View Full Version : Sunset at Arcan IV (TBH vs GJO)

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Saul Mordeth
Nov 1st, 2002, 11:49:43 PM
Saul armed with only his blunt fighting stick and the force felt unprepared for this sneak attack. Staying out of the main mele he was helping the civilian's. Helping the weak was why he came to the GJO to begin with. Looking down a cross street he felt a darkness an evil that permeated the streets. Saul saw a female hefted up by the force and a blaster richochet off her arm. She let out a small cry and fell forward. "No, you have hurt your last innocent." Saul ran into the alley but before he could get there a mecha ran in front of him and attacked the thing in the alley.

Unlatching my blunt weapon I watched and waited for any aggressive movements. "I don't know if Jubei approves or not but lives are at stake, my Master will understand. Evil should not be allowed to run unchecked." Grim focus came over Mordeth as he concentraited on the living force.

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 2nd, 2002, 04:16:45 AM
You assume every Dark Sider believe in the destruction of innocent lives. Assumption is the worst of fallacies. It is sad you fall into that category...

Of all the insults to my intelligence....

HAve IQ's just dropped around here Millard? What do you call THIS?!!

Even if he was not here, I pointed to the destruction Hobgoblin had caused.

Innocent lives taken by you AND your allies. For what reason do you think that you could ever possibly say that...

There was a dead child I saw, face broken by shrapnel, twisted and obviously died in pain. Great pain. Was this waht Millard believed in, letting his fellow Dark Siders do this?

Your not stopping it, they are your allies, thence you are complicent in these civilian's deaths. Stop with your justifications and resonings, I see the evidence against your words right here before my eyes.

I was angry... angry like a Jedi shouldn't be but I was seeing the people I swore to protect and represent. This was senseless slaughte and I had to find a way to stop it. Somehow gathering the Dark Siders into one place and bringing the Jedi together, with the ground forces as yet not fully mobilised against them....to stop this senseless killing.

And now as I stalked, I saw Hobgoblin being attacked by a droid of some knid. I was too far away to help and my weapons had more chance in hindering than helping.

<font color=red>

I saw the dwarfs footsteps. He was steering a course deliberatly in one direction, his steps were not random. I saw a building and I could feel the malice as the dwarf reached his destination...</font>

I blinked, clearing the future vision. Had a think. Then began to smile, for that was the perfect place.

Tell your murderous friends.... telll them all Millard. I'll be waiting out the front of the GJO building. I shall be waiting for you too. And when you are there, even if I am alone, you will need every single one of their help to live another day.

Come to me, I thought. Make myself the target. After all, I was not just a Jedi Knight... I was Senator as well. A target surely they would not ignore. "Hicks.... listen to me" I said into the comm link of my helmet "Get word out to the other Jedi. Tell them to lead their Dark Jedi opponent back to the GJO main building. We have to get them grouped and stop them killing more civilians. And Hicks.... get a surprise ready"

I kept an eye on the droid dueling Hobgoblin, wondering if other Jedi would heed my call when it came.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:25:47 AM
As Wargrave fell towards the Earth, his Force-enhanced picked up part on Helenias' thoughts. She was directed and focussed. Worried about the sake of the innocents on Arcan, yes, but there was something else...she was scheming. And Wargrave wasn't willing to risk any of his fellow members because he assumed she had nothing prepared.

For the sake of our organization, members, stay away from the main GJO building. I believe our Jedi friends have some sort of surprise that would only damage us as a whole, He called to all of his Black Hand members as he fired a grappling gun, steadying his fall, Keep on your objectives. If the Greater Jedi Order members fall back towards their headquarters, do not pursue. I will take care of any of them myself.

He landed on the ground watching as the female Jedi turned to face him, "A surprise?"

"I do so enjoy a surprise.."

Wargrave's saber wasn't drawn and his cloak was still covering his body.

The Dark Jedi viewed his opponent, keeping his face towards the former GJO Main Building.

"I have not taken any civilian lives on this fine day. If my collegues have...then it's their own business.

"You are correct...we are a group of Dark Jedi. But we are a group of individuals. We have our own objectives and our own goals. "

He felt her anger and almost smiled.

"Temper, temper, Madame Q'Dunn. While I am certain your husband would not object to your anger, I believe the rest of the Jedi Order would not find it pleasing.

"Now...before your friend Hicks decides to destroy the GJO building...or whatever his 'surprise is...I have a proposal.

"You and I...Force Pike to Saber. Force Power against Force Power. If I win Hick does not reveal his surprise. If you win...then by all means, reveal the surprise. And I will take the full brunt of it."

He shifted his weight.


Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:31:12 AM
Nupraptor could hear the enraged padawan's words from down the hall. He had to audibly scoff at his claims. Like he believed all Jedi Masters did, Nupraptor fought without the aide of a saber. A weapon was only a crutch, which prevented one from developing their true potential.

There was a terrible tearing noise which filled the room, followed by the rush of water. The bedsheets were painted crimson as the patients who were lying in them were torn apart with the Force. Their mangled remains dropped onto the floor, which was already covered in a slick layer of gore.

"So, the pup isn't trained well enough to stay down when it's kicked," he called out, loudly enough for Kelt to hear him. "Then it'll just have to be put down, won't it? Come, then, childe... your death is well earned."

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 2nd, 2002, 05:51:58 PM


The word was sharp and precise. And a stinging verbal slap.

"No Millard" I said, drawing up to full height " I have a better idea. If your 'friends' kill one more innocent, I will unleash what has been long planned. We are not fools Dark Jedi - we have long known this attack was coming. Already, the fullness of the trap you have walked into is being set - at it's height, the NRSF numbered 50,000, a force that could defeat any army - they might have gone, but the majority of those troops are still here and their weapons. Strong minded to resist mind tricks, weapons to negate sabres, weapons that no Jedi could defend against - you have walked into a Force User trap. Just because we are leaving does not mean the trap has been dismantled. Up above, Star Destroyers of the former NRSF fleet are moving into a blockade position, down on the ground, troops are moving. You can not possibly hope to survive, not against a planet ready and waiting for this very day"

I put my Pike into it's slot on my belt, turned off my sabre and placed it at my side. Thn, I reached up and removed my helmet, shaking my hair free, to look Millard directly in the eye.

"You are going to accept my offer instead. If you or your 'friends kill one more innocent, you fate will be sealed. You will all die and die fast. However, I offer a duel. In front of the steps of the GJO building. The Hand against the Jedi. Fairly, no tricks. You comply and win, as long as you do not kill another innocent, you walk away. Women and children are not the real targets of the Hand and I know it... it's us. Thence, you can try for us, directly"

I now replaced the helmet on my head, activating it's electronics and sensors as I did.

"Arrival at the front of the GJO building will indicate the acceptance of my terms. If you do that, I will guarenttee your safe passage, no matter the result. If you do not...."

I looked up and around . I could sense Hicks on the move.

"Look into the future. If you can not do so, it means you have no future. I will be waiting at the front of the GJO building for your answer"

Maester Wargrave
Nov 2nd, 2002, 07:42:34 PM
"Madame Q'Dunn, you forget," Wargrave smiled at her, "We are in front of the building."

He saw her take off her helmet then replace it. She had a nice face but dirtied hair.

"You say you were prepared for this day. Are we talking about your personally or the Greater Jedi Order. Where is Leia Organa Solo, your chief of state. Or you other Jedi Masters...Marcus Q'Dunn, your own husband...is he out commanding the troops? Or off playing Smashball somewhere?

"Or your protege, Xazor- I'm sorry I do not know which man she is with this week...are you afraid she might become close to your husband? Instead of like a daughter or a sister, be something else? Lovers perhaps?"

He smiled then continued, "You know what you look to me...with your Royal Guardsman outfit and your dirtied hair...you look like a rube. And simple commonstock girl who has high dreams and is struggling...gasping...at that one goal...that one object...you can never achieve.

"Shadow Leader, you have your orders," he spoke into his comlink.

"Tell me...Senator Helenias Q'Dunn. If you destroy the Hand, you still have to deal with the rest of the body. And Arcan will not recover from an onslaught such as this.

"A politician cares for those they serve. What will they say, come next election...if they are still pulling 'Mommy and Daddy' from the piles of rubble. If Arcan's farmlands are still devestated by the destruction of the land by the New Republic Special Forces Fleet? What will they say then? If the Hand is still alive and causing difficulties?"

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 2nd, 2002, 08:24:48 PM
OOC : Actually I was still several blocks away from the building. Or so I thought


"Arcan recovered from worse than this ... I was there the night it had far worse. Your small group can not hope to even make a small dent - you need far more than that. Even your Empire can not take a hostile planet of this size and power. What the Hand have done is nothing more than blip for a planet. Do not overestimate the damage your fist does nor can do. You do not scare me with your bluffing, for I know if you refuse my offer, you be dead. Or are you a worthless as well as wrong? I offer freely and fairly. For your lives, there is no other choice and nor do I bluff. Already, snipers are above us, more than even your powers can deal with"

I wished he could see my face....

"Are you so conceited that you think what you have here, now will defeat a planet? I think not. Do you wish to be cut down like a stray bantha, left to rot? I have not told you even half of what you will face. The shield generators are not where you think they are. Power does not come from where you think it does. Do you really think we would not see those as primary targets and not prepare? We prepared for the Sith Empire, which was far mightier than even your rag-tag armies of Balmorra and allies. And when I say we, the leaders of Arcan, the NRSF and Marcus. I am telling you, if you try to take Arcan by force, it will be Balmorra who will die - for do you think others will stand by at let a member of the Republic be taken?"

I purposely ignored his insult calling myself a woman of low station and of Xazor.... Cheap words did not interest me. I was only interested in the lives of the innocents I knew would be lost if this fight continued. Every word I had spoken was the truth - and the more this fight continued, the more the jaws of this trap would be closed.

"If you want a war with the Republic, allow your squadron to continue. Allow your 'allies' to kill innocents. But mark my words, you wont see any of it.... you will be dead at my feet and the rest of the Hand will follow. And no matter how long it takes, the free people of Arcan have tasted freedom and I know what they are willing to lose to keep it"

I looked up, scanners in the helmet telling me snipers were in place. I knew how powerful Dark Jedi could be. Not powerful enough to stop the barrage that would come in a few more seconds. And with no time to call for help, not help that would deal with the multiple placements.

"You have you choice. Die like a droog, or have an honourable contest. My patience is not infinite. Decide!"

Jibrielle Abunai
Nov 3rd, 2002, 12:29:32 AM
Since she was still an Apprentice and was just beginning to practice her new "lessons", the fireball diminished after crashing into the wall. Kindo was searching for her, no doubt, but he was too late. She took the cap off of the vial and dropped everything in the water below, smirking.

"Seems like your efforts were in vain," she whispered to nobody as she turned around, heading for the doors.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 3rd, 2002, 01:02:27 AM
"Jibrielle!" De'Ville called to the apprentice, sensing that she had run into trouble, but was free from it now. She continued to circle Liam, awaiting his retaliation.

Dwayne Hicks
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:21:44 AM
They had been waitning in position for too bloody long. Just frelling typical of the Jedi to do that to grunts like them.

But Hicks wouldn't be caught dead saying that to Commander Cross. She would do something nasty and unplesant to his arms. Or legs.

Or head.

"Hey... Hicks... Hicks! Wake up, the bitch is on visual!"

Dwayne picked up his sniper rifle, aimed the scope onto the road below. Sure enough, there was the bitch from hell in her armour and she was being met by someone else.

"Can you hear what she's saying?" asked Hudson.

"OH for frell's sake you loser, how the hell am I supposed to hear from up in this place? You think I'm wired to her?" Hicks snapped.

"Comm channel in her helmet, you retard. She has it on"

Hicks gave Hudson a rude sign, before switching his headset on....

have long known this attack was coming. Already, the fullness of the trap you have walked into is being set - at it's height, the NRSF numbered 50,000, a force that could defeat any army - they might have gone, but the majority of those troops are still here and their weapons. Strong minded to resist mind tricks, weapons to negate sabres, weapons that no Jedi could defend against - you have walked into a Force User trap.

"Hey frelling A, that's she's talking about!" whooped Frosty

"Yeah, we'll kick thise dead beat's asses!"

"Shut up!" snapped Hicks

Just because we are leaving does not mean the trap has been dismantled. Up above, Star Destroyers of the former NRSF fleet are moving into a blockade position, down on the ground, troops are moving. You can not possibly hope to survive, not against a planet ready and waiting for this very day"

"Star Destroyers?" asked a puzzled Hudson. "We still have those up stairs?"

"Sector fleet used to be based here.... dunno if it's gone as well. I thought it had" replied Hicks.

The three men on this roof top listened into the bitches' words, until she had finished.

"Hey man, she's bluffin'" said Hudson.

"Man, the bitch dont bluff. You know she dont!"

"Well...." said Hicks, settling into the roof, and aiming at the Dark Jedi across from Commander Cross "She weren't bluffing abut this guy. He even farts wrong, he's dead. We're not the only snipers about. One of us has to get him, no matter what he does. Either Cross will rip his lungs out or one of us blows his brains over the pavement"

He knew she wasnt kidding about the number of troops and militia availible. There would be more coming, responding to the emergency. Buggered if he knew the truth on the other -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-.

But he had a job to do.... and right now, it was in his crosshairs. And in the crosshairs of others surrounding the area.

C'mon..... just do somethign stupid and i'll put this bullet through yur skull

"You think they going to accept?"

"Well, if they do, you know your orders. Back away and let them fight. We're only to protect civvies" replied Hicks.

Maester Wargrave
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:03:45 AM
"And honorable contest?" Wargrave raised an eyebrow.

"Might I remind you, you do not have a sniper's gunsight pointed at your head, my dear Senator.

He threw his lightsaber on the ground before Helenias.

"If you wish to fight, we do it on neutral ground. One the bit of plains I saw on my way in. We move our battle there, and you have a deal.

"If not...you may shoot me down now."

Helenias Evenstar
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:21:32 AM
I gave the Dark Jedi a quizzical look.

"Hicks..... back off and stand down. Anyone killing civilains, your free to reactivate and eradicate. Let the Jedi and the Dark Siders fight between themselves"

My attention came back to Millard.

"I'll be in the plains outside of town. This one wants neutral ground"

Maester Wargrave
Nov 3rd, 2002, 08:11:34 AM
Wargrave smiled, "Do I detect a hint of shock that an 'evil Dark Jedi' would say they preferred to avoid deaths of civilians?

"Not all Dark Jedi lust for the shedding of blood."

He turned to walk away, "See you in the field."

Kelt Simoson
Nov 3rd, 2002, 11:53:05 AM
Kelt was more intelegent than perhaps Nupraptor was allowing him to be. Kelt in the mean time had moved back into a safe spot where he could wait for the Dark Sider to come to him rather than the other way around. He would perfere the element of suprise rather than a hopeless face to face confrontation. The jedi never spoke to give his position away, and he blocked his signature as much as possible, his saber was switched off and his sword instead was extended, his most sacrid item...his crusaders sword.

He was ready.

Nov 3rd, 2002, 01:12:53 PM
"You don't need to count - You can't see anyways." Evelyn grunted as the smoke started to vanish.

The second the smoke vanished and all could be clear again, Evelyn dug her fingertips into the latest stranger's eyes, but not enough to actually bleed or do anything serious. It was just enough to hurt him and blind him for a moment. Her other shadow man-slave didn't resist the explosion, but she had an infinite army of them. She looked towards Taja, sending a Force message.

Are we done, Master Loraan ? These men visit the Devil's Dolls. They might just destroy our precious bar if they find out who we really are.

She formed another Shadow slave, sending him to pin Straffe down.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 3rd, 2002, 03:26:01 PM
:: Lance even though blinded focused some of his force energy unto his arms and connected it with his lightsaber, Matrix's blue blade became bigger an eerie glow dispatching from it, Lance let the force guide him to tell him where his opponents were, he knew Straffe was a little behind him and sent Matrix slamming the floor releasing a series of pure plasma waves destroying all of these shadow slaves that she was creating, the waves continued on rushing towards Evelyn.::

Straffe your turn! Keep her busy while I try to recover my sight

Kar'h'tzen Shaed
Nov 3rd, 2002, 04:53:34 PM
Arcan IV... typical place, really. People, animals, buildings and vehicles. Lives and deaths. Kar'h'tzen had seen and felt such things before, so he didn't mind that he couldn't sense them now. All he really knew was that life on Arcan IV was changing today... he could observe that when the time was right.

One couldn't see, after all, when one was hiding.

He'd taken some precautions - he knew where he was, he knew where everyone else should probably be by now. He still had eyes, he just couldn't interpret the information they were giving him very well at the moment. Maybe it was a problem. He wasn't really sure. But back-ups should generally be able to observe who they were backing up... but if he fumbled around too much, he'd attract attention. Better to stay here. Stay still. Small.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:45:32 AM
Wei showed up just in time to help Straffe with the Shadow Slave, then turned to Evelyn and the other person.

"Since when did Darksiders run like rabbits from a battle?" he taunted Evelyn. "Too scared you'll get the pants beat off of you by a weakling lightsider padawan?"

Then he turned to the other one. "And you need this chicken's help to take care of him? Some Dark Jedi you turned out to be. And I thought the Black Hand was supposed to be a presence to be feared."

Wei sent a Force message to Straffe. Help me out here. I got an idea.

No doubt Ben would be along shortly.

imported_Taja Loraan
Nov 4th, 2002, 10:54:27 AM
Smoke billowed around Taja as yet another Jedi announced his presence and she winced. Not because of the rude disruption, but at the title of 'Master Loraan'. Hadn't she warned Evelyn not to refer to her so formally? Then, at the mention of the tavern where both she and her Apprentice 'worked', she gave a small laugh. Destroy the Devil's Inn? Not a chance.

The transfer was complete. By now, the virus had spread from this central processor to all other terminals throughout the building, and the generators were overloaded with all sorts of incorrect data. Any minute now, they would explode... so what difference did it make if Wei attempted to insult her?


...and that was the cue for the two Dark Jedi to royally mark their exit. Emergency sirens wailed in a discordant, shrill choir and red lights blinked in time with the message flashing across the large screen. There was no way the process could be reversed, but just in case... Taja placed her hands on the console, waves of dark energy emanating from her fingertips and through to the very core of the equipment. Within a few seconds the monitor flickered and died altogether, and the computers lining the side of the room suddenly burst into flame.

Mission objective accomplished: Arcan's planetary shield was gone.

Now, if the Jedi would kindly step out of the way before they were all killed when the generators detonated in about, oh... three minutes...

Nov 4th, 2002, 10:55:03 AM
"Then again." Evelyn muttered. "You men should be ashamed."

Again, they were outnumbered. Evelyn grabbed Wei and used him a shield against the plasma waves. Her back brushing against his back, several daggers slid down her sleeve. Looking underneath Wei's arm, Evelyn aimed 3 of those silver daggers at Lance. As soon as they were thrown, she lifted her hand up from behind the man, grabbing his chin and slammed her metal-padded knee into his back. She grunted, a dash of anger in her voice before throwing him into Straffe.

"Ugh. Are insults the only attacks you can do ?"

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 11:19:23 AM
OOC: Did those things detonate already? that was fast.

Wei felt a knee get rammed into his back. "I thought you would never ask." Wei stepped back, putting a foot between both of Evelyn's reached around behind him and got a hand full of her hair. Then he took a knee and flipped her over his shoulder and got her in a sleeper hold.

"How was that?"

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 4th, 2002, 07:19:28 PM
:: Lance felt the daggers coming near him and spun Matrix in front of him to deflect the daggers, he rubbed his hand against his eyes his sight coming back slowly the image of his opponent getting clearer.::

"Ugh nice job Wei" Lance suddenly felt a danger in the force, a warning had come to him.

"We better get out of here...quick...."

OOC: 3 mins before explosion. That's what's written.

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 5th, 2002, 06:41:43 PM
Straffe noticed that Wei had joined there little fight and like it better. Three heads are better then one. He quickly dashed towards Taja and round kicked her into the wall. he then grabbed her by the throat and lifeted her up.

"Better fix this or it will be a waste to hurt you..."

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 8th, 2002, 09:56:48 AM
(ooc) Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to this, but I had two tests this week.


With the girl falling on top of him, Hob had no way to draw his lightsaber. Which meant that he would have to find another way of dealing with the droid that did not involve the use of weapons.

But a true Dark Jedi was never unarmed.

As Reason scooped Lillian up in its' tail, Hob made himself ready, and thus it was that at the last minute, he was able to roll out of the way of the droid's punch.

Droids, however, are precise machines, and as Hob hopped to his feet he noticed that there was a stinging line of pain beneath his beard. One of the droid's wristblades had caught him across the cheek.

As Reason with drew his fist from where it had hit the ground, Hob leapt onto it, like a monkey swinging from a branch. As Reason's sensors detected Hob, they also detected an odd phenomenon- somehow, the dwarf's hands were drawing the energy out of his frame, like a magnet drawing nails. It wouldn't take more than a few minutes to deprive the droid of power, and should Reason fall, Lillian would be in jeopardy.

Not that Hob was aware of the connection between droid and girl. It was the idea of quick twin defeats that gave the dwarf his grim satisfaction.

Nov 8th, 2002, 12:13:58 PM
The little man was on its back now, and Reason had an interesting status anomaly. Its power was diminishing. Reason spun, a sudden move, and in such close proximity there was little chance Hob would avoid the backfist the droid was throwing as well.

OOC: Np, Hob.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 11th, 2002, 09:55:27 AM
Reason's metal fist hit Hob with a might whump!, the droid having successfully dislodged the dwarf. Instead of being sent flying, however, Hob took hold of his opponent's limb, tenaciously clinging on while continuing to siphon off energy. The electrical power flowed into his body, and some of the aged flesh around Hob's eyes began to tighten as some of his lost vitality was restored.

Nov 11th, 2002, 10:21:28 AM
Reason shakes its fist in an attempt to throw off the dwarf. It sets Lillian aside, out of harm's way, then takes the fight back out into the middle of the street to ensure she is not hurt further by the struggle. It lashes out, tail coming around like a whip to strike the man's back.

Nov 13th, 2002, 02:55:38 AM
Nupraptor gave Kelt a full minute before returning to his methodical slaughter. This padawan acted as if he wanted a fight, but then he refused to show himself when it came down to it. It mattered little. Perhaps he had simply gained enough intelligence to stay out of his way. Which suited the Fallen Jedi just fine.

Snapping the neck of the last person in the room, Nupraptor finished with the last wing of the hospital. On to the generator room.

Kelt Simoson
Nov 13th, 2002, 03:29:26 AM
The snapping o the hospital staffs necks was horrible to hear, but to e honest if he went to save them they would all be dead by now. No suprise was his only option, the Fallen Jedi was probobly given Kelt to less credit and to much sarcasem, yes he would let him get closeto the generator and then attack him with suprise,lethimthink hesout witted Kelt.....not a chance,kelt had done this kind of hide and seek fight to many times to be fooled.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 13th, 2002, 01:32:46 PM
Hob jerked convulsively as the whiplike tail struck his back. Even with the delay caused by setting Lillian aside, Hob had not chosen to dodge, instead seeking to continue the process of draining energy. The siphoned power not only continued to improve Hob's physical condition, but also buffered him against the nausea Reason's shaking was starting to induce.

But if the extreme damage kept up, he would have to find some other way to deal with the droid than simply siphoning it dry.

Nov 13th, 2002, 05:34:47 PM
Reason takes hold of Hob's shirt, shifting his grip on the man so he is over its fist, then pulls back and slams the dwarf hard into the durracrete.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 13th, 2002, 05:37:10 PM
(ooc) Thank you.

Hob slammed into the pavement and lay there, writhing in pain. He had tired of fighting the droid, but now was injured to the point where he would need to recover before unleashing anything further.

Nov 13th, 2002, 05:58:43 PM
Reason stands and flexes its fingers, an almost human gesture, and walks away from the Hobgoblin. As far as its concerned, the fight is over. It lifts Lillian's unconcious body and turns its head towards the hospital. There is fighting there, to take Lillian there would not be practical. Instead, Reason walks away toward the main GJO headquarters. It should be able to find her assitance there. It's walking speed is reduced, Hobgoblin has drained it noticably. Reason reroutes its power, shutting down its weapons, save the blasters in its palms, and leaves its tail extended. It walks doggedly on, it won't be stopped in its mission.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 13th, 2002, 06:10:44 PM
Hob saw the droid towering over him from somewhere inside of a dizzying haze. Somewhere inside of him, he'd failed.

Had his grand strike at the Jedi been for nothing? Had he proven the universe right? Was he insignificant, and unimportant? Was he a mistake of genetics, doomed to be laughed at and discarded?

No... his victory over Zeke, the Jedi, had to have meant something. Hob was a Dark Jedi, a GrandMaster among Masters. It could not come down to defeat by a simple machine.

Hob sat up, in spite of his injuries. He could see Reason trudging off, already halfway down the next block- had Hob been out that long? it had seemed like a few seconds- and getting farther.

Dark Jedi did not stoop to revenge. That was a Sith motive, one that led to self-importance and hate. But the grandness and importance of Hob's truth would not, could not be denied.

And so long as the droid stood, it was an impediment to this.

Something inside of Hob still burned. The droid had failed to finish him. And so the dwarf stood, and began to limp up the street, progressing towards his goal once more.

Nov 13th, 2002, 06:37:57 PM
Reason can sense the dwarf following. If he doesn't attack, Reason has no business fighting him further. It maintains a weaponslock on him. If the man makes one hostile action, Reason will shoot him. And the accuracy of its targetting isn't dependent on its power supply.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 13th, 2002, 06:43:15 PM
(ooc) Am I following you? *Re-reads your post.* I guess so, if you're heading to the GJO... didn't realize that. I was just explaining Hob's rationale for not liking the droid. Although if you do shoot at him, you might find yourself in trouble. :)

Anyways... I'm looking for one more fight, or, failing that, a conclusion to my part of the thread. Any takers? :)

Hob purposefully began to lag behind the droid, allowing it to proceed while he recuperated some more from the physical punishment he'd taken recently.

Liam Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 09:37:43 PM
Liam had taken his time (lol) in sizing up De'Ville. As she moved to circle again, his saber snapped to life and became a blur, sweeping upwards then to the side, catching De'Ville's and bringing it away from her body, long enough for him to plant a heel-kick into her abdomen. Seconds after she recieved the blow, she was pushed backwards by the force, leaving about 2 meters of room between the two. A corner of the Jedi's mouth moved upwards, forming a wry smile. His body moved into a standard defensive position, awaiting her move.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 13th, 2002, 10:51:46 PM
De'Ville staggered back, managing to keep her feet, and then bounded towards the Jedi, swinging her saber in sideways as he moved to block. Liam shifted his feet to accomodate as she tied his saber up with hers, and De'Ville stuck her foot out, yanking his ankle out from underneath him.

As he started to fall, she struck harder, trying to get past his saber and into his body. Air blew through her clenched teeth as she drew on the anger for strength.

Liam Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:09:16 PM
Liam landed on his back, his saber meeting De'Ville's though finding more force put behind her blow. He almost let her saber come down on top of him, but as he added strength to the now locked-sabers, he pushed hers to the side and rolled to the other. Catiously he rose to his feet, then jabbed his saber straight for her stomach. She blocked, but as she followed through on it, Liam sent his free hand into her jaw. Before she could return the blow, he sidestepped and took a few steps back.

"Now, lets not hold back, Mistress De'Ville.." He said through a tightened jaw.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:27:49 PM
She glared at him and opened her mouth, popping her jaw, and then clenching her teeth once more. Jibrielle was holding her own in the other part of the building, nothing for Lilaena to worry about. If she could even do anything about it, which she couldn't, at the moment.

De'Ville held out her hand and quickly formed a small sphere of crackling energy, known as destruction, a Sith weapon. It was weak, as she had formed it so quickly, but if it connected with him it would burn him badly enough and toss him backwards a few feet. She extended her arm, throwing it at him with the Force, and following after it, ready to take him apart as he tried to deflect it.

Liam Jinn
Nov 13th, 2002, 11:34:13 PM
Liam's instinct was to deflect the sphere, but as it drew closer, he thought twice. Instead, he leapt to the side and tugged De'Ville towards him, faking a downwards slash. As she moved to block he gave her another push, straight into her own sphere.

imported_Taja Loraan
Nov 19th, 2002, 01:55:58 AM
"Sorry love," she choked, "but I'm not too great with computers."

It was little effort for Straffe to lift her off the ground, but much harder to set her back down. Taja's weight seemed to increase tenfold as he held her there until he could no longer support it, and it refused to budge. Pulling her leg up, she slammed her knee into the Jedi's abdomen, sending him reeling backward. The load on his arms diminished and Taja dropped to her feet lightly on the ground.

With a quick glance about, she grabbed Evelyn's wrist and pulled her toward the window. "We are out of here."

The tinted glass cracked and shattered and the two Dark Jedi pulled through the gap, dropping down several floors (they seemed to be doing a lot of that lately). An artificial black mist hid from the Jedi their movements on the streets below and when it had cleared, Evelyn and Taja were gone. The fluctuating generators were, however, still very much present within the building, along with the Jedi.

3... 2... 1...

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 19th, 2002, 08:03:30 AM
Straffe recovered from the blow and realised that the cowards had run away. He also noticed that the generators were about to explode.

"Lance! Lets move!"

He grabed Lance and jumped out the same window that Taja had.

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 19th, 2002, 09:51:31 PM
She stumbled forwards as he tugged her to the side with the Force, and moved to block his saber. Surprisingly, he feinted, and then she felt herself being shoved backwards, the energy behind her close enough to singe her hair. De'Ville quickly shoved the Destruction backwards, sending it sizzling into a wall, where it burst into flames and left a huge smoldering black mark.

De'Ville stumbled and fell backwards, rolling quickly to get to her feet.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 19th, 2002, 10:08:39 PM
Wei sensed the blast coming and used a Force-boosted jump to retreat to the top of a building, placing him out of range of the explosion. He had to go get Evelyn and Taja.

"Ooooooh laaaaaaadiiiiieeeess!" he called in a sing-song voice as he jumped from rooftop to rooftop, keeping his mind's eye open for any dark life auras.

imported_Lance Stormrider
Nov 20th, 2002, 05:17:23 AM
:: Lance was grabbed by his apprentice but then ungripped him-self to follow his strider jump.::

"AHH! Damn those women!"

Straffe Stormrider
Nov 20th, 2002, 07:39:55 PM
Straffe turned to Lance

"Quickly Master...We must catch them before they get away"

Straffe started to run in the direction they had gone, feeling the dark signature.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 21st, 2002, 05:53:59 PM
The GJO facility towered above the other buildings on the street, and was far longer and wider than anything else inside city limits that wasn't government-related.

Hob stared up at the massive building and sneered. It was arrogance, pure arrogance for the Jedi to have built such a monumental creation. It deserved to be defaced, and Hob would do that, right before he accomplished his task.

Pulling on the Force through a headache and slight disorder, Hob began to shatter windows on the building with telekinetic vacuums. It was a certain way to call attention to himself, but Hob did not care. When he was done, the broken windows would form a crude version of the Mark of the Hand, and that was what mattered.

(ooc) Last chance? Someone? Anyone?

Lilaena De'Ville
Nov 22nd, 2002, 02:12:10 AM
De'Ville suddenly looked at the wall, at a chrono fixed there, and spat roughly on the ground. "I will finish this later."

She turned and ran out the door she had first burst through, using the Force to enhance her reflexes and muscles. Moving at an inhuman speed, she dashed towards...

Nov 24th, 2002, 08:05:54 PM
The windows blew out of the headquarters. Reason, unable to derive why this has happened, continues on toward the building. If it continues, Lillian will die when Hob brings the house down, and Reason will be destroyed. And Logic doesn't feel like dying. It surfaces from where it has hidden itself in Reason's A.I. and assesses the situation. Reason has barely enough power to get Lillian into the building. To defeat Hob, Reason requires more power than it currently has. But, its not impossible to delay the dwarf. Logic takes control of Reason and sets Lillian aside. Now, for some difficult power shunting. Logic drains Reason's laser batteries, the power flowing back along the conductors in a manner they weren't intended to. Later, Reason will have to repair that. Logic shuts down Reason's targetting and audio sensors. It puts enough power into Reason's visual that it can see, a basic, grainy black and white. The rest of the power is put into Reason's movement. Logic dispenses with the wrist blades and tail. Now Reason can move at a fair speed, and can fight with its fists. Logic has five minutes to defeat Hob. Reason makes a move as if cracking its knuckles, then rolls its head as if popping its neck. Logic's attitude should make it clear; Reason is not under control of itself.

Five minutes.

Logic boosts Reason forward and swings with a right cross, spinning to bring the left hand around with a knifehand strike.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:13:59 AM
The grandiose posturing of the droid was out of character, and it also gave Hob the advantage of knowing its intent with enough time to prepare. Though he was already in the middle of working up energy for another smashed window, Hob held onto the energy, waiting for the droid to close.

And then, as it spun to attack, another telekinetic vacuum formed behind it and the Reason/Logic droid was pulled backwards, as though being sucked through an invisible straw. The intended attacks missed their target, and the droid itself was primed to fall flat on its back after its trip through the air.

Nov 25th, 2002, 10:22:12 AM
Four minutes, thirty seconds.

Logic manages to get Reason's hands under it, the big droid catches itself and stands. If it stays where it is, Hob will continue to blow up the building. No choice then. It comes forward once more, and Logic feints with a hook, following up with a spinning swing kick.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 25th, 2002, 10:39:10 AM
Though the droid is persistent, agile, and more than willing to finish the job it started, Hob has once again had time to prepare a countermeasure. As it crosses the few yards between Hob and itself, Hob has gathered energy for another telekinetic move, this one defensive.

As Logic throws its' feint, Hob's body flies backwards- the result of Hob carefully wrapping himself in the Force and lifting his own body. The dwarf lofts himself onto the hood of a nearby speeder, then sits down near the windshield.

Nov 25th, 2002, 11:06:59 AM
Four minutes.

The dwarf is up to something, that in itself is painfully obvious. Without telepathic capabilities, Logic cannot derive exactly what it is Hob means to do. But it can draw a number of conclusions. Reason's arms raise in a defense and it lunges. Logic continues to calculate, and finds itself wishing for a different frame. Reason doesn't suit it at all.

Evil Hobgoblin
Nov 25th, 2002, 12:29:43 PM
As Logic leaps towards Hob, the dwarf slides down the windshield of the speeder and off the hood, angling so as to put himself on the far side of the vehicle. Without a target there, Logic has a good chance of crashing through the windshield or hood and getting entangled in the car.

Meanwhile, Hob has begun limping over towards a street lamp, casting backward glances at Logic to keep himself apprised of his opponent's movements.

Nov 25th, 2002, 03:15:48 PM
Unable to see, the Jedi Knight known as Chance was having a rough time finding were the attacks were taking place. When the attacks had started, Chance had been in his room cleaning out the last of his belongings.

So, when the alarm rose, the Knight picked up his cane and went to work finding his way out. Longer than expected it took, but, finally the Knight had made his way out into the street and down another.

It was then he saw a unique force signature with the force. It as shorter than most Jedi, and seemed weak... but the aura... was gray, uniqe from the White and Blacks. Chance stopped, trying to figure out the signature while it neared an intersection with a large something after it.


Chance began to move forward again, the cane tapping aganist the ground as his free hand moved to the two handed sword...

Dec 1st, 2002, 09:00:54 AM
Three minutes, thirty seconds.

Reason's frame simply blows through the car, and Logic takes a piece of it with him. It's longer than it is wide, with a sharp edge, approximating a sword. Logic closes with Hob and swings the "sword" at Hob's neck. It wants the dwarf dead.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 1st, 2002, 06:52:59 PM
Hob was many things, injured especially. But one thing he was not, was unarmed.

On his last backward glance, Hob spotted the droid leaping into another attack, this one a swing that would surely take his head off. His lightsaber leapt from up his sleeve into his hand, and he spun, slicing his opponent's makeshift weapon in two and creating a gap in the swing where Hob stood.

The dwarf gritted with some pain, then took a few more steps backward, getting closer to the street lamp, attempting to lure his enemy into another attack. He had not yet noticed Chance, as focused as he was on the battle before him.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:37:49 AM
Three minutes.

Logic casts the wreckage aside and stands where it is, calculating. It's clear he won't be able to stop the Hobgoblin. But it's accomplished its goal, a Jedi Reason identifies as "Chance" has arrived. But Logic's got three minutes left. But whether to press the attack, or set up a defense? Best to attack, wear down the darksider for the Jedi. Logic presses the attack.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 2nd, 2002, 10:50:29 AM
The droid paused, giving Hob time to take another step backward. He could sense danger coming from Logic, nebulous and uncertain. Then the danger flashed into certainty and Hob enacted his plan.

With a quick telekinetic burst, the dwarf knocks his opponent back, cutting off his attack, then takes a long step behind him, swinging the lightsaber as he does so.

Bisected at an angle, the street lamp slides off its base, crashing towards the droid.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 11:25:05 AM
Two minutes, thirty seconds.

Reason crashes onto its mechanical backside, and the street lamp falls toward it. Logic moves Reason, gets it to a kneeling position, then throws its arms up. The heavy lamp knocks Reason's frame to the ground once more and creates heavy indentions in its armor. The droid struggles for a moment, then shoves the lamp aside and stands on wobbly legs. That took more power than it should have.

Two minutes.

Logic decides it best to conserve its energies, and takes a defensive posture. He'll attack when he sees an opening, but not before.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 2nd, 2002, 12:55:23 PM
Hob needs another weapon to attack the droid- going in for a lightsaber kill is simply too dangerous in his weakened condition. He casts about for a weapon and finds a solid sewer cover. With a little telekinetic work, the dwarf has the disc hovering in the air. Then it shoots off towards Logic with what strength Hob can still muster.

Dec 2nd, 2002, 02:41:39 PM
From the time of the lightpost falling on Reason and the influx of the Force as Hob sent the sewer cover at the droid, Chance had dropped his cane and sent out his force sence to the maximum. Using it in a similar way to Echolocation, the Knight held a picture of the area for the breifest of moments.

Drawing the longsword from it's sheath, Chance let the point fall to the ground before slowly and tentavely jogging torward the two combatants...

Dec 5th, 2002, 10:04:10 PM
One minute, thirty seconds.

Logic catches the sewer cover, maintaining its balance through whatever serves droids as luck, and pitches it back at Hob like a frisbee. It flies straight and true at the dwarf, and Logic resumes its defense, anticipating the dwarf's reaction.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 8th, 2002, 11:07:57 PM
Hob ducks back behind the remains of the lamppost, allowing it to deflect the sewer cover in a different direction. His eyes follow it away from the now-bent pole and he finally catches sight of an unknown Jedi.

"Help!" he calls out to Chance. "Attacking me, this droid is. Injured I am, but take it together, we can."

Dec 8th, 2002, 11:32:32 PM
One minute.

Logic debates. It's nearly out of power, and if Chance believes the Hobgoblin to be a Jedi, then surely the GJO and its members shall be destroyed. This includes Lillian, and Logic won't allow its host to fail in protecting her. It puts some power into its audio.

"D-d-d-don't be--bzzt--fooled, Cha-a-a-ance!" Logic's mechanical voice skips and breaks up as it tries to speak. "Don-don't allow him to--ffzzt--de-destroy the Je-je-jed-jedi ord--dzzt--er..."

Five seconds.

Logic returns to its hiding place within the A.I. of Reason, safe from any errors that may result from the sudden shutdown it is about to experience. Logic won't worry over the outcome. Without power, it doesn't function. What a pleasant surprise it will be when and if it is reactivated. It would be a greater surprise to find Lillian safe, and GJO still standing. Reason shuts down, its systems failing with a low hum.

Wei Wu Wei
Dec 9th, 2002, 09:14:42 AM
Wei had been searching and searching, but still no sign of Taja or Evelyn. Wei shrugged. Out of sight out of mind. Wei decided to head back to the HQ, in case they were trying to get there.

Dec 9th, 2002, 08:00:33 PM
Slightly confused from the events, Chance lept over fallen rubble and paused as Logic/Reason outputted a warning. The droid, being on the Jedi's Faction, sounded pretty beliveable. But without sight, Chance could not tell who was who, sith or Jedi.

"Damnit.." He hissed, scanning again. Slightly jerking back as the droid shut down with a dwindling hum, Chance figures that the gray aura might be an enemy..

"Hey.. I can't really see you, can you tell me your name?" He shouted, cursing inwardly in regret when he said 'I cant really see you'.

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 12th, 2002, 04:32:42 PM
Hob grinned wickedly; this Jedi was blind. If his mental capabilities had not already been overtaxed, it would be simple to defeat him. As it was, this would be perhaps a good test of his lightsaber skills.

"Name?" Hob cackled. "No name. The Hobgoblin of little minds, am I. A lesson to teach the Jedi, I have. Why I have come here, that is."

Hob reaches inside his robe and once again pulls out his lightsaber, igniting it slowly and grimacing as he aggravates one of his earlier injuries. "Come, Jedi," he said. "Duel with me."

Dec 12th, 2002, 06:59:54 PM
As the snap-hiss trademark of a lightsaber spinned into the air, Chance drew up the sword in his hands. It had been coated in a layer of saber resistant alloy for just such an encounter.

"It's ironic, t'day I thought I would walk into a-" deathtrap"- castrophe such as this." Chance slowy spoke after the slight challenge, shaking his head back and forth; not to remorse on the event, but to rid himself of the voice which spoke into his mind from the very back.

Running a finger-less glove up the coated blade, Chance let the rat-tail pummel push against the underside of his forearm while the blade pointed out at Hob.

"A Jedi does not attack first, So the Code speaks. I beg you to make the first move, Nameless One."

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 13th, 2002, 01:40:18 PM
Hob grinned. "First move?" he said, starting to back away from Chance. "Move, then, I will."

Hob turned away from Chance and began scurrying further up the street, moving away from the GJO building. "Come!" he called. "Move yourself!"

Dec 14th, 2002, 08:13:14 AM
"Very funny.." Chance grumbled as Hob began to move away and scooted forward himself with tentative steps. His boot tapped against rubble and the occasional soda-can.

The opposition kept moving away as Chance moved closer, with irritated the blind knight greatly..

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 14th, 2002, 11:54:11 AM
Hob kept scurrying along, glancing over his shoulder occaisionally as he had against the droid. As he hurried along, he caught sight of a small chunk of pavement. Scooping it up in a claw-tipped hand, the dwarf threw it towards Chance, then continued on.

Ahead of him, the street was splitting in two. It would rejoin itself farther down, creating a large circle. In the middle of the circle was a small cluster of trees, along with a monument. It was towards this monument that Hob now moved.

Jibrielle Abunai
Dec 15th, 2002, 04:50:19 PM
After pushing the doors open, Jibrielle broke out into a run while sending a telepathic message to Lilaena with much strain.

Lady, I've already put enough poison in the water system ... Let's get out of here !

This was too draining for the young Apprentice, and she knew that if anyone tried to stop her, she would just have to use her street skills to outwit them. Heading back towards the doors where she had left Lilaena, she pulled her tattered jacket closer around herself.

Dec 17th, 2002, 09:22:40 AM
The projectile fell short of it's target, bouncing off the pavement. Chance slowed to a stop, there was no point in chasing Hobgoblin if the beast wanted to fight but instead ran.

"Strange.." the Knight mummbled, keeping his sword at ready..

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 17th, 2002, 04:17:17 PM
Hob continued on, uninhibited. When he reached the monument, he stopped and stared up at it.

It was a statue of a Jedi, plan and simple. Carved from a block of granite that would weather storms and droughts alike. In one hands, the Jedi held a lightsaber made of an opalescent pearl-like substance. It gleamed in normal daylight, but at high-noon when the sun was directly overhead, a trick of its' design caused it to light up, scattering beams of brilliant light around the square.

The citizens of Arcan IV had commissioned it after they had deposed their previous governor, in honor of those Jedi who had come to save their system from his depravity. And, in truth, the statue looked very much like a certain General Tohmahawk, who was said to have chased off the governor himself while dealing with one of his most vile henchmen. It stood for truth, for justice, for hope, and most importantly, for Arcan IV's love of the Jedi.

An image floated into Chance's mind, an image of the statue cut down and the lightsaber blade shattered. The image was accompanied by a wicked laugh.

Dec 18th, 2002, 09:04:45 AM
"My god.." Chance whispered, the image fading from his mind. Brows furrowing, the Knight lept over a piece of fallen rubble and sprinted torwards the square.

A metallic pipe, sticking out of the ground like a broken bone out of skin, caught his boot and sent him to the ground with a umph. He stood, groping around for the longsword which had flew from his grip.

"Frelling luck.." he growled. Chance's fingers brushed against dust and rubbled, but no weapon within reach. Crawing forward and pivoting his body back and forth; the knight let himself drop the guard... letting Hob have the advantage..

The statue, standing(?), was only a few yards away..

Evil Hobgoblin
Dec 18th, 2002, 08:45:14 PM
Although Hob was aware of Chance's approach, the Jedi was not immediately on his mind. Using his lightsaber, he carefully made a horizontal slice through one of the statue's legs. The statue shifted a bit, but remained balanced on the remaining leg.

Hob looked down at Chance. "The sword is to your left," he cackled, knowing full well the sword was to Chance's right.