View Full Version : Get Born Again (Syren's Ressurection)

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 21st, 2002, 09:48:21 PM
Somewhere, in a nearly deserted area of a nondescript planet, stands a building. Nothing too special, no distinguishing characteristics other than one word on the outside of the building. "Manticore". Nothing more, nothing less.

Outside was a path, leading to two double doors. A shrouded man walked this road, and entered through the doors. No reason to make any holes now after all. This man had come here for a reason, a tip from an old friend about something in particluar. No, not somthing, someone.

He made his way through the various rooms of the building, taking note of where he was. He stumbeled accross another set of double doors, these ones locked shut with a chain and padlock. This was easily remadied, a quick flash of black light sliced through with ease. He kicked the doors in, and looked around. There were many tall cilinders, filled with a clearish green liquid. Most of them were otherwise empty, and dark, aside from one tube. This one had life, and electricity flowing thorugh to keep it running.

The man put a hand on the glass tube, and looked over it's contents; a fairly young looking girl with bright red hair. She was attractive, yes, and very familiar to him. An old friend of his...

This dark figgure pressed a few buttons on the outside of the cilinder, and the fluid slowly drained out, leaving the woman alone there. He pressed another series of buttons, and the tube rose into the ceiling, leaving the young lady on the ground. The man lifted her up, and brought her into the next room, laying her down on an operating table. Her body was cold, and limp. She'd died quite some time ago.

But death is seldom perminant.

He closed his eyes, and remembered the items he needed for this procedure; electric prods, a suringe, and a vial of a rare chemical. None of them would be hard to find, not in this lab atleast. At one time, this had been one of the best labs in the universe.

He scavenged through the shelves and drawers untill he located the surringe and prods, He placed them down on the tray next to her body, and then looked in the cold room for a certian substence. His fingers brushed over most of them, but stopped on a chemical called "R-18-6"... the elixer of life.

He smiled, and carefully brought it back to the girl. He stabbed the needle into the vial's soft rubber lid, and drew the plunger, takng in as much as he could. He then carefully injected it into the girl's chest, straight into her heart. This gave a kickstart to her organs, but not her brain.

He carefully, but quickly, brought the prods up to her ears, and switched them on. A shot of high voltage electricity was sent through her body, straight into her brain. The shocks lingered there, and quickly cought on to her entire cortex. He switched it off, and watched as she lay there. Lungs breathing again. Heart beating again. She seemed to be stiring again as well. "This is going to be interesting..." Tempist thought to himself.

Syren Lysandor
Sep 21st, 2002, 10:14:57 PM
One minute, her world was black. The next, it was pain.

Her chest ached terribly as she gasped for breath, her lungs craving for air. Her back arched as she clawed at empty air, desperately trying to find something to grab onto. She was alive.

As soon as the realization hit her, she went limp from shock. The pain began to subside as she closed her blue eyes, then reopened them.

Turning her head to the side, Syren looked down at the cold, grey metal table. She ran her fingers over it as a shiver went through her body. There was someone behind the other end, watching her, but she felt to weak to move again.

So, instead, she waited ... waited for them to speak.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:34:37 AM
Tempist smiled down at Syren, and tossed a hospital gown to her. It wasn't the best clothing, but it was better than nothing. He simply said three words, short and to the point.

"Welcome back Syren."

Syren Lysandor
Sep 23rd, 2002, 11:17:50 AM
As soon as the cloth fell against her skin, she realized that she was drenching wet. The material felt new to her skin, but the words were like both a curse and blessing to her ears. Welcome back, Syren.

Who was it that called her by her name instead of Evao ? Sitting up with an effort, she groaned slightly as she reached up to push back some of her wet hair out of her eyes. The voice sounded so familiar ..

She finally looked towards the speaker and stared at him for quite some time before a grin broke out across her pale lips.


She had almost forgotten how to speak before now, but seeing him almost jolted her mind back to its normal state.

Slipping off the metal table, she took the gown and slipped it on, getting used to the feel of rough material. She wasn't ashamed of being seen naked; After all, she was used to getting prodded by scientists evaluating her body.

"Have you come to take me away ?"

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 23rd, 2002, 03:45:52 PM
He smiled slightly, and noded.

"In a way, yes. I've come to liberate you from the chains of death. You've missed much, come with me to the town. There, we'll get you some better clothing and some food as well. We can catch up on what's happened there."

Syren Lysandor
Sep 23rd, 2002, 05:52:46 PM
".. Where is everybody ?"

She looked around, a look of bewilderment on her face. The last time she had "seen" this place it was teaming with DK's team and other acknowledged scientists.

But, it had been a long time since she had seen this laboratory. After all, she was dead when she was brought here.

"Nevermind, that doesn't really matter. The question is, how did you find me ?"

Syren began to walk towards the door, oblivious of the water droplets that trailed down her spine. She put a hand against the door and leaned on it. The door barely cracked open and she remembered that it would take time to build up her strength again.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 23rd, 2002, 06:00:56 PM
His slight smile grew to a smirk.

"You'd be suprised by some of the ways I find what I'm looking for. When it's a person, the price is a little higher, but I always find my target."

Tempist pushed the door for Syren, so the two could exit. It was true, she would need to undergoe much physical rebuilding, but she retained all of her force skill in death. Perhaps later on, if she wanted, he could pick up where MnT left off in her training, even if just to help her catch up.

Syren Lysandor
Sep 23rd, 2002, 08:48:26 PM
As Tempist pushed the door open for her, she stumbled forward a bit before regaining her footstep. She brought a hand to her mouth and coughed feebly, the ache in her chest beginning to come back.

She began to walk - well, tried to walk - down the dimly lit corridor.

"S-Sir ! Wait ! That is a highly classified -" The woman's words were cut off as Syren lifted her hand up into the air and closed it into a fist. The employee's neck snapped and she dropped to the floor, dead.

Yet another useful trick Eve had taught her.

Syren continued along as if nothing had happened until she reached the end of the hallway.

"Which way ?"

Left. Or right. And she had no idea where to go.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 24th, 2002, 05:25:50 PM
Tempist closed his eyes, for a moment, creating and casting a cloak of shadows on them through the darkness. Now, they would go unseen.

"Left. That's the fastest way outa here."

Syren Lysandor
Sep 24th, 2002, 05:46:15 PM
She turned left and began to wander down the hallway, when her memory clicked. All they had to do was take the right corner, then enter the first door on their left and go through the Emergency Exit door.

"Follow me," she said, her voice nearly above a whisper.

The two did as she thought - took the right corner, entered the first door on their left and went through the Emergency Exit. For once in a long time, Syren stood outside of her prison, enhaling the crisp, fresh air.

I've almost forgotten what it's like, she thought to herself while blinking repeatedly, getting used to the light.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 28th, 2002, 06:37:45 AM
He followed, as asked. She knew this place far better than he did, and when she started regaining her memories, he would have even more reason to believe so. The emergency exit nearly set off an alarm, but Tempist quickly silenced it with a fast slash from Infinity. Once outside, Tempist closed his eyes, and paused for a moment, reaching out with the force to find the town again. It was easy to find, just had to look for the most life aside from this genetic sanitarium. He started down the stairs, and motioned for Syren to follow. Once in town, they could begin rebuilding Syren's body, and make her into the power she once was.

Syren Lysandor
Sep 29th, 2002, 07:50:25 AM
She looked at Tempist and then began to follow him down the stairs, relishing the clanking noise of their feet pounding onto the metal. All she wanted was to be as far away as possible from this hellhole, this place named Manticore.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 29th, 2002, 09:07:40 AM
After about three quaters of an hour walking along a dirt path, the finally found the gates to the local town. They were wooden, and looked like nothing more than logs pounded into the ground. They entered, and walked for another five minites, untill they found a small complex. It had a clothes store, a barber, the inn they would rest in, a toy store, and a pawn shop.

"Where would you like to go first, sleep, food, or clothing?"

Syren Lysandor
Sep 29th, 2002, 09:11:36 AM

Syren couldn't remember what it was like to taste, let alone swallow anything of substance. Besides, she had already rested for so long, and had on a hospital gown.

Let the others look - she had nothing to hide.

Her blue eyes looked around the town they entered with a child-like curiousity; almost like a new-born infant who entered another world so different from the one it came from.

Tempist the Uncaring
Sep 30th, 2002, 02:33:31 PM
Tempist noded, and they walked twards the inn. It served as both a place of lodging and a resturant, killing two birds with one stone. The Sith Knight pushed and held the door open for her, and they entered an almost sterotypical tavern like setting, a few round tables, the heavy scent of alochol in the air, fairly dim lighting, and alot of noise. They sat down, and after a few minites, a man came to their table.

"'evenin, what can I get for ya two?"

Tempist ordered a simple soup, and a glass of water. The soup had small chunks of fowl in it, and some kind of pasta. It closely resembeled what some earthlings called 'Chicken Noodle Soup', but the ingredients were very different. The servant looked to Syren, and asked her for what she desired.