View Full Version : The need to lay low (open)

Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:11:43 PM
:: I needed to run faster, but I was out of breath. The Aqualish that had been tailing me, because he owned me and I just had to get away. Yeah, You probally figured by now that I was most likey some sort of slave. It's true, I was one of those workforce slaves they sold on the black-market on Tatooine. But I hated the ugly spider thing that had bought me.

Plus, he mistreated me and the rest every day. Some day's he'd throw stuff at us while others he'd just beat us for no reason. But today I got my chance to get away, unlocking the leash wire that he used to keep me from excaping while he chattered with another of his species.

Anyway, That's the reason I was running fast and hard. My clothes, which resembled a two peice bathing suit with a top which resembled a overshirt but cut to my mid drift. The bottom half was a bikini with a two foot flap of cloth haning down from the top to my shins.

Keeping some strands of goldenish hair out of my eyes as I neared what looked like a great place to dissapear at, I took a quick glance over my shoulder to see the Aqualish gaining quickly. Turning back around, I almost ran into a fellow but managed to turn to the side and bolt inside the Bar and Grill Door.

The bouncer who stood there blinked repeadily in befuddledment as I jumped over a table and into a dark cornerd booth. A little metal box rolled up just as the Aqualish slammed into the room throwing the bouncer off and glaring around the filled room. I shrank back into the booth with a tinge of fear but relaxed as the bouncer hauled the maniac off who was sputtering curses in his own tounge.

After six or so years of crap, I was done. Joyful? Hell yeah.::


Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:42:37 PM
"About time something interesting happened in this dump."

He looked at Murrpau, sniffing, not able to place her scent.

"Who...or what...are you?"

Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:58:46 PM
:: Rising a brow with curiousity, I stuidied the questioneerer before speaking,:: "I'm Murrpau, and my species is a Wiccan. If I may ask, Who... or what are you?" ::The last part I nearly micciced his voice by habit, which sometimes could be bad.::

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:02:57 PM
Inu-Aku scoffed at the half-imitation.

"I am the product of gene-splicing. My creator dubbed me Inu-Aku. The first man to die by my hand screamed "Jackel" before I killed him. These names hold no meaning for me; use whichever you prefer."

He glared sideways at Murrpau.

"And what was that man just now?"

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:08:07 PM
"That man was a wealth Aqualish merchant whom participates in the slave trade," Murr replied with a distasteful frown, "I was his 'little pearl' and most covetted, One day i'll show his ugly face what it means to be covetted..." She turned her glaze torward the door before returning back to Inu-Aku, the tone of her voice low, "..when his entrails are scattered across the plains."

And just within seconds, her violent mood dispersed as the droid chittered imaptiently.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:15:44 PM
Inu-Aku laughed.

"That's the spirit! Kill your tormentor! I myself have the same goal..."

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:20:45 PM
Murr remained passive for a moment, "I would love to slay him for all the torment, but I cannot." Her head shook back and forth for a moment, elongated ears hanging low. "I'd try, fail, and be back where I started."

"But, You look like you know how to do it!" She chipped, eyes gleaming, "You could teach me!"

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:23:45 PM
"Could I? I have yet to have my vengeance."

He considered her words for a moment.

"Why would you fail? What makes you so sure of your own failure?"

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:25:57 PM
Now she was confused, "But? You said that you killed the guy who did the 'gene-splice' thingy on you, are you after someone else too?"

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:28:18 PM
"I said it is my goal to kill him. I was so close...just one lucky break on his part and he got clean away..."

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:31:08 PM
"I see... I apologize for the missinterpritation," Murr spoke, laying her chin on folded arms ontop of the table, "Maybe I could just wait for a time to get rid of that alien..."

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:35:38 PM
"My advice to you, Murrpau: Bide your time. Become stronger, learn much about your enemy. Find a weakness, any weakness, and strike it as hard as you can."

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:39:00 PM
"But, how can I become stronger?" She asked, questioning with emerald eyes craving for information, already she knew his weakness... well one of them. The Greed, the money. He loved it. So she had to find some way to strike his funds... but how.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:40:49 PM
"You can become physically stronger. Learn to fight, build your strength and speed. If it is a mind game you wish to use for your vengeance, train your mind, learn to think in ways others would not consider. Find every solution, every method, and use every strategy."

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:46:36 PM
"I understand." She replied, smirking.

On the other hand, she did not understand. Murr had to find a place which could teach her to be stronger, faster, teach her cunning and trickery.


A gate... no door. Black iron leading into a dark room. Pillars lined the structure with carvings inside, deeper in the mind's eye flew. A garden.. no... oasis... no.... grove. yes.. A grove. Further on, people fighting with glowing rods. Sith.

Murr snapped back into reality, severing the unusual experience. "The Order.." She mouthed to no particular person, confused somwhat of the vision. "What's 'The Order'?" She asked the Jackel infront of her..

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:48:25 PM
"The Sith Order."

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:53:01 PM
"The Sith Order..." she repeated, "Do they teach strength and stuff like that to things like you and me?"

Had she heard of the sith before? Yes, but not much. Usually on GNN were they were fighting guys called 'Jedi' when the Aqualish let her watch the holo with him which was rare. Another privalege she could not enjoy.

"I bet they can.." She answered before Inu-Aku.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:57:48 PM
"They will teach anyone who joins their ranks. Though they will do it very, very slowly."

He gave a wild grin.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:59:17 PM
"Slow, Fast, I do not care," She replied, "Do you know how to get there?"

Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:01:21 PM
"Yes. Come with me, and we'll travel there together."

Inu-Aku turned and moved to the door, taking his rusted katana from the guard and walking out into the street.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:06:19 PM
Murr removed herself from her seat and followed the guide out the door and onto the crowded streed. The soon-to-die nobleman who had tried to recapture his prize had vanished. All to merry for Murrpau.

"Yes... lets." She spoke in hushed whispers mostly to herself. A new life, a new goal. All to fun it seemed..

Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:09:29 PM
Inu-Aku slung the katana over his shoulder, rather than putting it back on his belt where it belonged.

"To the Order..."