goes the Senate campaign?"

The Dark Jedi began making his way through the NR military base. It was fairly clear the New Republic had depended on the Jedi to take care of themselves. The resistance was light and rather weak.

Wargrave kept moving though, waiting to get where the female Q'Dunn was.

Jehova Eaven
Oct 16th, 2002, 08:46:37 PM
Jehova smiled as the energy within his staff was let lose. The fool had managed to knock the weapons away from himself, but the blast went directly into the watching crowd. Men and women were being electrocuted and those that were the closest to the weapon were set aflame.

The energy was dissipated quickly and soon afterwards Jehova had brought the weapon back to his hands. The beam would not activate anytime soon, but that was fine. He had stalled the lightsider enough, Slayn and his partner were probably finished with their tasks.

"I'm done here, but fear not we'll meet again soon."

The Dark Jedi soon vanished within a puff of dark smoke and was on his way back to his shuttle.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 17th, 2002, 03:31:35 PM
Kindo watched helplessly has electric currents coursed through the ground and to the unaware citizens. It appeared that Jehova had succeeded, but the Jedi had put forth a brilliant strategy. Before Force pushing away the energized staff, he had noticed what the darksider didn’t, that the tread of the people’s footwear was rubber. This grounded the high voltage, and those who caught fire quickly dropped to the ground and rolled, extinguishing the flames before they became inflamed in them.

Looking around, he noticed a New Republic officer’s patrol bike behind him. He immediately ran towards the vacant cycle, hopped on, and took off.

Ebon Dir
Oct 17th, 2002, 06:33:10 PM
He didn't even see them coming.

Ebon went sprawling across the floor as two men drove into his back; one aiming high, the other aiming low. His saber slipped from his hand, sliding away from him, stopping at the feet of one of the bank patrons.

But as soon as he was down, he was up again, springing to his feet, grabbing one man by the throat, and standing on the chest of the other, holding him down with a foot to the neck. Probing their minds he saw two very different things. The man on the floor was looking longingly at the sacks filled with valuables, even as his hands grasped at his throat, stuggling to loosen his windpipe. The thoughts of the man at the end of his arm were focused on a young woman across the room. A wife? Perhaps a sister? The woman, in turn, was looking back, fear in her face.

In a second it was over. With a twist of his foot, Ebon snapped the neck of the man on the ground, ending his struggles. The other he dropped to the ground where he lay for a moment, gasping for breath. Without a word to the man, he strode over to the patron bending over to pick up his lightsaber. Ebon snatched it away in the blink of an eye, "Careful, wouldn't want to hurt yourself, now would you?" he said in a flat tone.

"I think I've stayed long enough," he said, grabbing the filled sacks from the counter and dropping them in a large pack which he slung over his back. Igniting the saber once more, he sliced into the door, cutting it free before he kicked it out into the street.

"Thank you for your time. You may carry on"

And with that, he was gone.

(Current death toll: 10)

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:11:48 PM
The Jedi Knight who she had choked seemed to have forgotten how to speak, or perhaps he was showing wisdom, for once, in remaining silent. De'Ville quirked her eyebrow up. "Truth is relative."

She started walking backwards, away from Liam, and closer to Wei and the door she'd entered through. It had been closed behind Wei, and now it popped open, letting in some of the distant sounds of chaos from the other parts of the city. De'Ville winked at Liam, and then whirled on the younger Jedi. She spun low, sweeping his feet out from underneath him before he had a chance to draw his saber.

"Abunai..go!" Jibrelle jumped for the open door.

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 17th, 2002, 11:36:51 PM
As soon as the words passed De'Ville's mouth, the Apprentice had sprinted towards the open door, exiting. Continuing to run, she went down the one corridor before hanging a right towards where another processing machine would be.

Zasz Grimm
Oct 18th, 2002, 06:48:23 AM
"Sounds like fun, my fellow Knight."

He arched his brow as he looked to Dalethria. She was thoroughly into sullying Navaria's name, and lets face it, when you look just like her, might as well have fun..

"Lead the way"

(( OOC : Sorry that It took me so long to post, had some things to do ))

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 18th, 2002, 05:16:54 PM
Jibrielle was drawing closer to the processing machine ahead, when without warning someone's arm appeared from an adjacent corridor. The forearm abruptly belted across her face, throwing her to the floor below. It was Kindo. He had previously received word that many darksiders were there, and it hadn't taken him long to depart from the swarming streets.

" You aren't going anywhere. "

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 18th, 2002, 09:43:18 PM
Letting out a yelp, the girl slammed into the floor, pain shooting throughout her bones. Curling up into a ball, she looked up at him pitifully.

"But, S-Sir .. They were chasing me!"

Her voice was broken by the occasional sob as tears welled into her eyes. You want to believe her ... She's just another ordinary girl, whispered Kindo's subconscience.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Oct 19th, 2002, 07:35:24 AM
:: Lance force speeded towards the door not to let LD block his passage, he jumped down the stairs and Landed on his feet perfectly, these kind of escapes weren't the type of thing to do while Lance was around, plus Liam could take care of LD, he trusted the strenght of the jedi master.::

"Kindo! Stop her! she's just gonna try to confuse you" Lance swung Matrix around as the sky blue blade emitted a blue aura in the air he jumped towards Jibrielle to tackle her down.

OOC: Sorry LD that I took so long but I've been busy with exams :(

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 19th, 2002, 08:02:25 AM
Kindo's mind was telling him to allow the young lady to pass, but has he begun to heed to the Force, he perceived there was more to the weeping girl than met the eye. Being adherent to the Force and not his mind's discernment, he maintained his firm stance which prevented the woman from passing.

" You may be able to fool me, but fooling the Force is an entirely different story. "

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 19th, 2002, 11:34:28 AM
She could feel his every step as he hurried through the winding passages of the building, so it was no surprise when Straffe stepped out of a hall on her side, positively itching for a fight. What did startle her was the fact he knew her name, but Taja didn't acknowledge this with anything other than an amused smile.

Hands placed on her hips, she grinned; always jumping to conclusions, these Jedi were. "Too good? No ... just prettier."

Taja carried on ahead until she was standing just opposite the Light sider. Pity he happened to be blocking her way; a telekinetic blast slammed into Straffe's chest, sending him sprawling back several meters. But it wasn't just any ordinary Force push: apart from having the air suddenly squeezed out of his chest, a wave of icy cold washed over the Jedi, numbing his senses.

"Don't you think I'm pretty?" a disembodied voice breathed into his ear.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 19th, 2002, 11:43:34 AM
Straffe put a hand on his chest and started to regulate his breathing. He stood straight up and staired into her eyes, he grinned

"Your not bad...But to bad your evil"

Straffe used the Force to push her back into the nearest wall. He slowly walked towrds her, anticipating her next move.

"Why are you here? You think you guys are going to get away with this?"

He pulled out his Strider blade and held it near her throat.

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 19th, 2002, 02:46:37 PM
Taja pouted visibly at the mention of her being evil. "I resent that. I really do."

He was almost on top of her now, the metal of his blade reflecting off the ceiling lights and casting eerie shadows across their faces. "Looks like you've got me cornered," she said submissively with a dirty smile. At the same time as these words were spoken, a dull throb began pounding away at the back of Straffe's eyes. His vision blurred, then faded rapidly into the dark that comes with blindness. Everything was obscured, buried underneath layers of black.

The voice whispered again. "Well, if you really want to play ..." Clawed hands grabbed at the Jedi's wrists, forcing the knife edge away from her neck.

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 19th, 2002, 04:45:42 PM
"Who said I was trying to fool anyone? You're a Jedi, aren't you?"

She reached up and touched her cheek where he struck her.

"You don't even know me and yet you strike ..."

Gritting her teeth, Jibrielle rose to her feet, her tear-stained face making her look like a lost child. She hardly had a Force signature from not using it much, but the one she had quickly faded away as she concealed it. He already hadn't noticed it, so now if Kindo reached out trying to determine who she was he would get no answer.

Walking up close to him, the girl looked up into his eyes, with her hands behind her back. It seemed as if she was doing something, even though he couldn't see ...

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 19th, 2002, 08:47:11 PM
" Miss, I am no fool, you will not deceive me. The reason I struck you is because while I was searching for my fellow Jedi Wei Wu Wei, from a distance I noticed you alongside with Lilaena. She told you to run while she disabled Wei, and so I decided to cut you off. "

Kindo stood firm and stagnant, arms locked in a cross.

" I make no presumptions. I know you are one of those who initiated this war. "

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 19th, 2002, 08:58:29 PM
Wei fell on his bottom, but rolled gracefully to his feet.

"Now now."

Wei heard the doors shut behind him.

"Silly banana."

"I gotta hand it to you. You Darksiders just don;t know how to stick to that, "Oh we weren;t doing anything story. Now you've blown your cover by knocking me down. It never pays to tell a lie, now does it?"

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 19th, 2002, 09:44:32 PM
Jibrielle brought her foot up in the air behind her, balancing herself like a little child would.

"There are other ways to stop me, you know, instead of suddenly striking out. You're no better than the slave trader who kept me!"

Suddenly she brought her foot back infront of her, kicking him right below the left knee. Since she was wearing steel toed boots, it was probably a very painful experience. Forming her right hand into a fist, she slammed it up into his chin, executing a well-performed uppercut which was quite powerful for one so young.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 20th, 2002, 07:08:58 AM
Kindo sprung up upon his feet, regaining his steady position upon the ground.

" You and youe group have killed many people today! You only received the slightest taste of what the innocent have suffered! "

He crossed his arms, standing solid once again.

" I am not going to fight you, but you are coming with me. I will not allow you to inflict any more pain upon anybody. If you wish not to fight, then do not resist. "

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 20th, 2002, 10:43:25 AM
Straffe blinked but alll he could see was black.


He shook his head vilantly. He could feel her hands on his wrists holding him in place. He tried to wiggle free but he couldnt see where he was going. Straffe quickly calmed himself and concentrated. He gatherd the Force and slowly he got his vision back. It was still a bit blurry but he was able to make out things. He then smiled at her

"Nice try..."

Straffe pulled his hands out of her grasp. He then took one hand and put it behind her back. The then took the other one and did the same thing. He then slammed her body against the wall. He pinned her

"Lets play..."

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 20th, 2002, 02:31:53 PM
"I'm not inflicting pain on anybody. If you want to stop somebody who is, go to the hospitals."

Growling, the Apprentice faked a left and moved to the right instead, ducking so he couldn't just reach out and grab her. Dropping the ground, she sent her leg out, hooking her foot around his right ankle and tripping him. After that, she scrambled to her feet and began to run towards the doors which led to the processing machine.

Liam Jinn
Oct 20th, 2002, 04:04:08 PM
Liam lowered his lightsaber as De'Ville moved out of his way. The door that he had previously kicked down lifted gently off the ground before violently slamming in the doorframe, blocking the exit he was guarding. Wei seemed to be occupying De'Ville for the moment, so Liam casually walked to the machine he had seen the girl at, stepping over two bodies as he did, and looked it over. He did not see anything wrong with it, but as he placed his hands on it, an image of the girl pouring something into it flashed through his mind.

He staggered back from the machine, one hand clutching his head. He did not understand why brief flashes of time passed through his mind sometimes, but the migranes that usually followed were some things he could do without. Sighing, he turned to De'Ville.

"What did...she pour in here?"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 21st, 2002, 02:30:24 PM
Wei went to the door and opened it. Kindo was now confronting Jibrelle, so Wei walked past them to go see about something else. No telling what else was happening about the city.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 21st, 2002, 04:16:01 PM
Once again, Kindo vaulted back up to his feet. Immediatly spotting the sprinting darksider, he extended his hand to emit a mild Force wave. This caused Jibrelle to stumble fowards, even though the wave he exerted was gentle. Had she followed his simple directions, she would not had collapsed has she did.

He trotted over close to her, however maintaining a safe distance.

" Now listen, I am not going to fight you, but I must arrest you. My duty has a compassionate man is to forgive and forget, but my duty has a Jedi is to see justice done. You may have not harmed a single individual tonight, but you are aiding a group that has. You are a good young lady, don't tangle with these who's only wishes are to see death and destruction accomplished. "

" Come with me back to the Greater Jedi Order, a group that truly cares for you. We can give you shelter and provide for you, teach you the ways of the light. Come and experience how much greater it is. "

Ebon Dir
Oct 21st, 2002, 10:52:04 PM
She picked up her speed and leaped to flip up and over, landing in front of Ebon Dir. Her brown eyes steeled and fiery.

"You have a great deal to answer for, dark one."

He sighed audibly, slowing and dropping the bag to the ground, it's contents jingling softly.

"Well look who it is, a wonderful self-righteous jedi. I'll save you some time--you're too late. I stole the money from those greedy vermin and now I'm leaving. What reason do you have to stop me?"

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 22nd, 2002, 10:40:46 PM
De'Ville grinned at the departing padawan, and turned toward Liam. "And the bodies behind me did not alert you to my intent? It is already too late for many people in the city." She could sense an altercation of some kind inside the building..the Force was swirling around what seemed to be three individuals.

Lilaena flipped her lightsaber in her hand, and winked at Liam. "A little poision never hurt anyone, did it?" She pouted prettily, ready to defend should he decide to attack, and ready to attack, should he choose not to.

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 23rd, 2002, 09:48:14 AM
The sweet grin that spread across her face was quite surreal. Dalethria did look quite innocent posing as Navaria. It will not be so easy this time around for the Jedi to recognize her ... which was quite amusing to say the least because Dalethria wasn't even trying to be the Jedi Knight. It would prove most interesting.

"Come Zasz."

She took him by the arm and began to walk down the stairs to the first floor.

"What shall we do first? Find the others and help them defeat the Jedi or shall we find something else more sporting? Plenty of people to terrorize on this

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 23rd, 2002, 12:37:29 PM
Catching a Dark Jedi unawares is indeed a difficult thing to do. Not even Helenais, with her stealth and speed, fully took Hob by surprise. Even as she began her sprint into the street, Hob was glancing behind him, warned intuitively that there was danger.

Rather than stand and confront his erstwhile opponent, however, Hob had a different idea. He leapt forward, far and fast.

The explosion of the speeder, however, had been unexpected. Flames, shrapnel, and shockwave all caught him in the air; the impact was not as bad as it could have been, but Hob was nonetheless affected.

The flames of his robe caught flame, and his leap forward became a spinning fall as he was knocked off course. The flaming fireball that Hob had become spiralled through the air and onto his feet a block away, skidding to a stop on the soles of his shoes.

With a quick shrug, Hob was out of his robes and ducking down behind a speeder that had crashed into a nearby building. This one would not explode as the other one had- its' power cells had been damaged and the ignitable substance was in a puddle on the ground, already burnt out.

Though his left side was in great pain and bleeding from several fresh shrapnel wounds, Hob was still Hob- a Dark Jedi- and his command over the Force was not something to be shrugged off.

The first thing he would need to do would be to take away Helenais' immediate ability to attack him at long range. To this end, he gritted his teeth and brought forth his powers of telekinesis.

Although the assault gun remained firmly in Helenais' grip, Hob bent the barrel (no small task) using his powers so that it could not fire without endangering its' wielder. With that accomplished, Hob stood up, freshly aware of what he'd suffered at her hands.

And yet he grinned, as though daring Helenais to try something more.

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 23rd, 2002, 02:52:46 PM
She bit down on her lip and grinned, eyeing Straffe's stern expression with a giggle. "Naughty, naughty," she whispered teasingly, leaning forward slightly to plant a kiss on the tip of his nose.

The Jedi again felt those same hands, tearing away at his arms. It was then he realized that they didn't actually belong to Taja: they were composed entirely of tendrils of shadow, woven together to form several thin cords which now wrapped around his wrists and contracted inward, as though it were a noose.

The invisible wires continued tightening around Straffe's wrists, coming dangerously close to cutting off the blood supply to his hands. The pressure they exerted was already beginning to split open the top layer of skin. If left on their own, they would soon slice their way through to his vein ...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 23rd, 2002, 07:08:42 PM
Wei headed away from the water plant, and down one street, wandering about, with no real destination in his mind. The Force was his guide, and Wei was sure it would lead him to wherever he needed to be.

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 24th, 2002, 01:28:29 AM
Underneath the red robe, the needle bounced off the armor that I wore. It was one other reason I had taken my time to come out - I was in the full uniform of an Imperial Guard, my legacy, my past. It was not something a Jedi would normally aware admittedly, but coming to battle without it would make me feel like I was naked.

I watched as the dwarf flew away from the explosion, reaching out with my mind I tried to sense how injured he was.... and then got a rude surprise as the gun barrel bent into a new and rather interesting shape. I raised the gun up to look closer, seeing it it was fixible.

No, not a chance. Disgused and swearing I threw the gun away, this time drawing out my other trusted weapon - the Force Pike I had used so often and in so many other battles. It had claimed Sith and Jedi in the past. Now with sabre in one hand and Pike in the other I had a decision to make - advance and combat Hobgoblin or wait for Millard, for I knew he was coming. I also consdiered what other long range weaponry I had - a wrist mounted three shot rocket launcher and Mk II Rail guns in holsters on my hips.

Rockets wouldnt work at this range.... too much time to escape for a Force User. But they would serve an adequate distraction. Lifting the arm at held the Pike, I bent my wrist so a finger could touch the firing pad, the small missile hissed then zipped it's way to it's target. Not stopping to see if it worked, I bolted into an alley.

Come on Millard... the party has just begun. Join if you dare

Oct 24th, 2002, 07:18:23 AM
Wei Wu Wei was heading down her way, Evelyn felt it. She tilted her head to the side, waiting for him, humming a song under her breath. All those men dead around her were getting boring.

"You're not saying anything anymore, aren't you ....?"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 24th, 2002, 07:40:27 AM
Wei rounded a corner and found a woman amongst several dead bodies.

"Well what have we here?" Wei said, stopping.

"More and more violence. But what can you expect? It's not so much that you people are Darksiders, but the fact that you have to kill other people for no reason."

Maester Wargrave
Oct 24th, 2002, 09:07:32 AM
But of course Madame Q'Dunn. Wargrave was moving faster now, avoiding the blaster shots of the NR soldiers as they attacked them.

He then stopped, his mind expanding as he grabbed the minds of four of the eight teams of NR soldiers.

You no longer see who you think you see. Instead of collegues...you see enemies."

Inwardly he almost laughed at his attempt at a rhyme. That was Hob's job...not his. But this effect still had the same. Instead of seeing their friends and fellow soldiers, each of the man saw Imperial stormtroopers attacking each other. They turned towards the other and fired, each of them killing the other. Then the survivors marched on the remains of the NR Base...ready to get rid of the "Imperial Invaders".

Wargrave leaped on top of a building, still atleast two miles away from where Helenias stood.

It is rude not to answer a question given to you. How is your Senate campaign going?

Sorsha Kasajian
Oct 24th, 2002, 09:49:06 AM
:: exits thread ::

Oct 24th, 2002, 01:42:51 PM
Evelyn lifted her crimson eyes on the man she heard speak. She tilted her head to the side, arching an eyebrow. Another one of them ? No, this time, it was a Jedi.

"Not for no reasons; they tried to stop me."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 24th, 2002, 02:39:55 PM
"Stop you from doing what?" Wei asked.

"What are you all doing here?"

Oct 24th, 2002, 03:19:46 PM
"Isn't it obvious ?"

She approached the Jedi slowly.

"If you can't figure it out, then ..."

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 24th, 2002, 08:12:51 PM
Straffe gritted his teeth as his skin started to tear. He forearm started to po out in veins as he tried to get free. His muscles buldged as he forced he tried to force himself free. He then remebered his Strider Skills. He quickly jumped into the air and all Taja could see was three of him. He was moving at an incredible speed. Hoping that whatever was gripping him would soon be released.

Hrolthar Benatoer
Oct 24th, 2002, 10:05:59 PM
Clunk....clunk....clunk.... The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard behind Wei who had recognized the Dwarf immediately. It was Hrolthar, Dasquians friend, who had turned up unexpectedly and in the nick of time to partner Wei in capturing the Dark Jedi woman. In both hands he held a great axe around the size of your average man, it could slice a body in half if directed properly in the right place. 'HA!...i see we have a problem here Wei....' He began ' DAMN i love women with an attitude problem....they always fail in the end..HA HA HA '

Ben raised his axe up into a braced position ready for the two on one fight, he gave a reassuring wink to Wei and then looked back at the approaching women ' HAVE AT THEE WENCH!'

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 25th, 2002, 08:17:40 AM
Wei chuckled. He had heard so many stories about the dwarf that he could recognize him just by hearing his footsteps.

"Well, it is good to see you, sir. Yeah, she is up to no good. At least she hasn't tried to weasel her way out by lying."

Ben charged in with his axe, and Wei decided to stand by. Once Evelyn engaged combat with Ben, Wei would jump in. It was a cheap tactic, sure. But it would get the job done.

Oct 25th, 2002, 09:00:34 AM
"Two men against one lady. Very gentleman-like, Sir ..."

Evelyn stopped and crossed her arms over her stomach, her head lightly tilted to the side. She studied the features of the Jedi and his Dwarf friend with her empty crimson eyes silently.

Hrolthar Benatoer
Oct 25th, 2002, 09:19:53 AM
'As you can see young lady!' He bellowed ' I am no mere gentleman, and even if i was, women that had big ego trips such as yourself should be brought down to earth...would you care for me to give you an exsample?'He grunted loudly raising his axe wildly in a threatning stance.

Oct 25th, 2002, 09:32:39 AM
"I don't have time to play with you, little man." Evelyn sighed.

She stretched her arms and turned around, walking in direction of the dead bodies to examine them and steal some credits. She lifted her hand and raise whatever accessories the dead men had on them and just dropped the ones that were useless, the ones floating left. She examined them for a little second, before sending them towards her. She caught everything and looked at it closely. Some credits, some knives, some guns ... Not that bad.

"Why don't you go butt into someone else's business ?" She yawned at them, without turning around.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 25th, 2002, 09:34:05 AM
Wei also crossed his arms. "Ma'am, I highly suggest that you surrender. Or run like a rabbit. Or both. Or, if you really wanted to, you could always fight us." Wei smiled and shook his head, sending his ponytail swinging. It was a learned mannerism, something Wei was told would make him look cocky or stuck-up. Wei only used the mannerism when goading opponents into making mistakes.

Oct 25th, 2002, 09:39:58 AM
Cocky or stuck-up ? More like ...

"Idiot." She insulted him coldly.

She shook her head, sighing. She always had the worst, all the time. She put in her credits in the side pocket of her plug suit. Without turning around, she crossed her arms then an army of shadow men appeared around her. They were all big, with crimson eyes, black but transparent. She looked up to them and motioned her head towards the Jedi and the 'little man'.

"They bore me. Get rid of them." She murmured to her slaves, before looking over her shoulder. "Catch me if you can, though, I doubt it."

Having a bit of Slayn's in her, two tiny black bat wings grew from her back slowly. She spread her wings and flew upwards, looking over her shoulder at them one last time.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 25th, 2002, 10:30:58 AM
A chunk of broken duracrete leapt into the path of the rocket, detonating it harmlessly in the air and giving the dwarf some breathing room.

At this point, he had some options: press the attack on Helenias until Wargrave arrived, or move on, healing his injuries as he could.

Or, go with a third choice altogether.

With a click and a hum, a nearby speeder truck turned itself on. The steering rod jerked and jiggled, and then the vehicle roared to life and jerked forward in motion. It was wide enough to occupy the whole of the alley Helenais had dodged into, and was accelerating fast enough to do some major harm.

And as his mind attacked his foe, Hob's hands made use of several bandages from his pouch.

Lillian Snow
Oct 25th, 2002, 10:52:12 AM
The move was beginning. Lillian had finally packed all her stuff, a small backpack full of things. The major stuff, like furniture, had been moved by Reason, with all her thins still in it. The backpack contained a few personal items; a picture of her family, a diary, a stuffed ewok. She had been walking calmly, happy to be moving, when the first attack began. She had panicked, running straight for where the ships were departing. She ran headlong into a small man and lost her balance, falling to the ground.

"I-I'm sorry sir," she stammered, then looked up into the face of Hobgoblin.

Fear grew within her, this man had been the bane of many people. She crawled backward away, trying to find her voice. Finally she gave up trying to speak. She screamed.

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 26th, 2002, 01:02:50 PM
The Force Wave had caused Jibrielle to stumble forwards and she fell, skidding across the floor.

"The .. Light," she repeated, gritting her teeth together.

"The Jedi have done nothing for me! Where were they when I needed it most? Where were they when justice could've been dealt ?!"

Standing up, her back faced Kindo until she slowly turned around, her dark eyes staring emptily into his.

"They were nowhere."

An eerie laugh escaped from her pale lips as she cupped her hands together, concentrating. She was applying the lesson that Hobgoblin had taught her about pyrotechnics. It was then a fireball seemed to materialize out of the air, floating above her hands. It kept growing bigger and bigger, almost pulsating as orange flames licked hungrily at Kindo. Drawing back, she gave a somewhat sad smile.

"But I found someone who cared."

The fireball was suddenly released from its invisible hold and flew towards the Jedi, aiming right towards his midsection. This gave Jibrielle an opportunity to bolt for the doors again, which were hardly any further ...

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 26th, 2002, 02:11:41 PM
Wei ignited one of his sabers and assumed the stance he had been taught.

"Ok, let's get past these things, then we can chase after her." Wei got ready.

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 26th, 2002, 02:49:37 PM
Kindo instantaneously fell backwards has the scorching fireball passed directly over him. After heaing it collide with a nearby wall, he gradually arose. His head was aching due to the fall, and recollections of the intense heat of the fireball lingered within his mind. Quickly glancing around, it took only a few moments for him to realize that Jibrelle was nowhere to be found.

Without any delay, he begun sprinting through the long and narrow halls, searching for a nearby exit. Although he was fatigued and in agony, much was still to be done.

Jibrielle Abunai
Oct 26th, 2002, 08:08:50 PM
Even though Kindo had probably dodged the fireball, it wouldn't just slam into the wall and be gone. No, instead, the fire had a mind of its own and would follow the Jedi, chasing him until it finally landed on its target ...

The girl had already turned a corner and ran towards the processing machine doors while all of this was happening, flinging them open. Stepping inside, she gently closed them behind her so that no sound could be heard. Down this hallway, several doors were everywhere, and since she hid her Force signature it would take a long time for him to find her. Stiffling a giggle, the girl went happily over to the machine and leaned over the railing, looking down at the water before reaching inside her jacket to pull out the vial.

Estelle Russard
Oct 26th, 2002, 09:51:41 PM

A quick probing of the panic and despair inside the building, told her what she already knew in her heart. Many had died at this mans hands.

"I am not concerned with the money, but rather the lives you have stolen. How dare you take that to which you have no right!"

She levelled her saber in a threatening stance.

"Drop your weapons, you are under arrest for murder."

Liam Jinn
Oct 27th, 2002, 04:33:04 PM
He shook his head and took a few steps foward.

"So you have the right to take these people's lives? What makes you any better than them?"

His eyes narrowed a split second before De'Ville was thrown back into the wall, her head hitting first.

"You will be brought to justice, Lady De'Ville."

As the words escaped his lips, his saber rose to a defensive position.

Lilaena De'Ville
Oct 27th, 2002, 10:45:02 PM
De'Ville fell forward from the wall, dazed for only a moment. She got her feet underneath her, and brought her saber up, between her and Liam. "Justice? Justice was served today, Jedi."

She feinted towards him, and then circled him slowly, walking around to the left, and trying to keep him off balance as he turned to face her. As he shifted his feet to face her, she stepped forward and slashed in with her saber, keeping the blade chest level. Liam moved to block, but she was simply testing his reactions.

De'Ville danced away from his defense, and circled again, keeping her saber in a defensive position in front of her body.

Hrolthar Benatoer
Oct 27th, 2002, 11:04:44 PM
Hrolthar waisted little time in starting his attack. The Dwarf had fished inside his heavy cloak to bring out a smaller Axe, a hatchet axe, did a small run and then lobed it into the air after the Dark Jedi, where it had so much accuracy if she did not dodge it, it would slice into her. 'COME BACK YOU UGLY WENCH!..HAHAHA!' He yelled after the Axe.

The old Padawan then turned his attention towards the shadow conjureations and raised his larger Axe to a ready position.

Helenias Evenstar
Oct 28th, 2002, 03:58:50 AM
The sound caught my attention first and I turned.

Oh Frell....

The speeder truck bore down on me accelerating. With no room under or around there was only one choice - over. I took one step and pushed off, using the Force to augment my leap - to which I added a somesault to gain extra height. The truck passed under myself and I landed in it's wake, a turbine backwash spilling me to the ground. Which, when the truck kept on accelerating and smashed into the wall at the end of the alley, was not a bad thing, for it exploded into a fireball and a blizzard of pieces. Most flamed and streaked overhead, a few larger bits landing near me. Some smaller shrapnel hit my armour, not really doing more than scratching the surface, although the heat of the explosion caused the air scrubber in the helmet to kick in.

Hardly doing more than to wait for the pieces to settle, I picked myself up, rearmed myself with my sabre and Pike. Effective little trick by the little bastard I thought. Maybe taking on him and Millard at the same time was a bad idea. Now thinking of Millard...

Then why dont you hurry up and ask me in person... or are you a coward as well as a murderer of innocents?

While Millard came closer, I would keep tabs on Hob. Few explosions and tricks were bearable - but not some major mischief as I was now thinging he was going to get up to. Considering the target that the Black Hand were reported to be near...

Hmm. I wonder what your up to, you misreble little trickster? I decided to follow, but at a resonably safe distance. And let Millard come to me as well.

Oct 28th, 2002, 09:42:56 AM
Satine swoops his Black Star in, and he senses Helenias.

Mistress Q'Dunn, Satine begins, sending the message through the Force, Need any help?

Landing his ship on the top of a smaller building, Satine quickly grabs up his armor, and weapons, and drops the ramp, running out. Crouching at the edge of the building, Satine unsheathes the large sword from the sheathe on his back, and spreads his armored bio-tech wings. He looks for prey, sending a message to all Dark Jedi, calling them out.

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 28th, 2002, 11:26:34 AM
She blinked and stared at the 'apparitions' disappearing in and out of view as Straffe moved at dizzying speed. It was too much hard work following the actions, especially since her mind was distracted on other matters, and the dark tendrils quickly withdrew. Before the Jedi could fully realize this, Taja had rushed off down the hallway, barreling her way through the nearest door.

There were no civilians in this room, as most of them had been present at the meeting on the ground floor and were now dead, and the machinery was largely mechanized. She drew in a breath and looked about for the access panel to activate the computers. This took little effort, but the Dark Jedi had little experience with such equipment. It was a miracle she could even operate her personal shuttle.

And what was keeping Evelyn? A quick mental scan of the premises indicated that she was faced off against two Light Siders. Hardly fair. She drove a psychic dagger through Hrolthar's mind, the resulting effects of which should considerably slow him down.

Oct 28th, 2002, 11:55:08 AM
As Lillian screamed, Reason was alerted. The droid had allowed her to keep to herself, seeing as moving was quite a big deal for the Jedi. Its sensors picked out the fallen girl and her aggressor from long range with ease. Reason raised its palms and opened its shoulders. In the distance, from Hob's destination, a multitude of red sparks appeared, materializing into blaster bolts, all aimed with deadly accuracy at Hob.

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 28th, 2002, 01:52:21 PM
Straffe laned and realized that he was free from the tenticles. He also felt that Taja had run away. He quickly ran down the hall and kicked down the door. He saw her in the room, almost hidden in the dark. He could see that her eyes were closed, concentrating on something. He picked up the closest chair and shot it near her to make her startled.

"Not running away are we? It was just starting to get fun"

He looked at her while ginning. Woudering what she was thinking

Oct 28th, 2002, 03:53:43 PM
Evelyn looked down on the two men, grinning. Right now, she didn't have time to play. She kept Taja waiting for a long time already. Detecting her Force signature, she realized that there was another Jedi with her. She was already in the access room. Evelyn was missing all the fun. She growled, and landed on top of the building. She kicked down the door and dashed down the stairs, still trying to get the closest possible to the Force signature.

Finally, she stopped in an empty hall. The lights were broken, but it still flashed at time, hurting Evelyn's crimson eyes. She closed her eyes, trying to figure out where Taja and that Jedi where. They were right above her. She growled again, a sort of transparent shadow man appearing in front of her. She pointed upwards and he passed through the ceiling/floor, and grabbed Straffe from behind.

Evelyn lifted her hand and sent an Force energy ball through the ceiling. She then jumped up through it, landing close to the Jedi. She grinned, before her gaze fell on her Master.

"Evelyn to the rescue. Well, more like her slave."

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 28th, 2002, 04:04:54 PM
Wei cut through a monster, and stabbed another one in the chest.

"We gotta hurry, Hrothlar."

Straffe Stormrider
Oct 28th, 2002, 07:50:33 PM
Straffe felt the pressence of another darksider. He then realized that another woman appeared behind him.

"What the..."

Straffe realized that she came from the floor. She wasnt bad for a darksider but evil is evil.

"So now its a 2 on 3 battle? Always knew the dark were cowards"

He grinned as he reignighted his sabar/sword. He then pulled out his Strader blade "Spirit". He knew this wasnt going to be a fair fight...so he decided that since this was going to take more then the force, then why not use what you know.

Maester Wargrave
Oct 29th, 2002, 02:25:16 AM
Ah the assumption of the Jedi, Wargrave said as he kept moving towards Helenias' position.

You assume every Dark Sider believe in the destruction of innocent lives. Assumption is the worst of fallacies. It is sad you fall into that category...

Wargrave leaped from the top of a building, falling towards the ground where Helenias stood.

He would be there in under fifteen minutes.

Ebon Dir
Oct 29th, 2002, 04:59:10 PM
"I am not concerned with the money, but rather the lives you have stolen. How dare you take that to which you have no right!"

She levelled her saber in a threatening stance.

"Drop your weapons, you are under arrest for murder."

He made no move to drop his weapon. Instead, he turned slowly, looking the young woman straight in the eye.

"Leave it to a jedi to act the part of the hero before even realizing the situation. Do you want to know who died in there? They were vermin, scum. They would have walked over the back of their mothers if it meant the chance at a few more New Republic credits. I am but providing a service, seperating the wheat from the chaff; yes, a few innocents died, but such is the price. No process is perfect.

Now instead of blustering about justice, and arresting me, you should be thanking me for doing the job you can't do because you're afraid of the dark side"

Ki-Adi Kindo
Oct 29th, 2002, 05:25:12 PM
Kindo continued jogging down the abandoned halls, persistently searching for Jibrelle. The countless doors and lack of a Force signature became difficult obstacles. It was then when his Force premonition kicked in, and he felt something, something progressing towards him.

Once again, he instantaneously dropped back to the floor to keep from being incinerated by the hurling fireball. Unlike last time, he immediately got back up. Has soon has he could look forward, the fireball was heading back for him. He turned and began running to his full extent, even Force-enhancing his sprinting. Realizing that he wasn’t fast enough, he spotted a table over in the corner. In the midst of running, he used the Force to move the table up against the wall directly ahead of him. Once he approached the table, he jumped and kicked off it’s edge, flipping backwards. It was too late for the fireball to pull back, causing it to collide with the wall.

Silus Xilarian
Oct 29th, 2002, 06:20:41 PM
Satine had pulled away and landed, leaving Silus free to leave the planet. His mission was over now, and his instructions were to take Wargrave's ship back to base...Then he heard it...

A call through the force...calling him out...Daring him to attack...

Wargrave wouldnt mind if Silus swooped in to do a little bit more damage...

Silus made a hard U turn and flew over the tops of the buildings, spotting Satine' ship. Just as convient, Satine was standing at the corner of the building....this was too easy....

Silus took aim and blind fired two concussion missiles into the building that the Black Star was parked on. Upon impact the force of the detonating missiles set shockwaves through the building, shaking the ground below it and bringing the building down..

The Black Star disappeared into the rubble and cloud of dust from the newly destroyed building.

Satisfied, Silus cut back and hit full throttle....It was time to go home...

Oct 29th, 2002, 06:43:48 PM
{OOC:ACtually I was on the corner of the building. :) Just to let ya know.}

Satine sees the missiles incoming, and jumps form the building, his wings activatings, and taking him away from the explosions. He cries out as his ship falls to the ground, being buried in rubble. With any luck, it could be repaired...

Flaring his wings, Satine lands in a tumble, and makes sure his weapons were still with him, as he wildly looks around, not noticing a large cut on his cheek from debris.

imported_Taja Loraan
Oct 30th, 2002, 03:43:56 AM
Her eyes were still closed when the chair Straffe hurled at her paused in midair and shattered into a million wooden splinters, some feet away from Taja. A few of the shards scratched her cheek and she hissed, touching her hand to where the skin was broken.

"It's about time!" she barked at her Apprentice.

Not bothering to glance twice at the Jedi, she immediately set to work on the computers, slipping a disk into one of the drives when prompted and rapidly entering various commands. The viral program would take a few minutes to download. She sent a message to Evelyn, whose shadow warriors were currently occupying Straffe.

Keep him busy!

Estelle Russard
Oct 31st, 2002, 12:52:30 AM
"You assume alot of me, darkone. In fact, you assume too much - that I would thank you for such a slaughter, which is only justified in your own eyes. Or, that I am afraid of the darkside. Neither are true.

You in all likelihood are a part of a co-ordinated attack on this city or, perhaps you are just taking advantage of the chaos. Both maybe are true. Either way, your done for tonight."

Estelle lunged in a sharp jabbing motion toward Ebon's saber-arm with her blade, attempting to knock the weapon from his hold.

Evil Hobgoblin
Oct 31st, 2002, 12:15:36 PM
(ooc) I've considered the situation thoroughly, and I think this reply holds to everyone's conception of what is happening. If someone disagrees with my interpretation, they are welcome to post so.

While Hob had been watching the alleyway Helenias had disappeared into from behind the cover the crashed speeder, someone had approached him from behind, knocking him over and breaking his focus on the truck's mechanisms at a crucial second. One of the bacta bandages Hob had been applying to his arm slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, even as Hob twisted to land on his rump.

His assailant was just a girl.

Even as he stared at the girl from behind his mask, Hob could spy a large droid behind her- doubtless it was one of the war droids Hob had been expecting the Jedi to unleash upon him. His suspicions were confirmed when the telltale flashes of blasterfire occurred in the distance.

"Allow old Hob t' help ye up, girl," he said kindly. He lifted a cupped palm and Lillian rose in the air. Whether she found her feet or was too stunned to escape Hob's telekinetic powers, she was big enough to be an effective human shield for the small alien.

Lillian Snow
Oct 31st, 2002, 02:29:22 PM
Lillian floated up and regained her feet.

"Th-thank you..."

She felt her face grow red, she was embarrassed at having been frightened of him.

"I...I'm sorry, but this town is under attack by Dark Jedi..."

A blasterbolt flew over her shoulder. Reason had fired...a hailstorm of blasterbolts surrounded them. One took her in the back, a weak one luckily. She fell unconcious onto Hob.

Oct 31st, 2002, 02:33:18 PM
Reason followed in on the tail of its fire. Lillian had been caught in the blasts, its sensors assessed her injuries. She would come through fine, but it would have to move quickly to ensure that she received treatment. As of now...it had the threat of Hob to deal with. Reason's wristblades opened up and its tail doubled in length. Reason scooped Lillian up in its tail and threw a punch at Hob.

Ebon Dir
Oct 31st, 2002, 07:44:10 PM
He dropped to the ground and rolled backwards under the jab, grabbing the bag in the process. He came to his feet several strides away from the woman, gazing at her with cold, grey eyes.

"you're right about one thing, I am done for tonight. In fact, I was just leaving." He began to backpeddle as he continued, "And now you have to ask what good fighting me will do. You could be off stopping one of my dark jedi brothers or sisters, yet you waste precious moments with me. Is your taste for vengence that strong? You may be more like me than you care to admit."

Zasz Grimm
Nov 1st, 2002, 12:10:03 PM
"Your call. You were always better at making the decisions you know."

He grinned as he looked to down to her as he kept in stride not that far behind her. Her hand was still holding his arm as they went down the steps. Explosions and sounds of battle were erupting everywhere still.

Oh what to do.

What to do indeed.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 1st, 2002, 03:21:07 PM
:: Lance had a very close contact with his oldest and strongest apprentice at the moment..Straffe their family links and their force unity had created a turmoil in Lance's force sensitivity.::

"Straffe...!" Lance sensed a great danger near him.

"Argh!" He tilted his head in every direction trying to guess whee he was, he wasn't very far from Wei Wu Wei and the Dwarf, he then felt it near very near...he turned around and jumped on the wall running on it so quickly that he didn't even fell, skipping the battles in his way his only goal was to reach his apprentice before it was too late. Lance came back to his feet and looked at the top of a very tall building, summoning the force through his legs he force jumped towards the different windows going up and up untill the presence of his apprentice was even closer, before even looking through the window he slipped three 3 explosive stars from his belt and threw a weight to break the window open then slipping the 3 stars with his other hand, the 3 stars exploded right in the middle of the Evelyn and Straffe letting out a huge amount of smoke, as the smoke slowly faded a shadow could be seen.

"Looks like I'm right on time for the party Straffe, you've done a good job now time to take out the garbage" Lance flipped Matrix in his right hand as he pressed the ignition switch letting the sky-blue blade hiss out of the odd hilt.

"So how many are we fighting? I didn't focus on the enemy but only on you"

Kelt Simoson
Nov 1st, 2002, 06:26:18 PM
Kelt woke with a start and quicked twisted his head in the direction in hwich Nupraptor was a few moments ago before the electricity had hit him, however the fallen Jedi was not there. With great pain the Padawan got himself to his feet and felt around his chest, he was bleeding, but nothing he couldent handle.

The jedi pickedup his lightsaber and ignighted it once again using its glow as a torch in the darkness. he moved fowards towards the rubble where Nupraptor had been with great care.

'Come out beast...stop using stupid tricks and fight like a man...with the weaponnot the force.' the padawan bellowed.

Hrolthar Benatoer
Nov 1st, 2002, 06:32:10 PM
The first axe strike had from Hrolthar had plunged deeply into the shadow without question chopping the creatures arm in half with a single blow. The seconde was sent upwards towards the shadows lower torso slitting his belly in half and killing him here and then. ' This is to easy little girl..try something a little more better next time WENCH!' He laughed loudly running in the direction she had escaped with a very distinct woddle...

' COME ON MASTER WEI!' be roared.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 1st, 2002, 06:39:29 PM
Wei nodded. "Let's try to find Evelyn again." Wei made a dash in the direction she had gone.

Estelle Russard
Nov 1st, 2002, 09:37:07 PM
Originally posted by Ebon Dir
He dropped to the ground and rolled backwards under the jab, grabbing the bag in the process. He came to his feet several strides away from the woman, gazing at her with cold, grey eyes.

"you're right about one thing, I am done for tonight. In fact, I was just leaving." He began to backpeddle as he continued, "And now you have to ask what good fighting me will do. You could be off stopping one of my dark jedi brothers or sisters, yet you waste precious moments with me. Is your taste for vengence that strong? You may be more like me than you care to admit."

"I have no taste for vengence, only justice."

Ebon increased the distance between them, and left Estelle with the choice to chase him, or help where she could. Tonight, her mind was clear in where her duty lay.

"I have marked you, Dark Jedi. Your brethren will be called to an accounting, as you will be too. Just because you escape today, doesnt mean you really do escape. Thats a promise."

The Knight deactivated her blade as Ebon disappeared from her sight, and at a run, entered the bank to search for those who needed help, the mans face imbedded in her mind and heart.