View Full Version : Socially kidnapped (open)

Sevaan Evine
Sep 21st, 2002, 09:07:17 PM
Mariner. Billy Mariner.

Sevaan shook his head, looking at the letter in his hand. Bill had always been old fashioned. But that was beside the point. The point was, Mariner, his best friend growing up, was here. It was an unexpected, but welcome, surprise.

Bill knew, of course, what had happened the last six years. He always knew somehow. And so he had arranged to meet Sev at some tiny cafe. As far away from the temple within reason. IT was his way of trying to help. Make Sev "more social", as he put it.

A hand on his shoulder made the man look up. Grey eyes were all he glimpsed before a fist came down upon his face.

"Sev! Sev Evine, how the heck are ya?"

Rubbing his nose carefully, Sev grinned.

"Billy. Should have remembered the right."

Bill nodded.

"Yeah, you should've."

His face grew serious.

"Hey man, I heard about your kid... I'm sorry I wasn't there."

Trying to smile, and failing miserably, Sev shook his head.

"Wasn't your fault Bill. Wasn't your fault."

The two friends looked at each other for a long moment before Bill clapped his hands and smiled again.

"Well, I can't stay long but... I have a surprise."

Sev raised an eyebrow. Billy's "surprises" were never good... They'd often gotten the two in trouble.

"Look Bill, I was hoping we could just go back to the temple and maybe have coffee there you--"

Bill put his hands up and interupted.

"No way Evine. You're not getting out that easily. I've talked to Kas and Jasper man. They both said you have no social life. You're... stuck. And the fact that you didn't look me up when you got here... Well, it's ot healthy. So..."

He got up and the next thing Sevaan knew, his vision was cut off by a dark cloth.

"...You my friend are coming with me."

They'd been walking for almost an hour now and no ammount of protesting or complaining could stop Bill. Sev was completly lost now, had no clue where they were. Then Bill laid a hand on his shoulder, pulling him to a hault. Sev almost fell over with the hearty slap on the back that followed.

"Sev man, it's been great seeing you but I got to get to work. I'll look you up again real soon buddy."

Sev opened his mouth to protest and at the same time was greeted with the roaring of a speeder engine. He ripped off the blindfold and glanced up just in time to see a taxi dissapear. Great, just great. He had no clue where he was. One of Bills helpful shoves out the door.

Sev started walking down the street, grumbling. Well he had to get back. If Bill wanted him to get out more often fine.... but that didn't mean he had to be social.