View Full Version : Calming the Beast Within - Axel Grievers

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 21st, 2002, 07:35:35 PM
A rather odd sight was seen amongst those walking around the outside of the Academy. It wasn't the weather, for it was the same hot and humid conditions, though it had been cooling off in the last few days. And with the lack of rain, the air wasn't as thick with moisture; making breathing much easier.

No, the odd sight was seeing Navaria Tarkin sitting upon the steps leading up to the Academy proper. Normally, Navaria would be locked up in her office, quarters or the Council Room day in and day out. Or if you were lucky, you might run into her on Arcan. Never would you find her plainly seen. Most only 'heard' where she was.

It was a pleasant experience actually exchanging a few greetings to the curious Jedi about her and chatting for a bit before some of the Padawans had to go to class.

Yes ... class. Today the steps were her chair and desk and all of Yavin would be her classroom; foregoing the suffocating rooms of the Academy when meeting her new Padawan Axel.

Axel Grievers
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:08:20 PM
While Navaria waited outside, Axel was quickly rearranging his dorm room. Picking up boxes of newly shipped materials and placing them somewhere in ordinance with the general layout he had planned. Although oblivious to Navaria patiently waiting, and the fact he was nearly late by five minutes, Axel was in mid process of moving another crate containing a small refrigerator unit when his bedside alarm reminded him of the class.

Cursing loudly, Axel quickly dropped the crate in its place and slipped on a short-sleeved button up shirt over the white tanktop while rushing out the door.

Within another set of five minutes, Axel had cleared the Living Quarters and dashed madly to the Academy entrance through the thick green forest separating the two facilities. Jumping over logs and ducking under branches (plus just going through the smaller ones) Axel soon exited the thick wall and stood on the steps leading up to the Academy hands on his knees and panting with exertion.

It was then that he noticed Navaria sitting on the steps just before he was going to run up them, regaining his posture quickly Axel gave a deep, respectful, and rather long bow to the Knight who he had been assigned padawan too.

“Sorry for being late, room needed to be changed, Master’”

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:29:26 PM
Apparently, Axel missed the part about meeting outside the Academy and took it for inside the Academy by the look on his face.

"I understand. I remember when I first moved into my own room here at the Order. Needless to say, the word 'order' was not part of that experience as well."

She offered an inviting smile and motioned to the empty space next to here.

"Sit. You look like you ran a marathon."

Cooler as it was, the air still was humid and she could see a thin line of perspiration that covered Axel's face.

Axel Grievers
Sep 21st, 2002, 08:51:18 PM
Axel bounded up the short set of stairs and sat at the offered spot. "A marathon was just about what it was," He replied cheerfully with a sideways grin.

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 29th, 2002, 06:25:49 PM
"Well, I guess we will forego with the six mile run into, and then out of the jungle."

She replied with a sly smile, something not normally seen amongst the Masters.

"How about we actually start with you relaxing and telling me about yourself."

Axel Grievers
Sep 30th, 2002, 04:48:07 AM
Axel leaned back abit to rest on the next step's corner, gazing up into the sky thoughtfully, "Is there anything specific you want to know about me, or just anything in general?"

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 30th, 2002, 03:56:10 PM
"Tell me anything you like. Where you are from, how you learned of the Force, what things you like .... Anything."

She smiled, warmly and inviting towards Axel to speak.

Axel Grievers
Sep 30th, 2002, 07:38:51 PM
Axel took a deep breath before starting, "My full name is Axeliander Veliich Grievers, Son of Zehroagi Veliich Grievers and Rosemanie Delantih. I am about 17 years of age standard and heavens knows the Garou date. I originate from one of the higher Areas' of Eden where I matured with teachings from my Father," Another deep breath, this one marked with solace and stateliness,

"Zehro taught me the art of swordsmanship, but rather taking up a streight blade, I opted for the strange technique of a scythe. Anyway, I learned of the force from my Mother whom had heard it from Father whom then had heard it from one of his friends in the scouting party that he was part of." Intwining his fingers behind his head, Axel mused slightly on something before continuing again, "Likes and dislikes, now that's a list. Likes first; food is top, second is helping people, third is battle (No, I do not like killing, just the thrill of a fight is enough for me). Those are the top three, the rest arent much of interest. Now, Dislikes; Cats... I loathe cats... Cooked meat is a biggie too, although I'll tolerate it.. not much else."

With this finished, Axel glanced over at the Knight next to him, "How 'bout you? What's your preferences?"

Navaria Tarkin
Sep 30th, 2002, 09:20:59 PM
"A Garou?"

Navaria smiled in earnest.

"I have yet to train a Garou. You will be my first and I am now even more looking forward to your training."

Unfortunately, her enthusiasm was sullied by the frown that creased her face.

"My preferences?"

She was only thinking on how to answer the question. Navaria never really thought about such things.

"Well, my favorite drink is namana juice, which is imported from Bakura. My second home. I am mostly the antithesis to you. I prefer vegetables and fruits, cheeses. Things like that."

A small chuckle came.

"I am very much not a meat person. Was there anything else you wanted to know about me before we begin?"

Axel Grievers
Oct 2nd, 2002, 02:27:09 PM
"Nah, if that's all you want to reveal at this moment, tis' cool." Axel replied calmly, waving a hand in the air. "So, what are we going to begin with since the six mile runs is out?"

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 2nd, 2002, 07:05:45 PM
"Tell me about teh first time you learned about the Force and what made you decide to be a Jedi."

Axel Grievers
Oct 4th, 2002, 07:50:06 AM
"There was never really a 'first' time, I've know about the Force most of my life although it was termed somthing else. Zehro mainly taught me of, and nothing about the Jedi until I hit off-world." The Garou replied, sitting up and gazing out into the woods before them, "I saw a new's brodcast on the GNN about two Jedi helping people flee from a burning building, so I wanted to help like them.."

Navaria Tarkin
Oct 7th, 2002, 09:06:45 PM
She nodded, approving of Axel's answer and stood up.

"Then it's time for you to begin that journey."

Navaria beckoned her pupil to follow her; past the various Jedi that were mulling around the entrance to the Academy. Dozens of aliens could be seen, some familiar and some new as they stepped into the former Rebel base to start their life as a Jedi.

Once they stepped off the forced smooth surface of stone and onto the grass, Navaria kneeled down, facing towards the Academy. The jungle was behind her, the sounds of various indiginous creatures wailing and squeaking in warning, or perhaps curiosity of the newcomers. It was actually quite cooler near the jungle, for the tall trees and brush offered an abundance of shade for the two Jedi.

"I want you to close your eyes and clear your mind of any thoughts. They only focus that should interest you is the sound of your own breath entering and leaving your body. Not the sounds of the students behind you or the sounds of the jungle before you. Just ... breathing."

Axel Grievers
Dec 7th, 2002, 07:23:58 PM
OOC: I soooooo apologize for the lack of posatage on this char ;-;


Axel followed Narvaria down the steps and to the edge of the large thicket. As the Jedi Knight stopped and spoke her directions, Axel let his chin drop to touch his chest as his eyes closed.

The sounds, all around, passed through his mind quickly. Thoughts exited his mind as if he was about to fall asleep, shoulders slumped slightly in relaxation. Everything else was drowned out by the calm breathing of himself, quiet.. inhale and exhale..

The feeling was a elixir to his mind, all he could hear was the inhale and exhale sounds..

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 16th, 2002, 07:05:50 PM
"With your mind growing calmer... It will make you aware of what is around you. Without opening your eyes, I want you to concentrate on my voice. Let it draw a picture of myself in your mind. As the picture unfolds, I want you to be aware of anything that you feel ... or sense. Something that you have never felt before."

To add any more would be leading Axel. Navaria didn't want to take her Padawan by the hand. She was a guide to help him search for the Force. It was up to him to find it and sense it.... As Axel would concentrate on her, hopefully he will be able to sense the strong aura of the Force that surrounded the Jedi Knight.

Axel Grievers
Dec 17th, 2002, 07:50:23 PM
As Navaria talked, Axel drifted in a calm sense of nirvana. It was relaxing, a sort of rushing sense if you may. His teacher's voice snapped in back into existance, and it seemed his eyes opened mentally.

Before him, a silouette cloaked in a corona of light. A quick intake of breath came from Axel, who seemed lost in... something.

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 18th, 2002, 09:16:09 PM
His reaction did not go unnoticed.

"Axel? ... Axel. Tell me what it is you see."