View Full Version : Superman... Just shorter (open)

Aiden Rennure
Sep 21st, 2002, 09:40:30 PM


The cardboard box, cleverly disguised as a 'bad guy' by the use of crayons, collapsed inwardly, slayed by the weapon that all great heroes use-- a stick.

Aiden nodded triumphantly and struck off down the street. He really shouldn't have strayed so far from his home but after all, it isn't the heroes fault if his arch enemy decides to appear across the street and down a ways. And there were bound to be henchmen. If there were, they would most certainly cower in fear at the mere sight of him. Bright red underwear was worn over a pair of gray sweatpants, the yellow t-shirt tucked into the waistband of the briefs. Aiden had tied a green blanket around his shoulders and was wearing pink rubber gloves along with blue gumboots. Oh yes, they would fear him... or go blind by the brightness his ensemble possessed.

Putting a hand up to his ex-ray vision goggles (swimwear, of course) Aiden scanned the street. No villains here. Good. Clumping around the corner, the child smiled and started to hum a theme song. He was on a mission. A mission to rid the world of tyranny.

Sep 21st, 2002, 09:57:54 PM
"In need of a villain, whelp?"

imported_Arriana Rezner
Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:44:17 AM
Something tapped Inu-Aku on the shoulder and as he turned to see exactly what is was, found himself greeting by a woman in her late teens, smirking. What she had nudged him with resided in her hand, and was infact the hilt of a twin-bladed lightsaber.

"Picking on children? Shame on you."

Aiden Rennure
Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:51:35 AM
Aiden looked up at the two and shook his head, chuckling to his mighty self. Big people could be so silly sometimes.

"You can't just decide ta be a bad guy... It's not a game. Ya gotta be real evil just 'cause."

He explained patiently, as if talking to his younger brother. Sometimes it amazed him how older people forgot the rules of being a super hero.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 11:52:34 AM
Inu-Aku gave a derisive snort.

"Oh please. I have no intention of injuring this child. When I was a kid, I liked for someone else to play the villain...made for a more interesting game."

This kid was Cherice's brat, and perhaps by befriending the boy he could gain the needed social skills to better fit in to his new order.

He listened intently to Aiden as he explained.

"Evil?" He bared his claws in a stance of mock-evil. "I will destroy this entire planet! I am the most evil villain to walk the face of this world!"

Aiden Rennure
Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:04:46 PM
Aiden stared, unimpressed. He sighed an dstarted counting off on h is fingers.

"First, you aksed me if I needed a bad guy. Real bad guys don't do that. Then, you told her,"

He jerked a thumb at Arriana before continuing.

"You told her that this was a game. An' theeeeen... You told me you were the eviliest an' let me know what you were gonna do. You're not a really real bad guy."

He swung his stick and smacked the man in the shins.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:06:24 PM
Inu-Aku didn't blink.

"Aha, so you're a real hero, then, eh? I thought you were a child in a costume."

imported_Arriana Rezner
Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:09:24 PM
Arri quirked one eyebrow as she looked from the little boy to the ... felinoid? She wasn't quite sure what he was, interesting looking to say the least. She slipped her hands onto her hips and remained silent.

Aiden Rennure
Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:10:38 PM
"That's 'cause only the real bad guys can tell that I have super powers. You're just a grown up so you can't tell."

Aiden glared at the man. He was questioning the authenticity of Captain Rubber? Couldn't he see the daunting figure that stood before him?

Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:13:58 PM
"Only real badguys can tell? But then, how many badguys have you seen take the hero seriously?" The Jackel scoffed. "You, superhero, lack the strength to stop the likes of me!"

He scooped up Arriana and threw her over his shoulder.

"Can you save the damsel in distress? Here's the first test of your skill, hero!"

Inu-Aku spoke dramatically, then jogged away at a pace the boy could follow.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Sep 22nd, 2002, 12:18:27 PM
Arri squirmed in the grasp of the man, looking back at the little boy. She could have gotten free had she really wanted, but it seemed like the kid was enjoying this far too much - the look on his face was priceless.


Wei Wu Wei
Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:09:15 PM
Wei appeared suddenly at Aiden's side. "What is a great superhero without his sidekick?"

Wei had a large metal bowl on his head and a trashcan lid for a shield. "So, Fearless Leader, what are we to do?"

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:39:43 PM
Walking by, Diego was forcefully brushed against by a humanoid carrying a struggling woman over his shoulder. He turned, watching him run away. His olfactory sense wasn't particuarly keen at the moment, but it was enough to catch in the briefest of passes that there was something not normal in the red-suited man. A musty, alkaline odor, that was faint enough to not be detected by a human nose, but annoying enough for Diego to ponder it. As he turned, he noticed a familiar pair running forward in pursuit.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 05:47:23 PM
Inu-Aku sniffed as he brushed the man. The smell of dog hung on him. He looked back, commiting the face to memory. The scent would be with him until his death, but visual recognition never hurt.

Aiden Rennure
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:33:47 PM
Aiden watched, dumbstruck. So the man was a bad guy! How could he have missed it? Glancing at Wei he took a deep breath. Captain Rubber had never actually had to battle a real villain and was frozen for a minute. But it didn't take long for a brilliant plan to come to him.

"After them!"

He shouted, pointing his stick in the direction that Inu and Arriana had gone in. Running in the cumbersome cape and boots proved to be a challenge on it's own and in an attempt to throw the blanket over his shoulder, Aiden tripped over his weapon. When he looked up, he saw a familiar face. It was the big man, the one who'd managed to escape his clutches! Well, Captain Rubber was much stronger than Red Hawk and there was no way he was letting this one go again.

Leaping up, Aiden pointed the stick up at Diego and took on his most fearsome voice.

"Don't move! I've been trained an' I won't be afraid to take you down!"

Inu and Arriana were momentarily forgotten... This was the one that got away.

Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:37:40 PM
Inu-Aku bounded into a tree and set Arriana down on the branch next to him.

"We'll wait here until he remembers us..."

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 22nd, 2002, 07:39:27 PM
Wei watched and laughed. "play along." Wei mouthed. If Diego cooperated and pretended to kick the bucket as fast as he could, he would not have to put up with Aiden for long. Diego didn't seem to be the type to be patient with kids.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 22nd, 2002, 08:45:26 PM
Diego's blue eyes moved from Wei to the child, and after a moment of furrowed brow, he spoke up, looking at Aiden.

"I...I'll come quietly, this time. You're just too much for me!"

It seemed that despite Diego's dour disposition, a child could bring out the best in him.

Aiden Rennure
Sep 22nd, 2002, 09:15:08 PM

He hadn't expected that. Perhaps he had underestimated the dominating presence he had. Aiden stood silently, unsure of what to do before setting down his stick and fumbling with something behind his back. He glanced upwards, flashing a small grin.

"Hold on a minute..."

After a few more seconds of searching, he came upon the object he was searching for-- a pair of plastic handcuffs. Walking around Diego, he pulled the mans hands behind and closed the grey rings around his wrists. The handcuffs barely fit, even on the largest setting for they were made for children. But Aiden managed to close them and then retrieved his stick.

"Okay, now you gotta come with us 'cause I don't got a jail yet."

Sep 22nd, 2002, 10:02:58 PM
"And what of this poor woman? Surely you wouldn't leave her at the bad guy's mercy?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 23rd, 2002, 08:48:33 AM
Wei smiled at Aiden. "Go forth and rescue the damsel, O Fearless Leader! I shall watch this knave!" Wei said, motioning to Diego.

imported_Arriana Rezner
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:25:43 AM
Arriana lay rather limp over the branch, yawning quietly. She glanced back at the child and whined before looking back across at the halfbreed. This wasn't what she'd wanted today - she'd been looking for a real fight, not some game.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2002, 10:43:17 AM
Diego looked down at his handcuffs sheepishly, then reached up, scratching at his ear.

Aiden Rennure
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:06:16 PM
"You shall be vankissed evil one! An' the lady'll go back to her castle safetly!"

Stick pointed high, Aiden called out again, recieving stares forom several pedestrians.

"I need the help of the greatest, most powerful, greates, powerfullest hero in the galaxy! Sir Ocelot!"

Turning his back so he was facing Wei, Aiden removed the goggles and put on a black hat that covered his face. Holes had been cut in the cloth to accomodate his eyes, nose and mouth. Pointy ears on the top gave him a resemblance to a fuzzy bat. After a moments hesitation, Aiden put the goggles over the ski mask. The transformation was miniscule but obviously signified that "Captain Rubber" was gone, replaced by "Sir Ocelot".

"Duuh... Duuh... Duuh... DA DA! Duuh... Duuh... Duuh... DAH DA! Boom boom boom boom!"

The theme song (borrowed from a holovid he'd seen once) was all part of Sir Ocelots terrifying entrance.

"Hah! My frien' Captain Rubber-- Who isn' me-- said there was a trouble! Unhan' her or get the conquences villain!"

Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:19:18 PM
Inu-Aku laughed hysterically.

"Ocelot, you fool! If Captain Rubber couldn't stand against me, what hope do you have?"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:25:34 PM
Wei smiled. "Hey, Diego, are those handcuffs uncomfortable for you?"

Wei saw Aiden undergo his transformation. Then he saw the damsel lay out in the tree. She was bored. Inu seemed to be enjoying himself, though.

"Let me know if you need me, Sir Ocelot!" Wei said, talking a seat on the ground.

Diego Van Derveld
Sep 23rd, 2002, 09:33:36 PM
"No...not really. I don't mind."

Diego watched as Aiden played his little game, a thin smile on his face.

Aiden Rennure
Sep 24th, 2002, 07:57:45 PM
"I got lotsa hope 'cause I'm even strongerer than Captain Rubber!"

That said, Sir Ocelot lept at the tree, stick in hand, attempting to knock Inu down. The staff was too short. Aiden frowned and tried to scoot up the tree but couldn't grip the trunk. He slid down slowly, almost tearing the pink gloves.

"I need the help of my trusty sidekick!"

Aiden beckoned at Wei and then fixed Diego with a stern glare... Well, the sternest he could manage from behind the swimming goggles.

"Don't try an' escape or else I'll hafta ocelotize you!"

Sep 24th, 2002, 08:01:46 PM
Inu-Aku smirked.

"Foolish Ocelot! My fortress is invincible!"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 24th, 2002, 08:17:17 PM
Wei quickly closed the small distance to Sir Ocelot, then pretneded he was out of breath.

"I came as fast as I could. I will help you, sir."

Wei picked up Aiden and let the boy stand on his shoulders.

"Can you reach the scoundrel now sir?" Wei added a cheesy superhero tone to his voice. This was too much fun.

Aiden Rennure
Sep 29th, 2002, 03:19:20 PM
"Yes, thank you trusty sidekick!"

Aiden aimed his stick at Inu and focussed his attentions on this so dangerous foe.

"Give up! There's only one out an' that's through me!"

Of course, only a fool would try to get past Sir Ocelots defenses.

Sep 29th, 2002, 03:25:00 PM
"Give up? NEVER!"

Inu-Aku leapt from the tree, landing in a low crouch to meet Aiden's eye level.

"Bring it on, Ocelot! You're no match!"

Aiden Rennure
Sep 29th, 2002, 10:49:02 PM

Aiden smacked Inu in the face, glaring at him with the infamous 'superhero-look-of-death'.

"I'll only say it one more time evil doer! Give yourself up an' I'll make sure they take good care a you at the jail!"

Wei Wu Wei
Sep 30th, 2002, 08:06:02 AM
Wei smiled. "That's the way, Sir Ocelot! You show him who's boss!"

Wei shifted himself around, trying not to fall overe when Aiden would move about.

Sep 30th, 2002, 09:13:46 AM
The slap was barely enough to make the Jackel blink, but he teetered on his heels and fell in a heap from the tree.

"Curse your power, Ocelot..."

Aiden Rennure
Sep 30th, 2002, 06:04:28 PM
The boy nodded triumphantly and then stood over Inu, arms over his chest.

"I hope you learned a lesson! 'Cause I got lotsa power an' I can beat you again!"

Oct 14th, 2002, 10:27:18 AM
"Beat me, have you? I think not!"

He lunged up and tackled Aiden, holding the boy in a bear hug and started to rub his fist on the boy's head.

Aiden Rennure
Oct 14th, 2002, 04:32:09 PM

'Sir Ocelot' was taken by surprise. never had an enemy dared to take such measures! He must truly be up against a super tyrant!

"Ahgh! He's usin' noogies!! Wei, er... Faithful sidekick, halp!"

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 15th, 2002, 05:42:07 PM
Wei grabbed Aiden by the feet and began to pull.

"Give Sir Ocelot back, you knave!" Wei said, pulling with all his might.

Oct 16th, 2002, 04:56:09 PM
Inu hauled in the other direction.


Aiden Rennure
Oct 17th, 2002, 02:44:56 PM
At first in was funny and the mighty hero giggled. But then the seriousness of the 'tug-of-war" match dawned on him.

"Agh! No, I'm gonna get ripped in two! Stop! Ahhhhh! I can feel my skin stretchin'!"

It wasn't really but Aiden was sure that any second he would tear. And just when Sir Ocelot seemed to be getting ahead of crime!

Oct 17th, 2002, 02:54:21 PM
Inu released Aiden, and the child fell atop his sidekick.

"Foolery! You cannot win!"

Aiden Rennure
Oct 19th, 2002, 07:44:02 PM

Aiden hauled himself up and glared at Inu, the effect made not so fierce because of the mask and goggles.

"I unerestimetted you! But not again!"

He turned aroudn to Wei and lowered his voice to a loud whisper.

"We gotta come up with a plan..."

Keeping an eye on Diego in case the man tried to escape, Captain Ocelot rubbed his chin in thought.

Wei Wu Wei
Oct 19th, 2002, 09:00:41 PM
Wei shrugged. "You know, sometimes all a person needs is a great big hug to get their life turned around so they can start doing good. Maybe all the bad guy needs is a great big hug to show him we care."

Aiden Rennure
Oct 21st, 2002, 07:27:45 PM
"What if he kills me? Or takes me prisoner? He could get loose and then evil would win! That'd be really bad! We gotta capture him incase that happens! Then he'll never do it again ever!"

Aidens eyes were almost popping out of their sockets. He looked at Diego.

"I got you an' now you've learned your lesson right? Right?"

Diego Van Derveld
Nov 4th, 2002, 12:17:22 AM
"I've learned my lesson, Captain Ocelot...you win."

Diego kept hamming it up, hanging his head in mock defeat.

Wei Wu Wei
Nov 4th, 2002, 09:56:46 AM
Wei clapped and cheered.

"Hooray for Ocelot!"

Nov 4th, 2002, 10:34:09 AM
"Will you cheer when your hero is defeated?"

Inu continued to play the role of the villain, not a hard stretch considering his Sith background.